Little Legends (Akatsuki no Y...

By L_A_Studios

96.5K 3.7K 495

(Book 1: Little Dragon Warriors) Yona had finally assembled all of the Dragon Warrior Descendants, though wha... More

Information (Before you read)
Legend 1: Recovery
Legend 2: The Kindess of Yoon
Ch.3: Rise of the Bandits (Prt.1)
Ch.4: Rise of the Bandits (Prt.2)
Ch.5: Actions Speak Louder than Words
Legend 6: Behind the Mask (Prt.1)
Legend 7: Behind the Mask (Prt.2)
Legend 8: I'd Rather Sleep in a Tree
I aint even mad
Legend 9: Yoon and the Villagers
Legend 10: The Broken Lord Arrives
Legend 11: The Lord Goes Undercover
Legend 12: Putting an End to the War
Legend 13: An Order
Ch.14: I Knew You'd Come
Ch.15: A Great Leader (Prt.1)
Ch.16: A Great Leader (Prt.2)
Ch.17: The Return
Clan Info
Ch.19: The Elder Story
Ch.20: Not So Strong
Ch.21: Back to Business
Ch.22: The Kai Empire
Ch.23: I'm Gonna Kill Yoon
Ch.24: Fire Festival
Ch.25: Beginning of War
Ch.26: At Daybreak

Ch.18: The Gin Dragon Clan

2.5K 101 9
By L_A_Studios

-Next Day-
"Right through here, and stay quiet." Y/N ordered the group.
As the males and Yona nodded, or just stared at her with a blank expression, Y/N huffed and walked through the opening between two boulders.
Following her was Akio, then Zeno, Yona, and eventually the rest. What the group saw surprised them.
It was a large clearing covered by the shadows of the green canopy the trees created, sunlight only peeking out in a couple of places. In the middle of the clearing was a water fountain with a marble white statue of a beautiful woman holding a sword (pic above). Surrounding the outskirts of the clearing, there were hidden homes made out of the trunks of the trees, and large rocks.
"What kind of place is this?!" Kija asked in complete awe.
"Kija! Don't let anyone hear you!" Y/N whisper-shouted. The group suddenly tensed as they heard a voice from behind them.
"Now then, my ears must be the next thing to go. I swore I just heard my little N/N." The voice chuckled.
"Keiji-oji." A smile crossed Y/N's lips as she watched the older man who hobbled out of the rock made hut that was near the rock entrance they had come through. She immediately wrapped her arms around him and buried her face into his chest, while her uncle laughed.
"Keiji-San?!" Yona and Hak shouted in surprise at the sight of the man who had traded with the kings staff for as long as they could remember.
"Eh? You know this man?" Kija blinked in confusion.
"Yona-hime, Hak-kun, Yoon, you three have grown since I last saw you." Keiji grinned. "Though, I don't think I've met you three before." The old man then stared at Kija, Shin-ah, and Jaeha through narrowed eyes.
"Keiji-oji, these are the other dragon warriors. Kija, the white dragon. Shin-ah, the blue dragon. Jaeha the green dragon. And-" Akio began to introduce the four, before getting cut off from his uncle.
"Zeno, the yellow dragon. I know who he is." Keiji nodded approvingly while Zeno beamed and waved cheerfully.
"Uncle, we need your help with something." Y/N spoke up, placing her hands on his forearm.
"You wouldn't be here if that wasn't true. Come inside, you all must be tired from your journey." Keiji ushered the group inside the stone building he had appeared from with a swish of his cane and hobbled back into it. Y/N, Akio, and Zeno immediately following, while the others looked concerned and hesitant.
"It's really quiet in the village. Compared to the white and even the blue dragons." Yona observed as Keiji grabbed a few glasses and a tea kettle.
"The women have taken the children to the river to clean clothes, as well as cleanse the newborns." Keiji chuckled, letting Y/N take the kettle from him and she poured the steaming liquid into the cups.
"And the men?" Jaeha, curiously, asked.
"Men do not stay long in this clan." Y/N spoke up, voice slightly bitter. "They either are out trading goods like Akio and I, or the other few who survive through Winter go to the tribes. Only to come home during Spring to see their children or to take on a wife." She explained, handing a glass to Yona.
"Now N/N, you make our customs sound so horrid." Keiji scolded, laughing afterward. "The men in our clan do what they can to help the rest survive. Some trade, as Y/N said, and others who are lucky enough to have (H/C) like N/N go to get jobs in town. Most pretending to be blind in order to explain the eye color." Keiji explained to the group.
"So they often don't get high-paying jobs." Hak noted.
"Unfortunately not." Keiji shook his head solemnly.
"Do the women here also go to get jobs and trade? Like Y/N?" Yoon asked Keiji.
"Most of the women here are your everyday house wives." Akio covered his mouth as he yawned, looking bored about the current conversation. "Their skin is too fragile to withstand the villages bustle, or work in the sun longer than one day out of three weeks. And most have faint hearts that don't last long if they stray too far from the clan." He stated.
"Our gentle little N/N is tough though, has been since she was this big." Keiji held up his two hands to represent how tall Y/N was when she was a lot younger. "Her and Ki-Ki had the cutest little butts too-"
"Keiji-oji!" Y/N and Akio shouted in sync, both flushing a faint pink in embarassement.
Keiji snickered, much to the amusement of the others. "I'll tell more stories later." He winked at the group, while Akio and Y/N groaned.
"Uncle, we're not here for a family reunion." Akio stated, rubbing his temples. "We had to ask you about a plant. One that can possibly survive the harshness of the Fire Tribe environment?"
"There's a couple of villages there we want to help." Yona piped up. "But the soil isn't fertile at all, and they're desperately poor with taxes way over do." She explained.
Keiji closed his silver colored eyes and stroked at his silver colored beard. He then sighed and shook his head. "I'm afraid any plant like that had left about a week ago." The man then turned to Akio and Y/N. "Levi took it, but I know he only trades with the Water Tribe. By the time you catch up, the plant will probably be sold already." He told the two.
Akio whined in exhaustion, along with the others, while Y/N scoffed.
"Is there any place we can get a plant like it somewhere else?" Y/N asked her uncle.
"The Kai Empire. I can circle some villages on a map for you." Keiji offered.
"That would be very helpful!" Yoon exclaimed excitedly, his blue eyes seeming to sparkle as their visit seemed to not be a complete waste.
Before anything else could be said, the group heard the excited voices of women and the laughter of little kids.
"Elder Keiji, come see what Dae's children caught!" A woman, the age of Y/N and Akio, peeked her head in. "My word, it's The L/N twins!" The woman's smile only seemed to widen as she skipped inside.
"Nagi, it's so great to see you." Akio smiled, accepting the hug that the female thrusted upon him.
"Nagisa." Y/N nodded at the silver haired female.
"As formal as ever, aren't you?" The female, Nagisa, grinned as she rolled her silver eyes. "And you brought guests? Ah, so pretty!" Nagisa suddenly appeared by Yona's side, playing with her red hair.
"T-thank you?" Yona blushed in embarrassment, not knowing what else to do and not wanting to seem rude to the overecstatic female.
"But why so short? People could mistake you for a boy you know!" Nagisa pouted.
"I think it's growing out nicely." Y/N bluntly stated, smacking Nagisa's hands away from Yona's hair, much to the surprise of the bunch.
The room was suddenly coated into a thick silence as the group watched, a bit awkwardly as the two females glared at one another.
"You said something about Dae's kids?" Keiji immediately cut in, breaking the tension as soon as he spoke.
"Oh, yes! Come see! You guys can come too!" Smiling at the others with a flutter of her pale eyelashes, Nagisa practically skipped out of the small room. Followed by everyone except Y/N and Jaeha.
"You hate her!" Jaeha bursted into laughter as Y/N cleaned up the empty and half empty cups that had been left out.
"Hate is a strong word, Jaeha." Y/N simply replied in her monotonous tone, which was laced with a bit of a harsh edge. "Though a strong dislike is defiantly how I feel towards her."
"Now I'm curious to know what she did~" Jaeha hummed in amusement.
"She's the complete opposite of me, that is all." Y/N said, putting the cups into a tub of water.
"But isn't Akio your complete opposite?" Jaeha asked, looking confused.
"That's offensive." Y/N, void of any emotion, stated as she stared at Jaeha. Sighing, Y/N sat on the floor next to him. "She pretends. She pretends being always happy, she pretends that she's this nice innocent girl, she pretends that she is always the victim when she doesn't get her way. I do not. I might hide how I'm truly feeling, but at least I don't pretend to be something I'm not." She explained.
Jaeha stared at Y/N in amusement. "There is most defiantly a dragon in that little body of yours." He stated.
"What does that mean?" Y/N raised an eyebrow as she glared at him.
"It means you're strong. Especially since you had to deal with a girl like that." Jaeha casually replied.
"It is not the only thing I had to deal with." Y/N stated, causing him to frown and look at her with a concerned expression.
The green haired male then shook his head, stood up and smirked, holding his hand out to her. "Now come along Rini-chan." Jaeha winked.
Y/N rolled her eyes, but couldn't help the smile that twitched onto her lips nor the pink that dusted her cheeks. "Baka, Jaeha." She muttered, accepting his hand as he helped her off the ground. "By the way, you can't flirt with any of the girls here. Just looking at your wrinkly face might give them a heartattack." She stated, walking out and smirking as she heard Jaeha whining about not having wrinkles.
The two eventually got to where a crowd had gathered around two little boys and a girl. All three with silver hair, and each holding up a pair of different sized fish. The kids themselves looked no older than 6-10.
"Look at those, they're almost bigger than Oyato." Y/N's voice talked over that of the excited crowd, voice monotone once more, with her hands on her hips.
"Y/N-nee!" The three exclaimed in excitement, rushing through the crowd to the (H/C) while carrying their prizes.
Picking up the little girl, who seemed to be the youngest, Y/N placed her on her hip, and used her free hand to ruffle the boys hair.
"Did you and Akio-nii bring us treats?!" The oldest boy, at 10-years-old, grinned deviously. His eyes matched Akio's (E/C) ones.
"Look what I caught! My fish is bigger than Katsu's and Sakura's!" The other boy, about 7-years-old, grinned widely. Showing he was missing his two front teeth as he did so. His eyes were the same color as his sisters.
"Nu-uh." The girl, at 5-years-old, stuck her tongue out at the boy.
"Y/N." Glancing at her group of new friends, the (H/C) ignored the judgemental looks from the women of the clan.
"Guys, these are Akio's and my younger siblings." Y/N said. "This is L/N Katsume." She placed one hand on the boy with (E/C) eyes, who sent a smirk at the group. "L/N Taiga." She moved the same hand to the other boy, who instinctively hid behind Y/N in embarassement. "And L/N Sakura." Y/N introduced, putting the girl onto the ground only for her to cling to Y/N's cloak.
"There's more of you two?" Hak deadpanned.
"What's that supposed to mean?!" Y/N and Katsume snapped.
"Y/N?" The groups attention was sent to a woman who looked like an older version of Sakura. Akio was walking beside her, holding a 2-year-old boy with brown hair and emerald green eyes.
"Liza-San." Y/N wryly smiled. "Guys, this is my stepmother, and the mother of these little devils." She told the group.
"It's an honor to meet the Red Dragon and companions. I know the children would love to hear of your adventures." Liza stated, expression the same as Nagisa's. A fake plastered smile, though it was a lot more obvious coming from her.
"We're actually not staying long, Liza." Akio smiled apologetically, handing the baby boy to Y/N, who was now raising him up and down while making bubble noises, causing the baby to gurgle in delight and try pulling at her (H/L) (H/C) strands.
"Is that so?" Liza pouted, eyeing Zeno as he too tried getting the baby to laugh.
"Then you won't be here to eat our fish?" Taiga pouted, reflecting his mother.
"One night wouldn't hurt, right? It's almost dark out anyways." Kija piped up, not wanting to disappoint Gin dragons family members.
"It's not like we're in any rush." Jaeha agreed.
"I guess just tonight is fine. But no big parties, Liza-San." Y/N warned.
"Of course not!" Liza giggled, waving her hands back and forth.

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