Fun and Games

By LilMissJaylene

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Join the energetic Marchi and her friend while she lives her somewhat simple life at Hucio Mundo... or is it... More

Fun and Games
Fun and Games (Chap 2)
Fun and Games ( Chap 3)
Fun and Games (Chap 4)
Fun and Games (Chap 5)
Fun and Games (Chap 6)
Fun and Games (Chap 7)
Fun and Games (Chap 8)
Fun and Games (Chap 9)
Fun and Games (Chap 10)
Fun and Games (Chap 11)
Fun and Games (Chap 12)
Fun and Games (Chap 13)
Fun and Games (Chap 15)
Fun and Games (Chap 16)
Fun and Games (Chap 17)
Fun and Games (Chap 18)
Fun and Games (Chap 19)
Fun and Games (Chap 20)
Fun and Games (Chap 21)
Fun and Games (Chap 22)

Fun and Games (Chap 14)

14 0 0
By LilMissJaylene

Chapter 14- Wait and See.

Disclaimer- I don't own Bleach just the oc's Wow ok well im really not sure where this is going anymore lol well actually I have never known where it's going so yer... I hope I'm not boring you guys hopfully this chapter will be more fun then the last one


Shivas POV

I was trying my best to stay as still or rather I tried to act unconcious,  I was just listening to my older brother and my so called best friend bicker like a married couple. When I started to reminisce about the last time I sore him and the incident that split us up.  


14 years ago there was a little three year old Marchi Crying in the corner. She didn’t understand why her mother treated her a lot different compared to her other siblings. She herd the front door click close, so she got up and went to see who had entered. It was her farther coming in with some vegetables for dinner tonight.

“Shiva my little icicle, why are you crying?” He asked in a nurturing voice.

“Mummy (sniff) said that I was the reason for the war and so many (sniff) peoples deaths. Daddy I thought that the war started 3 years ago? (Sniff) How am I the reason?” I tried to ask without sobbing so much.

“Oh, little icicle. It’s not your fault its mine. Simply put I fell in love.” he answered

“Daddy, I thought falling in love is a good thing. Is it not a good thing?” I asked

“Well icicle that is a hard question to answer. You’re so young but yet you’re wiser beyond your years. So maybe in a couple years you can ask me again and I’ll try to answer your question.” He said while he bent down and gave me a kiss on my forehead.

“Oh ok daddy. I don’t really understand but I’ll ask you again in a couple of years.” I smiled up to him and he stood up patting my head.

“Good girl, know go clean your room and tell your brother Daichi to clean his as well. Please do it before dinner.” He said as he walked away heading for the kitchen I assume. I guess all I can do is wait but for now.

Where is Chi Chi? Daichi (Chi Chi) is 2 years older than I am but dad says he is 10 years smarter then his actual age. Chi Chi is the second oldest and the only sibling I get alone with. In total there is 10 of us the oldest being Asami aged 8 then Daichi aged 5, they have a different daddy then the rest of us but he died 4 years ago. Then there is me I’m different from them I’m a combination of Highchi and Marfurry. Then there is the twins Ayaka and Jun they are only a year old and there daddy is different from Chi Chis and mine, but he left before they were born. Mummy is pregnant with yet another guys daughter. Ok a Highchi is like a person with wings on their back, I also have wings but unlike them I can retraced mine into my back.  

Daddy is the only Marfurry in the family aside from me. Marfurry are a species that are a lot similar to cats. They have tails and ears that look like a cats, they also have the sight of a cat as well. Dads tail and ears are the color of pure white snow and are so soft too, his hair is also white and he has grey eyes. Mummy has dark purple eyes and light brown hair her wings are different browns like an eagle. Chi Chi has white hair like me but, sapphire blue eyes and wings that are white at his back changing shades till going to black at the tips.

“Chi Chi” I called as I walked into his room “daddy says to clean your room before dinner, I have to clean mine as well.” I said while giving him my biggest teeth flashing smile.

“Ok Shiva, did you want some help with your room there isn’t much to clean in my room so it’ll only take me a minute?” He replied with a small smile on his face. I don’t know why but when he smiles it never reaches his eyes and he never smiles with his teeth, I’ve asked him about it but he just waves me off.

“No thanks Chi Chi, I can do it but thank you for the offer. I’ll see you at dinner time, ok” I said walking off to my room. Once my room was cleaned I felt a little tired so I thought I would have a nap before dinner.

SMASH! I awoke from something going on down stairs. So I ran as fast as I could, but once I reached the kitchen. I heard some ones high pitch scream… wait it was me, I was the one screaming.

I witnessed mummy stabbing daddy over and over again. She was saying something over and over again while laughing as she stabbed him, But why? Did Daddy do something? What did he do to make mummy so made? “Shiva what are you screaming for…” Daichi asked while coming to the grizzly scene in the kitchen. I buried my face in his chest asking over and over. Why? Chi Chi why?

“Shh, Shiva I’ll fix it go to my room ok” He said small soothing voice while patting my head. I shook my head I couldn’t leave daddy, he needed me. Why was I just watching? He needed me so without realizing I ran up to protect him when the knife was turned on me.  

Blood, Blood it was everywhere, I squeezed my eyes shut hopping it was just a bad dream. It didn’t go away, instead there was pain everywhere my legs, arms, chest, back, neck. I heard shouting then someone started to laugh. Who would be laughing at a time like this? It’s… It’s Chi Chi but why did he hate me too? No he is the only one that loves me like daddy did. I slowly opened my eyes to see Daichi in a corner. Where was mummy? I turned my head in the other direction. Was that mummy she/it didn’t look like mummy.

The Body was wearing the same clothes that mummy had been wearing but it didn’t look right. I tried to get up but I could barely move. The scene it played over and over in my head, it didn’t stop. Why did she kill him? What was she yelling when I first walked in? ’This all started because of her, why are you protecting her you’re going to die along with her if you keep protecting her. No you know what I never loved you to begin with so you’re both going to die!’ Finaly managing to subside the images or rather memory, my mind came back to what was happening in the next room.

“Daichi you’re going to die for what you did. Why would you kill them?” Asami shouted edging towards a crazed laughing Dachi.

“Chi Chi? What happened?” I thought I asked but my voice was barely a whisper. She was going to kill him, I couldn’t let that happen. After all he was only protecting me. Right? Yer that’s all he was doing. He killed mummy and the other daddy, even though it was really gross. I didn’t feel bad that they were dead. My Daddy was dead and Chi Chi was going to be taken away from me too unless I did something, but what? I have to help him. I seemed to zone out but then there was this voice in my head saying.

“I can help. Let me through any I will help.”

“Wh..who are you? Wh…where are you? Let you through?” I stuttered. Then I heard a scream, breaking whatever trance I was in.  Chi Chi he is the one screaming I need to help him. That voice, where did she go?

“Ok. Girl help me. Are you still there help me” I screamed, hoping the voice in my head would hear me.

“Let me take over and I can save him!” she replied

“Ok. Ok take me over just help Chi Chi. I don’t want to lose him.” The next I knew blood was flying and there was fire everywhere. I could see what was happening but I couldn’t do anything. I could see myself edging towards Darchi.  

“ NO STOP! DON’T KILL HIM! NO STOP.” I fought back then I was back in that place. Where? It didn’t matter. Only Chi Chi. Was he ok? Then a chilling female chuckle was heard.

“Listen girl I’m only going to explain this once. So listen carefully. Are you listening Girl?” It was that voice again.

“Y..Yes are you going to tell me what I want to know?” I replied with some confidence, unsure where it came from but hopping it would scare her.

“Oh so we have finaly grown some balls have we? Ok I’ll bite. What do you want to know?” She said with a smirk in her voice (No fooling her with my little act, great) I thought to myself.

“Who are you? Is Chi Chi safe? Well were am I?” I asked what came to the top of my head, all in a rush.

“Ok little one, I guess I am what you may call your other self, your true self. The side that is locked away and never really let out, I guess you can call me well just call me whatever you want. What was your other question? Oh yes your brother, well see for yourself! Till next time little icicle. Stay safe” she faded out and reality phased back in. (What ever I want? My true self. Am I really that insane?)

“Chi Chi? Daichi! Where are you?” I said franticly looking around. Everyone was dead except Daichi, he wasn’t there nor was his body was he dead? If he is alive is he ok? There was blood everywhere and the town was on fire, I had a small sword in my hand. Where did this come from?

~End of Flashback~

(I guess! He seems to have more confidence in himself, well I guess it has been a while since we where last together.) However when I finaly came back to my senses it was quiet, too quiet. Then nothing...I mean everything was if I fell asleep. They found out if I wasn't unconcious I'm pretty sure I would have sighed, he got me again and I never even realised it.


Daichis POV

I had been carrying Shiva almost a day and a half, she seemed to be waking up. Not that anyone other then myself would be able to tell, only small movements. First it was small nerve twitches, then her eyes fluttered every know and then. I knew she was fully awake when she wasn't moving, well I mean she was 'acting' as if she was still unconcious. Unable to stop the smirk that slowly spread across my face, smart little cookie isn't she. My smirk instantly turned into a deep frown as I remembered leaving her all those years ago. I could say it was because my life was in danger and shit like that but I would be lieing, I ran because I was scared.  


I watched as she was swallowed in some kind of black goo, or rather it burst out from her skin. It covered her from head to toe continuing to grow and grow untill it was a masive black blob. Once finally stoped growing it started to mold into something? I squinted as I started at this blob seeing it change from black to white, unable to tear my eyes away as it turned into this huge saber toothed tiger. She was ten times bigger then her normal size, not just that but her spiritual was actually visible. It covered her felion form changing her from white with black markings to royal purple with dark purple markings before bursting out unrulingly around the form. If I hadn't been so terrified I would have thought it was cool. My feet froze in place as this big cat turned its head towards me with scary purple eyes filled with bloodlust. My eyes where practicly jumping out of my head when the only thing I could see was the two huge teeth (more like swords) when she let out a massive raw. My legs are literally shacking only one thought going through my head ovre and over. I'm going to die... I'm going to die. When she jumped away from me, my legs gave out as I fell to the ground. Unable to do anything but watch as my sweet little sister, my future wife. (well that's what my farthers told me as he lay at deaths doors.) I wanted to look away to run as it ripped my other sisters and brother to ribbons. Irronically the only thought I had was...she always has liked ribbons.

Finally finding my legs I managed to get up and stumble outside, blood was everywhere buildings crumpled and on fire. I doubled over throwing the contents of my stomach all over the road, tears flowing freely from my eyes as another building crumpled or blew up on the other side of the village. I am so terrified my body was acting on its own as I turned and ran as far from the onslauter as my little feet could take me. I don't know how long I had been running but when I finaly stopped crying and looked where I was I noticed I was deep in a forest. I started to panic when I couldn't find any trails or anyways out, I started to run and scream for Shiva to find me but noting. I tripped over a tree root falling face first into the dirt scraping my shins, knees, fore arms and hands. All of a sudden all my strength left me and I just layed there hoping death would swallow me quickly. I must have drifted off because I was softly getting shaken awake, at first I thought everything I went through the day before was just a dream. I thought it ws Shiva who was trying to wake me but when I opened my eyes I was face to face with an elderly male looking at me with concern etched across his face.  

He took me to his home where I met his wife and they looked after me for a coule years. But just as my life was finally getting on track he was murdered on his way to the doctors. His wife had been sick for a year she was slowly getting better with the help of her medication. So when the kind old man died she had also died within the week. They tought me alot and help with my powers and swordsmanship,  I buried both of them next to each other on there favorite hill. I took what I thought I would need as I set fire to there house and started my search for my little sister.

~End Flashback~  

I finally found her and I'm not prepared to let her go, even though I have a new love and she has found someone that she may have loved. She was ment to be mine I will not let her escape, so I again used my mind blast ability to knock her out just with out the pain of last times blast. Yes, I only made it painful last time because I was hoping she would remember me from it. The old couple of my past tought me how to control it with out hurting anyone (well unless I willd it.) I didn't like the smell or feel of the wind as it gently blew past, I stopped turning towards Akahana.

"What is it my love?"She asked as I watched worry creep into her features.

"Go find us a safe place to stay for a while. Preferably a cave." I told her as I began walking off in my original direction.

"oh umm, yes Daichi. Right away." cane her soft reply as she ran back in the direction we had come from. I have a sneaking suspicion that she is planning something, what that is I'm not sure. Yet!   It's been almost a week that we've been staying in this cave and that eery feeling I'm having has increased. Maybe it has something to do with Akahanas mysterious plan, I'm still unsure whether I should know this or not.

On a plus note Shiva has been snuggeling up to me (even if it's been unconciously and she's been saying or moaning HIS name.) Akahana has been or either has finished planing something to get rid of Shiva (no matter what she does nothing is going to seperate us again, NOTHING.) I watched as Akahana chewed her bottom lip (something she doeswhen she is in deep thought) when Shiva snuggled up to me I looked at the cute sleeping form smirking. As I gazed slightly over my shoulder I noticed Akahana was glaring at us (or rather Shiva) but then it changed to a smirk, I frowned this can't be good.

"Why are you smirking?" I asked only to receive no answer, nothing I groaned in frustration.

"Akahana! Are you listening? You know I don't like repeating myself. I asked what your smirking for?" I asked again.

"Oh. I'm sorry Daichi I was off in lala land."was her goofy reply.

"That was fucking obvious, you didn't answer my question at all."

"Oh. Well, you see I was just thinking about...about, umm. You and me." she said dazing off again. When she suddenly mumbles  

"His...HIS smile, never smiled like this for me! It's beautiful. " Watching as she seems to come back to reality I smirked at her before turning back to Shiva wrapping my arms around her.  

I awoke the next day only to notice Akahana had gone out again, I was about to roll over and go back to sleep when I noticed she had left her zanpakuto. I seemed to struggle inside on whether I should follow her or wait and see what she has planned. I decided on the second when Shiva giggled a little before she started purring, only causing me to growl. I know she is only acting like this because of the thoughts she was having of that espada, Grimmjow Jagerjaques. I hope I never see that guy/thing agakn ever!


Yay so that was Daichis side of things. I hope you liked it. Let me know what you think I'm eager to know whether it's getting boring or if there is anything I could do that might improve my story.

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