Lullaby | Brahms Heelshire |

By PrismsReflection

254K 9.3K 2.3K

Unconditional love gone wrong. Danny purchases the old Heelshire home a year after the events of The Boy. Sh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 18

9.1K 333 44
By PrismsReflection

Lilies o'er head, lay thee down in thy bed.
   I decided that Brahms had pneumonia. I was no doctor, but I was going to have to be since I couldn't exactly take him into a clinic. I used the land line to call a nearby doctors office and ask them about his symptoms. I pretended to be a mother, concerned about her son's health. They informed me that he most likely had pneumonia, and that I needed to bring him in so they could be sure.
   So I went on my way trying to nurse him back to health. I had pulled a chair right next to him and sat, making him drink water every once in a while. It was annoying because he had me turn my head so that he could lift up his mask every time he needed to take a drink. I hated seeing how he was in so much pain. The way his lungs wheezed every time he coughed made him let out a painful moan afterward. His temperature was constantly flipping from extreme heat to frigid chills. There is really nothing that I could professionally do, but I tried my best. I felt awful for not taking him into the clinic, but he was safe in the house. I could protect him in the house.
   I sat with Braums until his eyelids closed and his chest rose and fell in steady strides. I rose from my chair and silently crept to the kitchen, careful not to wake Brahms. I flipped on the lights and walked over to the pantry. The wooden door opened with a slight creak, and I searched along the shelves inside for something to feed Brahms. A few cans of soup caught my eye. Was soup good to feed pneumonia patients? I reached up and wrapped my fingers around the cool metal can. The label read 'cream of potato'. Brahms did love potatoes. And after all, soup was the stereo typical food for sick people. I close the pantry door and reached under the sink for a pan.
   Before long the soup was boiling and my stomach was rumbling. The smell of potato was intoxicating. I looked down to the creamy broth I was stirring and bit my lip. I should've made myself some. Maybe Brahms would share? I was lifting the pot from the heated stove, when I heard Brahms call my name in the other room. His voice was weak, but urgent. I quickly tried to set the pot back on the stove and rush out at the same time, but my foot slipped from beneath  me and I began to fall.
   Scolding liquid splattered across my skin and tingle as I fell to the ground. I screamed As my skin sizzled before hitting my back hard against the floor, quieting me. The heavy metal pot landed with the sharp thud on my bear thighs. I screamed again as the metal pressed against my skin. I cringed in pain and quickly pushed the blazing pot off my legs. My neck and chest for growing numb from the tingling heat and I struggled to breathe.
   Heavy footsteps bounded from the hall, and within seconds Brahms stumbled clumsily into the room. The rise and fall of his chest were accompanied by thick wheezes. No! I thought to myself. He shouldn't be up. He's tired eyes frantically searched the mess I was in. "Danny!" He exclaimed in a short burst of air.
   He quickly bent over me and awkwardly lifted his hands, not sure if you should touch me or not. I tried to suit up and show him that I was fine, but my back erupted in screaming pain when I tried to lean forward so I flopped back down. I grunted and clenched my eyes shut, waiting for the pain to pass. I felt Brahm's arm gently reach around the back of my neck and he slowly sat me up. His other arm tenderly looped beneath my legs and before I could stop him, he had lifted me up as if I weighed nothing.  Where was he taking me? He carried me, moving quick but cautiously up the stairs. My skin stung from where the soup splattered on my chest and arms. I'm so stupid! I thought myself, why was I always so clumsy? I chewed on my lip, hoping to numb the pain as Brahms turned the corner into the bathroom. I tried to ask him what he was doing but all I could manage was a grunt.
   I laid my head on Brahms shoulder as he stepped into the tub and slowly lowered down with me in his arms. He straightened himself out and gently laid my head back to rest on his chest. I felt him lead forward and heard a squeak as he twisted the cold water faucet on. Immediately cool water began splashing on my toes. I shivered and shuffled around, trying to avoid the water. Brahms held me tight and began stroking my hair. "Don't struggle Danny. I'm helping you feel better." He said tenderly. His fingers softly glided through my hair as the water began to fill up the tub.
   We both didn't say anything. We didn't have to. After I let my Burns soak in the cold water for a few minutes, we got out of the tub and Brahms helped bandage me up. I sat on the counter as Brahms gently rubbed some ointment  onto my burns. He would gingerly dip his finger into the jar and then gently touch my skin and spread the balm around. It stung a bit, but Brahms was determined to heal me.
   I stared sadly at him. Brahms was probably an expert at tending to burns. I wished so badly that I could take his mask off. My eyes shot down to my hands and I began judging the distance between them and his face. I could do it. I could do it right now. Just reach forward and take it off. My heart began to accelerate and my palms began to perspire. I was ready. I glanced back to Brahms, looking so peaceful as he took care of me. He wouldn't stay that way if I took his mask off. I shivered at the thought of him reacting. I could practically hear his growls, feel the heat of his hands on my neck as he strangled me.
   I was lost in a days until I felt Brahm's hand gently squeeze mine. I looked up at him quickly, trying to get the image of him hurting me out of my head. "Danny are you all right?" He wheezed. It sounded like his lungs were leaking, whenever he spoke. "You're trembling." He said more softly. His eyes were wide with concern.
   I wanted to tell him no. That I wasn't all right. That I wanted him to take his mask off and grow up a little. Move on. Why couldn't he just let go? The part of his life with the doll was over. Why couldn't he just let go of the mask? What was he so afraid of? I wanted to say all of those things, but instead I gulped down a shaky breath and answered, "i'm fine Brahms." I forced my lips to curl into a smile and reached out to comb some hair out of his eyes. "I'm much better because of you." I said pulling him in for an awkward hug. My back stung but I knew he needed this.
   He let out a sigh of relief that sounded more like the squeak of a balloon being deflated than a breath. I cringed. That was not a good sound. "Brahms", I said pulling away from him. "You took care of me, so now I need to take care of you." I said carefully adjusting my body so that I could hop down from the counter. "Come on." I said looping my arm around his. "Let's go back to the couch." Brahms simply nodded and reply, and walked with me to the living room. After I laid him down I walked back to the kitchen to get him a glass of water. I made my way to the sink carefully stepping over the potato soup plus I still had to clean up. I reached the sink after safely avoiding the now cold and hard pieces of potato that were strewn across the floor, and filled up Brahm's glass.
   When I return to him, it looked as if he was already asleep. Wow that was fast, I thought as I gently set the glass of water on the floor next to him. I looked back to the kitchen door and quietly groaned, I had to go clean up my disgusting mess now, and after remake some more soup.
   Before I could walk away Brahms called my name. I jumped a little from not expecting to hear any noise and turned to find his eyes fixed on me. "Yes Brahms?" I asked taking a step closer to him. I was ready to do anything that he asked me, especially after what he just did for me. Brahms took a second to ponder his question then after a moment he shyly asked, "will you sing to me?"
   A breath caught in my throat. I was certainly not expecting that to be his request. "Sing to you? "I repeated out loud, mostly to myself to remind me of what he asked. Brahms nodded thoughtfully. "You have the most beautiful voice." He said shyly. I tried my best to conceal the smile that was working its way across my face. How could Brahms be so cute? "Yes Brahms." I replied. "I will sing for you."

Hey my awesome readers! I am trying to raise some money for college, so I have created an etsy shop that I was hoping you guys could check out! I drew a Brahms poster specially to all of you, and you can check it out at my shop! My shop is called Goodies Galleries and you can find it on etsy! I will also take special recommendations from you guys for things that I can create to sell in my shop. Also, not to wave my next chapter in all of your faces, but I'm pretty sure you're going to love it..... Sorry that's all I'm gonna say about it. I have never been a fan of spoilers. So I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and please check me out on Etsy! Thanks for all your support!

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