Out of the Darkness (Alec Lov...

By MissTeenyTiny

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Ellena's father has physically and emotionally abused her ever since her mother died when she was eleven in a... More

Out of the Darkness (Alec Love Story)
Chapter One - An Already Worse Week is Twice Worsened
Chapter 2 - I'm Dreaming Right? Or not
Chapter 3 - My Blood Singer, My Soul Mate.... Finally
Chapter Four - Never Entered My Mind
Chapter 5 Shopping trip
Chapter six- Left Not rushed (edited a little)
Chapter seven - vegetarian
Chapter 8 - Mates
Chapter 10 - Roaming the streets of Volterra
Chapter 11 - The Turning

Chapter nine - Two nights before edited

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By MissTeenyTiny

Ellena POV

Lying down in bed I feel very nervous about my transformation in a couple of days I wondered if I would cuts from two weeks I haven’t cut myself in such a long time. Ever since this powerful vampire coven has taken me I have been so much happier than I ever did back in Carolina, back in Charleston. Alec was the reason why I didn’t feel so depressed and the jokes of Felix and Demetri of course but overall Alec, I hadn’t felt that happy since my mother was alive.

Aro is a better father to me than me own was making sure I ate, didn’t make me be like a maid and make feel guilty about something that I really shouldn’t feel guilty about. I’m just relieved that Jasmine is here with me in Italy and not in America with Rory. Yes I now refer to my dad as his first name he maybe my biological father but I disowned him the day I arrived in Volterra and was accepted in to the Volturi and I’m more than certain that my sweet little sister would have thought the same thought.

But it’s true though if she was still there she would be living in the same hellhole that I did minus the heartless bitches that terrorised me for four years. Trust me Rory is so consumed with the grief and pain of losing my mother that he has to blame someone mainly me for her death. Of course I never said that too his face or he would have denied then lashed out at me and beaten me until I was sore all over and couldn’t walk possibly land me in the hospital.  

 But if I hadn’t have taken Jazzy with me he would have found someone to blame her for it and abused her and forced to fall too his every whim and command and made her so frightened that she would do it without question or so he would delude himself to think. My baby sister is too tough for that ending with her getting a severe scolding and beating, I cried at that and proceeded to cry more into the pillow as it crossed my mind that if she hadn’t come looking for me he would have forced her to be a prostitute like he would have forced to me too had I stayed, I cried myself to into a deep slumber.

Dream/ Flashbacks

AT 14

Two more months until I start high school yay like I would ever escape my tormenters though I breathed in and out in frustration. I heard Dad from downstairs “Ellena get your good for nothing ass down her” he bellowed furiously. I’m just thankful Jasmine’s at a friend’s house right now “Coming” I called down while racing down stairs.

“I want these floors spotless as soon as I get back” he ordered obnoxiously loud in anger I looked at the floor feeling frightened like I always did quietly replying yes “Look at me when you talk to me you useless piece of shit” he shouted at me with a menacing tone. I was too afraid to answer in case he hit me for some unknown reason, he yelled out in frustration because he didn’t answer his question and stormed out the house.

I whimpered and started to work on making the floor look spotless, why could we have a carpet instead but he would surely find something wrong with that even if I had to hoover the floor clean.

Half an hour later

I had finally finished cleaning the kitchen floor when I heard the door slam footsteps checking the front room. I just prayed that it was a good thing that I had cleaned the both rooms plus the hall way  thoroughly at least four times to be sure that they were spick and span by the time he got back. As he opened the kitchen door I hastily put them pack in the kitchen supply closet.

He shook his head in dismay at me, oh god please no “I can see bits of dirt everywhere on the living room floor why isn’t it gleaming to perfection” He enraged I cowered as he squared up to me. I braced myself for the abusive punishment, he winded me has he punched my stomach then backhanded me sending me to the floor.

As soon as he sauntered of to the front room I made a quick exit to the room crying my eyes out and healing my wounds.

I let out a whimper in my sleep.


I found my locker, unfortunately I heard the clicking of the head bitch herself Chanel and her two followers. “Well if it isn’t the most ugliest one of them all girls… oh didn’t expect to see me again, thought you would make a new you well too bad it’s not like you’d become popular you’re not beautiful enough” Chanel sneered giving me a victorious lip gloss smirk as she noted that it affected me as I lowered my head in sadness. That comment swarmed in my head all day and the moment I got home I took my pain away as I cut myself with a razor for the tenth time in two years.

I shook my head tossing and turning as memories came back

AT 17

Dad ordered me to make a dinner for his buddies and clients from his pimping agency surely. I don’t know I can make ten meals in an hour it’s as if he thinks that by some miracle they’ll be done by the time he gets back with his house guests. Unfortunately for me when he did nothing was finished.

Skip the beating

I started to scream in my sleep, letting out whimpers and yelps.

Alec POV

I jumped at the sound of my mates screams and cries of pain I abandoned my book and speeded to her bedroom letting myself in. “Ellena please wake up, it’s okay wake up please” I begged shaking her as I watched her have a nightmare. She opened her eyes and started to cry sitting up “I had a nightmare about my past, Rory abusing me” she cried as I embraced her into a hug getting into bed with her. “my life has been so much better since I left that place” she whispered to me as I held her to my chest letting her fall back to sleep. I glanced at the door to see Aro watching us smiling as he closed the door.

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