The lost girl

By novella_lynn

3.7K 59 13

Kat Hunter is a 16 almost 17 year old girl she lives in London with her mom and abusive step dad. Peter Pan s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 10

159 3 0
By novella_lynn

It's been quite for a while up on deck so I decided now was a good time to go up.
"Hello papa" I said as I walked up on deck.
"Kathlyn!" He yelled.
"Yes that's right I'm here" I said as I walked up to the wheel where my father was.
"I told you to stay home" he said.
"Yeah well I wanted to go in an adventure with you like the old days papa" I said.
"I told you next time" he said.
"I wanted this time" I said.
"When we get to." He started.
"Neverland?" I stated.
"Yeah" he said slowly.
"What about that?" I said.
"You stay on this bloody ship and you don't leave it got it?" He asked.
"No papa what's so wrong about Neverland?" I asked.
"You stay on this bloody ship!" He yelled as land appeared.
"Fine!" I yelled as I walked back to the deck.
I watched everyone walk off the ship including my father and I sat on the Jolly Roger and babysat.
But eventually I got bored and wondered onto land and into the forest.
"Kathlyn?" I heard my father.
"Yes papa" I said.
"I thought I said to stay on the ship" he said.
"You did papa but I got bored" I said as we walked.
"Does Henry know your here?" My father asked me.
"Well no" I said as I looked down at the ground.
"Don't you think he will wonder where his girlfriend is?" My father asked.
"Of course papa but..." I started.
"I have two beans" he said cutting me off.
"Yeah and?" I said.
"Take one and go home to Henry I'm sure he missed you" he said with a smile.
"I'm sure he does but if I remember the story right nobody leaves the Islam with out Pet....." I started.
"Don't say his name!" I father yelled.
"Why?" I asked.
"He will come he may look like a child but he's a bloody demon" my father said placing the bean in my hand.
I looked down at the bean and then at my father.
"Go!" He demanded.
I nodded and throw the bean and went through the portal.

Hooks POV
"Hello hook long time no see" I heard a boy say.
"Not long enough" I said.
"Where's the girl?" He asked still hidden.
"Home" I said as Felix walked out.
"You know Pan knows she was here" he said.
"I bet he does" I said.
"He sent me to retrieve her" Felix said.
"Yeah well she went home" I said shrugging.
"Pan isn't going to be happy that she left yet again" Felix said.
"Not my problem" I said as I started to walk away.
"Expect a visit from Pan soon" I heard Felix yell.
"Count on it" I yelled back.
What Pan wanted he wasn't going to get. As night fell I made a small camp for myself.
"Well well well if it isn't Captain Jones" I heard a far to familiar British accent say.
"Hello Pan" I said as I sat against a tree.
"I know a little secret" Pan said as he appeared in front of me.
"What's that?" I asked.
"Your daughter was here and you sent her away" he said.
"I know" I said.
"Where did Kat go?" He asked.
"Home" I said.
"Technically this is her home" he said with a smirk.
"Not really see she doesn't remember you or ever being on Neverland" I laughed.
"She will" he said sounding so sure.
"How?" I asked.
"She's under a curse and only one thing can break a curse and that's true loves kiss" he said.
"Not this cruse mate" I said.
"Really?" I asked.
"She has to love you in the order to be in love with you and at the moment she's in love with Henry" I laughed.
"She's what?" He asked.
"Yeah that's right Peter Pan you lose!" I yelled.
"No I didn't lose! And I won't fail I'm getting her back you watch" Pan said.
"Right" I said rolling my eyes "you can't even find her."
"She's in Storybook" he said as he disappeared.
"Shit" I yelled as I raced back to my bloody ship yelling for Smee all the way there.
"In a hurry are we?" Felix asked.
"What's it to you" I said as Smee boarded the ship.
"I just want to wish you luck" he laughed.
"Why?" I asked.
"Don't you know Peter Pan never fails" Felix laughed as he walked away.
Off I was heading back to Storybook to warn everyone that Peter Pan was coming that is if he wants already there.

Kats POV
I landed in front of a tree in the woods of Storybook.
I jumped up and ran for town.
"Kat!" I heard Henry yell when I walked into Granny's.
"Henry!" I said as we hugged.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
"Yes of course" I said with a smile as we sat down.
"Where did you go?" He asked.
"I snuck on my dads ship and went to a place called Neverland" I said.
"Oh?" He said.
"Yeah but my sent me home. I wanted to explore the land see if Peter Pan was really there and if he was really a jerk like in your book" I said.
"Did you meet anyone?" He asked.
"Nope nobody my father sent me a way to fast almost like he didn't want someone to know I was there" I said.
"Oh he know you were there" Henry said as a boy walked in.
"Where is Kathlyn Jones?" The boy asked.
I looked at Henry who kept quiet so I did the same.
"Come on Kat I know your here!" He said as he turned and looked at me.
"There you are. Hello Henry" the boy said as he walked over.
Henry just nodded as a hello.
"Who are you?" I asked.
"I'm sorry did I forget to introduce myself I'm Peter... Peter Pan" he said with a little bow and a smirk.

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