Fun and Games

נכתב על ידי LilMissJaylene

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Join the energetic Marchi and her friend while she lives her somewhat simple life at Hucio Mundo... or is it... עוד

Fun and Games
Fun and Games (Chap 2)
Fun and Games ( Chap 3)
Fun and Games (Chap 4)
Fun and Games (Chap 5)
Fun and Games (Chap 6)
Fun and Games (Chap 7)
Fun and Games (Chap 8)
Fun and Games (Chap 9)
Fun and Games (Chap 10)
Fun and Games (Chap 11)
Fun and Games (Chap 12)
Fun and Games (Chap 14)
Fun and Games (Chap 15)
Fun and Games (Chap 16)
Fun and Games (Chap 17)
Fun and Games (Chap 18)
Fun and Games (Chap 19)
Fun and Games (Chap 20)
Fun and Games (Chap 21)
Fun and Games (Chap 22)

Fun and Games (Chap 13)

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נכתב על ידי LilMissJaylene

Chapter 13- The Plan

Disclaimer- I don't own Bleach just the oc's

Hey well this is chapter 13 and I'm not to sure how I'm going to continue hehe well let's just see how it all pans out. Now on with the story.


Shivas POV

Just like last time I awoke with a huge head ache, however unlike last time I did not find myself in a comfitable bed. Imeadiatly I knew I wasn't safe, I was alone again. Where am I? Where is Grimmjow? I had to quickly regain control over my body, concentrate on breathing normally, slowly. Remember Shiva your still ment to be unconscious, what is the last thing you remember? I remember... I stood there waiting, more tears ran down my face as nothing happened.

"Grimmjow?" I asked nervously.

All of a sudden I herd the front door swing open, I took a step back trying to see who it was only to double over in pain once again the same as before just more. More pain, so much in fact that I was on the ground clutching my head when a pair of males black fancy shoes stopping right in front of my face. I struggled to look up slowly I noticed this guy was wearing, dark navy blue denim jeans held up by a black leather belt and up his big white shirt open at the top showing his toned chest (not as toned as Grimmjows but still quite toned.)

"D...Daichi?" That's when he bent down smirking his sapphire blue eyes peeking threw his white bangs hanging over his face.

"GRIMMJOW! HELP... " I screamed before blacking out.

HOLLY SHIT! I remember, D...Daichi! He...He's alive. OMG I thought I killed him? Wait that's why the head ache... which felt like I was getting stabbed... Its always been his specialty. (Dah ee chee, meaning great wisdom) Why didn't I recognise sooner.  


It was about three month before I  lost control of my powers or rather I lost my cool (roughly 14 years ago). Daichi and i where sitting in his room I was drawing while he was reading or studdying some big book about the mind. When all of a sudden he turns to me telling me something he found interesting in his book.

"Shiva. SHIVA!"

"Hmm. What Daichi? No need to yell!" I replied rather smugly.

"Don't be so smug. Where you even listening to me?" I looked up at him with a questioning look on my face. Shaking my head before poking my tongue out at him.

"Come on Daichi, you know I never really listen to you carry on about those books of yours."

"I was saying that because of these books of mine I think I've found my powers!" He said his voice raising as his excitment.

"Ok so tell me what's your power? Come one, tell me!" I said getting rather excited myself.

"Here let me show you, I think I have it." I screamed as all of a sudden there was a sharp pain in my head, I was all of a sudden engulfed in blackness.

I awoke to a nervous crying Daichi standing next to my bed, I quickly shot up wrapping my arms around him asking what was wrong. He only held me tight apologizing over and over again.

"Why are you apologizing? What happened? Was that your power?"

"I didn't mean to hurt you. I tried using my powers when you started screaming then fell silent. You have been in a coma like state for a week. How are you feeling?" He asked stepping away from me whipping his eyes and nose. I smiled up at him grabbing his hand.

"I'm fine Daichi! A week huh? Well it did shoke me, maybe we can work on it. We can work on our training together."

"Huh yer. I just won't use those powers on you, we can work on other stuff like our swordsmanship and hand-to-hand your always better at that stuff then me. But I'm going to work hard and I'll teach you strategy and things to do with your mind. Yer I can see it know, what about you?" He said all excitedly practicly jumping on the spot. The next day we started traing together or with each other. Over the next month and a half we worked very hard at everything, both our hand-to-hand and swordsmanship had improved alot (mine more so then Daichis). Daichi kept teaching me how to strategies and what to look for when hunting and things like that.

~End Flashback~

Wait where am I? (Shh Shiva listen to your surroundings.) I can't hear anything, what is that in the distance? Is it... It is, Hollows! Ok good so that means in still in Hueco Mundo, just not in Las Noches. I really wanted to look at the person carrying me, is it really Daichi? Why now? I finally have everything I want why now?

"Hey Girl! Remember me?"came a dark and creepy females voice. "Oh Great! You, what do you want? " I asked

"There's no need for that attitude. It's not like I've hasseled you every day.  Actually I haven't talked to you since you came here." She retorted

"Yyerrr, why IS that? I know you haven't gotten bord of my problems, if anything I thought you would have annoyed me more." I stated slowly, trying to think of a reason as to why she hasn't bothered me. She always has something to say, especially when it comes to any misgivings I might have.

"Well I thought I'd just remind you I'm here. Waiting, I will consume you my little icicle. I. WILL. BE. FREE." with that she faded back into my "inner world". Seriously now I have her to deal with again, I mentally sighed.


Grimmjows POV

It was no good I found absolutely nothing that could indicate Ulquiorra had any involvment in her kidnapping.  I stomped my feet growling as I walked to my appartment, I can't believe HE put me under house arrest. Why? I'm so pissed off and there isn't anything I can do. I stomped through my appartment looking for anything to do that would distract me.


I sighed loudly deciding that there wasn't anything to do other then sleep. I awoke to someone knocking on the front door (this seems to always happen) I slowly got out of bed groaning slightly.

I was having another beautiful dream about Shiva, it only started to heat up if it's Szayelporro I'll kill him for sure. I slowly opened the door to reveal Aizen and his two goons, I groaned again more annoyed then before. I really don't feel like putting up with his shit right now. I stood there slouching as I looking boringly at them I yawned loudly in there faces, they really do like to beat around the bush.

"Ok. So why are you here? Do I get to leave? Sure you don't need all three of you to tell me that?" I asked rather smugly.

"No Grimmjow, I want your report on Shiva." Aizen statedin his usual tone.

"What do you mean? There really isn't anything new to report." I said as I began to get bord again, he woke me for this. He just smiled at me nodding his head slightly, as he turned to walk away he says over his shoulder.

"Ulquiorra and Yammy are returning form the world of the living. Everybody is to be there for his report...that means you and your fraccion as well."

"Yer. Yer I'll be there." I said shutting the door.  

2 hours later  

What a waste of my time. Ulquiorra reported that this 'Ichigo' person is no threat but I believe this guy could become a threat later on. What's stopping this guy from training and becoming more stronger, making him more of a threat then he already is. This is no good, if Aizen isn't going to do something about it I will. I flopped my body on my bed sighing in exasperation, I closed my eyes trying to come up with a plan as to how I am going to kill this Ichigo Kurosaki person.


Akahanas POV

I got it! Finally. It took me a coule days to come up with, and yet it's so simle. I should have came up with it sooner I'm just lucky we haven't travelled to far from Las Noches.


I smirked to myself as I watched Shiva unconsciously cuddle into Daichi thinking to myself(not to much longer and I'll be able to do that. Hmm Daichi all to myself.) I rolled over facing away from the pair wrapping myself in my blanket when I almost jumped out of my skin when Daichis deep voice echoed around the cave. We have been staying in this cave for almost a week now, he didn't want to stop and stay he wanted to go straight to the soul society. I have a sneaking suspicion that he is worried that Grimmjow may come after her and succeed in taking her away from him, hopefully for good then I can have him all for myself. I'm the one that found the cave... Unfortunately I couldn't have gotten any closer to Las Noches, 2 miles away to be exact. I've had a couple days to act out the first part of my plan, to gain his trust that he wouldn't be suspicious if I was gone for a long amount of time.

"Akahana! Are you listening? You know I don't like repeating myself. I asked what your smirking for?"

"Oh. I'm sorry Daichi I was off in lala land."

"That was fucking obvious, you didn't answer my question at all."

"Oh. Well, you see I was just thinking about...about, umm. You and me." How pathetic really Akahana is this the best you could come up with? I asked myself before answering my own question with out realizing I had answered out loud.

"His...HIS smile, never smiled like this for me! It's beautiful. " I watched him smirk at me before he turned away wrapping his arms around her. My chest all of a sudden hurt (AGAIN, SHE'S TAKEN HIM AWAY FROM ME. Why can't I have him? Just to myself, with out him always thinking of HER.) A single tear slid down my cheek as I wrapped myself as tight as possible closing my eyes as a single word repeated itself over and over in my head.



Grimmjows POV

Damn that girl where is she? She said to meet her half a mile from the walls of Las Noches, but she also said she would be alone. One can never be to careful, so I brought two of my fraccion but I'll have them stay back a couple meters while I talk to her. She's the one that set the time so early and yet she's the one that's late, all this is her plan. I had received a letter from her although it took some time just to decipher it, tssk had to actually get some help. So after spending a full afternoon at Szayelporros lab I...he was finally able to decipher it.             

Dear blue haired idiot     

So I have a plan, a plan where you get your SLUT back. You know Shiva. I will meet you alone half a mile from the south of Las Noches walls. I will be alone so I do hope you will not attack me on sight. I wish to discuss a plan to which we borh get what we have wanted for so long. You will have her and I will finally have him. All to our selves, meet me when the sun sits a quarter high in the sky.   

Akahana Well here I am and she is no where to be seen, hmm I wonder if she was cought by that oh so handsome Daichi dude. I looked back over my shoulder to Shawlong Koufang and Yylfort Grantz raising my right eyebrow, as if those idiots could tell me where the red head was. Only for then to shake there heads and shrug there soulders. I growled as I grind my teeth together, was this just a trick? I really thought that the red head really liked that guy, she was obviously willing to kill Shiva for him but she didn't when she had a chance. I still don't know why that is? Growling in frustration as I scratched my head while shacking it, why is everything so complicated.

"She will show, we just have to wait a little longer." came Shawlong as he put a hand on my shoulder, I spun around grabbing his throat about to strangle him.

When Yylfort tapped me on the shoulder pointing to my right,  I slightly eased my grip on my fraccion looking to the right where out into the distance a small form started appeaar. About bloody time! I let go of Shawlong putting my hands in my pockets taking acouple steps towards her, I told my fraccion to stop as I continued a couple meters waiting for her to reach me.

"FUCK! You could have met me half way." She shouted as she stopped a couple meters away from me.

"Your late. Where's Shiva?"

"Well, she's not with me at the moment. OBVIOUSLY! In my letter I told you that we needed to come up with a plan in order for you to get her." She said rolling her eyes.

"Why would I ? How do I know it's not a trap?" I said crossing my arms across my chest.

"If it was a trap don't you think I would have killed you while delivering that message yesturday. I walked straight into your appartment, not to mention you where asleep at the time."

"You're lying! I would never be that careless!" I yelled at her.

"I AM NOT! If I was lying then I wouldn't know you had a disgusting wet dream about Shiva... Something to do with towels. Yer you mumbled about her taking your towel while she giggled. That's what you said before you started moaning. See you really are that careless." she said a bit disgusted.

"FUCK YOU! I'm not careless, you just happened to get me at bad time...well good to me. Ok fine, what have you planned so far?" I watched as she smirked

"Ok well, so far it's simple in a couple days Daichi wants to take HER back to the soul society and you have to stop him and take her away from him. BUT YOU CAN'T KILL HIM! I want him to myself, however in order for us both to get what we want it must be at the right time. Just as he opens the garganta, so then you take Shiva from him and I take him throught the portal. Umm that's the best I could come up with."


Akahanas POV

I know it took me a day to come up with but I had to run through it so many times in my head. Just to try and go through every posible situation. There is so many things that could go wrong, if I miss time it and he kills Grimmjow then he would deffinatly kill me. If I killed her, again he would kill me. Then there is the slightest possibility that Grimmjow could kill him. Just the thought of my life with out Daichi was/is terrifying and so depressing I cryed for a full hour. (I never cry so to me that's a lkng time.) This is why it took me a full day I tried to think of ways to get Daichi to myself...with out her... But I just couldn't come up with anything that I could possibly do that doesn't end in death. (either mine or Daichis of course, I don't care if the others die.) I watched as the blue haired espada started laughing but then growled at me.

"THAT'S YOUR PLAN! Ok I'll humor you where? Where is he going to open a garganta to the soul society?"

"Umm. That's the problem. I don't know?" I was nervous about this part I guess I really didn't think this through. I wish I had more time but I know he is going to leave with Shiva any day know, whether I'm with him or not. Which really upsets me I wish he had half the feelings for me that he has for Shiva.

"So what exactly is your plan?" Grimmjow said as his usual bord look masked his face.

"Shut up! I'd like to see what you came up with to save her? Oh wait, NOTHING! I have to start heading back or he will become suspicious of me. So either you can stay here and do nothing or follow at a distance behind. Daichi usually does a perimeter check just to make sure I wasn't followed, or I didn't bring someone back." I rolled my eyes as he smirked at me.

"Stay at least a kilometer away from me." I growled at him then turned around walking off.

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