Nagisa X Karma Future Revenge

By SmilesWithSin

11.5K 332 74

This story takes place in the future where Nagisa is an Assassin and hasn't seen anyone from class E3 in year... More

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8?
Part 9
Not a Chap.

Part 1

2.2K 81 15
By SmilesWithSin

Nagisa Point of View

It's been years since class E3 graduated and the media still are asking about the death of koro-sense.  After the graduation most people became what they wanted. I finally became a teacher but I ended becoming a government assassin. I mean it's not like I hate it, I actually feel comfortable being a assassin and so far my life's been as normal as it can be. Like every single late afternoon I have to look for my target and kill him/her before dawn.

Few Hours Later

"No please! What do you want from me? Money?, Drugs?, Anything!" yelled the second gang leader who was responsible of the bombing and killing thousand civilians

"Really? Anything?!" Nagisa reply

The man look more hopeful from the response and seemed he was ready to make a deal

" The one thing I want right now is for you to be dead" I finished while slitting the man's throat and making sure he's dead.

"Geez I'm tired. Now where's the last target?" I kept searching for the last leader of the gang until I saw him aiming a gun at me, he hiding behind a corner. I stood a few feet from him when he suddenly yelled some  cussword while pulling the trigger . I quickly dogged the bullet and ran at him aiming my knife to his heart. He finally stooped yelling as he realized he was about to die. I jumped on top of the building getting ready to leave when I noticed something in the moonlight. Whoever it was running on top the building I quickly tried to hide and see who is was.

While I was hiding my foot slipped off of the gutter because there was water in it or something. I didn't slip of the roof but I made a noise which caused whoever it was to look in my direction.

"Who's there?" the man said.

When he called me out  figured to show myself. Something felt weird, I feel like I've heard his voice before. I got up at looked at the man in the darkness to find out that it was... KARMA!!!

"Karma! Is that you?" I said as the clouds on the moon past and be able to see his face better.

"Nagisa? Is that... Where? How? What?!!" He replied struggling to speak

I jumped onto the roof he was one and just looked at him surprisingly. He's grown taller his face changed a bit but still recognizable .

Busy looking at Karma's face I didn't notice it when he pulled me in for a hug.

"What?" I said as karma give me a hard hug

"I thought you were dead!!??" Karma yelled hugging me tightly "Where have you been!"

"Um well..." I sighed " Wait why are you here?!"

"Ugh, hold on" he moaned and grabbed my hand


He was taking me somewhere! Karma jumped from roof to roof holding Nagisa's hand.
Their silhouettes traveled through the night

Hope you enjoy this little chapter
I'm new so say anything ya want

PS I really hope I finish this cause its probably gonna be hella long and sorry for the wait :(

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