oreo // lashton [hebrew]

By mikeynia

46.9K 4.6K 2K

;; סיפור גמור ;; רוצה אוראו? מי ידע שמשפט אחד בלבד יוכל לשנות חייו של אדם כל כך הרבה? ⋆⋆⋆ דירוג הכי גבו... More

Extended Description.
Prologue || Oreo.
a decade under the influence. //1
behind these hazel eyes. //2
let's cheer to this.//3
unpredictable.// 4
how far we've come. // 6
hell above. // 7
there for you. // 8
i don't love you. // 9
beautiful. // 10
i miss you. // 11
flawless. // 12
welcome to my life. // 13
perfect. // 14
human.// 15
dust to dust. // 16
weightless. / 17
how to save a life. // 18
not afraid. // 19
half a heart. // 20
fall for you. // 21
two is better than one. // 22
amnesia. // 23
don't let me go. // 24
skin and bones. // 25
happy little pill. // 26
always. // 27
devil may cry. // 28
remember me. // 29
last hope. // 30
all the way. // 31
save rock and roll. // 32
tonight you're perfect. // 33
the end. // 34
last words

kiss me. // 5

1.3K 130 30
By mikeynia

  Kiss me like you wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
This feels like falling in love
Falling in love
We're falling in love
Settle down with me
And I'll be your safety

Kiss Me- Ed Sheeran


נקודת מבט אשטון

לוק נישק אותי. ואני נישקתי אותו בחזרה.


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