Part 9

701 19 15

Normal= Speaking or actions or whatever
Italics = thinking duh! Maybe I should try thinking
Karma Pov.
'He's finally going to tell me what the he'll happened. I'm happy that he's okay but I still wanna punch him in the face for leaving but first I need to know what happened... you can't judge someone without knowing their story'

Nagisa took some deep breaths and began. "So obliviously I wanted to be a teacher and so that's what I became."
He moved a little bit to get comfortable as I waited.
"Everything was going great I taught them so much they weren't quick learners but they were determined, like us before, I tried to teach like Koro Sensei and it's was so much fun. Little did I know that one of my students was already and assassin, not professional tho. He was just learning and I could tell he had potential. He never said anything but he was one of my greatest pupils. Weirdly he works for someone who wants me dead. I'm not sure who wants to kill me but whatever. Randomly one day he told me everything , that he was assigned to kill me and bring proof. I asked who wanted me dead and he wouldn't tell me. After telling me that he bombed the school and tried killing other students. He got them... I .... fought him and was holding him down but someone grabbed my shoulder and stabbed me. Later he came back but he was completely different. He said he never meet me before and became reckless and more dangerous. Finally when they tried killing Karasuma. They all got close and after they graduated He killed ...Kaede."
I'm pretty sure I know what happened and why most things happened
I finally spoke " so your going to get your revenge for Kaede and kill him?"
Nagisa looked at me and he was angry
"Not just Kaeden," Nagisa huffed  "he killed some of my students with help,  he killed anyone I had any contact with. That's why I couldn't communicate with you guys"

hello guys GUESS WHAT .......

Chicken butt (lol)
Guys I low key forgot that I wrote this. I just wanna sleep rn (I'm in the middle of class)
I hate algebra
So summers coming so I might be able to write a lot more.
I hope everyone has been doing well . Hope y'all have a good day meanwhile I want to die because I forgot to do homework and I fell yesterday.
Anyways hope you liked this
I kinda need to get better at writing and English. Thank good for auto correct
Bye 👋 🤗😋😋😋😋😋

Nagisa X Karma Future RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now