
By MISThomas

1.8K 42 1

Modernated fiction involving slayers and vampires (of a different kind to those of familiarity), and the trou... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Five

176 4 1
By MISThomas

Chapter Five

   All the way from the river to his, we walked in silence. There was still confusion in my head and no matter how much thought I put into it, it just didn’t make sense.

   ‘So what can we do?’ Jake asked as we walked up his drive.

   ‘What do you usually do on a Saturday?’

   ‘Nothing much. Homework, computer, friends,’ he listed. ‘Boring,’ he added.

   ‘How about a film?’ I asked as we reached the door.

   ‘We’ll see. Mum’s home, so...’ I knew exactly what he meant. ‘Mum, I’m back!’

   ‘You weren’t out long,’ came a soft, warming voice from the kitchen. Jake bobbed his head towards her and I followed him through.

   ‘No, we got bored,’ he said as we walked through the doorway.

   ‘We?’ she asked.

   ‘Mum, this is Tiffany,’ he introduced me to her. Considering how old she must be, Jake’s mum didn’t look older than about thirty. She reminded me of Tracy. Lively, yet very caring. Unfortunately for me, my ability kicked back in as I saw her face. Her brown eyes sparked with an inner flame; something I hadn’t seen in a while.

   ‘Hello, Tiffany. What do you mean by ‘you got bored’, Jake?’

   ‘We had nothing to do,’ he replied. I kept my eyes on her.

   ‘Nothing to do outside,’ she taunted.

   ‘Mum. That’s not what I meant,’ Jake retaliated. I pressed my lips together and blushed.

   ‘Hmm... You watch him, Tiffany,’ she said. ‘He can be very charming when he puts his mind to it.’ That made me blush some more.

   ‘Mum, please.’

   ‘Nice to meet you, Tiffany.’

   ‘You too.’

   ‘Come on,’ Jake said to me as he took my hand and pulled me out the kitchen. ‘Sorry about that.’

   ‘Charming isn’t the word I would use,’ I teased with a grin.

   ‘Hey, it isn’t funny.’

   ‘It is for me.’ I grinned again.

   ‘Yeah, yeah. Upstairs?’ He began climbing up the stairs but, again, my mind wondered away. I looked up as innocently as I could. He held out his hand but I just walked up past him, keeping my eyes on him.

   ‘Which room’s yours?’ I asked quietly. He took my hand and took me up to the top floor.

   ‘This one,’ he said as he pushed open a door. I peeked around the frame and looked inside. Like all the other rooms, it was big. Also, he seemed to have a lot of furniture. He walked past me and sat on the small sofa under the high window. There was a double bed and a large stand-up cabinet. A wardrobe stood on my left and, next to it, a television stand, not to mention the hi-fi system.

   ‘Wow. This is all ours?’

   ‘Yep.’ He was stretched out on the sofa. I went over to the cabinet, only to find out that he owned a lot of films and video games. ‘Here, I’ll give you game.’ He came up behind me and picked one out. Then he set up the TV and his X-Box and then sat on the end of his bed. As he was a boy, it was a racing game. It was a good thing I wasn’t a girly girl. I sat beside him and he handed me the second controller and, for the next couple of hours, we sat racing cars.

   ‘Cheat,’ I teased.

   ‘That wasn’t cheating,’ he replied as he switched off the TV.

   ‘Yes, it was...’

   ‘Admit it; I’m just better than you.’ I folded my arms. I lost my balance slightly when he jumped onto the bed so he ended up lying on his back. Then he surprised me by pulling me backwards so I lay beside him. And then, for no reason, we burst out laughing. When I had calmed down, I turned onto my side to face him better. The strange, strong instinct inside me started to squirm again, but I couldn’t care less when Jake leaned closer with his head. This time I leaned closer to him as well. I couldn’t think of anything else but the way it felt to kiss him; that and concentrating on locking away the struggle deep within me. My hands rose up to around his neck and I felt his hand slide up my side. Oddly though, I could actually feel his skin against mine. And, on realising he had moved my top up my body, I pulled away.

   ‘Jake, please don’t,’ I told him reasonably.

   ‘Alright, I’m sorry,’ he said as he pulled my top back to its previous length.

   ‘Thanks.’ I looked into his eyes before I kissed him again. This time his hand moved around my back and rested on my spine. He shuffled his whole body closer so I felt his chest against mine.

   Sometime later (I wasn’t bothered about the time or keeping track of it), we were sat on the sofa in the lounge, downstairs. Only because Dilan (Dil) had come home and we didn’t want a replay of Friday afternoon (well, Jake didn’t want a replay). We were sat on either end with Dil in the middle. Actually, it was Dil who chose to sit between us rather than Jake or me suggesting it.

   It was raining outside, so (for an excuse) I said that I should head home. While Jake went to get his coat, I was left was Dil.

   ‘What were you doing upstairs before?’ he asked, but I wasn’t going to fall for his tricks.

   ‘None of your business,’ I replied in a low whisper with narrowed eyes. I didn’t dislike Dil; he only got annoying when he constantly assumed things between Jake and me.

   ‘Oooh, you mean...’ he began but was interrupted when Jake called me from the hall. I got up and Dil mimed a few kisses; in return, I stuck out my tongue and walked out.

   As I hadn’t brought my coat, I had to borrow a hooded jacket off Jake. After putting it on (a size or two too big), we set off to mine.

   ‘You know, I think all this walking around is making me lose weight,’ he assumed as we neared the end of his road. ‘Are you cold?’ he asked.

   ‘A little,’ I replied, knowing what was coming.

   ‘Need your radiator then?’

   ‘Please, but I think I’m getting used to the cold here.’

   ‘Aww, you won’t be needing me for long then.’

   ‘Not as my radiator, but...’ I hesitated.

   ‘But...?’ he probed.

   ‘But nothing.’

   ‘No, come on... What were you going to say?’ I could see he wasn’t going to take ‘no’ for an answer.

   ‘Do I have to?’ He just nodded. Instead of saying it aloud, I whispered it in his ear.

   ‘Why is that embarrassing?’ he asked as I blushed in the cold air. I remained quiet. ‘Oh, come here.’ He pulled me sideways by the waist.


   ‘What?’ He smiled softly.

   ‘Not out in the open.’

   ‘Oh, I thought you meant not at all.’ I smiled back and rolled my eyes.

   ‘Are you going to stay round for a bit today?’

   ‘Why not?’

   We carried on walking. My road was quiet as usual; what the kids round here got up to was a mystery to me. My drive was empty but for one car. It wasn’t Tracy’s and my dad was away for most of the day.

   ‘Oh no!’ I gasped as something clicked inside my mind. I stopped dead on the pavement.

   ‘What is it?’ Jake asked, worried, beside me.

   ‘Um,’ I gulped. ‘I’m sorry but you’ll have to go.’

   ‘Why? Before you wanted me to stay.’

   ‘It’s not that I don’t want you at mine. I’ve got an... unwanted visitor.’

   ‘And that stops me from staying?’

   ‘Look, I can’t explain. Please, may be soon you’ll get a chance. It just turned out you can’t today.’

   ‘But...’ He stopped at seeing my pleading face.

   ‘I’ve got to go. Bye. I’m sorry.’ With that, I ran the rest of the street and finding my keys (not that I needed them). The front door was ajar and I had no choice but to see what on earth was going on. Before I had even closed the door, I heard his voice.

   ‘Ah, Tiffany, about time.’

   ‘Andrew,’ I said as he walked out of the lounge door. I bared my teeth. He kept his expression relaxed. ‘What are you doing here?’

   ‘Now, now, Tiffany. Don’t try to resist anymore.’ As he spoke, his two companions came out of the room behind him.

   ‘Don’t think I won’t,’ I sneered. Before I knew it, they were right next to me (on either side) though I was still watching Andrew.

   ‘Not this time. You’ve left it too long.’ By now I had calmed down inside and my body had relaxed.

   ‘Andrew, let her reason it out for herself,’ came another voice from the lounge.

   ‘But she’ll just keep trying to resist if we let that happen.’

   ‘Tiffany, Timandra.’ On hearing my real name, a shiver released from inside me. My eyes widened and my mouth hung open. ‘I think it best if you come with us.’ The owner walked out behind Andrew.

   ‘You!’ I shouted. ‘Why? I don’t want to; I don’t need your help. Just leave me alone!’

   ‘No, you do need us, but only as help. It’s essential that you learn now. It may already be late but not too late. There is still time.’

   I was only half-listening. My real name had brought out my locked away abilities. These eyes burned fiery red, a glow found deep within my kind. I shook my head and brought myself back to reality.

   ‘Fine, I’ll come, but when I decide to leave, let me,’ I said with my authority.

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