Leah X Jacob

By Mysbetty

16.3K 97 67


Leah X Jacob
Leah X Jacob II
Leah X Jacob III
Leah X Jacob Part IV
Leah X Jacob Part VI
Leah X Jacob Part VII
Leah X Jacob Part VIII
Leah X Jacob Part VIIII
Leah X Jacob Part X
Leah X Jacob Part XI

Leah X Jacob Part V

1.2K 6 0
By Mysbetty

The atmosphere was tense. We all stood there glaring at each other for what seemed like a century. How dare they think they can just waltz in my house and pretend like nothing happened. At this point I could care less if the treaty still stands. They don't belong here. They belong in the cemetery -underground. "I said stay in the car with the kids Rachel!" Paul's voice broke the silence. Paul walked in the room, his body dangerously shaking. "What the hell are they doing here Jacob?" Paul said through is teeth. Jacob finally dropped his stare from Edward and turned to Paul. "Calm down Paul" Jacob said as he put both of his hands on Paul's shoulders trying to control his shaking. "Charlie and Sue are here Paul, you can hurt them!" Jacob said trying to snap Paul out of his rage. Hearing my mother's name made me realize just how dangerous it really was for both Charlie and mom to be here. "Bella we need to get your father out of here" I barely heard Edward whisper to Bella. "You don't need to get them out of here LEECH, YOU need to get the hell of here" Paul growled. "I've had enough of your shi-" Bella started. And that's when all hell broke loose. Paul lost control and his body exploded along with his clothes. It all happened so fast I barely saw what was happing with my human eyes. I saw Seth pick our mom up as he grabbed Charlie's arm and dragged them in the back kitchen. At the same moment a giant silver wolf appeared where Paul stood only a second ago. "Jacob please, I don't want anyone to get hurt" Bella said with pleading eyes. Out of no where Edward lunged towards Paul only to crash into him. I was frozen where I stood too shocked to react to what was happening. Paul tried to snap at Edwards Neck only missing by a couple of inches. Edward was able to pick Paul over his head and throw him through the front door. Edward crouched down in a defensive stance in the doorway and within a millisecond Bella stood beside him. Now everything seemed to move in slow motion as I saw Paul charge towards Bella and Edward. I heard a ripping noise beside me only to realize later that it was Jacob phasing. He was able to push both of the bloodsuckers away only to crash head on with Paul. This is when reality hit me. Jacob can actually get hurt. He's wrestled with Paul before, but now when Paul is this enraged. I ran outside only to see the massive silver wolf and an even bigger russet wolf take snaps at each others necks. "No, Stop!" my screams fell on def ears. I felt the rage run through my veins and down my spine as I phased. Screams, grunts and curse words flooded my head.

"Paul, calm the hell down!"

"Get off of me Jacob! I can't believe you're siding with those LEECHES. And don't pull that Alpha crap on me. I will hurt you to get to them" Paul said anger stamped into every word.

"Paul, your kids" I said knowing saying this would be the only thing to calm him.

Paul instantly pulled away and looked at his kids. Rachel stood in front of their van as she held her children. "Daddy please stop" Danny was able to say in between sobs. We stood still, anxious, waiting to see how Paul would react.

"You guys need to stop acting like bullies and get your act together. The Cullens didn't break the treaty. There's no reason for ya'll to act like idiots". Seth said as he walked towards us carrying a pile of clothes. He threw a pair of my jeans and a shirt near my tail and he did the same with Paul and Jacob with some of Jacob's clothes. "Now why don't you mutts phase back and talk this over like freakin adults! Jeez!" He said as he walked towards Rachel, Billy and the kids. He picked up Danny and hushed him "Its okay Danny, daddy and Jacob were just playing. He'll tell you himself once he phases back" Seth said looking at Paul.

Paul's head dropped and hesitantly picked up the clothes in front of him with his teeth. "Dang men. Rachel's going to kill for this" he thought as he walked away. Jacob followed him with clothes hanging from his mouth.

"What the hell are you doing Jacob?" Paul said stopping suddenly. "You're going to leave my family with those blood suckers? He said looking towards the leeches.

"Calm down Paul, Seth's there." Jacob said nudging Paul's shoulder.

"Are you freaking kidding me? You're leaving my family with the kid? You must be fu-"

"I'll stay and phase after the two of you come back. Stop being such an a hole and do as you're told for once!" I interrupted.

Paul growled but continued walking towards the forest. I walked over to Rachel and the kids. Danny was still crying in Seth's arms so I licked his face from chin to forehead. This made Danny smile. "Ew Lee Lee, yuck!" He said still giggling. I was thankful to finally feel Jacob and Paul phase. I was finally able to think freely without worrying about Jacob hearing me.

I looked towards Bella wanting to rip her head of myself. As much as I tried to control my anger around the kids, I couldn't help but let out a small growl. I can't believe she has the guts to come back here after everything her family has done- after everything her own bloodsucking daughter did to Jacob. I've never despised anyone in my life. I didn't think she can be anymore selfish than she was when she was pregnant with Nessie, wanting Jacob to be by her side even though she knew it hurt him. I guess I was wrong. My anger started to consume my whole body as I uncontionsly started walking towards them. "That's enough Leah" Seth said sounding more manly than I've ever heard him - he sounded just like my father. Thinking of my late father calmed my nerves. I looked down and became consumed in my own thoughts. I can't believe everything's starting to fall apart. I knew these past couple of months of happiness wouldn't last - at least they would have if these freaking leeches didn't come back. What's going to happen with Jacob and I?

"Okay, bloodsuckers start talking" Jacob said as he stood about twenty feet away from Bella and Edward. Paul jogged towards us. "Jacob, please let us explain. We're not here to start any trouble. Alice saw-" Bella said holding Edward's hand. "You could have at least called to let us know you were coming" Jacob said interrupting Bella. I was surprised at how hard he was being towards her- he's never spoken to her like this.

"Leah, Leah!" Paul had to call my name twice to get my attention. "Why don't you phase back? I'm taking Rachel and the kids home and then I'm going to Sam's." He said as he fasted PJ (Paul Jr.- Paul's youngest son) into his car seat.

I walked towards the woods picking up my clothes on the way. My mind started going crazy as soon as I reached the thick bigleaf maple trees. I can't believe this is happening. I can't believe they're back. Is Nessie here? Will she be here? Will Jacob go back to her? Will he leave me? I don't want to be alone again. I felt my chest tighten, I felt my walls break down - my emotions became too much to bear so I did the only thing I could. I howled. I cried and howled until I saw Jacob in front of me. "Leah. Please don't cry. I know what you're thinking. And its not going to happen" Jacob said with pain stricken eyes. It took too much for me to hold on to my wolf form, and I unknowingly phased back into my human form. I didn't realize I was back in my human form until I heard my own sobs. I was on my knees, fully bare and unable to move. I was still in shock from the realization that I might lose my one true happiness - my Jacob. Jacob kneeled next to me as he slowly started dressing me. "I'm not leaving you Leah." he said as cupped my cheek. "I love you Leah Clearwater" he said and then kissed me.


A distant howl, yet again, broke our kiss. Jacob's face instantly turned hard. "Sam knows"


This time the howl was louder and seemed closer to us. "They're on the move. They're coming here. I have to warn Bella" he said as he got up.

Hearing Bella's name started my blood boiling agan. I stood up and looked at Jacob. "When the time comes Jacob, who are you going to stand by? Them or us? Who's side are you going to pick? Her's...or......mine?" I said as I walked towards him. He looked at my unable to speak, confusion written all over your face.


Jacob finally took his eyes off of me and his eyes darted towards the forest. "They're here."


Looks like the vamps are back to stir some trouble.

Who's side will Jacob choose?

Sorry this may seem longer than what I usually write. I just got really into this chapter.

I hope you guys like it!

I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE CHARACTERS. This is a Fanfic. All Character belong to Stephenie Meyer

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