The Wish

By cheddarpenguin98

132K 3.5K 1K

Lauren Jauregui has had a huge crush on Camila Cabello pretty much ever since she laid her eyes on the Cuban... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13

Chapter 12

6.1K 196 34
By cheddarpenguin98

Hey guys! I hope y'all enjoyed the last chapter! Thank you for all the comments and votes on the story so far, y'all are awesome! So on with chapter 12!

Lauren's POV
"What did you have to tell me?" Camila looks at me confused. Might as well just go for it.

"I'm Lauren." I looked up to see her reaction. She started laughing a little.

"What did you really have to tell me?" When she sees my face she stops laughing. "Okay, you're being serious about this."

"I know you probably don't believe me", she nods at this, "but I am Lauren Jauregui."

"But Lauren's a girl that's at least 8 inches shorter than you, has wavy black hair that's dyed, has eyes that are unreal, and I've never seen her with a tattoo on her neck." She takes a second and realizes what she just said. "Not that I stare at her or anything." She mumbles out while blushing lightly. Ally nods beside her mouthing "She does." Camila turns to her to give a quick glare.

"That's me and the reason you never see my tattoo is because I always leave my hair down in school." I shrug as she squint her eyes at me.

"Could be a coincidence." I almost laugh at the adorable face she's making but hold it in because I want her to take me seriously.

"It's not a coincidence Mila, we got it on video from when Lauser got her tattoo." Dinah adds and goes to show her the video.

"Okay, maybe not that much of a coincidence."She squints her eyes at me again.

"So you're saying that you're Lauren Jauregui, the one that we thought was gone last week because of a family emergency?" Ally asked looking confused.

"There was no real family emergency, thankfully. I just said that so she had an excuse for why she was gone." Dinah stated. "She's just been a he this whole time." I nod at her statement.

"Trust me we didn't believe it either until she said something I had only told her, that I will not repeat." Mani tried helping me out.

"So Curls here is our Lauser." Dinah grins and I nod.

"Y'all are being completely serious right now?" We all nod before she looks me in the eye. "Okay if you're Lauren, what happened in the middle of our 9th grade year in the choir room?" Camila asked trying to test me and I knew exactly what day she was talking about.


I was walking down the hallway during lunch one day because I had forgotten my lunch in my locker. When I went to go pass by the choir room I paused because I thought I heard something in there. I wait a second and hear a sound again. I walked in slowly.

"Hello?" I wait a second to see if I get an answer before I start to look around. I spot somebody on the floor sitting down on the opposite end of the piano from where I was standing. I walk over to see who it was. I saw Camila sitting on the ground sniffling and looking down. "Are you okay?" She looked up and her eyes were a little puffy from her crying. My heart broke at the sight of her.

She quickly wipes her eyes."Yeah, I'm fine Lauren." She tries to smile at me.

"Are you sure, because you don't really look like it." She looks like she's about to cry again. "I'm sorry if I'm overstepping anything. I can leave if I'm bugging you."

"No, you're not bugging me. It's just", she chokes up a little before continuing, " I just found out that my grandpa passed away this morning." I sit down next to her and pull her into a hug and she immediately starts sobbing again while clinging onto me.

"I'm so sorry Camz." I hold her for a while until she stops crying. She pulls away and looks at me.

"I'm sorry I got your shirt wet." I give her a small smile.

"It's cool, it's just a shirt." She gives a small smile back.

"Camz huh?" I look at her confused. "You called me Camz earlier. Nobody's ever called me that before." I blush because I didn't even realize I had said that.

"I'm sorry, I didnt-" She cuts me off

"I liked it." She smiled at me and I blushed again.

"Are you gonna be okay? Well not okay, but okay enough for the rest of the day." She nods a little.

"I think so."

"If you want we could skip and get lunch or a bunch of snacks if you're hungry and we could head over to a park to get your mind off things. I know it helped me when my grandma passed away." She smiles at me.

"I think I actually might take you up on that. I'm sorry about your grandma." I smile as I stand up and then help her up.

"It's okay, I know she's in a better place. Now let us go get food and head to the park!" I say the last part in a goofy voice causing her to giggle. I smiled wide as we went to do just that.

End flashback

I look into her eyes as I answer. "That was the day I found you sitting alone and I called you Camz by accident which I tried to apologize for but you said you liked it. We went to the park after getting a bunch of junk food and spent most of the day there."I say with a small smile on my face. Her eyes widen.

"Oh my shit, you are Lauren."

"Language Mila." Ally calls from beside her. She looks between the two of us before smiling. "I think me, Dinah, And Normani are going to take a walk around the hotel. Come on you two." She starts dragging off the two protesting girls who wanted to watch. "We'll be back later." I give her a grateful smile and she winks before closing the door.

"So, how did you end up as a guy?" Camila asked me still amazed as we go to sit down on the bed.

"I kind of made a wish on my birthday." I start off.

"You wished to be a guy?" She looked at me confused.

"No, not at all. I wished that I had a chance with you like Austin did." I blush looking down. "I guess that meant me turning into a guy to do it." I looked back at her and see her blushing a little while grinning.

"Aw, you like me." She said in a sing song voice which I smiled at because she's a little dork. Her eyes widen a little. "Oh my gosh, I told you I liked you without even knowing it." I laughed and she gave me a playful glare. "I should be mad at you, you acted like you didn't even know who I was talking about. I'll let it slide though because you did get turned into a guy for me." She nudges me.

"Do you know how hard it was for me not to squeal while jumping up and down like an idiot when you said you liked me? I mean I did after Dinah and Mani came looking for me because I had passed out in the hallway when you left, but still." She laughs.

"So how do you get your body back?" I fidget around a little before answering.

"Well, at first we tried looking online for anything because strange things happen to people and we came up with nothing. Then I tried wishing for my body back but that didn't work obviously. The last thing Dinah suggested I could try I would need your help with." She motions for me to go on and my face flushes red again. "Dinah thought that maybe if you kissed me I would go back to normal." I look at her to see her reaction.

"Do you know how cliché that sounds?" I'm pretty sure my face is not gonna go back to its normal color at this point.

"I know. It was honestly the only other thing we could think of." I shrug.

"You really think this could work?" Camila asked quietly.

"Possibly, you don't have to if you don't want to I cou-" I get cut off when a pair of lips crash into mine. My eyes go wide at first then slowly shut. I kiss her back softly and use my hands to gently cup her face. I pull back slowly after a moment and smile.

"Well, that's one way to shut someone up." She giggles softly. "Hopefully, I'll be back to normal by tomorrow." She nods.

"Yeah, I miss my Lolo." I blush while looking at her.

"Your Lolo?" She grins up at me.

"You gave me a nickname, so I thought I'd give you one." I smile. "And hopefully when you get your body back, you'll be my girlfriend?" I nod eagerly causing her to laugh.

"Now I really want my body back!" I grin at her. We turn when we hear a knock on the door.

"Hey, Mila I forgot to grab a key. Could you let us in?" Ally called through the door. We separate so she can let them in.

"Sorry if we interrupted." Ally said but I saw Dinah smirking behind her.

"We aren't." She points to herself and Mani. "I see it didn't work right away." I shrug. "Man I thought it would be like the scene off of 'Shrek', where Shrek and Fiona kiss and then float up with that gold stuff around them before Fiona changes into an ogre forever." We stare at her for a moment before Ally bursts out laughing.

"I can actually picture that!" We start laughing with her.

After our little laughing fit, we watch two more movies before I leave to go back to my own room.

I change into my Deadpool pajama pants and a black t shirt before brushing my teeth and heading to bed. I fall asleep with a smile on my face eager to see if the kiss worked.

The next morning

I wake up and stretch before heading into the bathroom. Stopping in front of the mirror I look up and let out a scream frustrated because I was still Harry.

What I wasn't expecting was someone to scream from beside me. I scream again when I look over and saw Zayn sitting up in the tub with his hair sticking in different directions and holding a roll of toilet paper as a weapon.

"What? What happened?" He starts looking around franticly ready to beat somebody with the roll. I just stare at him.

"I saw how my hair looked." I made up an excuse. I took a quick glance in the mirror and my hair actually does look pretty bad. "Why are you in the tub holding a roll of toilet paper?" He stretches before getting out of the tub.

"I couldn't take the snoring coming from the Luke and Calum, so I came in here and fell asleep. As for the toilet paper, it was the closest thing to me when you screamed." He shrugs while I nod.

"They are pretty loud, but I don't think toilet paper would have protected you from anything." He shrugs. "Hey do you mind if I use the bathroom real quick?" He nodded handing me the toilet paper on his way out. After I use the bathroom I brush my teeth and put a headband in my hair before coming out.

"Your hair looks much better now." Zayn says when I come out. I laugh before stripping out of my pajama pants to put on a pair of jeans. "Where are you going to at", he stops to check his phone, "6:45 in the morning?"

"I was gonna get breakfast. Wanna come with?" He nodded.

"Yeah just give me a few minutes to get ready." I nod and go to check my phone. I saw that I had two new texts from an unknown number.

Unknown: Hey, I got your number from Dinah last night!

Unknown: This is Camila by the way!

I smile and save her number. I checked the time and saw that she had sent it a few minutes ago. Smiling, I text her back.

Me: Hey Camz! Why are you up this early?

I hate doing the text talk thing so I stick to regular sentences.

Camz🎀: Whenever we have big competitions, I don't sleep that well because I get anxious. I'm even more anxious because I have the lead this time. By the way, did the kiss work?

I guess Camila sticks to regular sentences too.

Me: You shouldn't be nervous, Camz. You have a beautiful voice and you're going to do awesome. The judges won't know what hit them. And no I'm still Harry.

Camz🎀: Aww, you're sweet Lolo. By the way I think you have a beautiful voice as well. And I'm sorry, we'll figure something out.

I blush at what she said about my voice.

Me: Thank you. Hey do you wanna go with me and Zayn to get breakfast since you're up?

Camz🎀: Sure! Can I bring Ally since she's up too?

Me: Sure just meet us down in the lobby.

Camz🎀: Okay, see you in a few!

Me: Okay

I look up as I hear the bathroom door open. "Hey do you mind that I invited Camila and Ally? They're both up."

"Not at all, I just wanna eat." We laugh and head out towards the lobby.

A few hours later

After breakfast we all came back in time to find out we were doing one more rehearsal. Mr.Lambert was running around making sure everything was set to go. We run through the setlist until about two hours before we had to go on. Mr.Lambert was giving us all one hour to get ready so that way we have plenty of time to get to the venue and fix anything that needs to be fixed.

Once we were allowed to go back to our rooms, everybody had to take turns showering and getting into their outfits. The guys had black oxford shirts, a white tie, black slim fitting dress pants, and black dress shoes. The girls had knee length white dresses that had a black sash going around the waist and black heels.

In my room, I was the last one to get in the shower. I got out and put on a pair of boxers and dry off my hair before fixing it and heading into the room to get dressed. The one good thing about me being a guy is that I don't have to worry about dancing in heels. Last year I almost tripped and busted my ass in front of everybody. Although when we got off stage I did end up tripping over some of the wires.

After all of the guys in my room are ready we head down to the lobby where most of the club was waiting. I see the girls and head over to stand by them.

"Damn Curls, look at you all dressed up and looking handsome." I grin and do a little spin after Dinah pinched my cheeks.

"Y'all look beautiful." I said mainly looking at Camila who blushed. They thanked me. We talked until Mr.Lambert told us we had to go.

2 minutes before showtime

We were literally about to go on when I start to feel really bad all of a sudden.

"Mr.Lambert I need to go to the bathroom." I start heading off.

"What? We're about to go on! Can't you hold it?" I shake my head.

"No, and Camila has a solo for the whole first song with some of the girls. I'll be back before I have to go on." And with that I rush off to the bathroom not giving him a chance to speak.

So that's it for chapter 12! Sorry about Lauren telling Camila was anti climatic, but at least there was a somewhat Camren kiss. Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and feel free to comment!

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