The Royal Heartbreaker

By DarkImperatrice

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Vicky Harrington is one of the famous folks from Righteous High also known as the Royal Heartbreaker fore she... More

The Royal Heartbreaker
Chapter 1:We Heartbreakers Must Stick Together
Chapter 2: Bonjour
Chapter 3:Kiss and Make up
Chapter 4:We Like Taylor Swift
Chapter 5:The Name is Vicky.
Chapter 6: Heartless
Chapter 7:Party Every Friday Night
Chapter 8: Physically,Mentally and Emotionally
Chapter 9:Let Me Go And We'll All Have A Happy Life
Chapter 10: The Notebook
Chapter 12:10 Seconds
Chapter 13: Jokes On You
Chapter 14:The Day Is Still Young
Chapter 15: Stuck
Chapter 16: Wake Up
Chapter 17: I Hate This
Chapter 18: Better Put Your Big Girl Pants On
Chapter 19: Misunderstanding
Chapter 20: Surprise Visits
Chapter 21: Not My Fries
Chapter 22: Friendship Perhaps?
Chapter 23: You Got Your Answer
Chapter 24: Slippery When Wet
Chapter 25: A Dream
Chapter 26: Make A Wish

Chapter 11:So Much For A Grand Entrance

255 12 3
By DarkImperatrice

*insert playlist here*

Vicky's POV

This is it.

I'm upstairs in my room right now waiting for Ava's signal. David shouted awhile ago that Alec is here so being supportive bestfriend Ava was she made me wait for her signal for a grand entrance.

You all must be wondering if I'm nervous or not, to be honest I'm not nervous I am REALLY NERVOUS.

I don't know what has got into me. I've never been this nervous before at my previous dates but right now I am. No I don't like him or anything if you are all wondering.

I don't like him and things above that. Maybe we just have this vibe around us? Yeah that's it.

"May I present to you Ms. Vicky Harrington!" When Ava said a grand entrance she wasn't lying that's for sure.

Well that's my cue. I walked down the staircase holding on to the bars and trying to look at least not constipated like in Princess Diaries where Mia walks down the grand stairs with an awkward smile plastered on her face.

Okay a few more steps and it'll be good. I can finally see everyone. Ansel was eating some pizza, David was sitting on the couch watching who knows what while Ava was grinning from ear to ear. Creepy...

I finally landed my gaze on my date and for a second I feel my nervousness is coming back. He stood in front looking charmingly handsome with a blue shirt, faded black pants and some white vans. Blue really does bring out his eyes.

Shoot focus Vicky! Just a few more steps!

I'm really losing my composure here.

Okay step slowly.

Oh look he's smiling. He is smiling!

I was in a daze. I was supposed to land on the last step when my foot missed it then I was falling.

Mayday! Mayday!

Emergency bells are ringing on my head. I'm about to embarrass myself in front of Alec while maybe getting a bruise on my arm.

Oh no this is goodbye painful world! I squeezed eyes shut waiting for the painful thud on the floor.


"Woah! Gotcha"

I opened my eyes and saw light blue orbs staring right into me. Wait what?

"Well so much for a grand entrance"I heard Ava said which made me blush. David and Ansel was trying to hold back a laugh which did help from making me blush even more.

He gently smiled at me brought me back to my feet. Wow even if I wore some converse I'm still a klutz.

Kyle was right.

Huh? Why on earth am I thinking about him? Stupid manipulative Prince.

"Are you alright?"Alec asked concerned.

"Uh yeah. No cuts or bruises here"I said looking for some bruises if there are any.

"Good thing I caught you then"he said.

"Yeah thanks for that and can you forget that accident that just happened?" I asked.

"Sure. We'll start over" he said reaching for my hand out which I gladly accepted.

"You look dashingly gorgeous tonight Vicky" he said kissing my hand.

"Chivalry isn't dead indeed" Ava mumbled more like silently shrieked which got a glare from Ansel and said 'don't ruin the moment'.

"Really? I'm only wearing a shirt and some pants?" I asked amused.

"You were supposed to say thank you and maybe say I look dashingly handsome myself" he smirked.

Oops my bad.

"Well... blue does bring your eyes out"I said.

He pouted at me which was actually cute.

"Alright you look good there I said it" I said defeated.

"Well that's better than nothing" he said.

"Indeed" I answered.

"Shall we go now?" he asked.


"Hep!" A voice cutted me off.

"Don't think you to can just go without my consent" David said walking towards the bot of us with a straight face.

This is bad.

"Alec" he said. Woah he got it right this time.

In my peripheral vision I saw Alec visibly gulp then he looked at David with all seriousness.

"Yes?" he asked.

"Bring my sister home in one piece before midnight or else.." he mysteriously put his head down.

"Or else what?" Ansel asked curiously in the back ground. All of us were curious of what it is.

"You wouldn't want to know do you" he raised his head to see his piercing glare and scary grin.

Ava couldn't look at him in the eye, Ansel looked like he just pooped and peed himself while Alec looked like his life flashed over his eyes.

Poor guy.

"Alright David stop scaring my date okay?" I said trying to calm mister protective guy over here.

"Are we clear?" he said ignoring me.

How dare he.

"Y-yes. *Ehem yes sir I-I mean David" Alec answered.


"Umm sorry to interrupt but can the two go now?" Ava butted in.

"Yeah wouldn't want David to stop and be all protective over Vicky here again" Ansel said which got a punch in the arm by David.

"I'm just making sure there won't be any kissing and touching later in the future that is if Alec does make any attempts of it" David said glaring at Alec which made the two of us blush in embarrassment.

"Oh god David. We're just gonna eat pizza and some arcade nothing else" I said firmly.

"I'm just taking extra precautions" David shrugged pathetically.

"Eww! Just go! We'll handle your weirdo brother Vick just go now" Ava instructed us which we quickly obliged.

"Oh and go get him tiger" Ava winked at us.

Once were finally outside we walked towards his car.

"What does that mean?" Alec said clearly amused.

"What?" I asked thinking he might have thought about David being David which turns him off and maybe lose interest in me~wait what?

Wrong choice of words Vick!

"What Ava said" he answered.

"Oh she was just being Ava" I answered smiling.

"Oh like David being the protective big brother wolf" Alec joked which got a giggle from me.

"You're mean. Wait 'til I go home I'll tell David what you said"I blackmailed.

"Alright I'm sorry." Alec flashed me his pearly whites which made my tummy have this fluttering feeling.

What was that?

"Now shall we?" he asked opening the car's door.

"Certainly" I said sliding in.


"So where exactly are we going to?" I asked looking at him.

"It's a surprise, and don't tell me you don't like surprises girls love 'em" he said pointing his index at while his other hand on the steering wheel.

"Where's the surprise if we're only going to the arcade and eat pizza?" I asked smirking.

"Touché" he said smiling.

"Ha!" I clicked my tongue.

"But I wasn't finished" he interrupted.

"What is it then?" I asked challenging him.

"It's a surprise" he smiled which got a groan from me.

"You're no fun Alec." I said slouching my back to the seat pouting.

"You're just to cute for your own good Vicky" he said attempting to pinch my cheeks.

"Keep your eyes on the road will ya? No touchies" I said holding my cheeks.

"Whatever you say" he shook his head while I waited impatiently.

I looked outside watching the other cars when I found a familiar blue BMW. Just next to our car. I looked closely trying to remember but it's like a foggy mess in my head. All I know is that car is familiar, that's it.

"We're almost there Vicky" Alec said interrupting my thoughts on the other car.

"Okay Alec" I nodded at him. He took a left turn and I saw the blue BMW zoomed the other direction. I caught a sight of its plate number and now im sure my conclusions were right.

We parked the car and headed inside the mall.

"So where do you want to go first?"Alec asked looking quite nervous.

"Don't you have anything planned?" I asked clearly teasing him but he took it the other way.

"U-uh I-I d-do I m-mean um" he stuttered look frantic.

"Oh Alec I was just joking loosen up a bit" I laughed patting him on the shoulder. That seems to calm him down a bit.

"Oh haha" Alec laughed nervously while scratching the back of his head.

"So why don't we head to the arcade first" I suggested.

"Hmm not bad let's go?" he said reaching his hand to me.

"Oh okay" I accepted his hand and we both walked to the arcade. My tummy was feeling weird again and that's not all my face suddenly felt hot and flustered.

Oh please don't tell me I'm blushing because of that.

"I'll buy the tokens" Alec said getting his wallet but I stopped him.

"No, it's only tokens Alec I could pay for it" I interfered.

"No way I'm the one-technically Hawke who asked you out so I'm paying" he said.

"But it's a first date can't I pay half or something?" I said reasoning him.

"Nope. I'm paying that's final. Plus it'll be a big wound in the ego if I let you pay at the first date" he said grinning.

"Ugh boys and their egos that is the size of Jupiter." I muttered which got a pinch in the cheeks from Alec.

"Did you said something cutie?" he asked smiling at the fact that he was pinching my cheek again.

"No! Let go Alec!" I said trying to get his hand of my cheek.

"Okay, okay stay here while I go buy some tokens. And don't go anywhere cutie" Alec said winking at me.

"Seriously cutie?" I asked blushing a bit yet I still had a deadpanned look plastered on my face.

"Why not?" he chuckled and walked away to the token booth.

I sat down on a nearby bench and checked my phone.

No messages

What a surprise. No texts from Ava? Well that's a starter.

I looked around my surroundings while waiting for Alec when I something caught my eye. Three weirdly dressed guys were standing next to a gum drop dispenser not so far from here. I looked closely at the three.

One has his blonde fringes stuck out from his fedora while looking around rather suspiciously, the other one was reading a magazine in front of his face that has two holes in the middle and the last one was wearing sunglasses (even though it is fall) he was pretending to be talking on the phone that is turned on and you can clearly see the home screen.

What a bunch of idiots.

"Hey I've got the tokens" Alec said approaching which made me avert my gaze over the suspicious looking men.

"Okay, lets go" I smiled at him and we both went inside the arcade.

Inside was every gamer's world. From fighting games to shooting games they have it. My eyes instantly picked up the racing games.

"Do you want to play that?" Alec asked pointing at the racing games. I only nodded still looking at the game.

"You're such a cutie, Vicky. Hey, that rhymed!" he chuckled and led the way towards the game.

I sat down on the worn leather seats while Alec did the same sitting next to me. I placed my feet on the pedals and held the steering wheel getting ready.

"Here you go" Alec smiled placing the coin in the slot.

I smiled back at him for a second and went back to game with a game face on.

"I'll go easy on you don't worry" Alec said assuring me but that only got a snort from me.

"Yeah as if" I said gripping the steering wheel waiting anxiously.









"That's the third time!" Alec shouted in frustration while hitting his head on the steering wheel.

"I told you so" I said looking at my nails.

"H-how? I didn't knew! That's unfair!" he argued.

"Hey I played by the rules. You're just a sour loser" I teased and smirked.

"Hmp" he crossed his arms and pouted like a kid. Oh boy.

"C'mon don't tell me you're upset by this" I nudged him playfully.

"You beat me three times at a game a guy is supposed to be good at" he muttered.

What a kid.

"So what?" I asked.

"You have to kiss me then because you hurt my feelings" he said pouting his lips directly at me.

Your feelings or your ego? I thought. I think?

"Hey I heard that" he said glaring playfully at me.


"I don't see how a kiss-my kiss that is would help" I said looking at him smirking.

"Well cutie, a cure to a man's broken heart is a kiss from a beautiful lady" he said while holding my hand.

His touch burned at my palm and the rampaging butterflies in my tummy didn't help. What the fudge is this guy doing to me?

We just sat at the seats all silent. The tension suddenly consuming me.

"Hey you know I was just kidding" he said nervously chuckling.

"Oh yeah" I said blushing a bit.

"Hey why don't we go to that claw machine" he said pointing at it.

"What? Why?" I asked.

"So I could get you a stuffy. It can be a remembrance for this day." he smiled at me. I only nodded as an answer and we went to the layers of claw machines.

There were possibly alot to choose from. There were Hello Kitty, Baymax, Minions and Stitch. But really caught my eye it was a cute little fox.

"I think you like that fox huh?" Alec said which got me blushing.

"Yeah it's kinda cute" I said picking the hem of my shirt.

"Alright I'll go get for you cutie" he said ruffling my hair a bit which got a glare from me.

He placed the coin in the slot and started. He was struggling at the first attempt then he click the button and the claw grabbed the toy and successfully dropped it into the receiving box.

He bent down and grabbed the toy and gave it to me.

"Here ya go" he said with a smirk.

"Thank you" I said hugging the fox stuffy. It is so cute! With its green eyes and all.

"So what will you name it?" he asked.

"Umm I don't know" I said thinking.

"Hmm what about name it after me" he said.

"Aren't t you getting a bit cocky by the second?" I asked smirking.

"It was only a suggestion" he said laughing softly.

"Okay I'll call you Little Alec" I said at the fox while raising it in front of my face.

"Hey that's rude! I'm not little you know I have muscles" he argued flexing his biceps.

"I don't care" I said sticking my tongue out at him.

I hugged my stuffy again really tight and looked at .

"I think you like that fox more than you like me" Alec said pouting a bit.

"Well that's true" I said kissing the fox.

"Oh come on!" he said crossing his arms which I laughed at his childishness.

"Let's go to the movies now Alec!" I said pulling him towards the ticket booth.

While I am pulling Alec I caught a familiar pair of blue eyes standing at a distance. His eyes that I remembered full of care and adoration that I used to loved before.

His eyes swirled with bunch of emotions. But I caught a glint of emotion in it that shocked me.



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