woman is // harry styles

By ridingaunicorn

5.4K 44 5

woman is shape breath form woman is bone muscle light woman is curve and shadow woman is beautiful or the on... More



559 15 2
By ridingaunicorn

Sophia was often the one who would be surprising Harry when he was working, typically when he was touring. She'd book dates off work and would go and spend say, a week or so in whatever country her husband was and be with him.

And it was nice.

Sophia always felt welcomed and respected when she visited on tour - when really, she ought to have been. It was her husband. Harry. It was Harry's tour, and she was his wife. And of course, whilst Harry made sure that everyone knew that and gave her the most amount of care and security and even making sure everybody was welcoming to her behind the scenes and out of view from the fans, Sophia occasionally couldn't help but feel a little out of place.

She got on well with Harry's band though, of course. And his manager. But it was mostly his band. They were the most down to earth people she'd met. Even on Harry's first tour to his upcoming newer tour now, she got along with everyone.

In recent performances or events, it wasn't a surprise that she'd be going out with Harry's band members and typically the girls, whilst the boys did whatever they were doing.

For example, back when Harry was in New York ready for his Howard Stern interview, Sophia was with him then. She and the girls of her husband's band had a few moments where they'd sneak away from everyone else in the beautiful city; Starbucks and Sephora dates because they were that basic, or just even going for a wander through Central Park. And they didn't get stopped. Well, they did once. But it was nice.

Sophia found that she got particularly close to Harry's drummer, Sarah, mostly because, well... Harry and Mitch's relationship. It said it all. The two girls found themselves just spending time together, talking about anything and everything whilst the other men were sat hugging or whatever they did.

Since their FaceTime call yesterday, Harry, who was still in London, made a spontaneous decision to go and see Sophia. It was a three-hour drive, but it could be a lot, lot worse. And he was lucky enough to have what was considered a luxury car enough to be comfortable on the drive. He booked a decent enough hotel for himself for the next few days, knowing that he didn't really want to be staying at the apartment Sophia was at, surrounded by all the other girls. It'd be nice for them to just be in the comfort of a hotel room. Not that he'd really planned on them having sex or anything that intimate, but. It was nice to be on their own.

So he packed a bag. He packed a bag of clothes for himself, mostly joggers and hoodies so he could be comfortable, but then also some of his infamous black skinny jeans and a few of his button-ups and even some flares. Shoes wasn't an issue. He kept a ton of them in the back of his Range Rover.

No, he didn't know why neither.

But then he grabbed a few of his extra t-shirts and shoved them in too, of course for Soph to wear when he went back to London.

After booking them a hotel room for a few days, booking a ticket for the same night - he'd definitely planned on seeing his wife in evenings show - and having some flowers delivered to her dressing room ready for when she came off stage, he locked up their apartment and began the mid-afternoon, three-hour drive to her.

Sophia was of course still completely unaware, in the middle of her first show of the day. That finished around four-thirty, and she had about an hour and a half until she needed to be getting ready for the second and final show of the day. And during that time went to get some food with her friends, buy a new bottle of cold water and some gummy sweets that she'd be able to snack on during the show when she wasn't performing, and grab a few little essentials for herself.

And Harry had arrived by then, so he knew he had to be careful about going out and about and bumping into her. So after he checked into the hotel, he just stayed there for a little bit. He booked himself a ticket for that evening's show to see Sophia, lucky enough that there was a singular seat a few rows from the front. He knew too that she didn't check her phone when it came to before it began or even during.

But of course, they didn't see each other. Sophia went back to her dressing room at the theatre to get ready and Harry got ready at the hotel. He didn't dress too fancy but pulled his infamous black skinny jeans back on with a button-up shirt and of course some boots. He was at the theatre and in his seat ready.

He was keeping on the down-low, just on his phone a little aimlessly scrolling through his Instagram until the lights went down and the orchestra began and honestly? He couldn't wait to see his wife. As soon as he saw her, just smiling away in her red costume he grinned.

Harry knew she didn't feel 100%, and yet she still had the biggest smile on her face. She had such a passion for her job, and of course, Harry was more than supportive.

And he loved to watch her do her thing. And then it was the end of the show before he even knew it. Sure, during the little twenty-minute break in between the first and second half, he was stopped by a little girl and her mother for a photo and the girl had to have been between the ages of seven to nine. And he didn't mind at all, his only request being that their photo wasn't posted anywhere until after the show so he could keep it a secret that he was visiting Sophia until she saw him.

And when the show was over, Harry left the venue and walked around the back to the stage door. He knew that's where she would be leaving. It's where everyone in the show would leave or enter. There was a group of people, typically young children with their parents or preteens all around the stage door in hopes of meeting the cast. It was just a thing that they did, and Sophia often would stop to sign some things or take photos. It was a nice little moment.

So Harry just stood off to the side and waited, eyes focused on the door every time it opened and waited for his wife. And then he spotted her.

Sophia was too in her own little bubble to even notice him, wearing a comfortable pair of leggings with a hoodie and her coat permitting it was quite chilly out, slip on vans and of course one of Harry's baseball caps she'd stolen. And Harry just admired how cozy and snug she looked. A little girl stopped her just as she seemed like she was about to walk away to go home, so of course, she put on a smile and crouched to take a photo.

"Hi, sorry. Is it okay if I get a photo with you too?" Harry asked with a grin on his face.  She hadn't spotted him quite yet.

"Yeah, of c-" And she looked up and spotted him. And her jaw dropped, shaking her head and didn't even hesitate to fling her arms around Harry tightly. "I hate you so much. You're making me cry." She nuzzled her head into the crook of his neck as best as she could considering he too was wrapped up warm.

"Love you too." Harry grinned and held Sophia tight, kissing the top of her head as best as he could. The pair just embraced for a little bit, and it was a no brainer that she'd go back to the hotel with him.

Now in bed in the hotel, they both laid in bed. Harry was laid on his back, shirtless, and just comfortably in a pair of shorts. Sophia was laid with her head against his shoulder and her front just laid snug against her husband as she trailed over the light tattoos across his chest. "Missed you." was all she said softly.

"Missed you too, darling. Gonna' be here for a few days with you before I have to go back. And then you're home." Harry grinned and kissed her head gently, his arm wrapped around her shoulders and lightly stroking her shoulder. Considering all of her clothes were back at the apartment she was staying in with the others, Harry brought her some of his clothes to sleep in. Had it of been a lot warmer, the two probably would have just slept in their underwear or even naked. They were married for god sake. The last thing they had to worry about was seeing each other nude.

"I am home then. Hope you know that I'm coming on tour with you when you go. Don't think I could quite deal with being on my own." Sophia mumbled, her eyes shut already. She was exhausted, and was incredibly thankful for the fact that tomorrow was her day off - no two shows, and she and Harry could just stay in bed all day.

"Like I would ever complain about you coming on tour with me, angel. You know you're always welcome." Harry assured and kissed her head again. She was definitely tired, and he loved their cuddles just as much as she did.

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