Parents? Not as you expected...

By noletbainclark

41.5K 1.2K 495

What would it be like if Noah and Richelle's parents were not quite who you thought they would be? What if th... More

Chapter 1 || Parents
Chapter 2 || Meeting them
Chapter 3 || What happened?
Chapter 4 || So embarrassed
Chapter 5 || James!
Chapter 6 || His room
Chapter 7 || Noah!
Chapter 8 || Unexpected
Chapter 9 || Dinner
Chapter 10 || Crying
Chapter 12 || His clothes
Chapter 13 || Seeing her
Chapter 14 || Shock
Chapter 15 || The end
Hi...its been a very long time

Chapter 11 || Awkward conversations

1.9K 75 45
By noletbainclark

Going back and reading my last chapter to figure out the story really made me realise how bad that chapter was. Ugh. I don't like it. Hopefully this one will be better

James PoV
"So...Richelle, you dance?"
I ask her curiously while taking a bite from my food. I waited a few moments for her to swallow so that she could answer.
"I do. Mostly acro, jazz and contemporary though. It's nothing special."
She responded quietly, her face tinged with red. She's embarrassed? Why? Those are very good styles to be able to do. She shouldn't be ashamed.
"Ritchie don't be so modest"
Replied John, taking a sip of his wine.
"She is always like this. Playing off that she isn't that good when really she is amazing. Do you know she was the miss national soloist last year. She definitely inherited her skill from Michelle"
Huh? Miss national soloist? She is definitely like her mother. I'm sure Michelle won that title once.
"That's amazing!"
Said Riley astounded, looking at Richelle. I noticed Richelle's cheeks grow even redder.
"And she can do twenty one front ariels without stopping. Actually probably more. We haven't tried to do them consecutively again.."
Boasted Michelle, a wide smile gracing her face. Wow! Twenty one?! How? She must have so much strength and endurance. Maybe Noah could learn something from her.
"You're amazing.."
I heard a voice mutter. I looked towards my right only to see Noah staring at Richelle with amazement. His eyes intensely focused on her. I've seen that look before. Well...not really. But I know what that look means. It's the same look I used to give Riley when we were younger. I think my son has some explaining to do. I gently patted his arm to break him form his trance.
Asked Riley. At the sound of her voice, he jumped up with a jolt looking towards her. I could see his ears starting to burn red.
"The food! The food is amazing!"
He replied quickly. Oh son. I thought I had taught you about lying. And especially how to pull off a good lie. He's just like his mother. Riley could never tell a good lie either.
"Thank you son"
Beamed Riley, taking a bite of her food. I could tell Riley didn't believe him. After that there was quiet. I watched as Richelle kept her eyes focused on her food in front of her as she picked at her chicken. Even from where I was sitting I could see her cheeks were still tinging with red. Umm. Maybe he learnt something from me. He certainly knows how to make someone blush.
"Richelle should come dance at 'The Next Step' for a day. I'm sure our dancers would be delighted to learn something from her"
I explained. I mean if she was miss national soloist, she must know some good tricks. Some of the girls would be delighted.
"I'm sure we could arrange something. What do you think Richelle?"
Asked Michelle happily. I turned my attention back to Richelle. She nodded giving me a soft smile.
"Sure" she replied blankly, although I could tell in her eyes that she didn't want to go.
     The conversation seemed to die down after that, just some small mumbling between Riley and Michelle about make up. I couldn't help but notice Noah glancing towards Richelle every so often. Richelle didn't seem to notice though as she never looked up from her plate. There's something wrong with her. And..just a hunch but I think it has something to do with Noah. Let's just call it a fathers intuition. You know how you have mothers intuition. Well it's more about whether their children is safe or not. The fathers alternative is different. It tell you if your children is about to get laid or not. There is definitely tension between them. Something happened...
     I took another bite of my food. Umm...there's something missing. Riley's quite a good cook, but I must admit the chicken is a little dry. Maybe some sauce will help it. I launched myself forward on my seat making a grab for the bottle of red sauce in the middle of the table. My hands were so close to touching the plastic when suddenly I banged my leg against the foot of the table making it jump up with a jolt.
"Oh...what was that?.."
Asked Riley in surprise, looking around her to figure out what had made the table bounce. As she was doing this however, I watched as the bottle of sauce wobbled back and forth. Shit! It's going to fall! There's no way I'm going to be able to reach that! It rocked on the spot for a few minutes. My eyes never leaving the bottle. Oh god. This isn't going to end well. I can feel it. And I was right. For I watched as it fell onto the table with a thud.
Screamed Richelle. The bottle had tumbled forward, the momentum causing the liquid inside to come splashing out all over the table, the food and..her bright yellow dress. Fuck.
Yelled Riley flustered, getting up to grab some kitchen roll.
"Oh sweetie. It isn't that bad"
Reassured Michelle, glancing over her daughter. I beg to differ. The sauce had somehow managed to spill directly onto the front of her dress-around her cleavage. And dotted itself not only on her arms but also in her hair. I hate to say it. But she looked exactly like Carrie after she got covered in the pigs blood from that horror movie. It was bad.
"Here you go, I'm so sorry love"
Replied Riley, handing her some kitchen roll. Richelle took it hastily from her hands, dabbing it on her bright yellow dress sporadically. Ugh. This is my fault.
"I'm so sorry Richelle. I didn't mean for that to happen"
I told her sorrowfully. I feel awful. I hardly know the poor girl and yet I spilt food on her.
"It's alright. Honestly!"
She replied with a weak smile, while wiping her arms down with the kitchen roll. Riley and Michelle had also gathered around her, both wiping the cloth down through her blonde hair. I nodded my head sincerely towards her, happy with her response. After a few moments Riley let out a sigh.
"There's no way we are getting this out with these-"
She said holding up the kitchen roll.  She carried on talking.
"-I think I have some wipes upstairs in the bathroom. Come on, I'll show you were it is"
She gathered all the cloths up in her arms, walking to a bin and disposing them. She then waved a hand over to Michelle and Richelle, indicating that they should follow her. They did. Michelle carefully helping Richelle to get off from her seat so that she wouldn't cause herself to get covered in anymore sauce. And then they left, following a rather flustered Riley up the stairs. Oh great! I think I might have ruined her dress. Riley is going to kill me. She wanted this night to be perfect. It is turning out to be anything but that. I think I might just keep my mouth shut and my arms attached to my side all night. At least then I won't be able to cause any trouble.

I never know how to end my chapters so sorry. Also sorry it has been awhile. I've been a little busy the past few days. Also not sure about this chapter

Also what do think of the new book cover? I don't know if I like it or not. Sometimes I love it and other times I think it's to bright.
1287 words

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