A Forgotten Life

By Shinedownlover560

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Trunks and Rosamoona are back in the stunning second book in the Trip Through Time trilogy. Growing up is tou... More

Author's Note
Part I
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Four
Part II
Chapter Thirty Five

Chapter Thirty Three

139 3 1
By Shinedownlover560

Hey Pigeons ~

I really want to apologize that it's been soooooo long since I've updated. College is hectic at times, with project after project thrown at me, not to mention the fact that finding a job is incredibly hard when you don't have a car to go where people are actually hiring. This semester isn't looking to be any better since I have to take six classes so I can still be qualified for the grant the school offers for credits. With all that being said, updates will still come, though they will be super duper hella slow. Again, I am very sorry, as I'm sure a lot of you have probs stopped readying, but oh well. For those of you that have stuck it out, here's chapter 33 :3


"Goku Hokusai is my father."

I stared at the stranger - Xicor - in shock, unable to comprehend his words. That's not possible! Dad only has three kids, four if you include Aki. Besides, if he was right about Lila being his mother, it's definitely not true! Dad would NEVER cheat on Momma!

"You're lying!" Gohan says, taking a defensive step forward. I slowly turned to look at him. From the looks on Goten's and Aki's faces, it was clear that Gohan was the first one to recover.

Xicor laughed. "Do you think so?" His head tilted to the side, the stands of white hair shifting so they partially covered his grey eyes. "Do you know that for certain?" From behind Xicor, I could suddenly see a streak of white, the same color as his hair. A tail, just like the ones Aki and I had.

My eyes traveled up his body, taking in his muscular form. For a brief moment, our eyes met. A smirk was on his face.

Xicor looked back to Lila. "I assume these are the ones you were speaking of, Mother?"

Lila nodded. "Yes. These are the offspring off Goku. Except for that one." She pointed a slender finger at Aki. We all stiffened.

"How did you...?" Goten trails off, looking between the two. They both smirked.

"Now, I will ask this once more," Xicor starts, looking my family and I over with his grey eyes. "Where is Goku?"

"That's none of your concern," Aki says, eyes hard as she glared at Lila and Xicor. "Now, I suggest you leave before this gets ugly."

Xicor frowns, his tail flicking around behind him. An annoyed expression crosses his face. "I'm going to take that as he's not here. Hmph. He wasn't at Kame House or the Look Out tower either. I suppose that leaves Capsule Corp."

My eyes widened as his words sunk in. "You've been to Kame House and the Look Out?"

"Mmmm. The residents of both were useless, just as you lot are slowly proving to be."

"What did you do to them?" My hands tightened into fists. "I swear, if you harmed them in any way I'll-"

"Relax little sister. Nothing I did to them will be fatal." A smirk again worked its way onto Xicor's face as he watched our reactions.

"Why you-" Goten took a step forward, his ebony eyes dark as night. In my head, I saw the faces of 18, Krillin, Marron and Master Roshi at Kame House, and then everyone on the Look Out. We never once felt their Ki's rise or fall. What happened to them? Was Xicor telling the truth?

Xicor laughed, a wicked gleam in his eyes. "What's that, little brother?" He tilted his head for a second time. "You have something to say?"

"Enough!" Gohan says loudly. "I don't know who you think you are, but you're sure as hell not our brother. Now tell us why you're here and maybe we'll let you off easily."

Throwing his hands up in the air, Xicor half turned and looked at Lila. "Is everyone on this planet daft?" He turned back to face us. "I have already told you my intentions. I'm here for Goku, my father."

"Don't lose your temper my son." Lila walked around Xicor, coming to a stop in front of him. Her dark eyes - which seemed to linger on me longer than the others - scanned us as she continued. "Xicor is indeed the son of the saiyan Goku, making him your brother."

"That's a lie," Momma says, suddenly pushing her way passed my brothers, cousin and I. She stood face to face with Lila, her hands clenched tightly. She stood ramrod straight, her head held high.

"Goku may not always be around," Momma continues, "but I know for a fact he loves his family. That he loves me. He would never, ever, have an affair. Xicor his not his son."

Lila looked at Momma with mild interest, her hands on her hips. "You're right. Goku would never willingingly produce a child with anyone other than his mate." A sickening feeling settled in my stomach as the meaning of her words sunk in.

"Wait... Do you mean... Did you...?" Momma sputtered, caught off guard. She blinked, her body starting to shake, her face twisting in rage. "I swear, if that's true I will kill you!"

"Don't be ridiculous," Lila replies, a small smile playing across her face. "As a god of creation I know more than one way to create new life, most of which are far more effective and less... physical than the one you're all familiar with. All I needed from your precious saiyan was a bit of DNA, and viola. His son now stands before you."

"When the hell would you have gotten DNA from my dad?" I demanded. I looked between Lila and Xicor, my brain attempting to figure out exactly when he would have been born, based on his age.

"You're not as old as Gohan, that's for sure," Goten says, looking our so called brother over with steely eyes. "But you look older than Rosey and I... But, the years between when Gohan and Rosey were born were full of fight after fight. New adversaries kept arriving, and there was barely any break."

"And Gohan would have recognized you had you been someone they fought before," Aki adds, glaring at Lila.

"Ahhh, but there were some breaks, wasn't there?" Lila asks, ignoring Aki and addressing Goten's point.

Abruptly, Gohan gasped. "After Namek! That's the only time that makes sense!" He looked over at Momma, Aki, Goten and I before looking back at Lila and Xicor.

"After everyone was brought here to Earth from Namek, and we were using the Namekian dragonballs to wish everyone back, we asked Prounga to bring Dad back, but he said he couldn't. Prounga said that Dad was still alive and didn't want to be brought back to Earth. We didn't see him again until the day Trunks came back to warn us about the Androids. Dad said he had been on some far away planet learning a new technique. That's the only time I can think that makes sense. After that we were busy preparing for the Androids."

Xicor slow clapped, smirking at Gohan. "Right you are, brother!"

"Yardrat is the name of the planet," Lila begins. Thunder rolls in the distance, lighting flashing in the sky some odd miles away. The storm was getting closer. "Goku landed there in a space pod, badly injured and unconscious. The inhabitants of the planet took him in, slowly nursing him back to health. Once he was fully healed, the Yardratians held a grand feast for the saiyan. That's where I first met him. Well, long story short, I took some of his DNA, mixed it with my own, and created Xicor."

"But why?" I demanded. "What was the purpose of that?" Lila didn't answer, her eyes locking onto mine with a dark lust that sent a shiver down my spine. Whatever the reason for Xicor's creation, it sure as hell wasn't a good one.

"Back to the topic at hand," Xicor says, allowing me to break away from Lila's gaze to watch him. "I will give you all one last chance to tell me where Goku is. After that I will start to handle you in the same way I did with those at Kame House and the Look Out."

At those words, everyone around me tensed up. I shoved Momma behind me, the others doing the same until she was back at the front door of the house. I heard shifting around, and at first I thought she was fighting her way back up to the front until Videl appears next to me. She gets into a fighting stance, her blue eyes locked at the intruders in front of us.

'Trunks, something's happening,' I sent the lavender haired saiyan. I had to give him some warning in case we didn't stop Xicor.

'What. What is it?' he responded immediately, the tone of his mental voice concerned.

'Two people are here. One is a kai of some sort. The other... the other is her son. His name is Xicor. He's... He's my brother. They're looking for my dad. We're gonna fight them. They've already been to Kame House and the Look Out. If we don't stop them here, then they'll come after you, and then probably even Nate and Kansas.'

My telepathic connection with Trunks burst to life with thousands of unanswered questions from him. Sensing my urgency, he decided against asking any of them, instead saying very sternly, 'We're coming.'

Before I could protest to him, Trunks, Bulla, and Bulma all appeared in the space between us and Xicor and Lila. The Briefs' eyes widened as they took in the aliens standing across from them. Quickly, Bulma was pushed back so she was standing with Momma at the front of the house. She must have grabbed onto her son and daughter before they teleported here.

"Ahhh, well, it looks like I will be able to save myself a trip to Capsule Corp after this is finished," Xicor says with amusement, looking at Trunks and Bulla. Then, he frowned. "However, still no Goku." He sighed. "I had truly hoped it wouldn't come to this, brothers and sister. But now you leave me no choice."

Xicor's grey eyes zeroed in on Videl and suddenly she wasn't standing next to me anymore. Instead, she was flying thirty feet in the air, a surprised scream escaping her lips. My eyes widened, my hands clenching tightly.

"Wha-what are you doing to her?!" Gohan demanded, his eyes never leaving his wife. "Let her go now!"

"Do any of you have telekinesis?" Xicor asked, ignoring Gohan entirely. He looked at us, his head slightly tilted as if he were genuinely interesting in our replies. When none of us answered, he smirked widely.

"Well, that must be something that sets me apart from you. Something that makes me more godly."

"We've seen a saiyan god," Bulla cut in, trying to keep up the bravado she had come here with. "And you are definitely not one."

Xicor slowly gave her a shark like smile. "Let's agree to disagree, shall we?"

In one swift motion, Xicor had raised his hand, his fingers curling slightly. A large, swirling mass of dark ki formed in seconds. Looking over at us, Xicor let it loose. It was hurtling right at Videl.

"NO!" Gohan cried loudly, lurching forward, but it was too late. The death ball moved faster than my brother could, swallowing up my sister-in-law before he could get to her. In a flash of light, Videl was dead, falling to the ground. I watch, horrified, as Gohan ran over to her, clutching her limp body, his shoulders shaking. No, not just his shoulders, but his entire being.

"Let her serve as a warning," Xicor says. "That will be your fates if you don't give in now."

Lila, who had been staring at us the entire time, looked over at her son. Their eyes met and Xicor nodded curtly, something unsaid passing between them. Her eyes once again return to us.

With another roll of thunder, the skies had opened up. Even though it couldn't have been long since we heard the first peal of thunder, with everything that has happened, I had completely forgotten about the storm. Cold, stinging rain pelted my body, quickly drenching me and my loved ones. Xicor and Lila stood as if the rain meant nothing to them.

"You're going to pay for that," Aki says darkly. She powered up, her brown hair turning golden, her aura adding to the winds from the storm. Goten and Bulla were next to go Super, followed quickly by Trunks and I. I swear I saw some dark light appear in Lila's eyes as she looked from me to her son and back, a grin she was failing at hiding spreading across her face.

Finally, Gohan stood up, turning from Videl's body. Angry tears ran down his face, his ebony eyes shifting to teal and his hair from black to gold, like the rest of us. We weren't wasting any time with this battle.

Xicor and Lila were going to die.

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