[1] Gasoline ✗ Draco Malfoy

By -lovegood

242K 12.2K 4.1K


please read!
twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
author's note and sequel information


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By -lovegood

Chapter Fifteen

Seohyun knew there was a possibility that, after the previous day, Draco would become withdrawn once again. She doubted he had ever been so open around anyone, and after he had told her his biggest secret, would feel slightly uncomfortable around her and, as a result, distance himself from her.

She was not going to let that happen.

Potions was their last lesson of the day. Sure enough, that entire day, Draco had been avoiding her. Whenever Seohyun made eye contact, he instantly ripped his eyes away, and he pretended not to hear her greetings in the corridors – whenever she neared, he was suddenly engrossed in either a conversation with his friends or a book in his hands.

That was going to change that evening.

When Slughorn told them to pack up (Harry, once again, was top of the class with an impossibly perfect potion), on her way to put excess ingredients away, Seohyun deliberately tripped into Draco's workstation, sending his potion spilling across the floor and his belongings scattered.

"I'm so sorry!" she stammered, dropping to the floor and picking items up to hide the insincere expression on her face.

Draco sighed. "It's okay." When his friends lingered in the doorway, he waved him off. "Go on without me."

Blaise and Theodore Nott frowned, but nonetheless left the classroom. Seohyun and Draco worked to pick up all his fallen belongings in silence, no interaction passing between them whatsoever. They finished just as Slughorn waddled out of the classroom.

Once their professor left, Draco opened his mouth.

"Seohyun, I need to leave, I have -"

He was cut off by the stern look on Seohyun's face as she glared at him, hands on her hips.

"No. That was the last lesson of the day." Seohyun winked and beckoned. "Let's just sit by the lake or something for a bit, away from everyone. I'm sure you'd appreciate that."

She swung her bag over her shoulder and raised an eyebrow. For a moment Draco did not move, and then he sighed and followed suit. Seohyun grinned and they left the classroom, walking side by side.

Even when they left the dungeons and passed other people who gawped at the Ravenclaw girl beside the notorious king of Slytherin, they remained close. Those people ended up quailing before Seohyun's fierce glare and looking to other way.

They're only acting this way because we're from different houses. Not for the first time, Seohyun thought how much nicer an environment Hogwarts would be if not for house separation.

Spring was truly in the air. The chill of winter had long left the breeze, and new flowers were blooming outside. Numerous people were in the open air, enjoying the change in weather. Seohyun could just spot the Hufflepuff Quidditch team training on the pitch as she and Draco meandered to the lake.

Seohyun knew a place by the lake where you could remain almost completely hidden by the numerous bushes that grew there. Like the Room of Requirement, it was a place of secrets as well as tranquillity. The lake's edge stopped only about two metres away. During summer, Seohyun thought how relaxing it would be to dip her toes in the water as she worked.

This was where she took Draco. They sat on the grass, which was still a little damp since it remained mostly in shade. Seohyun had a spare jacket and spread it over the grass, which they sat on.

Seohyun glanced at Draco out of the corner of her eye. He was stiff, sat awkwardly. If she hadn't given him any other chance, she knew he would not be beside her right now.

"I won't tell anyone, ever," she said, faintly but sincerely. She smiled. "This is you we're talking about, and I won't betray that."

"Thank you, Seohyun."

She sighed, and rested her cheek on her knees. "I wish you'd tell someone, though. If we told Dumbledore about your circumstances, I'm sure that he would understand and be able to hide your family -"

"No." Draco shook his head fervently, a hand gripping the roots of his hair. "He'd know. He always -"

"Okay, we won't tell him," Seohyun said quickly, and Draco's entire body lost its tension. "But you have to at least tell me everything. I can't do much, but if I can at least be a pillar of strength by your side and a shoulder to cry on... I'll be there."

She had made that decision the previous night, when she lay in bed, unable to sleep. She knew no other way to help – she couldn't remove the mark from Draco's pale skin, or hide him or his family away from You-Know-Who. She didn't know what exactly he was doing so she couldn't find him a loophole out of it.

All she could do was be there for him: a person who understood, a person genuinely cared, a person who saw him as a victim and not the monster so many others had painted him out to be.

If she could at least do that much, and take away some of the emotional burden – she'd do it. Instantly.

Draco was staring at her, with an expression she hadn't seen on his face before. Pensive, she guessed – though that wasn't the right word. But there was no mask on, nor any grief. It was almost like he was looking directly into the light, even though she was the only thing in his vision.

"You're an amazing person, Seohyun," he mused.

Her eyebrow arched to her hairline. "How so?"

"You arrive at the school, new, and you are the first person to give me a chance. You're so different to everyone here..." He smiled. Not a hint of a smirk; it was the first truly genuine smile she had seen on his face. She wondered why. Maybe it was because she was the only person he didn't have to wear a mask around. "I admire your bravery. You sure you don't belong in Gryffindor?"

Seohyun snorted "Please," she scoffed. "No offence to Gryffindors, but I think they can be a bit big-headed at times. I belong in Ravenclaw – even if I wish the house system didn't exist. It's divided our school."

Draco was staring at her, eyebrows knitted together, as though she was a puzzle and a fascinating discovery all at once.

"What was it like? In Korea?" he asked suddenly.

"You haven't ask about my former life before."

He shrugged. "I'm curious. And it sounds more pleasant over there than it does over here. Let me forget England for a while."

Seohyun smiled, and launched into a vivid description of the previous fifteen years of her life. Draco paid attention the entire way, listening with interest, asking questions in the appropriate places. Seohyun never tired of talking about her home with anyone, especially when they were so sincere in their interest.

They were both so engrossed in Seohyun's story that they didn't notice the sun begin its descent beyond the horizon until night settled over the grounds. Seohyun blinked as her senses acknowledged the sudden lack of light.

"Dinner already?" Her stomach growled as she momentarily perked at the thought of food – until, that was, her eyes fell upon her book bag and she groaned. "And I haven't done any homework today! I still have that entire essay to do for Snape, along with the homework for Transfiguration and Ancient Runes!"

She bit her lip. The essay was due tomorrow, and was horrendously complicated. Snape appeared to revel in setting its students vicious assignments and watching them drown in their despair.

Draco didn't respond. He grabbed his own bag and fished through it, until he produced parchment that was only slightly creased. "Here, I finished my essay for Defence yesterday. If it allows you to sleep well tonight -"

Seohyun cried out in relief as she took the pages.

"You're a lifesaver," she breathed, hugging the pages to her chest. "Thank you."

"It's not a problem."

Seohyun smiled as they began their journey back toward the castle.

"So many people are wrong about you, Draco Malfoy," she mused. "There is a human behind that cold exterior, no matter what everyone else claims. Why don't you let people see it?"

For the first time that evening, his face clouded over.

"I just can't afford to."

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