He Isn't A Psycho

By ShouldWePanicNow

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"I want you okay! I want you so much!" I had lost all words. "Wanting and needing are two different things"... More

Chapter 1 - I Felt Like I Was In A Scene From The Lion King
Chapter 2 - Fucking Crap And Shitting Hell
Chapter 3 - Just Imagine 20 Condoms On A Dick...Unbreakable
Chapter 4 - I Sounded Like A Chipmunk On Crack
Chapter 5 - I Was Hunting For A Pokémon
Chapter 6 - I'd Rather Stab Myself In The Gallbladder With A Oyster Fork
Chapter 7 - I Promise I Will Take Care Of Your Car Like Kim K Does With Her Ass
Chapter 8 - I Was More Lost Than Chuck Noland In The Movie Cast Away
Chapter 9 - Good Riddance, Army Boy
Chapter 11 - A Yes Would Be The Slow Withering Death Of My Soul
Chapter 12 - I'm Already Visulising The Duct Tape On Your Mouth
Chapter 13 - She Should Be Called Heroin Holly
Chapter 14 - Cry Me A River And Drown Yourself In It
Chapter 15 - Im Staying Home To Work On My Cottage Cheese Sculpture
Chapter 16 - I'm Not Going To Bang You In An Abandoned Building
Chapter 17 - I'm Wetter Than A Nun At A Bible Study
Chapter 18 - I'd Rather Staple My Eyelids To My Asshole
Chapter 19 - I Believe In Riding With Protection
Chapter 20 - Wow, I Bet You Even Fart Glitter
Chapter 21 - Wooden Tit Be A Great Idea?
Chapter 22 - I Should Of Ripped His Throat Out
Chapter 23 - Who Lit The Fuse To Your Tampon?
Chapter 24 - Aren't You A Black Hole Of Need
Chapter 25 - Have I Interrupted A Fifty Shades Of Grey Scene?
Chapter 26 - I Wish I Could Understand You, But I Don't Bark
Chapter 27 - I Was Getting Too Close To Him
Chapter 28 - I'm Blonde, What's Your Excuse?
Chapter 29 - It Would Make My Job Easier If Kids Fought Over Legends Of Zelda
Chapter 30 - Halloween Special Prt 1
Chapter 31 - Halloween Special Prt 2
Chapter 32 - Hey Skye, Do You Want My Cock?
Chapter 33 - I Don't Remeber Eating Anything Purple
Chapter 34 - I Guess Seeing Your Face Has That Effect On Me
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 10 - Who Ate Your Bowl Of Sunshine, Tundercloud?

8.4K 299 110
By ShouldWePanicNow

I was up and ready for school on time, wearing Carters black Nike hoodie again and a pair of black skinny jeans.

Yes, today was one of those days.

Grabbing my shoes, I quickly pop my head into Alex's room. He was still sound asleep, and he looked so peaceful too. Tip toeing towards his desk, where his keys sat, I made little noise and grabbed what I needed, before planting a small kiss on his forehead.

"Thanks bro"

"It's okay" A small whisper came out, which caught me off guard.

Turning on my heels, I made my way out of his room, closing the door quietly.

I swear it's only me who tries to be quiet when everyone else is sleeping, but when I'm sleeping it's like a nuclear fallout.

Stepping out of the front door,
A ball of fresh air hits me in the face, while my long hair is flying behind me.


The parking lot was seemingly empty, maybe Mackenzie wasn't the only person bunking today.

I parked Annalise in a reasonable parking space which was close to the school.

And yes, Alex named his car Annalise.

I made my way into the schools main doors, heading in the direction of my locker, still not too sure where I was, but trying hard not to look like a lost puppy in front of everyone.

To my advantage, from where I was, my locker wasn't too far away, and I found it without a problem.

Opening it, I peer down at my timetable for today, making me search in my bag for my necessary items.

Since I was at the principles office yesterday during home room time, I didn't know where it would of been. Looking from my timetable up to the hallway, and back down to my timetable, I started to panic a little as I didn't know where my home room would be.

Maybe I should just skip it again.

Thinking better of it, I walk to the principles office, preparing myself for a conversation that would mentally scar me.

Knocking twice before entering, I see Principle Bradshaw sprawled on the floor, wearing pink sweat bands on his head and wrists, accompanied by neon green leg warmers.

He was doing pilates, arching his back in what looked like a very uncomfortable position.

How old was this guy?  

Although I was standing in his office for almost 30 seconds already, he still didn't notice me.

Clearing my throat, I stood awkwardly at the door of his office, unsure whether I was supposed to shut the door behind me or leave it open and allow every student walking past to see how crazy our principle was...Now thinking about it, they probably already knew.

Bradshaw fell onto his back, panting quickly. "Skye? What can I help you with?"

He stood up now, walking over to where his towel was, patting it on his forehead.

It took me a while to recover before I spoke, "Well, since I was with you yesterday morning...I'm unsure of where my home room is"

I twiddled my thumbs, watching Bradshaw take a huge gulp of water from his bottle.

"Ah yes" He was still panting, sweat trickling from this forehead, even though he just dried his face with his towel. "Let's have a look at your timetable" His hand gestured for me to pass him the piece of paper.

Rummaging through my bag, I revealed a folded timetable, and presented it to him.

Taking one look at my timetable, he handed it back.

"Room 105, I'll take you there myself"

"A-are you sure?" I questioned, worrying about his sanity. He was really going to walk around the school looking like my grandma?

He now grabbed the cable string which I hadn't noticed on the side of his desk. He placed his foot on he cable, and grabbed each handled pulling it towards him. "What, are you embarrassed to be walking around the school with the Principle?" He questioned, while training in his face as he pulled the cable towards him.

I'm not embarrassed to be walking with the Principle, I'm embarrassed to be walking with the Principle dressed like that.

"No, of course not sir, I just don't want to be a burden..." He was now doing lunges across the room, stretching out his legs. "I mean, you seem like you have your hands full" I finished, completely stunned at what i was witnessing.

"Don't be silly! I'll take you there right now" He insisted, and so I went along with it.

We made our way down the hallways, getting odd glances from students. Oh boy, oh boy.

"How's the fist?"

"W-what? Oh yeh, the fist" I awkwardly chuckled. "It's fine thanks" I finally managed to spit out.

"Glad to hear it, did you put ice on it like I told you to?" I was starting to feel very uncomfortable and uneasy. Why would he bring this up randomly...what if he knew.

Even if he did know, why isn't he punishing me? Why does he have to torture me about it?

"Yes sir, I did"

We climbed up a flight of stairs, I was only a few feet behind Bradshaw, I followed his trail and watched as he heroically pranced around the school in his Pilates outfit.

God this man was brave.

We finally came to a halt. I almost bumped into the back of Bradshaw from his sudden movement, but luckily I balanced myself.

"Room 105" he smiled, locking his hands together.

"Thank you sir" I smiled back, but it was still an awkward smile.

"You know, I think I read somewhere that if you punch with your thumb over your knuckles it increases the hit"

I stood still, not moving at all, I felt paralysed. He must know, he's on to me, and he's just waiting for me to break.

Giving me a gentle smile, he rushed down the hallway, leaving me standing immobilised, trying to find words, but none would release.


I got my notes out for biology, sitting in the seat I had now called mine. Mackenzie would of been sitting next to me, but since she's off meeting her 'lover' today, I guess I had an empty seat beside me.

Mr Ballsag came bursting through the door, striding to his desk, placing his brown leather 'unisex' lady purse on top of it.

He began class, teaching us the female and male organs, and their 'intentions'

So really we were learning about a dick and a vagina and what theirs real purpose was.

Half way through the lesson, Mr Ballsag started pulling out pictures, diagrams, and in some cases, models.

"So this here" He pointed to the plastic model of a woman's vagina. "This is the woman's G spot, also known as the Gräfenberg spot. It is characterised as an erogenous area of the vagina, and when stimulated, it can lead to strong sexual arousal, powerful orgasms and potential female ejaculation"

And now you may die alongside with me.

"I swear I've read that on Wikipedia" a boy called out.

Everyone turned their heads to the voice that came from the middle row, the boys face had turned bright red.

"How would you know?" I heard another call out. The whole class burst into a fit of laughs.

"Enough now, enough" Mr Ballsag began to settle the class down, also embarrassed by his long description being a copy from Wikipedia.

When the class finally fell silent, the door opened, and a student walked in.

"Nice of you to join us Braxton, we were just defining female sexual pleasure"

"So was I"

And with that the whole class were barking with laugher again, including myself.

Mr Ballsag's face was priceless! The class seemed to laugh more at Braxton's comeback than my spit take, but who's complaining.

"Sit down Braxton" Mr Ballsag's face was filled with rage, and he was now becoming impatient.

I didn't even know Braxton was in this class, otherwise I would of noticed him yesterday.

I saw through the corner of my eye a body slump down in the chair next to me. Just my luck, thanks a lot Mackenzie! The day you have to bunk is the day a psychopath decides to sit next to me.

Ignoring Braxton's presence, I flick through my work, pretending to be doing something.

"Don't flatter yourself, this was the only seat left" I heard him say.

Ignoring him, I started to doodle on one of the blank pages.

I heard him exhale, and it had a shake to it. He sounded angry, and I could tell this by the way he breathed.

Trying hard not to look at him, I tapped my feet, while pretending to listen to the teacher, but I could feel his burning gaze on me.

I didn't dare look, not even out the corner of my eye. He was getting angrier and angrier, I sat in silence, waiting for the bell, so I could get away from him.

What if he was thinking of ways to kill me? Like shredding my skin and serving it in a kebab.

I heard him mutter something under his breath, and just as I was about to turn towards him, the bell rang.

God may not have blessed me with witty comebacks but he sure did bless me with good timing.

I hurriedly jumped out my seat, grabbing all my notes and stuffing them into my bag. I knew that if I got out the the classroom too quick Braxton would easily bump into me...think Skye, think.

I had remembered from last nights phone call with Mackenzie, that I needed to catch up on work. Maybe if I ask Mr Ballsag he'll just give me a few sheets, stalling time for me easily.

I walked up to the bald headed man, trying not to look too eager. "Sir, I was just wondering...do you think, given the turn of events I've had, you could find me some sheets of work, which I would complete in my spare time...and erm, compete it, considering...I joined at such an inconvenient time of the year." I was dragging this out more than I should have done, I probably looked pathetic.

A confused look fixed on his face, as he started to search through his drawers. I just needed anything, anything to keep myself away from Braxton.

On second thoughts, have you got any psycho repellent?

Mr Ballsag turned back to me, a sheet of paper in his hands. "I'm not sure what your trying to say Skye...this is all I could find"

"Thanks sir" he smiled up at him. He handed me the paper, which I instantly grabbed without even bothering to look at. Tossing it into my bag, I turned around, realising the class was completely empty.

Braxton was gone!

A cheerful look took over my face now and I was happy that I could go to break and enjoy it without getting into any trouble.

As I was about to leave, a group of freshmen boys jumped through the door frame, chanting the words, "Mr Balls lady bag, Mr Balls, balls sag!"

They boys sprinted down the hall, chuckling hard and when I turned back to Mr Ballsag, I thought it was my time to leave.

Walking outside the classroom I hesitated, before making a left turn down the hallway.

Moments after, I felt a firm hand grip onto my arm, throwing me backwards. When my body was balanced again, my head shot up in shock to find Braxton gaping down at me, his blue eyes were dark and filled with anger.

I rolled my eyes before attempting to walk away, I wasn't going to let him manipulate me anymore.

My body was flung back again, this time, I was forced back more rougher, making me grab my shoulder and rub it.

"What the fuck!" I scream, not caring that students and teachers were in ear shot.

He didn't say anything, instead, he grabbed the same arm, pulling it along with him, as if I were his dog.

If I remember rightly, he told Carter to keep me on a leash. Not the the other way round.

Releasing from his grip, I found myself outside, by the brick wall where most bad things occur...Maybe it was cursed.

Looking up, I met with Braxton's harsh ones. His jaw was clenched and his body was tense.

"Never, fucking ignore me" He said with gritted teeth.

"Who ate your bowl of sunshine, thundercloud?"

He began to clench his fists into a tight ball, releasing it moments later.

"I don't know who the fuck you are-"

"And you never will" I finished for him.

He tensed up again. He looked so infuriated. Humour was soaring through me, but I had to maintain silent, if I dared laughed, he probably would kill me, right here, right now.

And then the brick wall would definitely be cursed.

"I told you to stay out my way" He stepped back from where I was standing, realising how little space there was between us. "And then you show up to my game, getting involved in a fight that wasn't yours"

"Are you kidding me! I got caught in that fight. I didn't choose to get involved"

He looked away from me, running his finger tips through his hair with delicacy. Braxton Silvey was being...delicate?

Maybe he just bought a new expensive hair product? Because I've never seen Braxton do anything in a selfless manner.

"I didn't ask to be punched several times by random strangers" I continued, since he wasn't saying anything.

He remained silent again.

I gripped onto my stomach, remembering where Antonio had elbowed me. Every time the fight was mentioned, I instantly clutch onto myself in self defence.

"You want sympathy? Because your stupid ex boyfriend elbowed you?" He scoffed, now facing me.

Gritting my teeth in anger, "You don't know shit about me"

"What happened to you last night was your fault"

My temper was starting to rise, I was going to explode. "You started that fight. Reap what you sow Braxton"

Next thing I knew, I was shoved against the wall, my back slamming hard against the bricks.

"I'm not going to say it again"

He leant in, whispering in my ear, "Stay out of my fucking way" Odium was in his voice.

He pushed himself back, attempting to walk off, but I spoke before he did.

"On one condition"

His eyes were on me, his anger still lingered but it was more controlled now.

"What?" He asked irritably.

"You don't tell anyone about what Antonio did to me"

Braxton's eyes were now fixed on me, his face was emotionless and blank. After a moment of waiting for his reply, he turned around and walked in the other direction.

He pulled the hood of his hoodie over his head and shoved his hands into his pockets.

So...was that a yes or no?



Chapter 10 is here!

I can't thank you guys enough for reading my book, it honestly means so much to me. Already at 106 reads!!

Please vote!

Love you all❤️

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