Braun and Brains. (Gale fanfi...

By leaderofthebroken

12.8K 605 222

Levy never was good at the whole princess thing. Her best friend Lucy has tried to show her the ropes and exp... More

Dreams or Nightmares
Morning after
Deal With the Devil
Riots Back Home and Abroad
Wrong Girl
Stop!......For Me?

Almost Murder

620 29 14
By leaderofthebroken


Gajeel's hands tightened into fists as he stared at the scene in front of him.

Before him was his perfect little mate, her hair disheveled from being thrown from guard to guard, laying on the floor. Her face had turned into a sickly pale color that could be compared to a white rose as her chest rose and fell in a sporadic way. Her dress was torn to reveal her whip marked legs and her once cute stomach that was now branded with Josè's mark.

'How dare he?' Gajeel thought with a snarl as he watched the older male gesture for one of his guards to pick the small little female up.

"Take her to my room. The rest of our fun will continue in private." The male chuckled darkly as he spoke to one of his subordinates.

"Like hell you will." Gajeel growled loudly. His red eyes seemed to glow like the fire burning inside of him. "How dare you think that you can take what's mine?"

Hearing the princes' words, Josè turned and looked at him, a devious look crossing the males face. "My dear boy. I've been taking things that are yours." He grinned, gesturing for the male to take the female away.

"Lily get Levy. I've got something I need to handle." Gajeel growled placing his hand on his sword.

The black male looked at Gajeel unsure of whether to follow the princes' order or not. "Lily this is not a request." He growled looking over at the male. The male gave him a small nod before taking off toward where the man had run off with Levy.

Lily took off after the man. The guard ran down the dark hallways of the castle guard. Levy bouncing on his shoulder. Suddenly a large fire ball was thrown and the male fell to the ground, dropping Levy as he did. "Natsu. You could have hurt Levy." A soft voice called followed by the sound of a hard smack to the head.

Lily ran toward the small girl on the ground. A sword was pressed to his throat before he reached her and he froze. "Do not move." A red head growled. Lily's hand reached for his sword and he quickly parried the woman's strike. "This woman is under the protection of the Redfox guard. I will not let you harm her." Lily growled stepping in front of Levy.

The redhead looked back at the shadows before a blonde haired woman came running from it. "Lucy wait." A males voice called but the blonde was already off. Lily looked, raising his blade to strike before stopping as the woman knelt beside the blue haired girl. "Ah Princess Lucy. I do apologize. I had not realized this was your guard." Lily bowed, placing his sword back in his sheath.

"What happened to her?" Came the blonde's soft voice.

"Attacked by José. A man who has been a sword in my prince's side for many years." Called a voice that stepped from the shadows to reveal a woman with shoulder length blue hair. The red head immediately tensed, her grip on her sword tightening.

"Please." Lily interrupted. "This is my partner Juvia. She means no harm."

"You're prince is Gajeel?" Lucy asked from Levy's side. Both Juvia and Lily nodded in response. "Black steel. The killer of men. The male who rained plagues of death upon my kingdom. That Prince?"

Juvia's head bowed in disgrace and Lily gently placed a hand on her shoulder. "Yes. The prince is the man you speak of but he is not the same as he once was. All of that happened when Gajeel was manipulated by José." Lily said softly.

Lucy looked up a Lily with tears in her eyes. "Than what did they need us for? He's strong enough to take us over."

"He didn't. He didn't want that." Levy mumbled as she struggled to sit up.

"Levy please don't move." Lucy said gently, signaling for Mira to come and help her. A tall white haired woman moved to the blonde's side and began to tend to the woman's wounds now that she was awake.

"No. He needed to convince us. That. That their kingdom could be good." The blue haired girl winced. Her hazel eyes looked up to Lily and then to Erza. "Please. Stop him. He will kill José if he gets the chance. Please." She whispered reaching up and taking Lily's hand. The male knelt and pulled her hand to his chest, bowing his head in respect. "I promise princess. I shall not allow Gajeel to kill another soul." Levy nodded gently in reply before falling back in Mira and Lucy's arms from exhaustion.

Lily stood slowly and looked at Erza and her companions. "Please. Aid me in helping my prince."

"We cannot leave Luc...." She started but was cut off as the blonde stood. "Go Erza. I will take Elfman and Mira with me and Levy and we shall return to the castle. The rest of you shall stay and help the prince."

Lily bowed his head. "Thank you my lady. I shall send two of my best to meet you." He stood before whispering in her ear. "Please take care of my princes mate."

The rest of the group watched the twos exchange in silence before Lily took off back toward the fight. The rest of the group following behind them.

"Take care." Lucy whispered softly as she looked down at her friend who was sleeping in Mira's arms. "Let's go. We've got to get out while we can."


(Meanwhile back with Gajeel)

The male parried another strike only to have another male leap at him. A soft growl of frustration escaped the Gajeel's lips. He may be stronger than them but their sheer numbers would soon overpower him.

"Stop this José and fight me like a real man." Gajeel growled angrily. Another wave of men came at him, this one stronger than the last.

Just as Gajeel was starting to think that they would win, he heard the familiar sound of boots and could smell his companion Lily. A guard jumped to strike Gajeel while he was distracted with another guard and Lily quickly parried the strike away. Behind him Gajeel noticed Juvia and four others he did not know.

"Well what are ya starin at? Get to fightin." Gajeel growled at the others. Lily quickly began to fight back to back with his prince. The others seemed to have teamed up as well.

"Where's the shrimp?" Gajeel questioned as he shot an iron pillar toward a guard who was coming up along side the two of them.

"She's safe with her friend Gajeel." Lily quickly answered before ducking his head at a blade swung at him.

"You mean the one who let her get kidnapped in the first place?" Gajeel growled.

Lily let out a sigh of exasperation. "Yes Gajeel but she is safe. I have sent Lisanna and Evergreen along to help."

Upon hearing that the two warrior maidens they had found were sent along with his mate, Gajeel grunted in satisfaction. "Good. Now finish these off so I can kill José."

Lily looked at him and frowned. "Your mate, Levy, she requested you don't kill him." He said trying not to look at Gajeel, whom he knew would be frustrated out of his mind.


"I sa......"

"I heard ya the god damn first time."

"It was her request."

This time Lily only received a grunt for an answer.


"Tsk. What the Shrimp don't know won't hurt her." He growled before beginning to cut his way past the guards toward José. There was nothing else for him to say. José had harmed the one thing in life that Gajeel truly cared about. That would not set well.

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