The Demon Within

By BlondePower10

8.5K 439 111

In the ages of the samurai, an Empire uses its samurai to ensure their secure rule. The only threat to the Em... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty

Chapter Twenty-Seven

141 10 0
By BlondePower10

Mei walked up the continuous staircase, Kazuma, Kalik and Takashi following behind her. Mei regretted not being able to leave them behind, but she felt comforted knowing they were there. Mei wanted them to live, which is why she left them behind in the first place. But now, she was determined they could finish this in one piece. The stairs were in a spiral several stories high, which made it exhausting for Mei to travel up them, but she didn't know if Kazuma had the energy to warp there since their battle. Thousands of stairs stood between Mei and Certo, which gave Mei time to collect her thoughts. As they continued up the stairs, Takashi let out a frustrated grunt. Mei stopped and looked over her shoulder at him, raising her eyebrow in curiosity.

"How long do these fucking stairs go? I'm getting tired of walking!" Takashi complained. Kazuma started chuckling and Kalik put his face in his hand. Mei smirked as she turned back around, continuing to climb. "It would be a lot easier if we could just teleport there," Takashi went on. He looked at Mei with an angry expression. "Why can't you just zap us there or something?"

"Actually asking a demon for help?" Kazuma said sarcastically as he eyed Takashi from the corners of his eyes.

"Shut up," Takashi snarled, looking at the wall. Mei smiled and started to laugh.

"Do you think it's a good idea to just appear there?" Mei asked as she stopped again, turning towards them so she could see their faces.

"Beats walking up all these goddamn stairs," Takashi mumbled.

"Perhaps warping us outside of the room Certo would be in?" Kalik suggested and Kazuma gave a low huff.

"Humans are such a pain in the ass," Kazuma growled.

"I believe we can do that," Mei said as she shot Kazuma a look. "The faster this ends the better right?"

"Damn right," Takashi answered.

"Kazuma, do you have enough energy to do that?" Kazuma rolled his eyes at her question.

"Naturally, Mei. Don't doubt my strength." Mei and Kazuma smiled at each other as they combined their powers and disappeared. All four of them appeared before a giant gate, which was left cracked open. Mei felt enormous power coming from beyond the door, and she grew positive Certo was behind them. She looked around at the guys, who nodded their heads at her. Taking a deep breath, Mei pushed open the door. It creaked as it opened, and they walked in to see Certo sitting on a giant throne made out of fossilized heads. Certo opened his eyes and they gleamed with lust as he stared at Mei. He moved his massive head and leaned against his arm, his eyes twinkling.

"So, Soushi failed and didn't put up a good enough fight, I see. No matter, no matter. He will receive my punishment after I kill you."

"Not today, bub," Takashi said unsheathing his sword. Kalik and Kazuma also unsheathed theirs, and Mei stood in front of all of them, still staring at the throne. Certo followed Mei's gaze and smiled at her, his pearly white fangs gleaming in the light.

"You must have noticed, princess. These are the heads of your ancestors Osamu and Soushi kindly arranged for me. Your head will be on top when I finish with you." Mei and Kazuma immediately transformed into the Catalyst Fossil and Celestial Fox. Mei's eyes glowed, rage consuming her. Mei held out her hand and the Abyss Blade appeared in the air, and Mei gripped it tightly. Certo laughed and got to his feet, drawing four blades that were on either side of the throne. Mei's eyes widened as she recognized them to be Demon Swords. So, he got his hands on the remaining four, she thought. She felt Kazuma shift uneasily beside her but he didn't falter from the challenge.

"Kalik, Takashi. Can you distract at least two of his arms?" Kalik looked over at Mei with a raised eyebrow.

"Are those things Demon Swords?" Kalik asked. Takashi immediately began shaking his head.

"Hell no, I ain't getting cut by one of those again. Those hurt like a mother fu—"

"I'm just asking you to distract him for a bit," Mei said interrupting Takashi's rant. "If he nails us with those, we're in big trouble." 

"Yeah we got it covered," Kalik said smiling at Takashi, who was making a nervous face. "Don't wait back here too long."

"We won't, we just have to come up with a way to counter him," Mei said with a smile. Kalik nodded and he and Takashi rushed forward towards Certo. Certo bellowed a laugh and swung his swords at them. Takashi jumped to the side as two swords crashed into the ground and then swung his sword, slicing the wrist. Blood sprayed from the wound but Certo didn't seem bothered with it as he swung at Takashi again. Kalik stabbed his sword into Certo's heel, causing Certo to stumble a bit. The third arm came around like a whip, sending Kalik rolling across the floor. Kalik regained his feet and blocked an attack from the fourth arm. He and Takashi took a step back, breathing hard from their effort. Neither one of them had ever faced four swords at the same time, especially swinging at this velocity. Kalik glanced over at Takashi and Takashi smiled back at him. They ran at him together, causing Certo to send all four of his arms hurtling towards them. They dodged, rolled to the side and came up in a run, stabbing their swords into Certo's arms and running underneath him, creating giant scars on his arms. Blood spewed out of his arms and Certo roared in rage. Falling back, Takashi wiped the blood from his sword and Kalik threw the blood from his. They stared up at Certo, a murderous glint gleaming in their eyes.

"Humans, you have surprised me," Certo said as he examined his arms. "Perhaps I will kill you slowly now, instead of a painless death. I'll enjoy torturing you."

"You can try," Kalik said with a glint of light in his eyes. They charged again, this time heading in opposite directions. Arms crashed down around them as they weaved their way in and out. Takashi ran towards Kalik, who put his hands together. Takashi's foot landed in Kalik's hands and Kalik launched him upwards. Takashi landed on one of Certo's right arms and made his way towards the neck. Certo snapped at Takashi, his fangs barely missing Takashi's clothing. Kalik drove his blade into Certo's heel again, causing more blood to fall to the ground. Takashi plunged his sword into Certo's neck, blood spewing all over Takashi's front side. The tip of one of the blades caught Takashi's side, sending him falling to the ground. He landed with a thud, knocking the breath out of him. Certo raised his foot and started to come down on Takashi. Takashi raised his hands in an attempt to shield himself when a flash of yellow light seared by, cutting off Certo's hoof. Takashi didn't hesitate; he maneuvered away from him and got back to this feet, looking up to see his sword still lodged in Certo's neck. Takashi glared over his shoulder as Mei and Kazuma joined the fight.

"Any later and you bastards would be planning my funeral," Takashi snapped as he grabbed his side, his wound stinging with horrendous pain.

"There's not going to be any more funerals," Mei stated. She lashed her tail back and forth, eager to jump into the fight. Kalik came up to them, a sword wound on his shoulder.

"You guys got it from here?" he asked.

"Feel free to join in again," Kazuma said. "But we got this now." Mei and Kazuma walked forward towards Certo, who was clearly pissed off humans managed to lay a scratch on him.  Mei looked at Certo with a new determination in her eyes. She closed her eyes for a second, then opened them and they glowed with a purple aura. She tightened her hand on the hilt of the blade, her knuckles turning white. Certo noticed them standing there, and his custom sneer decorated his face.

"Oh? So the princess herself is going to fight me? Not afraid of Demon Swords I'm hoping?" Certo said licking his chops like a dog.

"You won't touch me," Mei growled. She bared her fangs and launched herself upwards, raising her sword into and arch to swing down. Her blade collided with Certo's and sparks went up from contact. Mei swung her sword back and forth, blocking all four of Certo's thrusts. Certo started to laugh with delight and continued to thrust at Mei with incredible speed. Mei blocked and then disappeared as three swords jabbed where she used to be. She reappeared in front of Certo's face and slashed downwards, making contact with the top of his snout, blood spraying upwards. Mei landed back on the ground as Certo howled with pain. Kazuma appeared behind him, his bone wings extended to their fullest. He slashed downwards, creating a huge gash all the way down Certo's back. Before Kazuma could get out of the way, Certo's tail whipped around and smacked him, sending him crashing into the wall. Rubble fell on top of him and his arm snapped when a huge boulder fell on top of him. Kazuma grimaced from the pain and started to withdraw, waiting for the healing to snap his bones back together. Certo growled and his tail whipped again at Kazuma. Kazuma broke through the walls and fell from the tower. Mei yelled and started to go after him, but the tail rammed into her, sending her skidding across the floor and into a wall. As Kazuma fell, he managed to drill his tail into the side of the tower, abruptly stopping his fall. He looked back up at the hole he busted through, blood running down his face. He saw a dark purple beam shoot through the hole, and knew Mei was starting to use her energy more and more, which could wear her out if she was not careful. Grunting from the pain, Kazuma extended his wings and waited till he got some wind underneath them.

Mei was growling, lowering her hand as she sent a blast of energy from her hand. She had shot a giant hole through Certo's stomach, but was irritated it was already healing up. Mei ran forward and collided with his swords, making her efforts seem futile. Certo's sword came down and slashed open Mei's side, blood splashing out of her wound. Mei didn't let it faze her. Despite the pain, Mei charged her sword full of energy and swung it at Certo, sending a large purple blade out of sword. It slashed through two of Certo's arms, but they instantly grew back before the arms hit the floor. His healing is better than ours! Mei thought, getting frustrated. Your sword Mei. Use your sword! It's more than it appears to be! Just like before Mei, the sword responds to the situation! Her mothers' sweet voice said in her head, filled with anxiety. Mei looked down at her sword as Certo began to laugh at her efforts. She saw the beautiful green light circling within the blade. That moment Mei noticed the small crack throughout her blade and her eyes widened with understanding. Certo's paw connected with her stomach, sending her flying into the wall. She got up, blood flowing from the corner of her mouth, her eyes narrowed in rage.

"If you have time to daydream, then you shouldn't have come at all," Certo mocked, sending all four of his swords down upon her. Mei reacted, grabbing the hilt of her sword and inserting her fingers in between the middle of the hilt. She pulled hard and blocked all four of Certo's swords with the two of hers. She glared up at Certo's surprised face, the swords surrounded with a purple aura, filled with her energy. Mei shoved Certo back, and slashed at him with her left, followed by her right. Mei had a bigger advantage know; she could easily block his attacks now. Blow after blow, blood was sent flying onto the walls as Mei hacked away at Certo, her purple hair whipping behind her as she flew across the floor. She whipped her tail, sending icy daggers into Certo's side as she flew past him. Out of the corner of Mei's eye, she saw Kazuma's figure appear in the hole of the tower, his wings extended and his arm back to normal. He flew right by her, and drilled his tail into Certo's tail. He latched his claws into the snakes head, and started ripping the flesh out of the tail. Certo turned around, angry with Kazuma's reappearance. He swung his sword at him and Mei easily blocked it, her back pressed against Kazuma's. Mei pushed Certo back and launched herself at his face, determined to take his head off. Certo smiled at her, his fangs glinting in the dim light of the room. Mei realized too late. Certo's claw plunged through her stomach, ripping right through her skin and flesh. Blood dripped onto the floor and blood fell from Mei's mouth. Mei hung there, impaled on Certo's claws as she stared down at her wound.

"MEI!" Kalik shouted.

"Damn you, bastard!" Takashi yelled as he and Kalik ran forward. Certo glanced over at them, his eyes narrowing. His third hand swiped them to the side, like swatting a fly. Takashi and Kalik were sent into the wall, blood starting to come from their mouths. Kazuma's sword found a place between Certo's ribs. Certo growled and tried to move his tail, but found he didn't have a tail anymore due to Kazuma's shredding. Certo shoved his head downwards, his teeth clamping onto Kazuma's shoulder. Ripping off Kazuma's arm, he kicked Kazuma across the room, blood flying in the air as he went. Certo turned his attention back to Mei, who was slowly trying to push his claw out of her body. He ripped it out and Mei screamed with pain. Certo tightly gripped Mei in his hand, his claws wrapping around her. Mei glared, pain flickering across her face.

"A wasted effort," Certo growled. "Now, I shall eat you, princess. Don't fret, you won't feel a thing!" Certo started chuckling as he brought Mei to his mouth, his jaws parting and Mei saw his giant fangs.

"Mei!" Kazuma yelled weakly, as he regained his footing. Mei gripped her swords tightly, and worked up her saliva mixed with her blood. As soon as she got close to Certo's mouth, she spat in it, causing Certo to gag with disgust.

"Bitch," Certo growled as he spat out Mei's blood. Mei worked her tail through his grip and wrapped it around his little finger as he spat out the last of her blood. After lodging her blades that were on the tip of her tail into Certo's finger, she sharply pulled upwards, ripping his finger off. Certo yelled and his grip loosened, allowing Mei to free her arms before he tightened it again. Certo's mouth came closer, his fangs parting.

"Kiss my ass!" yelled Mei as she shoved one of her swords up into Certo's nostril, blood spewing onto her. Certo reeled back, howling in pain. Mei used the blades on her arms to cut herself free, and she launched herself into the air above Certo's head, blood flowing from her wound in her stomach. She came down hard, drilling her blade into Certo's snout, plunging all the way through, sealing Certo's mouth. Mei fell from Certo's snout, her strength leaving her. She fell into Kazuma's arms as he caught her, both of his arms back intact from his rapid healing. He jumped back a few steps as Certo began rampaging throughout the room. Kalik and Takashi made their way over there, holding the back of their heads as they walked.

"Mei, you're..." Kalik trailed off as he saw the wound.

"It'll heal," Mei said with a gasp, not having enough energy to say anything else at the moment. Kazuma's arm had already restored itself, so Mei knew it wouldn't be long before her wound did. She looked down at her stomach and saw the flesh and bones had already started filling in the hole. Kazuma released her and she stood looking at the rampaging Certo, desperately clawing his snout, hoping to get Mei's sword out.

"What now?" Takashi said as he watched Certo pillaging through the pillars of the room.

"I'll finish it," Mei said walking forward, a cocky smile on her face.

"You don't have a sword Mei," Kalik said uneasy.

Mei smiled and looked over her shoulder, an old memory resurfacing. "I won't need one." Kalik and Takashi smiled as they remembered the first time she had said the exact same thing.

"Of course you won't, Miss Bad-Ass demon," Takashi said shrugging his shoulders. Mei walked forward, her hands balling into fists. The blades on her arms started to glow as she continued walking. Straight through the heart, since everything else heals itself. Mei broke into a run, dodging the rubble falling from the ceiling due to Certo's rampage. She jumped onto the side of a pillar still standing, and launched herself at Certo's chest. Extending her arms above her head, she spun her body and drilled into Certo's chest, his screams piercing the air. As Mei drilled, the blood started to choke her and breathing became impossible. The flesh was already trying to heal and started to attach itself to Mei's body as she continued to drill. Mei closed her eyes, knowing she wouldn't reach Certo's heart at this speed. Mei opened her eyes, blood dripping into them and she noticed a figure, white as snow. The figure extended their hand and Mei reached out for it. "Ready?" said Mei's mom, her face becoming clear. Mei smiled and the crystal around her neck began to glow as the souls within her crest started to energize her. Mei increased her energy and she began to soar through Certo's flesh. Mei broke through on the other side, her entire body covered in blood. Blood spewed and splashed everywhere as it poured out of Certo, his screams becoming quieter. Mei landed on her feet in a crouch, and stood back up and looked over her shoulder at Certo. Blood had seeped all over the floor, causing it to be about over knee deep in blood, and Certo layed there motionless in it, his mouth wide open. Mei closed her eyes and smiled. Eat that, bitch.

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