The game of love

By CassieAshworth

493 45 9

Paige Anderson and Reece Carter have never gotten along, since the first day of high school when she punched... More

Chapter 1 X
Chapter 2 X
Chapter 3 X
Chapter 4 X
Chapter 5 X
Chapter 6 X
Chapter 7 X
Chapter 8 X
Chapter 9 X
Chapter 10 X
Chapter 11 X
Chapter 12 X
Chapter 13 X
Chapter 14 X
Chapter 15 X
Chapter 16 X
Chapter 17 X
Chapter 18 X
Chapter 19 X
Chapter 20 X
Chapter 21 X
Chapter 22 X
Chapter 23 X
Chapter 24 X
Chapter 25 X
Chapter 26 X
Chapter 27 X
Chapter 28 X
Chapter 29 X
Chapter 30 X
Chapter 31 X
Chapter 32 X
Chapter 33 X
Chapter 35 X
Chapter 36 X
Chapter 37 X
Chapter 38 X
Chapter 39 X
Chapter 40 X
Chapter 41 X
Chapter 42 X
Chapter 43 X
Chapter 44 X
Chapter 45 X

Chapter 34 X

8 1 1
By CassieAshworth


My head is literally spinning and I feel like I'm going crazy. So many thoughts are flying through my mind right now that I'm getting confused.

I can't stop thinking about Reece, everything that has happened, us now being sort of friends, the way he looks at me and how we act around eachother. I'm also thinking about Jj and weather or not it's right that I stay in the relationship with him, because let's be honest it doesn't mean so much to me anyway.

Ugh I need Lucy. "Hey girl." She says answering the phone as I call her ready to rant but maybe cry.

"Lucy I need your help." I say before going into a massive speech about Reece and Jj like I'm talking so fast I don't even think she can understand me but I keep going whilst taking huge breaths and continuing pouring out my confused feelings to Lucy.

Once I've finished I hear a heavy sigh from her. "P you like Reece."

HA HA HA HA HA HOW FUNNY IS SHE?! I like Reece?! Nope no nah not happening that is nuts that is monkey nuts crazy talk!

"I know your thinking you don't and that I'm crazy but think about it, your seeing him completely different now your saying how gorgeous he is, how good you felt when he held you in his arms and how much he makes you laugh. You two get along and you can't lie to yourself everyone knows you have liked him for years and honestly Paige face facts he likes you too."

I can't believe it this all makes sense I like Reece. Me Paige Anderson likes Reece Carter...


"The crazy part is that this doesn't seem so wild and it makes sense. Oh my gosh Lucy I can't believe I like Reece and I didn't even realise until now! What the- wait. I have a boyfriend Lucy what about Jj?!" Yeah I'm not crying I'm panicking and very confused it was bound to happen.

It's only been an hour since I left his house with my family and now I realise I like him? Ugh my head is about to explode.

"I think we both know you and Jj aren't meant to be Paige plus he's a fucking asshole. You know what the right thing is to do."

Why does she have to be right?!

I sigh knowing I need to break up with Jj as soon as possible but then there's also another problem... Do I tell Reece or not? "And about the whole liking Reece situation?" I ask still not believing this is real right now.

"It's totally obvious he likes you too, please tell him you like him!"

After she says then we say our goodbyes because I tell her I need time to think eventhough I'm pretty sure of what I'm going to do right now, yeah I won't be able to sleep tonight with my head this crazy this needs to be done now.

I tell my parents I'll be about an hour before racing out the house already calling Jj. "Hi Paige what's up?" Is he kidding me? What's up? I'm his fucking girlfriend and he answers with that?! Ugh I am totally doing the right thing breaking up with him.

"Meet me at the malls parking lot right now I need to talk to you." I say before hanging up the phone and proceeding to drive. I said the mall parking lot because I know it will be almost empty with the occasional workers car. On a Sunday it shuts at 6pm so 4 hours later it's going to be empty.

I already know this isn't going to go well.

"You scared me on the phone don't hang up like that! Damn Paige what's up why are we meeting here?" Jj says as soon as he sees me, bouncing over to my car and climbing into the passenger seat. He looks pretty pissed off already and not that I'm nervous or anything but he isn't making this any easier on me.

I sigh looking around my car as tears rim my eyes before I finally make eye contact with him. "It's over I'm breaking up with you."


"I'm sorry Jj but this just isn't work-"

"No don't give me that bullshit is this because of the other night at the beach? I have every right to be pissed about you and Reece. Oh fuck this is about him isn't it!" His voice raises as he talks making me jump a couple of times before I realise it's not all my fault.

I feel bad about breaking up with him but it's only been a couple of months and it's not like we've had the best relationship...

"Please stop shouting." Stay calm Paige, I know if I get angry this is going to be crazy and I'm not in the mood for that right now. "Jj it's not like we've been together for years we just aren't working out." I guess the sweet nice talk isn't working with him.

Shouting shouting more shouting all about Reece until I've finally had enough. "You know what it's half because of Reece! I like him okay we were enemy's and he was still nicer to me then you fucking was! Now get the fuck out of my car, get out of my life we are over get over it you fucking dick!"

Okay I lost it. He does as I ask and gets out of my car slamming the door behind him making the whole car shake because he slams it so hard. I watch his car speed away before tears pour down my face out of anger but also sadness this is such a mess and my head is destroyed right now.

Until realising an empty parking lot is a little scary I start driving again but not to my house.

I'm gonna say it's possibly a little stalker like sitting outside someone's house in your car with tears in yours eyes and of course the persons face racing through your head. Like I'm sure if someone was doing this to me I'd probably call the police but damn wouldn't that make this night hella worse.

I tap against the steering wheel whilst staring at Reece's name on my phone ready to press the call button as I occasionally look up to his house. This is getting real wired right now and some may say I'm over reacting but believe me this is head fucking to a next level.

Okay I need to pull it together I'm not some push over nervous girl I'm Paige, and this is Reece it's time everything comes out like it did with Jj I just hope it doesn't go down like that.

Because let's be real here me and Reece arguing either ends in punches or throwing things, with very sore throats from screaming at eachother.

I press the call button needing to get this over with so I stop over thinking and as soon as he opens my heart pounds faster then ever but I also feel better after hearing his voice. "Hey annoying ass, what do you want? Paige are you there?"

I sniffle wiping away my tears before picking up the phone. "I'm outside your house."

A light laugh comes from the phone. "Well you know you only left a couple hours ago Paige I honestly thought I got rid of you."

"Come outside please Reece I need to talk to you." As I say this he stops laughing before I watch his bedroom curtains move and sure enough it's Reece looking at me in my car before the call ends and after a couple seconds the front door opens.

I get out of my car and walk to meet him in the middle (this is starting to seem like something out of a sloppy movie but oh well it's cute so deal with it) were we both stop and stare at eachother.

"I'm starting to get worried now Paige what's up?"

Do I just come out with it or ease in and drop it in on a big speech or? Yeah I'm sure you can guess how it went down, with my rambling on and on something like this. "Everything's fine but I just broke up with Jj." (that's not even the start of my rambling)

"Seriously?" He asks and I nod my head. "Good the guys a fucking asshole and to be honest I've always wanted to kick his ass I hate him so does half of the football team." He tells me before he starts rambling until I cut him off.

"Reece I get it you hate him. I didn't just come here to tell you that." Here goes! "We haven't always seen eye to eye obviously but now I feel like there's something different between us and now we're frenemies or whatever that just shows how much we've changed and I mean everyone in school thinks the same and now I'm feeling totally different about you even though I'm sure what I should feel bu-"

He cuts me off by putting his hand gently over my mouth. Our eyes meet in a soft stare making me like him even more because them big brown eyes are just beautiful. "What are you trying to say Paige?" He asks removing his hand and staring at me confused.

"I like you, a lot."

You know what he said back to me? Nothing.

Absolutely fucking nothing not a thing I didn't even get a blink from him, which definitely did not make me feel any better about telling him this.

"Reece can you please say something it's not like I've just told you I'm gonna run you over." I sigh watching him nod slowly and FINALLY BLINKING I must say.

He looks over my face before locking eyes with mine once again. "It's still a big thing Paige this is us you know it comes as a little shock to hear that."

"I know but I'm not saying I want a relationship or anything it's just my head has been everyone and Lucy seems to think I've liked you for years even that everyone in school is convinced we like eachother but clearly by your reacti-"

Cut off once again but this time I totally liked being cut off, by a kiss. That's fucking right he wrapped an arm around my waist pulling my into his body before leaning down and smashing his lips onto mine sending my body into overdrive as butterflies filled my tummy, my heart pounding and head just completely exploded at this point.

He pulls away staring at me again whilst still holding onto my waist keeping us close.

"I like you too."

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