Chapter 7

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"Come on" Peter said as he grabbed my wrist.
"What about them?" I asked.
"Oh yeah! Boys!" He yelled as we took off.
We ran to the camp and then into our cabin.
"He's my father Peter" I said as I sat on the bed.
"I know Kat" he said as he squatted in front of me.
"You knew all this time?" I asked with a tear in my eye.
"No no Kat. I figured it out when we came across them a couple days ago" he said.
"You didn't tell me Pan" I said feeling hurt by my own true love.
"Pan? You... You never call me that" he said shaking his head.
"First time for everything" I said as I shoved him out of my way as I ran out of the cabin.
Tears clouded my site so I didn't get far before stopping. I sat down by a tree and hugged me knees.
"Kat are you okay?" I heard Henry's voice ask.
"Not really" I said as I looked up at him.
"What's wrong?" He asked as he sat next to me.
"After 11 years I found my father" I said.
"That's good isn't it?" He asked.
"No he abandoned me with my evil mother. On top of that Pan is my true love but he lied to me" I said.
"He's Peter Pan Kat he doesn't know how to actually love you have to teach him" Henry said with a smile.
"How? I don't know what love is I was abandoned" I said slowly.
"You and him will figure it out because that's what true loves do" Henry said as he jumped up and pulled me to my feet.
"Why are you helping me I was rude to you" I said.
"Because your actually a good person your just afraid to be who your supposed to be" he said as we headed for camp.
"Who am I?" I asked.
"Kat  Hunter just Pans lost girl" Henry said.
"That's what I am what am I supposed to be" I asked.
"Kathlyn Jones, Killian Jones' daughter " Henry said shrugging.
"What's this information good for?" I asked.
"What ever you want" he said.
"You know more don't you" I said.
"Maybe I do" he said as we entered the camp.
"Tell me?" I asked.
"I can't that's hooks job Kat" he said as Felix grabbed me and pulled me away from Henry.
"What do you think your doing!" I yelled as Felix pulled me through the camp.
"Returning you to Pan! You disobeyed by leaving camp" he said straightening his grip.
"Ow!" I yelled as we got to the cabin.
"I said to bring her to me not to hurt her Felix" Pan said as he walked over to us.
"Sorry Pan" Felix said shoving me into Pans arms.
"Your in trouble Kat" Pan said as we walked back into the cabin.
"I'm sorry" I whispered.
"Just don't do it again I can't let you get hurt or kidnapped again" he said as he hugged me.
"Don't let go" I whispered.

*couple days later*
I slowly woke up and noticed Peter not by my side.
"Hunting again" I whispered.
My punishment is that I can't leave this cabin unless Peter with me it's a rule I haven't a choice.
I slowly sat up when I heard people talking outside.
"Listen Henry this island needs your help" Peter said.
"For what?" He asked.
"To save magic" Peter plead.
"I want to save magic" Henry said.
"Good then I'll take to to skull cave in about an hour" Peter said as he walked in.
"Morning love" he said.
"Skull cave?" I asked as I climbed out of bed.
"Yes" he said.
"If your taking Henry there I want to to go to I want to see him save magic" I said.
"No Kat I don't think that's a good idea" he said.
"Really?" I asked.
"Yes" he said as he grabbed my hand.
"You have locked me in this bloody cabin for two days now" I said.
"It's your punishment Kat" he said as he gently pushed me back to sit on the bed.
"I just walked out to blow steam" I said.
"That maybe true Kat but you risked you life and I can't lose you" he said as his lips crashed to mine.
Once again there was the feeling of fireworks.
"I understand" I said as he pulled away.
"Good" he said with a smile as he left.
I got dressed and sat in the cabin and read a book since that's all I was able to do.

"Hello?" I question as I opened the door.
There stood my father and Emma.
"What do you guys want?" I asked.
"Your help" Emma said.
"I can't leave the bloody cabin with out Pans permission" I said.
"Listen to me girl we need your help finding Henry if you don't help us then we will have problems and plenty of them" Ragina said as she walked up.
I swallowed the lump in my throat and nodded as I walked out.
"Good girl" Ragina said.
I looked up at my father who just nodded.
"He's at skull cave saving magic" I said.
"Thanks kid you were a lot of help" Regina said as I fell under none other than her sleeping curse that only true love can wake up.
What if Pan doesn't want me to wake up? What if he gets so mad I left the cabin that he decides that this is my punishment an eternity of sleep? What ifs constantly ran through my head.
Pans POV
"Well hello Rumpelstiltskin come to save your grandson?" I asked.
"Oh yeah and I think after you see what Ragina did to you true love your going to want to give me him" Rumpel said.
"What happened to Kat" I yelled.
"Sleeping cruse" Ragina said as she carried Kats almost life less body in.
"No!" I yelled.
"Henry for Kat" Emma said.
"And hook what do you say" I said narrowing my eyes at him.
"Hooks on our side" Snow said.
"Ask hook who she is my true love I mean" I said.
"Hook?" Charming asked.
"She my daughter" he said as he looked down.
"Even if we don't get Henry your going to have Pan kiss her anyway." Emma said.
"I can't lose my daughter just like you can't lose your son" hook said.
I walked over and kissed Kat waking her up.
"I'm so sorry Pan" she cried as she hugged me.
"It's okay love" I said as I kissed her head.
"But I left" I said.
"They cursed you Kat and for that Henry is saving magic" I said as Henry walked out.
"I'm sorry I have to save magic" Henry said as I put a spell on his hand to take out his heart.
"No Henry you don't have to do this" Emma yelled.
"I do mom I have to! I want to save the world like you did" Henry yelled as he ripped his heart out.
"Henry please don't do this!" Regina yelled.
"I have to" he said as he slammed his heart into my chest.
I felt the magic be restored.

Kats POV
I watched at Henry slammed his heart into Peters chest which killed Henry and gave Peter power.
He flew over and picked me up.
"Have a nice day" he said as we flew out.
"You killed him" I said as we got to the camp.
"I don't care Kat I'm alive forever now and I can focus on you!" He said.
"No actually Pan you won't she is coming with me" hook said as Regina grabbed Henry's heart out of him and put in back in Henry's body causing him to come back to life.
"No dad I want to stay here with Peter" I said as he walked over.
"Sorry Kat you can't your coming to Storybrook with us" he said.
"The bloody hell do you think your doing?" Peter yelled as hook grabbed me.
"Taking my daughter home" he said as we walked out.
Pan followed up to the ship.
"Peter I don't want to go" I cried.
"Give her back to me" he yelled.
"No I left her once I won't do it again" hook yelled.
"Okay this is long enough I'll just take her memories of Neverland and Peter and replaced them with Storybrook and someone else." Rumpel said as he put his hand over my head.
"I love your Peter Pan" I yelled.
"I love you too Kat my lost girl and I'll find you!" He said as a necklace appeared in my pocket.
"I'll always be your lost girl" I said as the Jolly Roger sailed away.
"Okay Rumpel take her memories away and replace them" I heard my dad said right before I fell asleep.

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