Revenge is Bittersweet

By thatoneguy3333

46.3K 1.4K 401

It all started with a kidnapping. A kidnapping for money, for Davenport Industries, for it all. But that turn... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 26

940 34 4
By thatoneguy3333

"Chase?" Bree asked, her voice cracking as she saw his green eyes open, and the murderous expression plastered on his face. He ripped the chair apart as he stood up, standing next to Krane.

Bree took a shaky step forward but Mr. Davenport held her back. "It's the Triton App."

"Thank you Captain Obvious." Leo retorted sarcasticly.

Mr. Davenport rolled his eyes. "Just... be careful. You guys need to hold them off while Douglas and I find a way to shut off the Triton App. Go!"

Bree, Adam and Leo leapt in front of Chase and Krane in different locations, circling them like predators and prey. All of them were reluctant to attack Chase but if that's what had to be done, they'd do it.

Chase smirked, and advanced on Adam, summoning his lazer bo. Adam inhaled a deep breath and blew Chase back, who hit the fence with a thud. He regained his position and ran at Adam.

Bree and Leo surrounded Krane, trying to occupy him while Mr. Davenport ans Douglas did what they needed to do.

Leo raised his fists as Krane smiled and laughed, as if they were just blocks he could knock down. Krane then raised his fists in the air and electricity shot down onto them, creating a ball. Bree and Leo lept out of the way as the ground they were just standing in burned and had smoke curling off it.

Bree supersped behind Krane and shoved him, causing him to fall over. He got back up and dodged one of Leo's plasma balls.
Meanwhile, Adam and Chase seemed equally matched. Chase continuously blocked Adam's attacks with his forcefield but was unable to do so a few times. He mainly used his lazer bo and molecular kinesis to strike Adam, who seemed ready with his lung capacity.

As Chase and Adam were fighting, Chase's face softened and he stopped, staring blankly forward. His face suddenly turned to pain and suffering as he dropped to the ground, spazzing out.

"Chase?" Adam asked, knealing next to his brother.

Chase barely nodded and were able to spit out a few words. "Help... Bree... Leo... now... go." His face hardened and his eyes shut, squeezing shut in pain.

As much as Adam wanted to help Chase, as much as his body told him to, he knew Bree and Leo were in danger. So, with one last look at his pained brother, he ran over to help Bree and Leo, determination burning in his bones.

Krane summoned electricity crackling on his fingertips but this time, it struck all Leo, Adam and Bree, causing them to fall to the ground, groaning and twitching.

Krane laughed and raised both his hands, catching Mr. Davenport and Douglas off guard as he began to choke them, causing them to cough and gasp for air.

Chase stumbled over, seeing his entire family going through pain, and it hurt Chase like a brick. Half his mind was in Triton Mode but he was fighting it, for his family. He needed to stop Krane, but that seemed near impossible with the battle going on in his head.

The Triton App was beating Chase, slowly tearing him down so eventually he'd be once again, a mindless bionic soldier, unable to control himself or feel any emotions. And just the thought of hurting his family made Chase fight harder, pushing himself to the limit. He needed to help.

And fast.

He stood up with wobbly knees as he witnessed Krane toss Douglas and Mr. Davenport over to Adam, Bree and Leo, all of who looked paralyzed. Douglas and Mr. Davenport were too weak to do anything but lay there, ready for death.

Chase's mind ran, and he stepped closer, his heart breaking as he saw his weak and defenceless family laying in front of him.

Krane laughed evilly as he raised his fists, a gigantic ball of hot fire appearing in his hands, blazing on his fingertips. One taste of that and you'd be done for.

Chase knew what ge needed to do, and he got prepared.

The ball lowered in Krane's hand and he shot it in the direction of Chase's fmaily, who looked terrified and sad.

Chase lept in front of them and summoned his force field. His feet dug into the dirt as he struggled to keep the fire from hitting his family. It was surrounding the force field, making it terrifying to look at.

"Chase stop... you're bionics are almost fried..." Douglas cried, sitting up, whilst helping Bree and Leo up.

"Just... go... on.. the count... of three..." Chase grunted, the weight of the fire crushing him. He bit his lip and pushed harder. "On the count of three... run..."

"But Chase-"

"JUST DO IT!" Chase yelled, his arms weakening.

Everyone jumped but nodded as they stood up, Bree ready to superspeed them all out to safety, and away from Krane.

"One... Two..." Chase cried out in pain. "Three... GO!"

Bree supersped them all out from the forcefield and Chase pushed, with all his remaining strength, the fire to Krane, who wasn't so lucky and screamed in pain at the impact.

Chase's knees buckled and he collapsed, his heartbeat slowing down and his breathing becomming more and more labored.


But darkness already engulfed him.

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