They Call Me Emo Girl

By AshVonnDagger

85.7K 4.3K 787

I felt the blood run down my wrist as she squeezed my forearm. I winced and heard her laugh. "What are you g... More

Chapter 1: Skipping School
Chapter 2: Blind Folds and Boxes
Chapter 3: Dinner and A Movie
Chapter 4: Hell's A Bloody Place
Chapter 5: Best Friend Not Brother
Chapter 6: Serious Talk
Chapter 7: A Little Bit Cliché
Chapter 8: So Far So Good
Chapter 9: I Know Your Secret
Chapter 10: Not Quite Legal
Chapter 11: A New Surprise
Chapter 12: You're So Cheesy
Thank you!
Chapter 13: Nice To Meet You
Chapter 14: Under Black Light
Chapter 15: I Hate Public Bathrooms
Chapter 16: Hospital Lights and Comatose States
Chapter 17: Five More Minutes
Chapter 18: Correction, Stupid Deaf Bitch
Chapter 19: Deepest Darkest Secrets
Chapter 20: Long Time No See
Chapter 21: Strange Behavior
Chapter 22: In Case of Emergency
Chapter 23: Catch Up
Chapter 24: Back To School
Chapter 25: She's In a Gang
Chapter 26: Pathetic Threats And Hacking Security
Where have you been?
Chapter 27: Hot Nerds and Coffeeshops
Chapter 29: Realizing Happiness
Freaking Mess (Author's Note)
Chapter 30: D is for Dress Shopping
Chapter 31: Battery Powered
My dudes...
Chapter 32: Mysterious and Monstrous

Chapter 28: Unexpected

1.1K 61 21
By AshVonnDagger

I am awoken once again to the shrieks of my alarm clock blarring in my ear at the ungodly hour of 6:00 AM. Groaning, I shut the alarm off as fast as I can. I hate the sound it makes. Finally I rolled over and got out of my ever so compfy bed. I swear every morning is torture.

Walking over to my closet I pick out a trusty pair of black skinny jeans, a Sleeping With Sirens band Tee, and my studded denim vest. Once I was satisfied with my outfit choice I took my clothes into the bathroom and hopped in the shower. After about 15 minutes I get out and get dressed. I coninue on with my boring routine of hair and makeup, while finishing off with brushing my teeth.

Heading back to my room I quickly bang on the door of the guest room that Cyan is staying in. I wait a minute for a response. After a moment a groan is heard and I knew that she was up. Smirking to myself, I head back to my room to grab my phone and school bag before going downstairs.

I walk into the kitchen and plop my bag on the table while grabbing an apple to eat. As I'm taking bites out of my poor, dying apple I begin to wander off in my thoughts. Not always the best place to pass time. Amongst my various ramblings of the mind I came to the realization that I haven't been cutting. If it weren't for the many scars on my arms, I almost forgot that I did it.

I've realized I haven't needed to. Between Aspen, Nikki, and Cyan I've been both comforted and distracted from the mess that is my life. I never have the time to think of what others are saying or doing to me anymore. No time to wallow in my misery. They are doing everything they can to make sure that I'm ok and I couldn't ask for better people to surround myself with.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by Cyan bounding down the stairs and rushing to the door.

"Come on, Aspen's already here."

I picked up my bag and quietly locked the door behind me, hoping we didn't wake my mom. I make my way to the front seat of his car and got in. I closed the door and began to buckle up when a warm kiss was pressed to my cheek. Blushing, i looked over and saw Aspen wink. I couldn't help but let a grin rip across my face.

"As cute as this is, if we don't go now we're gonna be late so...."

Aspen let out a chuckle and pulled out of my driveway as I clicked the belt in place. In no more than 10 minutes we were parked in front of the school. Nikki stood waiting for us with her headphones in. I leaned over to give Aspen a hug while Cyan hot out and went over to Nikki.

"Thanks for the ride."

"It's no problem, I get off work early today so I'll pick you guys up after school. Have a good day babe."

And in an instant, I had been turned to mush. I can't believe how lucky I am that he is mine. I smiled and whispered softly to him

"Thank you, have a good day too. I love you."

His face erupted into a huge grin as he repeated it back to me while I got out of the car. I waved as he pulled away and walked over to Cyan and Nikki just as the bell rang. We rushed and barely made it to first period.

--magical time skip to lunch--

The bell had just rung, signaling that lunch had begun. The three of us made our way to the back field where we would be meeting with Tyler. Our back field is surrounded by streets, so in order to keep students in, the field is also fenced.

Nikki had texted Tyler to pull around to the back fence where there is a hole he could squeeze through. Not long after we see a blue coloured pick up truck stop just before the fence began and Tyler hop out. He had a messenger bag over his shoulder, which I assume contained his computer.

He quickly jogged over and barely managed to get through the fence. Once he was through we made our way closer to the school, but still staying far enough away not to be caught. When we were close enough we sat down under a tree. Tyler began to set up his stuff while the three of us just watched.

"You know, this would have been sooo much easier if we had of just done this after school when everyone is gone."

Nikki shook her head and huffed.

"Some of us have lives and are busy later. Stop your complaining."

Tyler raised his hands in mock defense and chuckled.

"I was just saying, no need to breathe fire at me."

Cyan and I laughed while Nikki crossed her arms and glared. She woke up on the wrong side of the cave today. (A/N ha! Dragon jokes lol!)

A few minutes later Tyler had gotten into the system and managed to pull up the security footage. Conveniently, there happens to be a camera that points down the hall and catches my locker. I wonder how I've never noticed it before?

Tyler fast forwards the video to the approximate time and hits play. We all stare with our eyes glued to the screen, waiting for Anna to pop into frame. Only she doesn't. Someone else appears on the screen, some one neither of us expected to see. But it was plain to see.

Mandy stuffed the note into my locker.

Yay, new chapter! I hope you guys liked it! I also felt like Aspen was kinda fading away so I needed to bring him in. Remember to comment, vote, follow, and READ!

Song of the day: Situations by Escape the Fate

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