By -laheyful

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When another body is dropped, Gray yet again struggles to keep herself together. Panic attacks, drugs, blood... More



206 5 2
By -laheyful

Gray Dylan:

As I waited in Noah's passenger seat, Noah came out Audrey's front door without Audrey, and I raised my eyebrows. He slid into the drivers seat, and held onto the steering wheel.

   "You don't think Audrey is acting weird, do you?" Noah asked.

   "Yes, definitely, but things are only beginning to get weird, I wouldn't stress it."

   Audrey opened the backseat door, and buckled up inside. Noah shut up immediately, and zoomed off down the road.


   "So who were you on the phone with basically at dawn?" Noah asked Audrey between two rows of storage lockers.

   "Hey, fun story, none of your business," Audrey replied.

   "Always so mysterious," Noah commented, turning a corner.

   I stayed by Audrey, her face a mixture of fear, and guilt, but she wasn't going to say anything.

   "You look like you've seen a ghost," I said.

   "Maybe I have, these storage lockers are creepy. Noah, maybe we should come another time!" Audrey called out.

   "No, no, we have just enough time before school starts," chastised Noah.

   "Look, maybe we should go get breakfast instead of breaking, and entering. I'll spring for pancakes-"

   "No, no pancakes. Oo, wait, frame me up, maybe use like a Dutch angle, so it's creepier?" He suggested.

   "I got it."

   "This is it- ah what, the unit was already unlocked?" Noah said in disappointment.

   "Who else knew about the locker?" I asked.

   "Eddie didn't mention anybody else," Noah responded bummed out.

   "That guy sounds like a real source, Noah," Audrey said sarcastically, "Crescent Palms guy was hazing you."

   "We'll see. You're recording?" Noah asked, ready to lift up the locker.


   Noah lifted it up, and my mouth dropped open in shock, and disappointment. Who would've though the Crescent Palms Jackass would lead us to a pile of crap. Half the stuff in here doesn't even look realistically possible to belong to Piper.

   "Ugh, this is such a lame disappointment," Noah said, sifting around the junk, "all this hype, and then nothing. It's like everybody's saying 'Ghostie the Blair Witch Project,' right?"

   I sighed, "what did you expect, Noah? A dead body from Piper's old room?"

   "Yeah, what did you expect, Noah? A big neon sign saying Piper was here..." Audrey trailed off in a whisper, and I followed where her eyes were frozen at.

   A security camera.

   "Noah, there's a security camera, if we check it we can see who came here first," I said.

   "Hey, uh, Noah, let's jet before someone else shows-"

   "Someone else? You're a genius. That's why the lock was broken, because someone got here first, right? Someone who didn't want anyone to find whatever was in here, so that means there is definitely something to find," Noah ranted.

   Noah reached up on a ladder, and proceeded to take the security camera perched on the wall.

   "Hey, you can't just take that!" Audrey protested, "it might be there for security."

   "First, this is new, second, that thing over there is for security. Someone's been keeping an eye on this place," Noah smirked, "maybe Eddie-"

   "Who's Eddie?" Audrey demanded.

   "Agh, the Crescent Palms guy!" Noah said disgustedly, "c'mon we got time before school to see what's on this."


   In Noah's room, we waited for Noah to set up the security camera's contents. In the meantime, I use my phone to make a call, and place it on Noah's desk, leaving it on speaker.

   "Crescent Palms, your place to relax in Lakewood, this is Eddie, how can-"

   "Bet you think you're pretty smart?" Noah asked quickly, "I wanna know who else you told about that storage unit."

   "Who is this?" Eddie asked, dumbfounded.

   I kneel down by Noah's desk, "this is your worst nightmare, who the hell did you tell about that storage locker? I'm not playing games."

   "I told you, I don't remember anything, I'm not saying more," Eddie insisted, and hung up.

   I stood up quickly, "dickhead."

   "Look, you're spitting conspiracy theories that just don't even exist, man," Audrey said, bubbling up with fear, and anticipation.

"Just wait for the camera to speak up, okay?" Noah insisted.

"Don't wait for me, I'm gonna use the restroom," I said, and left the room.

What did they expect on the security camera? What did I expect to show up on the footage? Noah certainly expected some big reveal of Piper's accomplice when it might not even be on there. Audrey looked like fearful of what was on the tape to come, it would almost seem like she thought she was on it, but that's ridiculous.

When I come back to the room, I stop by the doorway, and inch back before they see me. Audrey was holding up one of Noah's book ends, looking like she was ready to bash him in the head with it.

I walk into the room with my head bent, and look up, seeing Audrey already raising the book end down. As Audrey gives me alarming eyes, Noah freaks out, "ah, dammit! There's nothing on here."

Noah turns to Audrey, and sees his book end in her hand, her eyes frozen on mine, realizing my 'walking in, and seeing nothing' act being bullshit.

"Uh, careful with that."

"It's a book end, very sturdy, it's fine," Audrey says.

"Limited addition dragon's head book end with fonex finish," Noah corrected her, "and the only thing keeping half my library from sliding on the floor."

"It's usually what book ends do," Audrey replied, "um, I'm going to class, see you there? hey, uh, Gray, I need to talk to you later."

Noah turns back to his laptop, and back at me, "do you know what-"

"Not at all, it's probably nothing. We should get to class, though, Noah," I suggest.

He nods, almost not believing me, and he grabs his bag as well. I would've flown out of here before Audrey if Noah wasn't my ride. Something must've been bad on that tape if Audrey was prepared to hit Noah in the head for seeing it. She would've possibly given him a concussion for finding out something she didn't want him to. What was on that tape?


"This is my cousin, Eli, feel free to ignore him. This is Audrey, Noah, and Gray," Kieran introduces us, and I give a short nod.

"Hey man, first day, eh?" Noah says.

"School is school," Eli replies shrugging.

"Sure, except in this school, you get killed by a knife wilding maniac every twenty years, give or take-"

"Excuse me, girls only moment," Brooke says, pushing through, and grabbing Audrey's arm while Emma gets the signal, and grabs my arm as well.

We walk into the bathroom, and Brooke leans against the counter in distress, "uh, so, out of nowhere, Branson hits me this morning."

"The teacher you were infatuated with last year?" I asked subtly.

Brooke rolls her eyes, "yes, that one. Anyway, he said he just heard Jake, and I broke up."

"Woah, how did he hear that?" Emma asked curiously, "barely anyone knew you two were together."

"What is it with men from the past mysteriously showing up?" Audrey pondered.

Emma gave her a flat dead look of surprise, and Brooke, and I raised our eyebrows.

"Wait, what does that mean?" Brooke asked for the two of us.

"Emma's deadbeat dad resurfaced, too," Audrey shot.

"Okay, not cool, and that is a totally different thing, and I was also not ready to share that!" Emma said.

"You weren't gonna share it with me?" Asked Brooke, a hurt look on her face.

It didn't matter that much if Emma hadn't told me. We were friends, yes, but I wasn't as close to her as before everything happened last year. Things broke a little, and she's just only got back, it's going to take time.

"Well, the person I told this morning wasn't exactly supportive," Emma said, looking away.

"And how was your breakfast this morning?" Audrey snapped.

"It went really well," said Emma proudly.

   "I can tell that's 100% not true," Audrey scoffed.

   "Okay, are you two like legit fighting?" Brooke asked, gesturing to them both.

   "No, it's fine, it's just Audrey has some unflattering opinions about my dad, that's it," replied Emma, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

   "No, no, they're memories, not opinions, and sometimes maybe some people are going through big things that have absolutely nothing to do with you, Emma. Big shocker!" Audrey exaggerates, and yanks my arm with her.

   When we reach the hallway, we stop, and Audrey gives me a blank look, "I know you saw something in Noah's room."

   "What exactly did I see?" I asked.

   "Don't pretend you don't know-"

   "Audrey, I didn't see anything," I cut her off.

   "Then why don't you look surprised? You look like you know, but you're saying you don't-

   I cut her off again, "because I don't."

   Before she can say anything otherwise, I push past her, but not before she can grab my wrist, "just please don't tell Noah before I can explain, G."

   I yank my wrist back, and give her an alarmed look before walking away at a quick pace.


   As Stavo is talking to Noah, I sneak up behind him, and reach up to cover his eyes with my hands. He spins around, a big smile reaching his face, as she pulls my hands down to interlock with his.

   "Oh, hey!" Noah exclaims, giving me a kiss.

   I ease back, and Stavo's face falters, "oh look, here comes trouble."

   I wasn't aware that Zoe was coming along, but Brooke had asked to join us, and I dint decline. I guess she found a date: Stavo.

   "Here we are," Brooke says, "ew, did you invite him?"

   "I thought he was your date?" I asked, "I didn't know Zoe was tagging along, won't that be weird?"

   "Ew, my date?" Brooke repeats disgustedly, while Stavo rolls his eyes, "no, I brought Zoe for- you two are still dating?"

   I raise my eyebrows, and process what is happening. I clamp my mouth shut, and look between Zoe, Brooke, and Noah for a good three times before realizing what Brooke did.

   "Uh-oh," Brooke trails off.

   "Brooke, did you bring Zoe for Noah, because you thought he was single?" I questioned.

   "Well, uh...um," Brooke hesitates, "I mean, I wouldn't call it that. I thought we could all hang out. Even Stavo, ugh, if he wants to, no objections."

   "Does everybody not know we're dating?" I asked.

   "No, I've just been out of the loop, ya know, with the whole...Jake thing."

   I give her a flat look, and from the corner of my eye, I notice Zoe pointing daggers at me.

   "Why don't we go inside?" Noah laughed.

   "Wait, what are you doing here?" Brooke asked Stavo.

   I was feeling more uncomfortable by the second. I always thought Zoe was just another girl in our psych class, smarting up next to Noah. I never thought she would actually try to size me up for Noah's relationship status. Especially with the help of Brooke who didn't even know of Noah's relationship status. I'm sure Zoe knew, and took advantage of the opportunity, she always seemed shady at times.

   "Just seeing a movie, something I can do for you?" Stavo asked, taking a sip from his drink.

   "Can I just get one Stavo-Free Day? Do you have any of those?" Brooke complained.

   "Yeah, the thing is, we're all out of that," Stavo shut her idea down.

   "Let's go..."

   "Who thought we'd all agree with seeing 'Killer Clowns from Outer Space?'" Noah asked in surprise.

   "Ugh, is that what we're seeing?" Brooke questioned.

   "Audrey was supposed to sneak us in, but...she's not here," Noah trailed off, "she's been MIA a lot lately."

    Suddenly Brooke froze in shock, and I turned to see Mr. Branson whom slept with Brooke some a couple months back. He was assumed to be the killer at some point, but vanished after that. When Brooke said he was back, I would've thought he wouldn't be stalking her, or flirting with a movie theater employee, especially if he wants Brooke back.

   "Who's that?" Stavo asked, clearly disturbed.

   "Mr. Branson, he used to teach at GWH," said Zoe.

   "Yeah, he used to do a lot of other things," commented Noah.

   Brooke marched over to him, and we watched silently. Throughout the minute, Mr. Branson causally talked to Brooke while she looked uncomfortable. He began to caress her hair, before she walked away from his touch, "can we just talk about this?"

   "Hey, Mr. Branson," greeted Zoe.

   "He's a stalker, I wouldn't be associating with him," I said, and shot her a glare.

   "Gray, I never meant to hurt Brooke-"

   "Don't talk to her," ordered Brooke.

   A recurring silence pressed among us, and Noah couldn't help but take the opportunity.

   "Well, this is not at all uncomfortable, any new missing girls to report?" Noah questioned with amusement.

   "I never liked you, Foster," admitted Mr. Branson.

   "Hey, no need for that, boys. You're uh, you're sources were correct about Jake. It's-it's complicated. But in the meantime I'm keeping my plate full," said Brooke, "this is my new friend, Stavo. He's the Sheriff's son, so be nice."

Stavo gets closer to Brooke, and stares pointedly at our former teacher, "is this old dude bothering you?"

"You're not dating this guy," Mr. Branson scoffed, with a smirk.

Stavo wound his arm around Brooke, and spun her in his direction before pressing his lips to hers protectively. The thing was despite Jake's disappearance, and their recent breakup, Brooke, and Stavo seemed into it.

   "Babe, if we're gonna see the movie, we should get in there," Stavo said in a very believable tone.

   "You know, on second thought, I'm not stoked about sitting in a dark room with a teacher. Let's just find something else to do, guys," Brooke suggested, and we started towards the exit.

   "You've changed, Brooke. You didn't even say thank you to the flowers," Mr. Branson said with disbelief.

   Brooke stopped, and turned her body a little, "what flowers?"

   "The ones I left on your car."

   Brooke didn't say more, her face speechless to the least. It appeared she thought they had been from someone else, and I couldn't tell what she was thinking. She passed us, and we followed suit out the door, leaving Mr. Branson staring at us blankly.

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