Limitless Resolve

By Conor117

13.3K 304 163

Ash and Serena have feelings for one another but neither are aware of what the other feels. They are both lef... More

A Bad Day
A Bad Day Part 2
Partner to Partner
At A Loss
Mistakes Were Made
Lost In The Forest Of Thoughts
Authors Note: Overwhelmed
Mark of Resolve

Picking Up The Pieces

1.2K 37 10
By Conor117

Two chapters left on this story. Advancing on from the authors note, thanks to all who have read this and liked it. I appreciate all of the support very much. Please leave comments and as promised here is the next chapter.

Ash's POV

I woke up and rose my head off my stony bed. I rubbed the side of my head because I must have slid and fell to my side during my slumber. It hurt slightly but nothing serious. When I fully got my bearings, I looked around still wrapped in my blue winter coat. I noticed the entrance was filled with snow but could still be exited from. Little flakes of built up snow descended from the pile leaving a small puddle near the entrance. Each flake glistened as it fell in the new days sunlight. I smiled lightly at the sunlight since it was a huge change from the ice storm of the night before. I took another look around to the opposite of the now lifeless fireplace. The only warmth it provided was now merely a memory. On the opposite side my auburn eyes were met with my two Pokemon companions still sound asleep. I noticed my revenge prank has still gone unnoticed. As I looked at Greninja I chuckled, but once I set eyes on Braixen sleeping peacefully on his shoulder I frowned. It made me remember why we are out here. Serena is still missing. I looked down to her crutch. 'I hope nothing bad happens to her as well '.

I shook off the thought and got up from my stony bunk. I made my way to the entrance to get a better view of the morning sky. I looked up and was bathed in the benevolent rays of the sun. I felt invigorated and determined. Determined to find them. My hand found its way to the coat pocket where the ribbon was safely kept. I took a deep, savoury breath, turned and continued back inside the cave. Braixen was stirring beneath Greninja. I moved further in the cave and watched with interest. As Braixen's fiery eyes flared open she gave a cute yawn and looked around. She saw me and I gave a wave with a suggestive grin. Braixen gave a slightly confused smile in return. When she figured out what I was referring to she went red and glared at me as if she immediately knew this was my doing. That glare made me hesitate for a second as if she was saying 'Your just asking for a flamethrower.' I chuckled lightly once again when she looked away still in a blush. She tried to shuffle away from Greninja but this caused him to awaken as well.

Greninja's eyes widened once he was fully awake and he immediately retracted his arm. All the while he seemed to be apologising to Braixen with a rosy blush mirroring hers. It gave me a familiar sense of déjà vu. He looked at me and Braixen changing his gaze between us several times. "It seems like you had a really nice sleep." I beamed with a laugh. When my attention was fully back on the two surprised Pokemon, well, they were no longer surprised. I began to sweat drop because of the shared glare they both gave me. Suddenly, I was not so amused and I felt like once all of this was over, a nasty surprise might be in store for me. I laughed nervously and put on a serious face. "Are you guys ready to find Serena and Pikachu?" Their faces changed to a determined, serious expression as well. "Braixen!" "Ninja!" Once we were all fully ready to go, we stepped outside. Both Pokemon were happy with the positive change in weather. The snow was somewhat deeper away from the cave. We had to be careful on the slope. With all of the snow, we had no idea where to begin our search.

We descended the small slope created by the excess of built up snow from the cave to try and make it back into the forest. I stumbled slightly but managed to keep my balance. "Be careful you two, its a lot more slippy than it looks." They both nodded and their pace slowed to my own. For added safety I noticed Braixen holding on to Greninja's right arm for support. He didn't protest of course. After a about half a minute of shuffling slowly down the slope we had successfully reached the bottom. We continued walking into the forest brush which was now much whiter than yesterday. I still was not sure how we should go about looking for Serena and Pikachu. "Hold on a sec." I said when I realised something. Yesterday there was a storm so this would have been difficult. But now the sky is clear... "Talonflame come and help us out!" I yelled with rising hope. Talonflame's pokeball flew up into the air and opened releasing bright white energy. The energy took form and the fire type bird stretched its wings as the energy subsided. "Talon!" The bird squawked with anticipation. "Talonflame, we need your help, Serena and Pikachu are missing, can you search from the sky?" I asked him sincerely. He nodded and flew off into the sky hastily. "We should keep going to guys." I exclaimed referring to Greninja and Braixen. They nodded back and we continued to walk into the forest. Serena must have taken shelter like us so I told them to keep an eye out for caves as well. 'Not long now Serena, hang in there.'

Serena's POV

I was surprisingly warm when I woke up. My eyes fought my drowsiness and forced themselves open delicately. My first thought was why my whole body was warm despite the cold sleep. With my ocean blue eyes fully open, I looked down and the sight I saw was heartwarming. My pink winter coat had been slung around me from the shoulders to keep me warm. In my lap lay Pikachu sound asleep content on his stomach. His injured arm was just over my leg. I smiled brightly at the sleeping mouse Pokemon. He must have done this to keep us both warm overnight. I began to shuffle causing Pikachu to stir awake. I almost felt bad for waking him but he knew as well as I did that Ash is probably worried sick and looking for us. Pikachu now fully awake hopped of my lap and stood on his two back legs. "Pika Pi." He smiled up to me. I stretched and yawned cheerfully. "Good morning Pikachu, was your sleep ok?" He nodded happily. I took the coat from around myself and put it on. Pikachu smiled again as I did this which I picked up on. "So that was you eh?" I queried with a grin. "Pika." He replied while rubbing the back of his head. "Thank you Pikachu, that was very sweet."

I got up of the rocky floor and turned my attention to the entrance of our refuge. It was a very strong storm last night and this was evident in the environment around us. Snow had covered everything in a thick white mush. Thankfully, it was not as freezing as it could have been thanks to the morning sun that empowered the world with light and life. It felt incredible. I sighed happily in the warmth of the sun as did Pikachu who was in my arms like before. The warmth brought me back to when I woke up next to Ash. My cheeks began to heat up at the thought and not just because of the glaring sun. I looked down at Pikachu who had a sly grin on his face like he knew what I was thinking. This snapped me out of my thoughts but did not do much to get rid of my blush. "Are you ready to find Ash Pikachu?" I asked with determination. "Pikachu!" He replied with a determined smile and a small fist. I returned the smile and began to walk away from our cave.

With Pikachu in my arms we walked a short distance through the snow draped foliage. I was not entirely sure where to start our search again for Ash but I know I am definitely not leaving this forest without him. I looked at Pikachu one last time to make sure he was comfortable. When I did I noticed something I hadn't noticed before, something about me was missing. When it fully dawned on me, I was saddened. "My ribbon, where..." I stopped myself and stopped walking. I could feel myself almost instantly tearing up. It might seem stupid but it was a gift from Ash, it was more than just an accessory to me. It was important, like my hair its a symbol. A symbol of my newfound resolve. It certainly was a part of me, a symbol of my relationship with Ash. It is like his handkerchief. One solitary tear escaped my eye. I rubbed it away and prevented any more from following. There are bigger problems now. "Pika Pi...?" Pikachu uttered in a sad tone while eyeing me from below. I gave him a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, I'm fine Pikachu thanks." I sighed still worried about Ash. I hope he doesn't mind I lost it. Just then I heard a powerful sound from above. It sounded strangely familiar almost like flapping... When both me and Pikachu averted our gaze upwards, I dont think either of us couldn't have been happier. "Talonflame!" "Pikachu!" We both shouted out in joy.

Ash's POV

The three of us decided to take a small break mostly to check on Braixen's injury but also to eat since none of us have had a morsel since yesterday. We ate some Cheri berries out of the surrounding brush. I was quite confident we would find Serena and Pikachu with Talonflame helping out as well. I examined Braixen's leg once one last time. It was now mostly bruised but it has definitely improved. Thank Arceus it hasn't suffered trauma from walking around so much. Greninja stayed by her the whole time. I offered Greninja to go back inside his pokeball to get some rest. He immediately shook his head and went to sit down next to Braixen. She immediately reacted to this by blushing. I smiled at this action. I understand wanting to help the one you like. "Well it seems like your good to go Braixen." I said handing her the crutch as Braixen helped her up. Just before we could continue, I heard a rustling behind us. All of us got into a battle ready stance (which was admittedly difficult for Braixen). Me and Greninja stood defensively in front of Braixen.

When the rustling subsided a small pair of white ears protruded from the bush. Greninja and I shared confused looks and then looked at the lively bush. I couldn't help but laugh inside at the idea of a bush with a sense of hearing. The bush continued to rustle and out popped a Cubchoo. Admittedly, it was very cute. It ran forward out of the bush and picked up a Cheri berry from the floor. It quickly devoured it and looked up at us as if acknowledging us for the first time. Then it held its stomach as a small grumble could be faintly heard. The three of us smiled at each other now feeling more relaxed there was not a large threat from the baby ice bear. I kneeled down to the Cubchoo and it immediately backed away defensively. "Hey there, I wont hurt you, are you still hungry Cubchoo?" I gave it a friendly close eyed grin. I pulled a Cheri berry from my pocket and offered it to the Cubchoo. It looked at my gloved hand and hesitated for a moment. "Go on, its yours." I continued to smile. The Cubchoo reluctantly took the berry from my hand and ate it. Once it swallowed its fearful expression changed to one of gratitude. "Cubchoo!" It said with enthusiasm. He began hopping playfully around Greninja and Braixen. Cubchoo accidentally ended up tripping on a small rock and tumbled into Braixen making her lose her balance. Greninja was quick to catch her and bring her back to her feet. She blushed intensely at this sudden moment of embarrassment. The Cubchoo just stared at the two curiously and then spontaneously ran back into the bush where it came from.

"Well that was eventful." I laughed. Braixen and Greninja laughed to. The tension settled a fair degree now there was no immediate danger. We all got up properly and made our way further into the forest a little to the right of where the Cubchoo came from. I thought it would be a good idea to go in the general direction that Talonflame was flying. After around 5 minutes of walking through the Cheri berry bushes, our pace began to slow as we entered a small snow white clearing. We took another break but the moment we sat down, we found ourselves right back on our feet. On the other side of the clearing sat 3 familiar shapes. My eyes widened with immediate joy. "Serena!!! Pikachu!!!" I shouted at the top of my lungs to our newly found friends. Braixen and Greninja both shared in the shout utterly shattering the almost surreal silence of the clearing. We ran as fast as we could, even Braixen's pace had quickened as she was aided by Greninja. She was incredibly eager to reunite with her trainer. Serena had Pikachu in her arms as she ran, Talonflame flew close behind. When the distance was closed entirely both groups stopped. I looked into Serena's aquatic eyes and her gaze met with my own auburn stare. We were both panting with huge relieved smiles. Her honey soaked blonde locks were being caressed by the wintry breeze. I could feel my raven black hair waving in the same direction. Silence for a few seconds then Pikachu leaped out of her arms into my own. "Pikachuuu!" He cooed as he nuzzled my chest as if we hadn't seen each other in decades. "Pikachu, I'm glad to see you to." I beamed while holding him in the air. I hugged him once more. Braixen was already embracing Serena. "I was so worried about you Braixen!" Serena stated with powerful sincerity. I felt like the world had brightened and was warm from the scene before me. She truly looked beautiful and so caring to. Then came the time for our reunion.

I saw both Pikachu and Braixen exchange a look and I think Serena noticed it to. They seem to have picked up on the new atmosphere. It was almost tense but I was determined to change that. "Serena, I-" before I could finish I had been tackled, quite literally tackled to the ground by Serena. She bought me into a really tight hug which was one of the warmest things I'd ever felt. "Your an idiot Ash." She said while still behind my head. She pulled back slightly, planted a kiss on my right cheek and pulled back fully with an angelic close eyed smile. "But your my idiot." She added. I flushed a bright red at the same time as Serena. Without warning I pulled her back into a hug which clearly surprised her. "I was so worried about you Serena, I couldn't stand when you took off, how I talked to you." I started pulling back from the hug and meeting her ocean blue eyes head on once more. "I'm so sorry for everything, it was a misunderstanding." Before I could continue she shut me up by putting one finger over my mouth. "Lets handle apologies and all that when we get out of here, k?" She said with a wink. I couldn't argue, I was taken in by her beauty, if I did reply it probably came out as something like"" It didn't help I was still bright red. She continued to smile. I shook my head and regained my composure. I got onto my feet and offered Serena a hand up which she happily accepted. Our hands stayed intertwined for a few seconds longer than normal.

Serena's POV

Our hands separated after a while but I could still feel the warmth my hand retained from the connection. I smiled at Ash who smiled back the goofy grin I adored. I was blushing like him but I think I'm still not over the fact I just kissed him. "I think we should get going." I spoke to break the slight remaining tension. I swear that I spotted Braixen and Pikachu with a sly grin in the corner of my eye. We managed to walk a few feet in the clearing as a larger group but were immediately stopped in our tracks. When we focused our gaze towards the Cheri berry brush... My heart sank in my chest as an all too familiar shape rose from the bushes with a horribly angry snarl. Its face was distorted in the shadow of the trees above but the growl made me remember it instantly.

The Beartic charged out of the bush towards us claws and fangs bared. Greninja and Talonflame immediately jumped into action in defense of the rest of us. I stood next to Braixen with Pikachu in my arms and Ash on Braixen's other side. Greninja was directly in front of Braixen. Talonflame was flying above us all. Ash was the first to react "Greninja use cut keep Beartic busy." He then turned to me. "Serena, any idea what could have got him so worked up?" He asked with a serious expression. I thought for a moment. Then it hit me. "Me and Pikachu came through here yesterday. We made our way through the Cheri berry bushes and Pikachu ate one of the berries which is when we were attacked by him. He must have thought we were trespassing on his territory and eating his food." I deciphered. "I see, well we need to calm him down, show him we are not a threat." Ash said urgently. All of a sudden Greninja got tossed backwards in front of us.

We looked at the enraged Beartic. The large ice bear angrily roared and put away the hammer arm it used on Greninja. Then it charged forward. Talonflame began to swoop in directly towards it but was immediately intercepted with another hammer arm. It flew off to the side in pain. The Beartic roared in triumph and continued its relentless charge. I began to get scared but even more so when its gaze met mine. I was mortified, it must have recognised me and its course changed directly towards me. Ash called out my name and ran to put himself between me and the behemoth of rage and white fur. My eyes widened in fear as it must have been less than 15 feet away. I pulled Ash back to the floor and closed my eyes expecting the worst. Seconds later, the pounding against the earth from Beartic's footsteps stopped abruptly and were accompanied by a loud "CHOOOOOO!" I looked up and over Ash with a shocked expression which Ash also expressed when we saw what made the sound. In front, standing between us and the Beartic was a small similar looking ice bear. "Cubchoo!" Ash exclaimed happily. I looked at him confusingly. "Friend of yours?" I asked still catching my breath. "Yeah I met it earlier." Cubchoo appeared to be engaged in a conversation with the Beartic.

After a minute or so of 'Cubchoos' and 'Beartics' the larger bear finally calmed down. It regarded the rest of us and then walked off. "Thanks Cubchoo!" Ash said when we both got back on our feet. "Cubchoo." It replied with a salute then it ran off after the Beartic. 'Probably a father and son sort of situation.' I thought to myself. We had definitely passed through their territory and Beartic was merely being defensive. All of a sudden Ash grabbed my hand and pulled me into a swift, short hug. "Are you ok?" He said with concern. I was red raw at that moment but I still managed a reply. "I'm fine, great actually." He pulled back and his eyes were filled with a new fire, as if life has only just awoke within him. I almost got lost in those auburn pearls. "Serena... Ever since the argument all I could think about was you, I was worried about never being able to see your ocean blue pearly eyes, your honey blonde hair again. I was so full of guilt but you kept me going. Seeing you get hurt by Team Rocket and being in danger a moment ago made me realise something. Without you, I am incomplete, life isn't worth living without you in it." He stopped himself and choked back a sob. I just stared at him dumbstruck at his words. "Ash..." Was all I managed to let out. I hugged him once more.

"Lets head back to the Pokemon Center." I whispered.

Well one more chapter to go. Jeez this might be the longest chapter yet. Please vote and comment any and all feedback. Look forward to the last chapter. Thanks to everyone.

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