4 AM || Robert Lewandowski

By germanynt

52.1K 1.7K 643

They say in order to truly know someone, you have to stay up late 'till 4 AM and talk about the smallest thin... More



1.8K 78 39
By germanynt

Before he can even finish his sentence, Gadis has decided to raise her hand up in the air and slap Robert across the face.

The whole room seems to stop in motion as Robert automatically clutches his hand onto his now reddening cheek, "W—what was that for?!"

"For thinking so lowly of me!" the woman in front of him shouts with cynicism laced in every syllable. She slowly eyes the muted footballer in front of her, "I was merely a teen with raging hormones at that time, what did you expect?!"

"Why didn't you tell me the truth when we first talked?" the Polish international sneers. Gadis sighs for the umpteenth time before being cut off by the man once again, "What is so hard about telling me that you know me?"

"Because why does it matter?!" she exasperatedly bellows while throwing up both her hands in vexation, "You told me yourself you don't want someone to befriend you just because you're a footballer – and now that this happens, you're mad at me?"

Robert bites his lips in annoyance, "I'm just saying – it's a bit unfair to me, don't you think? You fucking knew what I look like and what I do for a living – heck, you could've known my entire background story – when I didn't even know what your hair color is at that time!"

"Oh," Gadis jeers, "Oh—alright, in other words, you were scared I would turn out to be under par when you're... you? It's all about materialism and physical looks, isn't it? You thought I was taking advantage of you, huh?"

"Jesus!" he shouts in frustration, "I wasn't—God, I wasn't even indicating that! You're just going off track now, for God's sake."

"Oh, yeah? Am I really going off track now?" the 22-year-old grimaces, causing Robert to ball his fists in anger, "I didn't tell you that I know who you are because I want you to be open to me; I don't want you to envision me as just another crazed fan of yours."

"Besides," Gadis exhales, "Do you really think I would date you just to become a WAG? After what we've been through?"

"What we've been through?" Robert chuckles somberly; apparently, his ego wouldn't stir clear and is still clouding his mind with ugly thoughts.

The Pole tends to utter out nasty things he would regret saying when he's mad, and boy is he in for a treat, "Gadis, liebe, I could definitely survive my days without you pretending to be my psychiatrist in that balcony of yours."

Once he has finished his sentence, Robert swears he could see hurt glinting in both Gadis' big doe eyes.

Before he can even utter out an apology, the woman is quick to mutter out a cynical response, "Robert Lewandowski, you're a cold-hearted asshole."

And just like that, Gadis disconsolately turns on her heels and exits the club, followed by a frantic-looking Kenneth who manages to shoot Robert a wary look.

Once again, Robert is left alone with nothing but a broken heart and a racing mind.


On the following day, Robert wakes up with a bitching hangover that makes him want to vomit every now and then; when your lover leaves you confused and broken-hearted alone in a nightclub, you just ought to drown your misery in nothing but alcohol.

Not long after, he finds himself tumbling and cussing in pain when dragging his curtains open, allowing sunlight to envelop the footballer's lonely apartment.

"Fuck," he curses when he takes a look at the time – 1:43 PM, "Pep's going to kill me."

Quickly doing the math in his head, the Pole has come up with a conclusion that he should get to the training center in approximately 17 minutes if he doesn't want his coach to kill him with his bare hands.

Once he's geared up and ready to bolt off in his car, Robert can't help but take a quick glance at Gadis' apartment – her curtains are surprisingly closed and the lights are somewhat off.

He eventually takes off with the same clouded mind that he possessed last night; he's fully aware of the fact that his heartbreak was entirely caused by himself and that he has been nothing but a jerk to Gadis.

Of course she's not in it for the fame – hell, one can tell that she genuinely likes him judging by how she would lovingly hover her soft lips on his chapped ones while muttering sweet nothings into the footballer's ears.

Her laughter and comforting words are truly a beautiful lullaby Robert has never gotten the chance to listen to before.

And now that he realizes how dumb and insecure he was, he can't help but crave for Gadis' tender kisses and caresses. In other words, he simply yearns for her presence.

"Oi, shithead!" a thick-accented voice disrupts Robert from his trance, causing him to immediately jolt up in his seat. The Pole slowly looks up to only be greeted by a confused Thomas Müller.


"Verdammt, Lewandowski," his teammate exhales, "You're out of your mind!"

As if on cue, Robert realizes that he has unknowingly parked in front of the training center safely despite everything that was going through his mind.

"You didn't even realize you have arrived!" the German concernedly points out, "Jesus! Did you have a drink last night?!"

"Please, Tom, not here," Robert grunts as he takes his duffel bag from his backseat and exits his car. He swiftly takes a look at his wristwatch – 2:03 PM.

Oh, what do you know? I'm only 3 minutes late.

"You can't let Pep see you like this," Thomas tells the striker with a stern voice, "I don't think he'll allow you be in the starting line-up against Dortmund tomorrow."

I'm sure Gadis would be happy to know that I won't be going up against her favorite team tomorrow.

At the thought of Gadis, Robert absent-mindedly slips out a sad smile, "To be honest with you? I don't even care anymore."

The brown-haired German eyes the Pole as if he were a three-headed alien, "What has gotten into you?! Shit, does this have something to do with Gadis?"

Robert shrugs as he drops his duffel bag and starts to put on his cleats. Thomas still locks his gaze on the renowned striker, eventually getting the reply he's been waiting for, "Yeah, it has something to do with Gadis. Now, will you please let me be?"

Thomas Müller might be famous for being the team's joker, but he sure is one of the most sympathetic friends one could ever ask for.

"Whatever issue that you had last night," Thomas mutters, "Please mend things with her. She's a nice woman and you sure as hell is a devoted man – from what I see, you guys are capable of making a great couple so long as stubbornness doesn't get into the way."

Robert shoots his teammate a small nod, allowing Thomas to return him a small smile before heading towards the rest of their teammates.

Yeah, I'll mend things with her. I'll apologize for being a complete ass that night and for letting my insecurities and ego get the best of me.

Feeling a little bit better about the whole situation, the Polish international decides to get on with his day as if nothing is bothering him.

'Everything will be okay,' Robert chants in his head as if it was some sort of mantra, 'You'll cradle Gadis in your arms by the end of the day and everything will turn out fine.'

By the time Pep ends the training session, Robert finds himself running towards his car in order to apologize to Gadis as fast as he can.

"Tell her I said hi!" Thomas shouts from afar, causing the striker to smile to himself as he bolts out of the parking lot.

The Polish footballer practically leaps his way towards Gadis' apartment; he really wants to see that particular beautiful smile gracing the Indonesian's face and for her to know that Robert didn't mean anything that he had said last night.

After all, Robert Lewandowski wants nothing but to love her fully.

However, Robert's growing nervousness is instantly replaced with confusion once he spots Karmen opening the door to Gadis' apartment.

"Karmen," he lets out a wavering breath. The 18-year-old shoots him a puzzled look, almost as if instructing the striker to tell her why he's there, "Uh, is Gadis here?"

"No?" Karmen answers rather perplexedly, "Didn't she tell you? She's going back to Indonesia."

"W—what?" Robert spits out, "Karmen, please, don't play around with me."

"I'm not playing around with you!" she exclaims offended, "She left this morning with a friend of hers – dark-haired, tall, and fairly tan. They were talking in Indonesian the whole time I was there."


"Maybe she lied to you," the Pole reasons, refusing to believe that she has gone to Indonesia without letting him know. She couldn't possibly leave him after what they've been through together... Right?

Karmen instantly shoots the footballer an apprehensive look, "Why would she? She even asked me to mail the manuscripts she hasn't had the time to finish to her house in Indonesia."

"Honestly, Robert?" the auburn-haired girl sighs, "She looked kinda frantic when I last saw her here. As much as I hate saying this, I kind of think she's leaving Germany for good."

...And just like that, Robert can literally feel his heart shattering into pieces.

He absolutely hates himself for hurting someone as delicate and loving as Gadis.

He fucking hates himself for letting go of someone he thought he could so love whole-heartedly.

To top it all off, he indisputably abhors himself for last seeing Gadis with a disappointed and dejected look on her face – every single one of them greatly inflicted by him.


A/N: lmao didn't have internet connection for the past 2 days and BAMMM mikel merino has already started training with the bvb squad and basti is apparently married smh

anywaaay, there's only 1 chapter left and an epilogue so please stay tuned ;)

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