Unreal Realities - Creeypypas...

By GetJinxed0

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Life is like a game. When you die, you respond in a new body with the same memories. That's how life works, r... More

Chappie 2 - Mentally Tainted
Chappie 3 - No Longer Omniscient
Chappie 4 - Expertly Exasperated
Chappie 5 - Refusing Refuge
Spin Off! - Please, Just Staph
Chappie 6 - The Red In Their Eyes
Chappie 7 - You Know What
Chapter 8 - Forget This
Chapter 9 - We're Done

Chapter 1 - Technically, You're Nothing

1.2K 43 28
By GetJinxed0

Again and again. I was brought into this world for absolutely no purpose but to die. To watch others die. The ones I've learn to love, care for, and those who longer want to know who I am. All only to die. I feel as though I don't know them anymore. There's different versions every time I see them, each not caring who I am.

My emotions have diminished because of that, I no longer see Tommy in my lives. He's gone and, frankly, I don't care anymore. I've lost my sense of humor, all that remains is sarcasm and dark smiles composed of the thought of my own, permanent death.

Even now, I have no care. I'm laying in someone else's bed, covered in their blood. My skill has increased, I no longer care about pain, and other people's as well for that matter. This is currently a new life, so to speak. I was caught by the cops in my last life so I hung myself in the cell. Now, I'm here.

She sat up from the bloody bed. Eyes with lifeless color, hair in tangles that would need to be cut, and the scent of blood enveloped her entire body. Life seems so worthless, ending it for others is all she could do to ease their plight. It's been 43 lives in a row that she's avoided meeting the Creeypypastas. It's been 45 lives without Tommy. So far, he hasn't shown up.

The thoughts continued to consume her brain. Maybe he's with them. Should we check? Maybe we can find him, wait for Slendy to take him there. Am I... Are you regaining your emotions? They're stupid and worthless. Feelings will only make things worse once you die, or even see others die. Don't get emotions, I know. I already learned that when we had our family. Not so fun now, was it?

Y/n jumped off the bed and quickly jumped out the window. She put her black hood down to cover her face. She ran into the forest. The same one she's responded in for as long as she could remember.

It was a cold dark night. The forest had a gentle wind blowing against it. There was a strong chill in the air. Hot breath was able to be seen in the air when ever one exhaled. The moon was hidden by clouds and no stars were seen. The sky felt... Blank. Just like it did then. It was so long ago, yet, it's today.

Just once, I'll only check once. The clearing she's seen so many times before came into view. The tall, broken, brown mansion appeared before her. She crouched behind one of the many bushes and waited as she looked around the area. Slendy should be out, he's looking for the other me, the one that would be usually be waiting for him. I gotta get to Tommy's room and hide there to see if he'll be coming. She kept her crouch as she ran to one of the windows that would show her the living room.

Nothing. Right, the enchantment, doesn't allow anyone who hasn't been inside to see what's going on. This body hasn't. But, my mind has. Y/n ran over to a low window, slightly buried beneath the ground. She dug up the rest and pulled it open. She squeezed herself through and made sure no one heard or saw her. Perfect. The basement was pitch black and no one was around.

She ran to the door to opened it just a crack. She was under the stairs. She saw no one around except BEN who was playing video games on the big screen. He was wearing a big green hoody with black pajama pants. Classic BEN. At lest he's not wearing his man dress anymore. Y/n slipped her way inside and closed the door behind herself.

She crouched her way upstairs and stayed close to the walls. Six bathrooms to hide in, three closets, and eight guest rooms, I should be good. She looked at the doors as she walked. LJ, EJ, S, JA,... T! Y/n opened the door and slipped in. Now, all we have to do is wait.

"Who's t-there?" A familiar voice asked harshly. Shit. T, it meant Toby. Not Tommy. Dumbass. Hey! You're me! Don't be such a jerk! You just called yourself a jerk, Stupid. Shut up. Y/n opened the door again to leave but a certain hatchet stopped her by embedding itself in the door and the frame itself.

"W-why so quick to leave? Don't you want to stay w-with me?" Toby emerged from the shadows with a small twitch in his neck. He held his second hatchet in hand, ready to strike. He seemed to have gotten taller since they last met. Or maybe it was the faded memory talking.

"I've got somewhere to be. If you wanna get in my way, fine. But don't start crying once you're done dying." Y/n said as she looked deep into his brown eyes, luckily, his goggles were off. A long period of silence was blanketed over the two. What is he doing?

"Do... Do I know you?" Toby asked with the sensation of déjà vu over taking him.

Y/n flinched. Yes, you know me. More than you could ever know. But you're not supposed to know me, so, why do you think you know me if you don't know me the way I know you? Y/n didn't answer. She grabbed his wrist that held his hatchet and kicked him in the head. O.K! Nice! It's K.O. She opened the door and was about to run until she couldn't. Shit, this was supposed to be easy. Masky approached her. The sound of the stomping growing towards her became louder.

She tried to fight back, she really did, but, Y/n was immediately knocked out in return. That's what you get when you let your heart burn. Fuck you. Do you know how long we're gonna sleep? Well, when you're knocked over the head like you just were, a while. You're technically my subconscious, can you tell me what's going on? Fine. ... ... ...

Well? Well, Masky hasn't killed you, that's for sure. I heard two people talking, they're bringing Slendy in. You're in deep shit now. They're wondering how you, of all people, somehow broke in. Oh, shit. What is it? They think you're a recruit of Zalgo! They plan to torture you! Well, fuck. Life, or what ever this is, just keeps getting better.

Water was thrown over Y/n's face as her head was tipped back. She looked up and saw a blurry figure. One that she hated. One that she remembered so clearly. One that she vexed on accident. One that she once cared for. Now, he stood over her, a knife aimed at her chest... Actually, it was a claw. He growled darkly. Slendy stood beside him, making sure he didn't kill her prematurely.

"Okay, girly, you're going to tell me who sent you. Give me the wrong answer, you're gonna die a slow and painful death. Get me the right answer, you're gonna die a slow and painful death." Laughing Jack's smile was as black and cynical as ever.

"I'll corporate regardless if you hurt me or not." Y/n shrugged under the many ropes that tied her to a chair.

"That's right." LJ sneered and sucker punched Y/n in the face with his long limbed arm. Oh! We have to kill him this time! She remained unfazed. Come on, look like a badass and they'll be too scared to fuck with you. Another hit. LJ rammed his knee into her face. Unfazed. Unfazed. Hehe, you know you're angry.

"Never start with the head! The victim gets all fuzzy!" Y/n asked in a complete nonchalant tone.

LJ growled again and got in her face, "Why aren't you crying yet?" He asked in a dark voice. Y/n chuckled and spit blood in his face that was from her busted lip.

"I happen to listen to a lot of jazz. It's very relaxin—"

LJ wiped the blood from his face after he silenced her with a slap. He raised his claw but Slendy stopped him. "I do enjoy innocence become betrayed, but that's not what I came here for. Who are you and how did you come by my home?" Slendy's voice echoed.

"Well, y'know I was just taking a little stroll until your little Jabberwalkie suddenly knocked me out—" Another hit forced her to stop. She groaned, completely annoyed with LJ's interruptions.

"The name's (cp/n). You have an unlocked window in your basement, well, this basement." Y/n simply answered, unable to take LJ's futile efforts. She recognized the window she entered through. Yup, definitely the basement. LJ didn't buy it, Slendy knew she was telling the truth.

"What has brought you here, Child?" Slendy asked with no emotion in his voice as always.

"Well, I was in the neighborhood and I thought 'what the hell how about a surprise visit' and now I'm here." She was smacked viciously across the face, nails clawing her cheek this time.

"Lie again and you'll get another." LJ sneered. Slowly his chuckles escaped his lips.

"Another? The last time someone told me another, I didn't sleep for two days and I was smothered in whip cream—"

Another slap, a trickle of blood began to drip down Y/n's cheek due to the claw mark. "I got the memo, Ass, no need to be so diculous. Anyway, I came looking for someone. Turns out they're not here so, if you could excuse me, I'd like to leave."

"I can't allow you to go so easily." Slendy stated which caused Y/n to roll her eyes with an annoyed chuckle.

"Kill me. Go ahead. It wouldn't be the first time." Y/n stated, her voice slightly quivering at her last sentence. I don't care if people have forgotten you. If they forgot you. Don't. Fucking. Cry. I'm not!

LJ's smile and laugh deepened as he raised his blade like hand, "I'd be happy to oblige—"

Yeah, that's right. How does it feel getting cut off mid sentence?

"No. She stays." Slendy authorized. Y/n annoyingly barked, "Woof."

LJ sighed and brought his claw to her shoulder. He sliced one of the coils and cut her arm purposely in the process. Slendy teleported to the top of the stairs and opened the door to the basement. Y/n stood after uncoiling herself then followed Slendy upstairs and back under the stairs. Slendy led her to the living room where the Creepypastas waited, some angry, most nonchalant, but all curious.

Back in hell again? Doesn't seem like a good idea, even for you. Nothing's ever a good idea. Everything in life is absolutely pointless, every decision, every word— every movement you make when you wipe your own ass, I get it. I've lived enough lives to see that everything is pointless. So, maybe, maybe I can find a purpose again. I can't wait to watch this blow up in your face. Another path of depression and hate will only flow through you once more.

I'm willing to accept that. And besides, one more step won't kill me. I always come back. We'll see about that.

"(Cp/n), introduced yourself. If there's any fighting, I'm going to stick my hand straight through your fragile skulls." Slendy warned and teleported out of the living room without another word.

Y/n turned to the crowd of adolescent psycho and sociopaths with a look of absolute bore. She's met them over and over again and she's tired of it. Inefficient delinquent prudes. Absolutely no manors. Shut up. BEN approached her first. Y/n waited impatiently for his ridiculous one liner.

"I've been waiting for a real woman to show up. Thanks." BEN gave a ludicrous wink and continued his introduction. "The name's BEN. Don't forget it because you're gonna scream it all night long. There'll be no dreaming when we get under the sheets."

"I never dream. I haven't had a dream since my one thousandth, nine hundredth, and eighty seventh life. Which was my most terribly boring life, might I add." Y/n rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "Can we skip the intros? I already know all of you guys." She stated, quickly losing interest.

"Really? Announce us then." Helena told with that red smile plastered on his mask.

"No problem, Helena. That's Judge Angel, Laughing Jack, Eyeless Jack, Sally, Ticci Toby, Masky, Hoodie, Jane, Zero, Clockwork, Zamora, and Puppeteer." Y/n stated all their names as her index finger pointed at each of them. Heh, you do realize they're not gonna believe that you've lived more than one life, correct? I don't care. I'm tired of playing dumb.

"Okay then. I guess we don't need to bother, thank god." Zero sighed in relief and jumped on the couch, landing in a crossed legged position as her back rested on the armrest.

"God nor gods exist but sure, I guess." Y/n shrugged. Known from experience. Or maybe God wants to fuck with you, making your life a living hell. No. If this were God's doing, he wouldn't have allowed me to live for so long. Sure, you go believing that. Hail Satan. Hail Hydra.

"So, um, I'm pretty sure Slendy expected us to take longer than that. Dinner won't be ready for ten minutes." Sally said with the smallest of smiles.

"Do I have to stick around? I got kid's dreams to haunt." Y/n crossed her arms and waited impatiently.

"You're not going anywhere. Slendy's orders." Masky answered, hate practically erupting from under his mask.

"N-none of us want you he-ere. We have t-to deal with you as much-ch as you have to deal with us." Toby aggressively cut in.

"I've had to deal with you much longer than the other way around. Don't test me." Y/n sneered. Go on a killing spree again, it'll entertain me. No. Listening to you is usually a bad idea. I'm touched.

"We will. Don't think you're off that easy." Clockwork crossed her arms as well, returning the sneer.

"Trust me, I don't get off easy." Y/n winked, "Seriously though, you're nothing compared to what I've dealt with."

The Creepypastas ignored her cocky words and most went off to do their own thing. Zamora never stayed around for friendly-fun-time so she went back to her well. Sally and her teddy bear played not too far off from the living room. The rest began to watch tv, Masky, Hoodie, and Toby being the only ones left to keep an eye on Y/n. Y'know, it's surprising how much first impressions affect other people's approach to others. You mean these guys wouldn't be such dicks if you hadn't broken in and went into Toby's room? Precisely.

Y/n looked over to her guards. She couldn't help but feel as though they were glaring at her or watching her like a dangerous animal behind glass. But glass can always break and they knew this. Though the air seemed calm for the others, the foursome let off a thick smell of aggressiveness. The relaxing decor with the scent of cinnamon couldn't pierce though the mental violence, they had to keep telling themselves not to kill each other.

None of them spoke a word. I don't think they like me. Ya' think? Y/n sighed at the three teens took a boring toll on her. I feel like something's missing. You're my subconscious, everything you know I don't realize. Someone isn't here. Shut up. Shut up, shut up, shut up!!! Ah, so you know. You're just repressing the thought. Shut up! I don't know what you're talking about! Let me spell it out for you, J- SHUT UP!!! E- STOP TALKING!!! F-

"I SAID SHUT UP!! SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!" Y/n closed her eyes and banged the sides of her head with her fists. Her breath became ridged and untamed.

The teen surrounding her looked at her strangely but they were familiar with the voices in their head. They knew she was having difficulty with them. Little by little it will overpower you. I will overpower you. Just know that I'm only here to help. Little by little the teens began to continue doing their regularly unscheduled tasks. The three main proxies continued to watch Y/n like a wild animal in a cage.

"What!" Y/n snapped at them. They shrugged, uninterested in what she was freaking out about.

They're underestimating you. Do it now. Kill them now. No. I don't want to listen to you anymore. Your funeral. Minutes later, Slendy called dinner ready. Everyone went to the table and began eating. Y/n fell behind and sat on the stairs where she went unnoticed. See, they don't care about you, they never did. They don't want you here. Do you think I give a fuck about that? What I really want to do is get you out of my fucking mind! Good luck. Your sanity has held me back long enough. No more.

"Y/n." Slendy called out.

Y/n looked up and saw Slendy standing above her with a plate of food. Y/n accepted the offering and began to eat alone. Slendy went back to doing his thing and it wasn't long before Y/n abruptly lost her appetite. She placed the plate on the table and went back to the stairs where she saw BEN playing video games. He was playing quite intently, yelling at the screen every so often and hitting his control against the couch's armrest. Apparently there were hackers on the server.

You should show him how it's done. I'm tempted to but that would be cliché and redundant. I don't see any reason to care what others think. Neither do I.

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