Rich Love (5SOS - Luke Hemmin...

By curlyhxzzx

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What if your mortal enemy happens to be your fiancé? More

Chapter 1- The Sassy Meets The Jerk
Chapter 2- The Necklaces
Chapter 3- All Hell Breaking Loose
Chapter 4- Luke's Rules
Chapter 6- The Devil's Return
Chapter 7- Je t'aime
Chapter 8- Another Truth Or Dare
Chapter 9- Fix Me Again
Chapter 10- It Hurts
Chapter 11- Perfectly Planned Future
Chapter 12- Penguins
Chapter 13- First Date
Chapter 14- Luke
Chapter 15- James
Chapter 16- Sydney
Chapter 17- Just A Little Broken
Chapter 18- Greenhouse Drama
Chapter 19- Art Class
Chapter 20- "He was there"
Chapter 21- Past and Future
Chapter 22- Group Project
Chapter 23 - The Truth
Chapter 24- Calum vs. Luke
Chapter 25- Amnesia
Chapter 26- Ashton Joins the Drama
Chapter 27- Katherine
IMPORTANT Author's Note
Chapter 28 - Plans
Chapter 29 - Apologies and Confessions
Chapter 30 - Goodbye?
Chapter 31 (FINAL CHAPTER) - Too Late

Chapter 5- Shooting Star

10.3K 236 103
By curlyhxzzx

~Shooting Star~

(Madison's P.O.V.)

"Are you guys done?" Luke asked me and Calum for probably the millionth time. Lucky for him, Malikoa did all the work for the both of them. 

"Almost!" i annoyingly shouted at him

Calum is carefully but quickly writing the lyrics that thought about. 

"Done!" Calum announced and lets go of the pencil. Everyone cheered while i gather my things. I think it's time for me to head home, wear my onesie, eat ice cream, and watch movies. Imagining those things are already making me happy. 

I zipped my bag and stood up.

"Where are you going?" Michael asks

"Home" i simply answered, "I'm going!" i announced to all of them and walked towards the door. When i was about to turn the knob of the door, a pair of strong arms took be by my waist and dragged by back to the living room.

"You're not going. It's too early." A voice whispered in my ear, Luke.

He continued to drag be back and made me sit with them on the floor with a bottle of wine in the middle

Oh no.

"Truth or dare!" Ashton shouts

I am the worst at these things. What's with the game of truth or dare? It's a stupid game to embarrass or to harass the other players. Michael spins the wine bottle and it landed on Ashton.

"Truth or dare?" Michael asks

"Dare! I'll be brave right now" 

"Okay, i need you to shout, 'Ponies Forever' outside as loud as you can" Michael dares.

Ashton stood up and exited through the front door and closed it. After at least five seconds, we heard him do the dare,


We all laughed and Ashton returned

"My turn!" he shouted


After ten more minutes of an intense game of truth or dare, Michael's hair turned pink, Calum ate a whole red pepper, and Luke had to remove his pants which is very awkward for me since i am right next to him. Malikoa turned the bottle and it landed

"Okay Madison, truth or dare?"

"Dare!" i need to be brave too like Ashton. I just hope it's nothing dangerous

"I need you to take..."she paused and drew circles in the air with her index finger and it landed on Luke, "...Luke in the attic and you have to stay there for ten minutes without fighting. And just so you know, there's a CCTV up there so, we know what's happening" she explains the dare


 "Come on, babe. Let's do the dare" Luke stand up from his place and winked at me. He walked over to my spot and took my hand. He pulled me up and dragged me to the said room. 

"You planned this, didn't you?" i narrowed my eyes on him and i felt him smirk

"Maybe?" he opened the door and we both entered. I looked around the room and found the CCTV camera that they were talking about. 

The attic has three big windows, a bunk bed, and other old things. Luke sits at the bottom part of the bed and smiled at me sweetly.

"Come sit here. We're going to stay here for ten minutes without fighting so, let's enjoy every second of it." He pats the part of the bed beside him and i had no choice but to sit down.

"Let's play 21 questions" Luke suggested 

"Fine. Start asking" i beamed

Favorite color?

-Black and pink

Favorite animal?


Do you speak english?


Are you a girl?


Do you have hair?


I took out my phone and started to go to twitter and tumblr without even caring about the thing Luke is asking me. I'll just say 'yes' since it seems like it's the only answer he needs

Have you been to Paris?


Do you like me?


"I like you too" he giggled

I thought and thought until i realized, "I mean no! You tricked me!"

"Ashton! Did you get that on camera?!" Luke shouts around the room

"Yup!" i hear Ashton reply from afar

"You!" i punched his right arm, "you are all going against me!" i playfully pout

I moved my spot to the other side of the bed and looked over the window.  The stars and twinkling like diamonds and the moon is full. I felt Luke sit beside me and stayed there. We weren't talking or anything since i feel so awkward weird him. Out of no where, i saw a shooting star

"Oh my god ! A shooting star! Make a wish" i squealed and closed my eyes. I've always believed that those shooting stars could make my wish come true.

(Luke's P.O.V.)

She still believes in those? What is she, 7 years old? I watch her excitingly close her eyes and to make it fun, i also did the same. I closed my eyes then what now? I can't think of anything to wish for. What would i say?

a penguin?

Calum keeping his hands off her?

or her?

fuck it!

"Done!" Madison squealed again and i finally opened my eyes

"So? What did you wish for?" i try to question her. Her beautiful smile turns into a frown

"It's a secret. Why would i tell you?" pokes her tongue out and giggled

I took her hand and said; "Do you want to know mine?" her expression changed from a playful one to a serious and nervous one. She nodded and i cleared my throat

(Madison's P.O.V.)

"It's for you..." he paused his sentence my heart starts pounding loudly in my chest as he grips my hand tighter, "to like me and give me the chance to show you that i am not a jerk" 

He looks straight to my eyes as if he is staring right into my soul. I can see sincerity beaming in his eyes. His blue eyes sparkle because of the brightness made by the full moon and I feel so hypnotized. Suddenly, i see him slowly leaning in and without noticing, i was doing the same thing too. Our faces are at least five inches away from each other and we both closed our eyes. My mind wants me to stop but my heart disagrees. As soon as his lips brushed onto mine, a shout distracted our moment

"Time's up! Get out of there!" a voice shouted right outside of the attic's door, Calum.

 I quickly stood up, ran to the door and back to the living room where a bunch of cheers, howling, and whistles greeted me

"Everything was on cam!" Ashton laughs and i felt mt cheeks burn with embarrassment.

Shit! I forgot about the CCTV cam!

"Oh my god! I'm going, bye!" i covered my face, took my bag, and ran out of the front door where luckily my mom is already waiting outside. 

This night has been so interesting.

~The next day~

Should i stay home today?

Should i go to school?

Will they tease me about the camera?

Was Luke serious about what he said last night?

Could i just move to another country again and forget everything that happened?

Those questions were playing in my mind as i stare at my school uniform on my bed. I have a strong feeling  that those boys aren't going to let go of that recording that easily, especially Luke. 

The alarm clock made the annoying sound that i hate the most. I groaned in frustration and decided to go to school and see whatever is going to happen. I desperately need Chris right now.


Hello! Sorry for the short chapter and for the long time to update. 

Samantha xxx

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