Forbidden Love

By Lenox_Clare_

44.9K 1.1K 88

I watched the water drip down his nose and onto his beautiful full lips. I craved the warmth of his touch. Th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 19

1.2K 32 2
By Lenox_Clare_

"I hope the UFO is there." Raquel squealed from excitement as she flicked her right indicator on.

Raquel and I were currently on our way to the fair. Lisa and my father arrived at home about two hours ago. Dylan convinced Lisa that he had gotten into a fight with Brent and left to the carnival about an hour ago.

"What ride is that?"

Her eyes lit up with excitement as she explained the ride to me. Apparently, it was an extremely fast ride that spun in circles, which caused a person to stick to the back of the wall and barely be able to move. "And at midnight the sky will be illuminated with a firework show."

I couldn't help but squeal from excitement as well. Raquel pulled up behind a line of cars that were parked on the side of the road. "Are all these cars parked here for the fair?"

"Yeah," Raquel pulled her key out of the ignition and hopped out of the car. "This event gets busier and busier each year." I followed suit as Raquel made her way to the sidewalk.

As we reached the entrance, I saw that Raquel was not kidding when she said this event was city wide. The street was blocked off and police officers directed cars to the parking lot, which was packed.

A couple of minutes passed by and before I knew it, we were ushered inside the gates with purple bands secured around our wrists.

I followed Raquel as she made her way towards the carousel where we would be meeting up with Chase and Dylan.

"Is that Dylan and Chase I see on those two ponies?" Raquel teased as we saw Chase and Dylan slouched on top of their horses that stayed in place while the ride came to a stop.

Their eyes widened as we saw them in their current position. They both ducked their head from emmbaresment. Raquel and I both chuckled at their bashfulness.

"Ray!" A little girl exclaimed, waving her hands in the air as Chase held her safely on her pony. "Did you see me? I rode a pony!"

Raquel smiled at the young freckled girl. "Yes I did! Was it fun?"

She came running out from the exit of the ride, straight into Raquel's arms who had squatted down to greet her. "Yes! I almost fell off but Chase caught me."

"Thank goodness!" Raquel playfully tickled her little stomach. "This is Demi, Dylan's sister." I was about to say step but Raquel jabbed her elbow into my side. Raquel smiled at me before placing her down. "That's Chase's younger sister Nicole."


Raquel's eyebrow shot up in confusion at my abrut response. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, sorry she's adorable." You could tell by their dark chocolate hair and caramel eyes that they were related.

Why didn't Dylan mention that Chase had another sister?

"So," Raquel said, walking up to her boyfriend and wrapping her arms around Chase's waist with an amused smile on her face. "Did you enjoy your pony ride?"

I tried to conceal my laughter as Chase's face flushed. "Shut up." He muttered under his breath before he leant down to peck Raquel on the lips.  "Wait, where's Nickie?" Chase turned around frantically to find her standing by the rail looking at the ride with shells that spun in circles. He stormed over to her and grabbed her tiny wrist before pulling her back to the crowed. "What have I told you about wondering off by yourself?" He yelled. "Somebody could have stolen you!"

"Chase," Raquel wrapped her hand gently around his arm, "Calm down, it's okay."

Nickie was on the brink of crying and Chase squatted down to her lever. "I'm sorry, Nickie. I just worry about you." He wrapped his arms around her small frame and pulled her into a tight hug.

Dylan winked at me when I made eye contact with him. All I could think about was his soft lips that had brushed against mine earlier and how I craved to connect with him again. I flushed. We decided on not telling anyone about our fling, which made today extremely hard for the both of us.

"So," Dylan said, rubbing his hands together in excitement. "What's first?"

After a couple of disagreements, Raquel and I had finally got the boys to agree with our suggestion. The UFO.

Standing in line, I watched as the ride spun in circles, making my heart beat spead up.

The line progressed quickly and soon the worker had stopped the ride to let the previous riders off. He opened the gate and the four of us scurried inside to find a big enough cage. A different worker strolled along the side, clipping our safety bars on and locking the bar door. "Do not lift your head up." The worker demanded.

Dylan glanced at me with a beaming smile as the ride slowly started to rotate. My hands automatically shot out to the bars in front of me and I clinched onto them tight. The ride picked up speed and people hollered out along with Chase and Dylan.

The ride lifted up into the air and tilted sidewards as we all got pushed back by the force. I let go of the bars and through my hands up into the air with joy. Dylan glanced to the side and smiled at my enthusiasm.

Minutes later, the ride slowed down and our safety bars were unlatched. Dylan and I scrambled out of the cage and headed for the exit gate.

"Wow! What a rush." I exclaimed as we walked through the fair in search of our next ride to hop on.

"Speak for yourself." Chase had a sour expression on his face, clutching his stomach. "I think I'm gonna get sick."

"Maybe we should eat now. It will make you feel a whole lot better." I suggested.

Chase nodded at my idea. "We could order burgers if you guys want?"

Smiling at the thought of a good hamburger, I nodded in excitement as we reached the food stand.

After placing our orders, we waited for about three minutes before our food was good to go. Setting the food down on a picnic table, we all seated and dug into our delicious burgers.

After munching up the whole burger, my stomach was ready to explode as I threw away the polystyrene box. "I'm going to get a drink. Anyone want anything?" I asked my group of friends who had all turned their heads to me as I got up from the table.

They mumbled at my offer, having been to full to think of anything else. "Let me come with you." Dylan offered.

I smiled reassuringly. "No it's fine. I'll only be a minute." I caught Raquel's suspicious glance and quickly averted my eyes.

I headed to the drink stand and waited in line. I peaked over my shoulder to where Dylan sat and ended up catching his eye. Sending a soft smile towards him, he returned it with a grin before Chase brought him back into their previous conversation.

Just as I made it to the front of the queue, a hand wrapped firmly around my arm and yanked me out of the line to the back of a donut stand. Ethan pushed me up against the wall and slammed his hands behind me, effectively caging me in. I craned my neck upwards to look at him, his huge frame towering over my small one.

"Baby." His hand lifted up to my cheek before he aggressively grabbed my chin and forced a kiss onto my lips. I bit down hard on his lower lip, which made him cringe in pain.

I shoved him away. "I'll call the police Ethan." I turned around to leave but he latched onto my arm and pulled me back.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." He threatened.

My eyes turned into slits. "Oh yeah? Why not?" I challenged.

His index finger jabbed into my cheek, forcing my face to look at the table where Dylan sat. Raquel shoved a chip into Chase's mouth while Dylan laughed hysterically at their childish behaviour.

"Do you want your precious friends to find out about you and Dylan?" His hateful voice spat with a hint of devil to it. My eyes softened as Dylan smiled at Raquel and caught his lip ring between his teeth. I glared back at Ethan's cold eyes. "Or wait. Better idea would be to tell your father." I uttered not a sound as he continued to threaten me. "Here's what we're going to do," he started as his finger fell down from my cheek, trailing down to my chest. "If I catch that bastard lay a finger on you," he smiled coldly, "The truth is out."

I swolled heavily as he chuckled at my reaction. "Fine."

He smirked, happily. "I love you baby." I hated those words. Especially when they came out of his mouth. "Do I honestly have to remind you of what will happen if you don't say it back?"

"I love you." I stated as dryly as I possibly could. His smile widened as he gestured to the table where my friends were seated.

"Now go back to your friends before they wonder where you've disappeared to." He slapped my ass and I did as I was told. "Oh and answer your fucking phone!"

Making my way back to the table, I glanced back at the donut stand where Ethan stood smiling. A chill ran down my spine. I sat down next to Dylan. "Are you okay?" Dylan asked, grabbing Raquel and Chase's attention towards us. Dylan glanced back over his shoulder to where I had looked previously but Ethan had vanished.

"I'm fine. Why?" I asked, stretching on an elastic smile.

"You look pale." His eyes narrowed in on me. "Where's your drink?"

"Er I realised that I was too full to drink something." I smiled sheepishly. Dylan's eyebrows nitted together before he dropped the topic.

Two hours later we had been on a few more rides, including a roller coaster which I found exhilarating. "We'll give you guys some alone time and go on the big wheel." Dylan wiggled his eyebrows at Raquel and she giggled.

Raquel smiled at me before she grabbed Chase's hand and pulled him away while walking backwards. I watched as Chase smiled at Raquel and pulled her closer.

Dylan's hand slid into mine and I pulled it out of his grip, which caused him to frown. "Raquel will notice." His smile widened as he cupped my cheeks and kissed me passionately. My eyes automatically closed at the contact, my body buzzed and Ethan popped up in my head. I shut my mouth and Dylan paused.

"Somethings bothering you." His breath fanned my face. "There's something you're not telling me Demi."

"I'm just not feeling well." I lied.

"You know what," He smiled. "Why don't we go home and stuff our faces with chocolate and watch a bunch of movies and maybe do some other stuff." He smothered my face with kisses which made me giggle.

"I'd like that." I needed to get out of there. Ethan won't see Dylan and I get together at home. "What about the fireworks?"

He grabbed my hand and lead us to the front gate. "We can watch them from our house."

Smiling at the idea, I followed Dylan to the car and opened the door before buckling in.

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