Our Green eyes [ON HOLD]

By xxDiamondxx

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ON HOLD, SOME MAJOR EDITING NEEDED, WILL BE BACK SOON XX - Do you remember being a kid? When you're mum used... More

Chapter 1: I Saw Him
Chapter 2 - That Feeling
Chapter 3: The Field Of Attraction
Chapter 4: The Wolf
Chapter 5: He Walked Away
Chapter 6: The Realisation Dream
Chapter 8: Trust
Chapter 9: The Visit
Chapter 10: The Confession
Chapter 11: Uncontrollable Love
Chapter 12: Confusion
Chapter 13: Together
Chapter 14: Oh No She Didnt!
Chapter 15: Are You Kidding Me?
Chapter 16: Falling Unconditionally
Chapter 17: Wonderful Feelings
The Art Of Hatred

Chapter 7: The Bond

386 7 1
By xxDiamondxx


I am changing the name of this book to: ‘OUR GREEN EYES’ on the 01/03/12.

Also, this is an UPDATE to my previous chapter 7, hope you like it! If you do, then: VOTE, COMMENT and FAN!

But make sure to comment; I worked really hard on updating all of these chapters and I'm really emotional about my stuff so please comment and let me know what you think  [A/N]


It had to be true.

It all added up: when I was in the forest with the wolf, I always felt that same electrical current run through my body, the same way how I felt when I was with Tyrone; the wolf had the same emerald green eyes that Tyrone had, they made me get lost in them the same way as well. The day after I was attacked by that guy and the wolf rescued me, the first thing Tyrone asked me that day was if I was okay, why would he randomly ask that? It had to be true, it all added up...

But if it was true, why was I not freaking out? Why was I not scared of being alone in a car with him while he’s taking me god knows where?

As soon as I mentioned the last word, I felt his strong hands lock around my wrist. I felt my breath catch in my throat. When he touched me this time, it was different, it wasn’t like when the current would race through my veins; it was more like the tingles I felt lifted me up into the air and was cradling like a baby.

Then I remembered the first dream I had after Tyrone left on Saturday night: the guy said ‘The connection has been made’. Did he mean a connection between Tyrone and me?

 Even though we were in the heat of the moment and I had just accused him of being a magical creature thingy, I still closed my eyes to devour the sensations my entire body was feeling. I felt him gently tug on my hands as if he was guiding me somewhere. Where ever we were going, it wouldn’t change the fact that I thought he was a wolf – no I knew he was a wolf, there was no mistaking it. I felt myself being gently lifted and then placed onto a seat. When I opened my eyes, I was in a car with heated leather seats. Tyrone’s car. I knew that the red Ferrari was his even though I had never seen him in it or around it. But every time it was only hi and me there, it was only ever my car and his.

I looked at my surroundings, was this guy rich? His car was magnificent, I knew I admired it from the outside but from the inside it was even better. From the inside; it was so… Tyrone. I took a deep breath in and let my mind wonder, it smelt of him; Lynx. I wish I could just bottle this scent up… well I can but it wouldn’t be the same… it wouldn’t be Tyrone.

Oh god I'm so happy he can't hear what I'm thinking.

It took a while for my mind to adjust back to the scenery around me. I was in a small space… with Tyrone. Take deep breaths and try and control your actions Tae!

 I heard a familiar roar of an engine which later on descended into a light purr. Where was he taking me? We sat in the car, the atmosphere was tense, I could sense that Tyrone was tensed up beside me, but how was I able to sense that, I had no physical contact with him.

That’s strange.

 I felt the urge to hold out my hand and touch him; I wanted to feel the pulse of the electricity race through my body. It was my guilty pleasure. At this thought, I saw him shift uncomfortably in his seat, had he heard me? Impossible. But yet again, he might be a wolf, you know what they say: believe in the unbelievable. I closed my eyes and realisation dawned on me: Was Tyrone Devon a wolf?

~ Tyrone’s P.O.V ~

She was here. I could smell her delicious radiance from a mile off if I had to.

She looked beautiful today; I don’t think she realises just how perfect she is. Why isn’t she wearing a coat today? Usually, she would always be cursing about how cold it is… I should probably stop dropping in on her thoughts…

“Hey you okay?” I asked as soon as she came to a stop in front of me.

“Yeah I’m okay…” she trailed off looking at the ground and biting her lip. I don’t think she realises how cute that is. “Wolf” my breath caught in my throat as her brown eyes bored into mine. She didn’t, did she? No I must have heard he wrong; she probably said ‘Woof’ she liked dogs right? Yeah.

Am I some kind of idiot? Why would she say woof, she hasn’t got some kind of stupid turrets!

“What did you say?” I asked, trying to keep my calm as I eased myself off of the locker I was leaning on. I tried my best to keep my face looking normal.

“You heard me. I said wolf.”

Her voice echoed over and over in my head; this was not meant to happen. She wasn’t meant to find out this way, she wasn’t meant to find out yet. We had to go somewhere private, somewhere where we could talk about this before she starts going like some kind of werewolf Buffy on me. How about an empty classroom? No; it’s too risky. Let’s try the library? No; the librarian is always check me out. Eww. Take her to the school toilets? People will probably think I'm raping her. I finally came to a decision, I’ll take her to my house, no one will be home, and I could explain things to her clearly. I grabbed her securely around her writs and dragged her to my car, she must been deep in thought because she followed me without hesitation. I loved touching her, I loved the current that pumped through me whenever we touched; it was enough to drive anyone crazy.

Of course she drove me crazy; she was my mate. I knew she was my mate from the first time I saw her. On Saturday I instantly felt weird, it was like my entire body was covered in tingles. Davis – the leader of my pack – said this was what happened when you first meet your mate or when you are about to. I'm not sure what bought me to Starbucks but that’s where I found myself going on Monday morning, and that’s where I saw her. She looked so fragile and broken. She was hunched over a cup of hot chocolate with her headphones in; I don’t know how she didn’t even see me staring at her even though I was only about 5 meters away from her. When I returned her headphones after she left, I so desperately wanted her to look at me, but she never held her head up, she didn’t seem like she liked to be around people. When she touched my hands and I felt that tingling explosion, but it didn’t even look like she felt it. I wanted to know what she was thinking because she looked totally un-phased by it.

Like right now: What was she thinking about? She was biting her lips and furrowing her eyebrows like she was trying to figure out some kind of problem. She didn’t even realise when I lifted her up to put her in the car, pausing slightly before setting her down; she felt so right in my arms. Once in the car, I rolled up all the windows and took a deep breath in. I loved her scent, it was heavenly; she smelt of pink rose petals, which were as delicate as she was. She drives me crazy. We sat in the car for a while in complete silence, I was wondering what she was thinking, she hadn’t said a word from the encounter in the school. I let out a sigh and bought the engine to life, the roar of the engine must have bought her out of her thoughts as I saw her eyes widen and she adjusted her stance. The roar then settled to a purr and we set off. Whatever she was thinking about, I'm pretty sure it was about me because she looked at me with a really curious expression, even though I wasn’t looking directly at her, I saw it out of the corner of my eyes. She didn’t look frightened, she looked amazed and it looked like there was hope in her eyes. But I could have been wrong, why would there be hope?

As a wolf, we can't really hear thoughts, but if our mates are thinking of something, we sort of just feel the same vibe that they are. I'm not sure what she wanted, but she wanted direct contact. This made me shift in my seat a little, my heart fluttered at this thought. Could I just reach out and touch her? Could I hold her in my arms and claim her as my own? I wanted so desperately to feel her smooth skin under my fingertips and feel her shiver with pleasure. Sometimes I feel like I'm on top of ‘America’s biggest Perverts’ List

But we couldn’t be together.

This saddened me when I thought this, but if Tae and I were to be together, this would put both of our lives at great risk, and I couldn’t risk her getting hurt, it would kill me. You see, I am the last left of my pack, all of the rest were killed, I don’t know why, and I don’t know who by, but all I know is I am next. Or you can say: last. I couldn’t put my mate through this danger, she deserved better than this. I remembered that day that I walked away from her; it took all my strength to do that. I could feel her sadness as I drove home, I couldn’t manage it, but I had to somehow get away from her, I was becoming love drunk. Every day that I was without her after that I hated myself, I hated myself for putting her through this sadness, I knew how she felt about me and I felt the same way about her, but there was no way I could put her life in danger. After being somewhere up in Canada in my wolf form, I found it unbearable to be away from her, so I had to be close to her again, I had to make all the pain and sadness go away.

When I showed up at her house, the emotion in her eyes nearly made me fall to my knees; I could tell that she was still hurt that I walked away from her. I hated myself for inflicting so much pain on her. When I took her into that hug, I was so happy that she didn’t flinch away. After seeing her sock one to Phil the other day, I was pretty sure that she doesn’t let anyone touch her that easily. Whenever the teachers would hold their hand out to her, I would see her automatically recoil from their gesture before reluctantly taking their hand. The closer we get, the stronger our mental bond becomes. I remember feeling that wave of emotion when she pushed me into a classroom and I told her my name, I could feel it building more and more in my head. If only she knew that I knew everything that she was feeling. I was up to a point that I could no longer keep my feelings away from her no more. I had to tell her that I couldn’t stay away from her, I had to let he know how I felt about her. When girls say ‘It takes a lot of courage to tell a boy you like them, they were not kidding! It took so much courage to tell her what I felt and she as holding on to all of my strength when she replied. I had put all of my feeling into her hands just like that.

When she said “I don’t want you to” I felt like I had just jumped into a warm lake, her words warmed my heart, it made me never want to let go of her. But it also made me aware that she may have like me too. She might be scared; it's not normal to take a liking to someone so quickly is it? Especially when you hardly know them…

But how did she find out? There was no way that she could have figured it out. She couldn’t have figured out that I was the wolf who saved her life, twice; did she recognise me from my eyes? Did she feel the same thing that she felt when she was around me when she was with my wolf?

That same night after I saved her the second time I had a dream. I was looking at her lying on the forest floor, she looked so peaceful, though her brows furrowed like she was dreaming something that made her upset. She woke up. She looked around her as she started to realise where she was, she used her instincts very well. She stood up and started to walk, her face didn’t look scared; it just looked calm. I started to follow her, trying to make her not see me. We got to a part in the forest where it was just thick quietness; I took a step but then cursed myself when I stood on a twig. She instantly turned around and her face was instantly at ease when she saw me. She started to walk towards me, I stepped back; I didn’t feel as if she was safe around me. She broke out into a run, I was still moving; I didn’t want her to be around me. I tried to keep my face empty of emotion as she began to slow down, her human legs must be aching her. She tried to call out to me, but I didn’t respond. I didn’t want her to come any closer to me; I didn’t want her to hurt herself, I would feel forever responsible and never forgive myself. I nearly threw myself at her, desperate to comfort her as she dropped to her knees. I started to growl, to snarl, making inhuman noises, she looked frightened. I could feel myself shifting as she started to look around her. What was she looking at? Whatever she was looking at made her scared as her eyes widened and her mouth stood slightly ajar. Next thing I knew I shifted, only for a while though. As she realised what I was, I shifted back and stepped towards her, I wanted to kiss her, as my lips brushed past hers, I felt her start to go away, what was happening?  Next thing I knew, she was gone. And then I woke up.

When I woke up there was only one thing I wanted: to hold her in my arms and continue from where my dream left off.


When we reached my house, I hoped no one was home; I couldn't stand a disapproving look from my mum when she see’s that I’ve bought a girl home. Even though those days are long behind me, I know I really scarred her as I was her only child. I didn’t want to disappoint her.

I took her hands and fought back a shiver as the sparks flew up my arm. I guided her into the house as she remained in silence the entire time I sat her down on the sofa. I saw her stare in bewilderment at her surroundings. My mother was a Lawyer – it paid well.

“Nice place…” She mumbled, looking at some photos of my mum and I plastered on the walls.

After a moment of silence, she started to bite her lip and then opened her mouth to speak.

“You can let go of my hands now.” She said, frowning down at her hands. Shit was I still holding it? Now she probably thinks I'm some sort of weirdo.

“Sorry…” I mumbled, burning a hole in the floor. Why is it that I feel so nervous around her? Jheeze.

“Why did you bring me here?” she finally asked after another moment of silence. She busied herself by playing with her nails.

“We needed somewhere to talk – alone.” My reply came. She gently nodded and sank into the sofa. I continued to speak. “How did you find out?”

“I had a dream.” Her simple reply came. I cocked my eyebrows for a bit whilst I realised what happened. I had unwillingly broadcasted my dreams to her. In a way, dreams are like feelings, and I felt to tell her what I was, I wanted to answer all of her questions, I wanted to make her happy. But how had I done it? I thought I needed maximum concentration to send my feelings to a mate whilst she’s still unmated.

“So how did you know it was true then?” I quizzed her. She must have pieced everything together, was I not careful enough to cover my tracks?

“Well… it all added up. I just pieced everything together and well…”

“… It all just made sense.” I finished her sentence for her.

“Yeah…” she nodded, looking at the black carpet next to my foot.

She scooted closer to me, her eyes filled with unreadable emotion. My heart sped up when her leg touched mine.

“How?” she questioned in a whisper, looking slightly confused, but not scared, I liked that about her, she seemed to believe in the impossible. I thought about this for a while, looking for the best answer I could, I wanted to fulfil her needs. But the thing is, no one knows. All we know is that there is a world beyond what even the smartest humans know about. There’s a world of things so evil, even the devil would be afraid to show his face. But it's like what everyone says: if there’s an evil, there has to be good. I sighed when I settled on the answer.

“I don’t know.” I paused. “We’re just born like this.”

“We? Are there more of you? Like a pack? Wolves hunt in packs right?” she seemed curious. I wanted to get one thing straight with her though.

“Werewolves. Not wolves, wolves are much smaller and have less intelligence. And in the school, yes, there are more werewolves in the school, not my pack though. I used to have a pack.”

“What happened to them?” she asked, moving closer to me yet again and making my breath catch in my throat as I stifled on her delicious scent. I had to take a breath to steady my emotions before saying the next part; I can't have myself going on an angry rampage and scare her away.

“They’re all dead, and I'm the last one left.” It gave me great depression to say that. She must have sensed this because she moved closer to me and laid her hand on mine. I felt the spark instantly. I told myself, I had to try and pull myself away from her; I can't reveal that she’s my mate and take her into my world. I was too dangerous and she was too fragile.

Out of nowhere, she leaned her entire body on to me and wrapped her arms around my neck. I put my arms around her hips and pulled her onto my lap, tracing my hands up until they reached her waist. I knew what she was thinking; I knew what she was going to do. I leant forward as well, almost as if I was answering her demand, I wanted to feel her lips upon mine, I wanted to seclude myself to her touch. It felt like her lips were magnets; I was drawn to them. They were only half an inch away from mines; I could easily reach out and press them onto hers. But I couldn’t. I couldn’t allow my world and hers to entwine, they had to be kept separate, for her protection.

I was wrong.

She stopped as our faces were half an inch away from each other and she rested her head on my forehead. I was surprised; she wasn’t going to kiss me. She stared into my eyes for a long time before sighing and closing them. I pulled her closer to me when she let a whimper escape through her lips. I wanted her to tell me what she was thinking; I didn’t like reading her minds it felt like I was invading her private space when I did that.

Slowly, I started to trail the tip of my nose down her cheek and to her neck. She bit her lip and tilted her neck up, giving me better access. She ran her hands down to my chest and clutched the clothing there, pulling her body impossible closer to mines. The feeling of dolphins jumping in and out of my stomach made me more eager for her.

How was it possible that she was making me do this to her? When Phil touched her ass the other day, she punched him so hard she nearly even broke her fist. It made me smile. It made me feel like she was mine.

“What are you doing to me?” she moaned, making me smile against the base of her neck.

“Ty?” her sweet voice came. It was like music to my ears. Aww she gave me a nick name! Wow, where did my masculinity go?

“Hmm?” I answered, still trailing up and down her neck earning a pleasurable shiver from her.

“I'm not scared.” She paused, taking my face in her hands and tilting it up towards her, tracing her thumb on my jaw line. “I feel… I feel safe when I'm around you, I don’t know what it is, but you just make me feel protected, like you’ll always be there for me. But I should be scared should I? Why am I not running from you but I just want to be closer to you?” The question came to me like a blow in the face. I wasn’t ready to tell her yet. There was so much I wanted to know about her before I revealed to her that she was my mate. What was her favourite colour? What does she like to eat? I realised that Tae and I didn’t speak that much, and when we did, it was a really intense conversation about feeling and stuff. We bonded only over the connection that we had. A true mate indeed.

“That,” I paused for a brief second, “Is a story for another day.” It made my heart sink a little to see the slight disappointment in her face when I said this, I could tell that she craved for more information about me but yet she held back the urge to ask. She sighed and continued to stare at me.

“Amazing…” she mumbled, shaking her head. I didn’t want to let her go; I wanted to stay with her. C’mon dude just ask her to stay with you, it’s not that hard! She your mate for crying out loud!

“Do you want a lift back to school?” Wow, yeah that was exactly what wanted to ask her. Smooth move man, smooth move.

“Take me home, I think I’ll just stay off school for the day.” She paused and then smile, “I have double calculus that’s not cool dude,” she chuckled, pushing back on my chest to ease herself off of my lap. I tightened my grip on her waist for a split second before letting her go. I could have held onto her easily, but I didn’t want to scare her with my abilities just yet.

“Come on then!” she grabbed my hand and pulled me off of the couch. “And stop doing that I know you’re like mad strong and that you can hear my heart beat even though you’re like 2 meters behind me. Heck you could probably even hear it from a mile away.” She laughed, walking backwards facing me; I don’t think I've ever seen her this happy, even if I only met her a week ago... That is not even true! I would have to block out all the other noises around me before I could do that... How did she even know that anyway?

“How do you even know that?” I asked, stepping out of my house.

“I Read a lot.” She shrugged “I know some things may not be true but I'm pretty sure the things about the enhance hearing, speed and strength are true.” She paused while she slipped into my car. “But they’re not all true because when you shift you don’t look like that werewolf from the third Harry Potter Film and Book: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, which was just ugly.” She audibly shivered before settling down. She’s a Harry Potter fan then? That explains how she can be talking about me being a werewolf and not even being phased. This is why this information hasn’t affected her at all; she’s grown up around false magical worlds.

Regretfully, I started the engine to drive her home. I didn’t want to let her out of my sight; whenever she was, I felt so incomplete.

She knew my secret. She knew I was a wolf, yet again when we had the conversation about it; it was like a normal convo. Tae and I clicked so well, there’s just a spark. But I guess that’s what you would expect to have with your mate. Even so, I still wanted to bond with her over the natural bond hat we already had, I wanted to love her because I could, not because I just will.

“What else do you read?” I casually asked, wanting to get to know more about her.

“Sorry… huh?” She asked; she looked like she had just come out of deep thought.

“You seem quite fond with the Harry potter Series, what else do you read?” I asked “And Please don’t say twilight, and don’t tell me you’ve watched it too…” I said, faking disgust.

“Guilty as charged, she smile as she sank back into her seat “I’ve watched Percy Jackson, I Am Number Four, I’ve read and watched all of the Harry Potter Series, I've watched nearly all of the Twilight Saga, I've read most of it too and also-”

“So I'm guessing that you really like Sci-Fi” I chuckled, cutting her off. She smiled and ran a hand through her hair.

“Don’t let e start on Wolverine, Spiderman, Superman and I could name off all of the Marvel Heroes but I wouldn’t want to out-shine you…” she smiled, looking out the window as the forest grew thinner and thinner.

“How do you know I'm not all of them put together and even better?” I asked, raising my eye brow. I heard her gulp and the noise of the leather as she sank down deeper into her seat. She just laughed while giving me a curious look and continued to look out the window. What was she thinking?

“Thanks.” Her voice came, with a hint of shyness. We had pulled up at her house and we had been sitting in the car for the past couple minutes. I had almost forgotten that she was meant to go in her house; it felt so right when we were together.

“For what?” the tone of her question didn’t seem like she was thanking me for giving her a ride home, it seemed like it was something much deeper than that, something of more meaning to her. She slightly bit her lip before answering my question.

“I don’t know… I just feel like I needed to thank you for letting me in.” she took a deep breath. “You didn’t need to tell me that you was really a wolf – werewolf. You could’ve easily said I'm crazy or something but you didn’t, you trusted me.” Her heartfelt words bought a smile to me lips.

“I would trust you with anything. I would do anything for you.” My reply was true. I would do anything for her, I didn’t want her to be hurt or upset in any way. My reply must have shocked her a bit as her eyes widened. She reached over and hugged me, tensing for a millisecond when she felt the current running through our bodies. She broke away all too soon.

“Bye Tyrone.” I loved how my name rolled off of her lips.

“See you soon… really soon.” I smiled as I watched the confusion mix with her beautiful smile. I watched her as she came out the car and walked towards her house, flashing me one last smile on her playful lips before disappearing in side.

My chest swelled with pride as I pulled out of her driveway

It was simple

I was in love.





And oh yeah; I hoped you guys enjoyed Tyrone's P.O.V, it's not something I'm going to keep up in the story because I really wanted this to me Tae’s story.

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