Sword Art Online: Legend (Edi...

Από Thomas_Yates

843 34 45

Sword Art Online. The most critically acclaimed evolution to gaming since Pong. Purchase yourself and NerveGe... Περισσότερα

New and Improved!
Just a quick word before we start
The First Morning
Thirty Days In
The Fortieth Day
The Kobold
The Memory
Names (OOS)
Day 42
The Setup (Guresu)
The Dinner
The Morning After
Floor Thirteen
Klein's House
The Legends of SAO
The Second Year
The Meeting
The Four
The Siege
The End

The Retreat

24 1 3
Από Thomas_Yates

  "Gooooooood Morning Wek!" Lisbeth stretches, adjusting her chest piece with a tired grin as she stretches her legs between steps. I turn back, chuckling at her high-spirited attitude so shortly after waking up.

  "Good morning, Liz." I respond with a genuine smirk, lazily swiping my hand downward through the air in front of me. My menu appears before me as expected, and I click the Inventory icon, expanding it to a full window and scanning it with my eyes for a certain item. "Here," I say, finally finding it, before sending her the D class Apple that I had sitting around. I figured someone should eat it eventually- otherwise it'll just rot out and disappear from my inventory.

  "Thanks," She replies, that goofy grin still plastered across her face as she bites into it.

  "You going to be ready to head out, soon?" I ask, watching my companion as she munches away at the fruit programmed to satisfy our cravings. She begins to respond, before coughing, then figuring it a good idea to swallow. She coughs a few more times, nodding between hacks with a cute grin and tearing eyes. I chortle, patting my hand against her back a few times to help her stop coughing. Lisbeth burps, and it seems like she's finally done. So, with that, we begin to walk along, keeping careful watch for minions that could be lurking around any corner.

  "Wekekeqa?" Lisbeth asks, breaking the silence that has been treading between us for a quarter of an hour or so.

  "Yeah?" I ask, turning my head halfway toward her for a moment to acknowledge that she spoke, then gazing back to the fields around us. My hand remains sitting atop the handle of my spear, which is sheathed at my hip.

  "Would it be okay for me to ask you a few things?" She inquires, her hands swinging thoughtlessly at her sides.

  "What kind of things?" I rebuttal, remaining as on guard as I can be throughout the conversation thus far. The game's preprogrammed weather allows a chilled breeze to flow between us, standing the hairs on my body straight outward.

  "Kind of... I don't know... Personal things, I guess?" She struggles to describe her question without blatantly asking me, slowly twirling around every so often to take a look at the new scenery. I take a few moments to think about my response, pondering what kind of information I'd be willing to give this practically stranger, before giving her a friendly nod and grin as a sign of approval.

  "Sure... Why not? We have a bit of a long hike ahead, so... Ask away." I elbow her shoulder gently, shoving her just enough to get a laugh from her.

"What's... What's your real name?" Liz slowly gets her first question out, unintentionally causing me immediately stop. She looks toward me surprisedly for a moment, then shaking a lot. "Oh- Oh! I'm so so sorry that was j-"

  "No... No, no it's perfectly fine, I just-" I stop myself, still standing in the same place I had halted just a moment ago, before shaking my head. "It's nothing."

  "What is it?" Lisbeth asks, piercing my oculars with her deep, chocolate brown eyes. I look into them, getting lost for a few moments as time seems to drag around us. Her silky brown hair reflects the light somewhat as I slightly open my mouth to speak.

  "I- Well- Nobody's really asked me that before, I guess. Not since... Before, I mean." I finally stammer out a response- though, it may not be the answer to her original question, it handles the latest inquiry.

  "Right... Well, I mean, from what I've heard? You've also separated yourself from everyone." She points her finger lazily off to the side, smiling as her joking posture attempts to comfort me.

  "That's true enough- I suppose you have a point there." I reply, chuckling. We recommence our hike, walking along in silence for a little while, before Liz pipes up again.

  "What's your thoughts on pink hair?" She asks, squinting her eyes and half turning her head toward me.

  "What?" I question, arching one eyebrow and furrowing the other as I'm clearly taken aback that she'd ask me something so random.

  "Well, I just figured that- I mean, y'know, Girl to girl, maybe I could ask you advice? I'm thinking about getting a pink dye for my avatar, y'know?" She stammers, struggling to figure out her wording.

  "Oh, erm... Well, uh... I don't- I... It'd look good, on you, probably- I imagine." I smile skyly, the response barely even audible for the most part- but in truth, my words are crestfallen.

  "Thanks!" She smiles wholeheartedly, a new pep in her step. I force a bit of a grin, turning my attention back to the walk.

  Our hike continues for roughly a half hour or so, before my ears just barely pick up on the rustling sound of something rough against rock. Lisbeth suddenly screams, and I unsheathe my Guilty Thorn. Frantically, I glance around, and see her scrambling backwards on the ground, with her mace just behind a small skeleton that was blocking her. Three bright, red scratches appear to cut across her chest piece. Something sparks inside me, and I dash forward, kicking the mace towards Liz while tossing my spear at the skeleton. Magically, the ribcage floats apart, allowing the Guilty Thorn to fly through it without damaging them. I then unsheathe my Karakurenai, and hold it straight out in my grasp, and leap into the air, twirling. The Skeleton holds up it's shield, and I pierce through it with my sword, hitting the skeleton in the cranium. It then pixelizes, and I breathe heavily as Lisbeth approaches me.

"Thank you, so... So much." She thanks, rubbing my shoulder as she kneels beside me.

"Are.." I breathe, "you okay?" I ask. She smiles warmly at me, and nods.

"Thank you, Wekekeqa."

"Itami.." I whisper, and she looks at me oddly.
"I'm sorry, I know I put you through-"

"No, my name.. My name is Itami." I reply, and force myself to my feet.

"Oh!" She exclaims.

"It's ok, most people react like this." I smirk, and scratch the back of my head. "But, everything's good now!" I exclaim, throwing out my index and middle fingers in a peace sign. She smirks back, and we begin walking again.

"Looks like the teleport beacon is just a half hour out by walking." Lisbeth points out.

"How much do you weigh?" I ask.

"Excuse me?" She asks, offended.

"You look light, you should be easy to carry." I say, and as she begins to say something, I sweep her off her feet (literally) and set her on my back, then once she's adjusted, I sprint off. My speed skill is really high, and my strength is decent, but once I get to a certain level, I'll start having lesser amounts of EXP earned, due to my Alpha experience. It's supposed to make it so I can't beat the game super early and unfairly before everyone else, that was also in the GM's DM. That's alliterate kinda, right?


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