Total Drama: Mushroom Tour

By Yoshimaster41

8K 233 149

24 Mario characters take a trip around the world as they battle it out for a grand prize of one million dolla... More

Episode 1- The First Flight
Episode 2- Ouch!
Epsiode 3- Wish we could turn back time...
Episode 4- Ding Ding!
Episode 5- Lava, and Thwomps, and- Zzzzzz....
Episode 6- Shearing Sheep...
Episode 7- Down we go!
Episode 8- BOO! (Literally...)
Episode 10- Sucks to be you!
Episode 11- New Power-Ups!
Episode 12- AGAIN?!?!!?!!?!!?!!!!!!?!?!?!!??!?!
Episode 13- Magic Solves Everything... Not...
Episode 14- Where is it? WHERE IS IT?!?!?!
Episode 15- Can you survive?
Episode 16- But I'm not a girl!
Episode 17- Power Of Three... Or Two!
Episode 18- Disgusting!
Episode 19- Mushrooms!!!
Episode 20- WOOOOOOO FINAL 5!!!!
Episode 21- KA-BLOOEY!!!
Episode 22- FINALE! (Part A)

Episode 9- Keep it down!

282 9 14
By Yoshimaster41

Lakitu: Welcome back to my show, where last time, competitors went to Luigi's Mansion and competed in a two part challenge. In the end, Team Mushroom finally broke out of second and into first place, while the Koopas got second, and Team Blitz sent Fly Guy home, right here, on Total, Drama, Mushroom Tour!

*intro song*

On the plane:
Mario: More freshly baked cookies! Yum!
Daisy: If only Yoshi were here...
Peach: But, I sorta miss Toadette. She was so nice.
Toadette: For the last time, Peach, I'M RIGHT HERE!

Toadette: I have no idea what's going on. Ever since last night, Peach has forgotten I was here. This isn't only annoying, it's sad! Did she get hit on her head last night or something?

In the back of the plane:
Yoshi: Immunity idol, come to papa.... OMIGOSH I FOUND IT

Lakitu: We're here!!!
Everyone: *gets off plane*
Lakitu: Welcome to mount brr! Here are your winter jackets, gloves, hats, and boots.
You might wanna be careful, we're in Avalanche territories, so keep it down.
Iggy: Easy. Just whis-
Ding ding!
Larry: Not the best time, Lakitu.
Roy: Great job, Iggy.
Lakitu: Sing!
*music starts*
Roy: 🎶Keep it down, so I can win the loot!🎶
Morton: 🎶Try, I will, but I still gotta fart, no, toot!🎶
Toadette: 🎶Toot on, but you still su-uck.... Umm... Lalalala!🎶
Rosalina: *points to Toadette* 🎶When you, don't hold back and lead the pack there's nothing stopping you, you, you.🎶
Toadette: 🎶Swimming, in your eyes it's butterflies, and there's nothing I can do, do, do.🎶
Peach: 🎶Wait, something's itching in my brain... Someone's back in the game! And Toadette's your name! You're just the same Toadette, Toadette, Toadette!🎶 *hugs Toadette*
*music ends*
Mario: Oh no.
Iggy: Great job, Toadette!
Everyone: *screams and runs*
Roy and Morton: *get sucked in*

Lakitu: Well, not a lot of you made it. Here's who made it:
Team Koopa: Larry, Lemmy, and Iggy
Team Blitz: Shy Guy and Bowser
Team Mushroom: Mario, Luigi, Peach, and Daisy

Now, your next part of the challenge involves staying on a thin part of mount brr. There are a lot of levels, and occasionally, Toad Villages and mines. Stay on the mountain. After 5 hours, the team with the least amount of people still on the mountain goes up for elimination.
Daisy: Why do so many challenges involve staying on stuff?
Lakitu: Don't question me. Now GO!

Mario: Here's the plan. Let's not camp and try to get as many people off the mountain as possible.
Daisy: Ok. Luigi and I will do that on the bottom 5 levels of the mountain, and Mario and Peach will go on the top 5.
Peach: Sounds like a plan.
Luigi: And... Go!

Shy Guy: Bowser, we need to find a place to hide.
Bowser: I saw a near by cave.
Shy Guy: Let's go, before something crazy happens and we lose again!

On level 10 of the mountain:
Mario: Peach, a toad village!

In a toad house:
Toad: Sold! Come back again!
Peach: Hold on, do you have matches or something?
Toad: Two toad coins, please.
Mario: *hands money*
Toad: Here you go!
Mario: One more thing- A pair of Walkie Talkies.
Toad: 15 toad coins!
Mario: Phew, I have just enough. *hands money*
Toad: Here you go! Have a nice day!

Outside the Toad village:
Peach: Let's set up. Please, explain the plan.
Mario: We simply set the TNT around the caves, hoping people are in there. Then, we light the TNT. Surely if someone is in the cave they will get blasted off.
Peach: Ok, but what are the Walkie talkies for?
Mario: I'll throw one down the mountain, hoping that Daisy and Luigi will find it. Then, I'll tell them the plan, and they will secure themselves to make sure THEY don't get blasted off.
Peach: But if you throw one down the mountain, it will hit the ground with such great force, it'll break.
Mario: That's why we have snow!
Peach: ?
Mario: *rolls Walkie Talkie into snow ball* now, when it hits the ground, the snowball will break, not the Walkie talkie, hopefully.
Peach: Ok, we better do this quick!
Mario: *throws TNT, matches and Walkie talkie down the mountain*

Daisy: *laughs*
Luigi: It gets even funnier. After the party, he decided to eat-

*snowball hits Luigi On the head*

Luigi: *faints*
Daisy: *gasps* Are you okay?
Luigi: Huh...
Daisy: *pours water on Luigi*
Luigi: Oh, hi... *snaps out of it* AH! What happened?
Daisy: Doesn't matter. Look, I found a bunch of..

Walkie Talkie: Hello?
Daisy: Who is this?
Walkie Talkie: It's Mario. Daisy is that you?
Daisy: Yes!
Luigi: Hey, bro!
Walkie Talkie: Okay, here's what you need to do. *explains plan* GO!
Daisy: Got it.

Shy Guy: Finally, the cave. *walks inside of cave*
Bowser: Nice. Now, let's camp. *hears familiar voice* Who is that?!
Familiar voice: It's us!
Shy Guy: Thanks, that's super helpful. *rolls eyes*
Bowser: Show yourselves!
Three familiar figures: Hey.
Shy Guy: Is that-
Lemmy: Hi!
Larry: What's up.
Iggy: What are YOU guys doing here? Get out, it's our cave!
Shy Guy: No, we're camping here.
Iggy: Us too!
Bowser: Woah, why did it suddenly get dark?
Shy Guy: Something's blocking the exit.
Larry: What is it?
Shy Guy: I can't see very well, but I see a bunch of red bundled up sticks.
Lemmy: Oh no.
Bowser: Does anyone else hear a ticking sound?
Larry: Yes. That means... It's-

Larry, Lemmy, Iggy, Bowser, and Shy Guy: TNT!!!!!!!!!


Lakitu: OH MY GOSH! All five of them fell!

Luigi: We won!
Mario: YES!
Peach: Awesome plan, Mario!!!
Mario: Thx

Lakitu: So, every team but the mushrooms fell off at the same time. We need to look this over on slo-mo!

On the plane:
Lakitu: We watched it over a few times, and a decision was made. Let's explain:
Bowser hit the ground 0.5 seconds before Iggy, meaning they both got out.
Lakitu: Shut up. Anyway, Iggy hit the ground a full 2.3 seconds before Lemmy, meaning Lemmy is also out. That leaves Shy Guy and Larry. And..

Larry hit the ground 0.000000000000001 yoctoseconds before Shy Guy. So, team Koopa is sending someone home!

On the plane:
Lakitu: Well, we are in first class. Mushrooms, who is going to the back? Remember, Immunity idol!!
Luigi: I'll go.
Lakitu: Ok! Bye! Now, I gotta go. We have an elimination going on.

At the elimination room:
Lakitu: Koopas, you know the drill.

*Team Koopa Votes*

Lakitu: And... Mushrooms go to...
-Lemmy and Morton
-Roy and Bowser Jr.

Two contestants, one bag. And, with four votes against him, *throws bag to Larry* Bye bye!
Iggy: NO!
Larry: Yes!
Iggy: Grrr.. I WILL come back. I'll get my revenge, and I'll- *falls out of plane* AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

Lakitu: We're getting closer... 16 contestants remain! Who will go home next? Who will score big? Find out next time, on Total, Drama, Mushroom Tour!

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