He's My Teacher. (A August Al...

By ThatGirlShae1

221K 5.5K 326

This book is about girl name Hazel Skyller Harris. Hazel is 18 and a Senior at Westbrook High School. Haz... More

Hazel's Introduction.!
August Introduction.!
First Day. We Meet.!
Time For Detention.!
Next Day.!
Author's Note.!
He's Coming Over.!
Next Day.!
We're Going On A Date.!
Author's Note.!
Next Day.!
Their Talk.!
Author's Note.!
Next Day.!
Next Day.!
Next Day.!
Chilling With August.!
5 Months Later.!
I Need To Know.! Not A Chapter.!
Mature Audience.!
Next Day.!
Why Did I Ever Trust You.!
Next Day.!
Next Day.!
Later That Night.!
Time For Prom.!
You Want To Break Up.!
4 Years Later.!
Just Seen A Ghost.!
Next Day.!
1 Month Later.!
1 Week Later.!
We've Missed You So Much.!
The Family Dinner.!
Authors Note.!
The Wedding.!!
Sorry guys.!
Just Letting Y'all Know.!
The New Story Is Up.!

Two Days Later.!

4.2K 137 4
By ThatGirlShae1

"  Mommy wake up, Uncle Domo here with Auntie Imogen " Paris said shaking me.  " Paris get off me I'll be down in a moment, " I said laughing.  "Okay, mommy " Paris said running downstairs.  I got up and put on some clothes and went downstairs.  " Hey baby " I said hugging Imogen.  " Hey " Domo and Imogen said unease.  " What's wrong " I asked.  " Sky you need to get August to stay with you for a while.  I'm not saying Y'all have to be together again but you need a man here " Domo said looking me in my eyes.  " Why do I need a man here me and Paris been fine here by ourselves for this long " I said confused.  " Sky he's out " Domo said looking at me.  I knew exactly who he was talking about when he said it and I must admit I froze.  

No this can't be happening my life is just starting to pick up.  I have a daughter.  I can't be playing around and I can't be putting her life in danger why is my life so messed up.  " I'm not having August in my house I'll be fine " I said.  " Sis you need him please " Imogen said.  " No I don't need nothing from August " I said.  " Dammit Skyller its not about what he did to you.  I know he hurt you and I know you're still hurt but for God sakes think of you and my nieces safety.  I can't protect you and Imogen at the same time.  Plus we don't live out here.  Grow up dang Its not about you.  You need someone and that person is August.  Isn't you and your daughters safety more important than your feelings " Domo yelled.  " Get out of my house " I said mad.  " You know what I will but its your funeral " Domo said leaving out with Imogen.  

" Yeah that's something to say to your sister " I say slamming the door.  " Mommy " Paris said coming down said. " Yes " I said walking to her.  " Here " Paris said handing me her phone.  I read a message from a unknown message.  " Tell your mom that I'm out and when I find her this time she either gives me what I want or die.   I'll see you guys soon every soon "  The message read.  " Paris who have you been giving your number to " I asked.  " It's a texting app mommy.  I don't have a number its my username.  Paris Is The Greatest.  Mommy are we in trouble " Paris said.  " No baby girl but I know that I have to listen to your uncle now.  Go get dressed we are going to spend the night at daddy's house " I said going into my room.  I got me some clothes and shoes and did the same for Paris.  I packed our sell goods and stuff then we got in my car and drove to Chris house since I knew he was there.  We pulled up and we got out while I left our clothes in the car.   We walked to the door and knocked on the door.  Chris opened the door.  " Hey Y'all " Chris said hugging us, letting us in.  " Why you here " Chris said smiling.  

" Is August here " I asked.  " Yeah he upstairs in the shower " Chris said.  " Go play with royalty baby girl " I said to Paris.  She ran to Royalty's room and I went upstairs sneaking into the bathroom with August.  He was taking all day but finally he cut off the water and grabbed his towel.  I was sitting on the counter.  The shower opened and August had the towel wrapped around is waist.  " Yo wtf how did you get in here you scared tf outta me " August yelled.  " I need to talk to you " I said.  " Well can I get dressed " August said.  I walked out and went to the guest room.  After 5 minutes August came in.  "wassup " August said sitting  next to me.  " I need your help " I said looking down.  " With what ma " August said.  " Devin " I stuttered.  " He's out " August asked looking at me.  " Yes and he texted Paris phone " I said.  

I gave him Paris phone showing him the message.  " I will protect you and her with my life.  I promise that " August said grabbing my face to make me look at him.  " I'm scared August " I said with a tear slipping out.  August hands started to rub my face.  I shivered at his touch.  " I wont let him hurt y'all " August said.   " Okay " I said low. " Paris is mine.  Isn't she " August said.  " Yes " I said looking up at him.  " Why am I just now finding out about it though.  That's my child.  Your brother still talked to me and you couldn't even tell him to tell me.  I wanted a family " August said gripping my arm.  " You wanted a family but you left me.  You said no to a family when you ended it that night " I said looking at him.  " Are you stupid I left you not my baby I missed 5 years of her life " August said gripping my arm tighter.  

" August let me go you're hurting me " I semi yell.  " No tell me why you took my child from me, " August said gripping my neck tight.  " August I can't breathe please stop, " I said losing breathe.  "  How do you think I feel without you breathless and then you kept the fact I had a fucking daughter away from me, " August said yelling in my face.  " I can't breathe August let me go now, " I said kicking him in his nuts.  August let me go and I started coughing hard trying to catch my breath.  " Why would you do that " August said holding on to his area.  

" I couldn't breathe.  You were choking me.  I didn't tell you because your career was just taking off.  I didn't think you would even want her " I said scared.  " I wouldn't have just wanted her.  I wanted both of y'all.  I'm sorry I left but I need you and I want you back please let's work this out.  Let's start over.  I love you and I know for a fact you still love me " August said.  " I don't know.  You can't just come back and expect me to say yes to you want me back " I said.  " I'll work for it until I can have you back, " August said.  " Go meet your daughter, " I said.  With that August walked out and I sat there.

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