Asher's Heart

By rhxpsodicxlly

2M 78.7K 18K

Unlike everyone else, Ellie Anderson thought she had it easy in high school. Except for the first year. It su... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Acknowledgments | Character Interview
Extra #1
Extra #2

Chapter 25

43.9K 1.9K 765
By rhxpsodicxlly

Hey awesome people!!!
A BIG chapter for not updating in forever. I hope you like it!😊😊 Also please vote, comment and share!
Happy reading!


Chapter 25

"Guys, I think we should go," I whispered looking sideways at the boys. We were in the living room, standing near the doorway. Poppy was sitting on the couch and Linda was towering over her. And if it was me instead of her I would be shitting my pants by now. Because I'd never seen her look so mad before. In fact I didn't think she was capable of getting this mad. And I sure as hell didn't want to be at the receiving end of her anger. Never.

"What were you thinking?!" Linda yelled and I flinched. But it seemed to not bother Poppy.

"It isn't a big deal," Poppy said calmly which only made Linda more mad. Tyler wrapped his arm around her shoulder to calm her.

"Not a big deal? Do you have any idea how worried your parents were? Felicity sounded so worried when she called me to ask maybe if you came here," Linda said more calmly this time.

Poppy tensed but for only a moment.

"I should probably call Landon. Tell him Poppy's here," Tyler said. Landon must be her dad. Poppy looked at him in relief, for what I had no idea. And he went out of the room.

"It wasn't like I ran away from home or something. I just came to meet my cousins... without telling anyone," she said the last part almost inaudibly.

Ashton and Asher shared a look.

I was feeling like I was somehow intruding in their family matter and it made me uncomfortable.

Linda sighed.

"Poppy you can't just take off every time something goes wrong sweetheart," Linda said. And the sweet, loving Linda I knew was back.

She sat beside Poppy on the couch and I didn't feel like intruding anymore so I left. The boys left with me.

"God, I'd never seen mom look so scary before," Ashton said as Asher closed the door behind him. We were on the backyard and I sat on a deckchair.

"I'd only ever seen her get that mad once before and that was when I accidentally locked you in the basement and forgot about it when we were eight," Asher said, a hint of smile on his lips.

A scowl formed on Ashton face.

"I highly doubt it was an accident as you were so insistent we go there in the first place," he huffed.

Asher smirked but then his eyes fell on me. He came and sat beside me which made me sit straighter. I was seriously beginning to hate the effect he was having on me.

"You are quiet," he started.

"Is everything okay?" Ashton said before Asher could find something snarky to say.

I nodded.

"I'm fine. It's just that I've never seen Linda so worked up before. You think Poppy would be fine?" I asked.

They both shared that weird look again then burst out laughing.

"She'll be fine," Ashton assured.

"She is Poppy after all," Asher said.

"Honestly, she should give Aunt Felicity a break before dropping bombs like that," Ashton commented.

"I think it was a well thought out plan. With Nick's birthday party tomorrow no one's going to fuss about what she did. Everyone would be all over the kid," Asher said.

Nick was Poppy's five year old, turning six tomorrow, brother. And we were going to his party tomorrow. Well, the McArdles were going. I was just tagging along because I didn't have anything better to do.

"True. Still, someday she's gonna get herself in so much trouble..."

"Who's gonna get in trouble?" a voice came and our heads turned to find Poppy.


She rolled her eyes.

"Tell me something new, man," she said, reaching inside her pocket and pulling out a key.

"You're leaving already," Asher said.

"Yep. It's only 9 and if I drive fast enough I'll get home by midnight to surprise Nick," she said.

Asher sighed and stood up.

"Come here," he opened his arms.

Poppy narrowed her eyes and shook her head.

"You know, I don't like hugs," she said but she went into his arms anyway.

"But I also know deep inside you die for my hugs," he said embracing her.

"Take care, Ash," she whispered.

He nodded.

"Hey! Don't make me feel left out," Ashton whined. "I thought I was your favorite cousin," he grumbled.

"I never said that," Poppy said pulling away. "You said I was your favorite cousin."

Ashton rolled his eyes.

"Don't tell your brother I said that," he warned but he opened his arms.

"Stop being needy," she muttered.

Ashton huffed.

"Fine. Whatever. I'll hug Ellie. I bet her hugs are better than both of yours combined," he said, smirking.

All of them looked at me. It seemed like they finally remembered I was here when Ashton said this. I squirmed uncomfortably under their gazes.

"You'll give me a hug, won't you?" Ashton said with puppy dog eyes, arms still outstretched.

I stood up, crimson coloring my cheeks as I mumbled, "Yeah sure."

He grinned and literally skipped to where I was standing. He took me in his arms for a bone crushing hug. I couldn't even count how many times I'd dreamed about this moment. But he ruined it for me. I couldn't just forget that he saw me just as his sister no matter how much I tried to.

But my heart was a little bitch. It enjoyed any form of affection he gave me. He was warm and I instantly felt comfortable in his arms.

A cough made us break apart.

"I was right. Better than both of you combined," Ashton said, his one arm still around me.

"Whatever," Asher said as he glared at us.

He was so petty! He couldn't even bare the thought of someone being better than him at anything. Be it being a popstar or giving hugs. I bet he believed he was the best popstar the world ever had.

"See you later then," Poppy said and started to go. But instead of going back where she first came from she went the other way.

We all looked at her in confusion. Just as I was about to tell her that the door was the other way she turned around.

"And don't let your mom know I left until after tomorrow," she said and disappeared around the corner.

Asher sighed.

"Am I the only one or does anyone else feel like she had been out for more than a day?" Ashton voiced out.

"No shit," Asher muttered.

"She is quite something," I said. She was weird, intimidating and downright rude to me but I still admired the way she held herself. The way she managed to be the center of attention where ever she went. I looked at Asher who was still watching the spot where she disappeared. She definitely wasn't the only one who stole everyone's attention. Maybe that's why they were so close because they were alike.


I walked out into the porch wearing a floral summer dress. My hair was in loose waves falling down my back.

"Ellie you look amazing," Ashton said from where he was standing near his car. I blushed. This made Asher look up from his phone. He raked his eyes down my body making my cheeks heat up more than I thought was possible.

"Yeah pretty," he muttered sarcastically before getting back to his phone.

I opened my mouth to say something but Linda's voice interrupted me.

"Okay guys, everyone ready?" she asked coming towards us with Tyler on her tail. She was wearing a beautiful jumpsuit. The boys gave an unenthusiastic 'yeah'.

"You look beautiful Linda!" I gushed, a bright smile on my face.

"You too sweetheart," she said running a hand down my hair affectionately.

"I'm taking my car," Ashton announced as soon as Tyler was in hearing distance.

"Uh no," Tyler replied.

"But dad-"

"We're all going together in my car," he said.

"Come on dad!" Ashton nudged Asher to help him. He looked up from his phone and at everyone before shrugging. "Yeah dad, let the kid drive his own car," he said nonchalantly.

Ashton glared at him for calling him a kid.

"Let them go Ty," Linda said and Tyler sighed before agreeing. It was amazing how Linda could make him agree to do anything with just a simple sentence.

"But," he started, pausing Ashton's celebration. "You take Ellie with you," he said.

Ashton grinned wider, "Of course dad."

"And my trip just got ruined," Asher said as soon as his parents were out of hearing distance.

I narrowed my eyes at him and Ashton rolled his eyes.

"Don't mind him Ellie. He is on his period," Ashton said and I let out a chuckle.

Asher ignored us and sat on the passenger seat, leaving me to sit at the back. Ever since yesterday his mood had been sour. I wonder what happened. Only yesterday we were having fun and playing around without actually wanting to kill each other and now he was acting like somebody shoved a stick up his ass.

We were on our way to Nick's party. Poppy's younger brother was turning six today. She left last night, not wanting to miss anything. Linda was furious when she obviously found out she left when she clearly told her they would go together.

Nothing significant happened during the drive and it ended sooner than I thought. Linda and Tyler had already made it here as they had left early. Soon we were also entering what seemed to be the most beautiful mansion I had seen. And trust me when I say that because I lived in one.

I got out of the car, admiring the beauty of the place. It was all marble and pillars. It seemed more like a palace.

A number of cars were lined in the driveway. The next one more expensive than the last.

It was a garden party with superhero theme. The party had already started and as soon as we entered the scene a cute little kid ran over to us. He was grinning widely. He had brown hair, hazel eyes and a cute little dimple on his right cheek. He was so cute that I wanted to cuddle with him and just squeeze him.

"Happy birthday kiddo!" Asher said as he picked him up in his arms.

"Thank you Ash!" he said. "What did you bring me?"

I laughed at how excited he looked.

"I'll tell ya but first tell me which Ash I am," he said.

Nick pursed his lips, deep in thought.

"Will I not get my present if I told you the wrong answer?" he asked.

"Hmm Let's see. If you're right then you'll get twice as many presents and if you're not then... " he trailed off.

"Oh shut up! Don't tease him. It's his birthday," Ashton said but he sounded as if he was waiting for his answer too. I could not fathom how this little game of theirs kept them entertained for years.

"I know, I know," Nick said and wiggled out of Asher's arms. "I'll ask Poppy. She can always tell who is who," he said grinning triumphantly.

"That's cheating," Asher narrowed his eyes.

"And not giving the birthday boy his presents is not?" he asked and Ashton laughed. But I was just surprised by his retort. Nick was definitely smarter than his age.

Finally he noticed me.

"Who are you?" he asked then grimaced. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to sound rude but I don't reco-recognize you."

I smiled at his cuteness.

"Hi, I'm Ellie," I said.

"I'm Nicholas," he said shaking my hand.

"Happy Birthday Nicholas," I said and gave him the present I was holding. He took it then turned to Asher.

"See? Ellie is nice. She is my new favorite person," he said.

"You won't say that when you see what we got you," Asher said.

"I doubt it," he replied cheekily and ran over to where all his other presents were kept.

"Wow," I said.

I guess this charm ran in the family.


"Hello Mrs. McArdle. You need some help with that?" I asked holding out my hand to take a big tray of cupcakes from Poppy's mother's hand.

"Thank you," she said but she seemed a bit uncomfortable but only for a second. Then she smiled brilliantly, showing dimples. "You must be Ellie Anderson," she said and I nodded. "Please call me Felicity."

Asher came out of nowhere and hugged Felicity. "How's my beautiful Aunt?" he asked and kissed her on the cheek.

"Very good and how are you?"


"I was wondering where you were hiding."

I kept the tray on the table.

"Oh you know just being the awesome host that I am," she said, laughing and we joined her.

Then she got called by someone and left me alone with Asher.

"You couldn't have waited a bit. I was talking to her," I said.

"You should thank me. I saved you the embarrassment," he said.

I furrowed my brows in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"She is not my Uncle's wife. Not anymore," he said.

"Oh," my lips formed an o as I understood what he was saying. "I didn't know that," I said.

"Obviously," he said and rolled his eyes.

I scowled.

"Why are you being so bitchy? It's only 4 o'clock, your bitch hour is still late," I said.

He raised his eyebrow.

"At least mine doesn't last forever," he said.

I narrowed my eyes.

"What did you say?"

"You heard me Anderson," he smirked.

Sometimes I just want to punch him so hard... Oh wait! That's all the time.

"Please. You couldn't even take aim if the target was kept inches from you," he said.

Good thing I said that aloud. Now he knew how I felt about him.

"I can't believe I'm meeting you," a boy said. He was maybe fourteen or fifteen. He had green eyes and a nervous but excited grin on his face.

"Hi," Asher said.

"I still can't believe I'm meeting Asher Hart," he said.

"Do you want me to pinch you?"

"Yes please," he said eagerly and held out his arm.

I shook my head at them.

"Ouch!" he cried. "You are really here."

Asher let out a chuckle.

"Enough Cole," a pretty brunette said, coming our way. Poppy was walking beside her, her eyes on her phone. She was wearing a yellow summer dress and looked totally different from what she did yesterday.

"Hi Asher," she said smiling shyly. She also had green eyes like the boy, Cole. And their resemblance told me they were siblings.

"Hi," he took her hand and pressed his lips on the back of it. Her cheeks turned bright red and she looked on the verge of swooning.

I fought to keep my smile intact.

Finally Poppy looked up from her phone. She glared at Asher. "Don't even. Hannah is my best friend," she warned.

He raised his hands in surrender.

"Did you get in trouble?" he asked. "Wait. Let me rephrase that. How much trouble did you get in?"

She grimaced.

"Mom grounded me for eternity," she said.

When they continued talking I decided to leave. I didn't know any of them, except for Asher and I'd rather not make a conversation with him.

After wandering around the beast of a garden trying to find Ashton and failing. I decided to just sit somewhere. I found an empty round table and sat. I looked around and my eyes fell on Asher. He was with that brunette, Hannah and they were laughing and having fun. Whereas I was getting bored out of my mind. It was just like the parties dad took me to. I barely knew anyone and I'd rather not make acquaintances talking business. Because that's what I'll have to do in a few years if I chose to join dad's company.

Watching them I felt a sour feeling. And I told myself that was because Asher was having fun and I wasn't. That I was jealous of him and not her.

"Hi sweet Ellie," a little voice said.

I smiled at Nick.

"Hey birthday boy," I said. Then my eyes fell on the boy that was holding his hand. It seemed more like Nick was dragging him here. My eyes widened a bit at how hot he looked. He had beautiful blue eyes, brown hair, high cheekbones and a tan. He looked exotic.

Nick made him sit on a chair opposite me and came to stand in front of me.

"Ellie, this is Spencer. Spencer, this is Ellie, my favorite person," he introduced us.

Then he turned to Spencer. "You have to entertain her. I would do that myself but I'm the host and I'm busy," he said.

"Were you getting bored Ellie?" he asked to me.

I nodded my head, frowning.

"Don't worry. Spencer is my second favorite person. He is not as good as I am but he'll keep you entertained," he said.

"Thank you Nick," I said.

He pulled my hand, making me lean down and kissed my cheek.

"Enjoy my party!" he said and ran away.

I watched him go to his friends, a big smile on my face.

"He's quite the charmer," a voice said and I looked at Spencer. A hot voice for a hot face.

"They all are," I replied.

He gave a small smile, showing perfect white teeth.

For the next half hour I talked to Spencer about anything and everything. He was a funny guy but intense at the same time. My times I found myself trying to find any flaw in him but I came empty handed every time. I was having a great time nonetheless.

I found Ashton when the party was almost over. He was with a boy, his cousin, Poppy's older brother. I passed him to go inside and he threw me a smile and asked if I was having fun. I replied in affirmative even though I really wanted to tell him that he was bailing on me.

I tried to find a restroom in the huge mansion but it was no use. Finally I asked a girl and she told me the directions. After I freshened up, I opened the door.

"We're going home," I nearly jumped at the voice. I put my hand on my chest and tried to tame my racing heart.

"You scared me," I said to Asher who was leaning on the opposite wall, his arms crossed over his chest. He stood up straight and came to stand in front of me.

"What are you doing?" I asked, my voice coming out breathless because of his close proximity.

"What were you doing?" he asked. I had to tilt my head up to look him in the eye.

"What do you mean?" I asked, utterly confused.

His breath fanned my face and my breath hitched.

"You are so damn stupid," he murmured, his hand reaching up to tuck a stray strand of hair behind my ear.

"Excuse me?" I said, trying to sound offended but that was the last thing on my mind.

I wanted to say a snarky comeback but my brain had stopped making coherent thoughts as he leaned closer.

"I wish you weren't so oblivious," he murmured against my lips.

My heart felt like it would come out of my chest any second now. I was hearing what he was saying, but my brain had become incapable of processing it. My breathing became harsh and my eyes were transfixed on his.

You're standing too close! I wanted to push him away but I didn't think I would be able to move with him this close even if my life depended on it.

"Not close enough," he said and tilted his head to press his lips on mine. My eyes widened for a moment before shutting down. His arms went around my waist to pull me closer. My arms went around his neck as if they had a mind of their own and I kissed him back. The way his lips moved against mine set my whole body on fire. I pulled him even closer, not wanting this to end. His lips were soft and tasted like cake. It ignited my senses and I was insanely aware of every part of my body that was touching his. It was tingling like crazy.

Finally, I pulled away gasping for breath. I had no idea how he got from insulting me one second to kissing me senseless the next.

He too, was breathing hard. He looked at me, a hesitant expression on his face but the next moment it was gone, replaced by his infamous smirk.

"It was better than the one I gave you years ago, wasn't it Anderson?"

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