You'd Do It For Me

By hungerjay1

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*All character rights go to Suzanne Collins, but the ideas and plot are all my own* In modern day Panem, Kat... More

Chapter 1- Blue Eyes
Chapter 2- Sunset
Chapter 3- Unknown Pasts
Chapter 4- Love and Tears
Chapter 5- Smiles and Laughter
Chapter 6- Annie
Chapter 7- Angels
Chapter 8- Little Duck
Chapter 9- A Little Too Much
Chapter 10- Gone
Chapter 11- Peeta
Chapter 12- Reunited
Chapter 13- Why Didn't You Tell Me
Chapter 14- Happiness?
Chapter 15- Together Again
Chapter 16- Dresses
Chapter 17- Comforting Closeness
Chapter 19- Leaving

Chapter 18- End of Exams

432 18 6
By hungerjay1

''I can't believe it's our last exam tomorrow!'' Annie says.

''Thank God, I'm tired of revision every night,'' Johanna sighs, sitting up from staring at her text book.

''You can hardly call what you do revision Jo,'' I laugh, shaking my head. ''You've hardly done any studying since the Ball,'' I told her. Months had passed now since the 'Spring Mascaraed Ball', and school had really clamped down on us, preparing us for our Summer exams- which thankfully ended tomorrow. We'd all been consumed in a world of text books and past papers, cramming for our upcoming exams, and tomorrow it was all over and the Summer break was about to begin.

''Well you try learning about stars and gamma rays when you've hardly turned up to any lessons this year, then tell me you wouldn't be doing the same- I couldn't give two shits,'' she laughs. ''Honestly, the biggest amount of bull I've ever studied in my life,'' she says, sighing.

''It's not our fault we actually went to class,'' Annie says. ''We told you to come, but I think I remember your words being 'Screw it. I'll catch up later','' she frowns, shaking her head.

''Alright, alright. Enough of the lecturing- I should have gone to class I get it,'' Johanna sighs. ''Now, let me cram for tomorrow morning, or I sure as hell won't be passing physics this year.''

''Not that she barely passed last year,'' Annie whispered to me, making me laugh.

''I heard that,'' Johanna sings, narrowing her eyes jokingly.

''You were meant to,'' Annie smirks, giggling, before turning the page in her study guide and making her notes.

I flipped through my book, my body so tired from revising I'd turned to the 'it probably won't come up, so I don't have to revise it' phase as I passed small sections of the course. Back home Gale used to help tutor me science, in return for me helping him pass history. I sat there, thinking of the past and going home for the Summer- our long ago memories resurfacing in my mind of the days where we'd lounge by the lake all through the day, in a peace so calming it made me forget the outside world was real. Realising I couldn't hold the death of my sister over him forever, I signed onto Facebook, messaging him about tomorrow's exam- if I had to spend Summer at home, I may at least make an effort to attempt to enjoy it. He replied almost instantly, and although I still couldn't shake away the anger and disappointment of losing my sister, I made an effort- I guess he tried his best. I spent the rest of the evening talking about everything from school and exams, to life back home and my mother who hadn't made the effort to talk to me since I returned back to school after the funeral. I was never the favourite.

When it got late, Gale gave me some last bits of advice for the exam, and then we said our goodbye's. ''Right, well I'm off out for an hour so I'll see you both when I get back alright?'' I say, swinging my legs from my bed and slipping on my converse.

''Katniss, it's past ten and lights out,'' Annie mumbles sleepily.

''And we're up early for a revision session before our exam,'' Johanna reminds me.

''Yes I know, I won't be long. I just need to see Peeta- it's one of the last opportunities before summer. I'll be back soon,'' I tell them, leaving before either of them could protest. With the end of the school year coming, we had a couple of days and then graduation, and after that we'd all be going home. I wanted to spend as much time as I could with Peeta before we broke up for the summer, the distance between us was too far apart, and so I knew we'd only see each other every so often- I wanted to make the most of what we had.

I walk through the courtyard, the crisp air biting at skin as the night grew darker and the air grew colder. I spotted Peeta's dark silhouette leaning against one of the tree's and walked over, snaking my arms around his side and pressing close as he kissed the top of my head. ''Hey,'' he says softly, his arm wrapping around my frame.

''Hi,'' I say, smiling up at him. We stay in silence for a few moments, enjoying our embrace for a few moments longer than usual. ''Let's go for a walk,'' I tell him after a while, my hand finding his and them locking within each other- ever so natural. We walk around the outskirts of the school grounds through the orchards, the moon lighting up our path with a gorgeous silver glow.

''I'm going to miss you so much,'' he tells me, his voice laced with sadness.

''And I you, but it's only a few weeks,'' I say, comforting him by rubbing my thumb over his finger.

''A lot can happen in a few weeks,'' he says, echoing the same words Gale said before I left to come here.

''We'll still see each other, you'll be glad of the break,'' I joke, nudging him slightly and making a chuckle escape from his mouth.

''You just keep thinking that,'' he laughs softly, sitting down on the bench by the flower patch. I sit closely next to him and we talk, our eyes locking every so often as we find a silence. Each time they do, I remove my gaze and look down, because I knew that if I gave in, it'd make leaving here so much harder. But eventually, I can't do it any longer. I lean forwards feeling his hot breath on my face as I nuzzle into him, feeling his stubble against my cheek. I attempt to distance myself, but as I look up to pull away he catches my eyes again and leans in, pressing his lips to mine. We kiss slowly, laced with so much affection, yet so much despair- neither of us wanting to break away first...


I sigh at the sound of my alarm and the sun beaming through the blinds, awakening me into a new day- the day of our final exam. We all shower and get ready, then head down to our science classroom for some last minute physics preparation, where we all realise we're well and truly screwed, but nobody seemed to care- all anybody cared about was finally being exam free.

Eventually it was time, and we all assembled in the Great Hall, ready for our names to be alphabetically called out to enter the examination hall. When my name is finally called, I take a shaky breath, the nerves building up- I just wanted to do well. I walk into the hall, the individual tables uniformly set out in dozens of rows. Walking down I find my seat and sit down, the silence of the exam hall now all too familiar. I take a deep breath, calming myself and trying to become more comfortable. As soon as everybody was in, they shut the door encasing us like animals in a zoo, before reading out the notice and handing out the papers. One hour. Sixty marks. Let the exam begin.

An hour and bit later we were all out of the room, a flood of relief from everyone that exams were over and we were officially finished. Finnick walks over to us, wrapping his arms around Annie from behind and kissing her temple. ''Don't know about you lot, but I fucked that exam,'' he laughs.

''Seems like everybody did, there was hardly anything on that paper that was on the spec,'' Annie tells him.

''Well it's done now, can't change it,'' Johanna says, shrugging.

''Exactly. You're all coming to our room tonight aren't you for a bit of post-exam partying?'' He asks, raising his eyebrows.

''You really think we'd miss that?'' I laugh. ''We'll be there won't we?'' I say, looking at the girls as they nod their heads.

''Good, we're getting a couple of the janitors to fold back the wall so our dorm and Cato's are one- we're gonna set up some beer pong as well, so make sure you're all ready to be drunk,'' he winks, turning on his foot and walking back over to the boys.

''Well I don't know about you, but I need a dress for tonight,'' I say. ''Town?''

''I'm up for that,'' Annie seconds, looking at Johanna for her answer.

''Sure, I'll bring my ID and get more alcohol,'' she shrugs.

''You mean fake ID,'' I correct her, smirking.

''Hey if it gets us alcohol I'm not complaining,'' she laughs, making me shake my head. ''By the time we've gotten back to the room and sorted everything out there should be a bus, so let's get going,'' she says as we nod our heads and say alright.

We spend the next couple of hours in town, going through each shop trying to find dresses. Before I came here, I never really was the 'dressy' type, but somehow being with Johanna and Annie made it all the more bearable. In the end I settled for a deep burgundy bodycon dress, it came to my mid-thigh and was sleeveless, but high-necked with a cut out detailing on my waist. Annie went for the typical little black dress, with a gorgeous lace frill on the bottom and thin silky spaghetti straps holding it up. Johanna spent ages deciding what to get, but in the end she bought a burnt orange playsuit, with a revealing 'V' down to her waist. Surprisingly, they didn't even ask for ID, but that was probably due to the amount of students living here already- you could never really tell the upper years from the first year university students across town from our school.

Once we were back, we had an hour to chill before getting ready and so we all lazed on our beds, scrolling through our phones. ''Do you think we'll see each other this Summer?'' Annie asks. She was already showered wrapped in her towel as she painted her toenails, way ahead than either myself of Johanna, who were still lazing about on our beds.

''Hopefully, otherwise how will I bare an entire Summer with my Auntie and Uncle,'' Johanna sighs. ''They'll drive me up the wall.''

''I feel you Jo, I don't think I can manage a whole Summer cooped up back home,'' I say, rolling my eyes. ''Isn't it weird how we'll come back and it'll be our last year?''

''So weird, but I'm excited. Senior year will definitely not disappoint,'' Annie smiles. I smile back at her, happy to see her excited about her future for once, it was nice.

''Yeah, more exams and more stress- great,'' Johanna chuckles sarcastically.

''Yes but Jo, you're forgetting all the memories we'll all make, and of course of Prom!'' Annie squeals. ''Oh I'm so excited already,'' she beams.

''Just make sure it's not any of the stereotypical nonsense that you hear about, I want a good night,'' I tell her. ''Anyway, I'd love to stay and chat but I need a shower and to get ready,'' I say, after a while.

''Yeah I probably should start getting ready too,'' Johanna agrees. ''I'll go once you come back.''

''Alright, see you both in a bit,'' I say as I walk out of our room and down into the showers. I walk past the girl's common room and see people had already started drinking in celebration of finishing exams- a huge 'Juniors only' poster stuck over the door. I shake my head, feeling sorry for the younger years and find one of the free cubicles to start getting ready.

After I'd showered, I slipped on my dress, and started to curl my hair to give it a bit more bounciness. ''Which colour lipstick?'' I ask as I finish off applying my makeup.

''It doesn't matter anyway, no doubt loverboy will be kissing it off,'' Johanna teases.

''Oh very funny, Annie?'' I ask, rolling my eyes at Johanna and wanting a more serious approach.

''Just go for MACs Velvet Teddy,'' she tells me, trying to keep the amused grin off of her face at Johanna's joke.

''I don't know why you two are laughing, it's not as if Cato and Finnick won't be kissing the lipstick off of you both,'' I jokingly frown at them.

''No but you're just too easy to tease,'' Annie laughs as she steps into her heels.

''I second that,'' Johanna grins, running her hands through her hair, finishing it off. ''Right are we off then anyway?'' She asks.

''Yeah we can do,'' I say, stepping away from my desk and pulling on my chunky black boots.

''Come on then, let's go party all of that stress from the past few months away,'' Annie says, opening up our door and locking up as we leave for a night of booze, beer-pong and never have I ever- enjoying one final night of us all together.

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