Caligula and Caesar's Email A...

By calicae

1.6K 99 21

Cali and Cae release their inner angst and rage against unsuspecting companies and customer service people. B... More

Being Bratz to Bratz
Being Bratz to Bratz 2
Spread Me
Being Bratz to Bratz 3

Spread Me 2

221 22 4
By calicae

Good Afternoon , 

I write in connection with your complaint regarding Lurpak , which is produced by Arla Foods. 

We have very strict Quality Assurance Procedures to ensure that only products of the very highest standard leave our control. Every care is taken during manufacture and distribution to ensure all our products are received in first class condition.   

We take all complaints received very seriously and every effort is made to resolve complaints to the satisfaction of both our customers and consumers.   

I can assure you that Lurpak Spreadable is designed to spread straight form the fridge and to be returned immediately after use .It it is allowed to warm up significantly before returning to the refrigerator this will affect the consistency of the product .This will also reduce the spreadability the next time its removed from the refrigerator before use .

I can assure you that we are certainly not aware of any issues with production and we have received no other complaint .. 

I apologise for the inconvenience this has caused to you . If you could forward me with your address I would like to send you some vouchers 

Warm Regards 

Tasneem Fadal 

Of course, I responded with my address. Meh, free butter. Even if it is rock hard.

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