Little Legends (Akatsuki no Y...

By L_A_Studios

96.5K 3.7K 495

(Book 1: Little Dragon Warriors) Yona had finally assembled all of the Dragon Warrior Descendants, though wha... More

Information (Before you read)
Legend 1: Recovery
Legend 2: The Kindess of Yoon
Ch.4: Rise of the Bandits (Prt.2)
Ch.5: Actions Speak Louder than Words
Legend 6: Behind the Mask (Prt.1)
Legend 7: Behind the Mask (Prt.2)
Legend 8: I'd Rather Sleep in a Tree
I aint even mad
Legend 9: Yoon and the Villagers
Legend 10: The Broken Lord Arrives
Legend 11: The Lord Goes Undercover
Legend 12: Putting an End to the War
Legend 13: An Order
Ch.14: I Knew You'd Come
Ch.15: A Great Leader (Prt.1)
Ch.16: A Great Leader (Prt.2)
Ch.17: The Return
Ch.18: The Gin Dragon Clan
Clan Info
Ch.19: The Elder Story
Ch.20: Not So Strong
Ch.21: Back to Business
Ch.22: The Kai Empire
Ch.23: I'm Gonna Kill Yoon
Ch.24: Fire Festival
Ch.25: Beginning of War
Ch.26: At Daybreak

Ch.3: Rise of the Bandits (Prt.1)

4.2K 158 5
By L_A_Studios

(A/N: I'm so sorry for the late updates, I have so many stories that it's hard to keep up.)

-Fire Tribe Village-3 Days before Ambush-
Y/N eyed Yona in amusement, watching the young princess shudder as she rinsed off the bowls that Yoon had ordered the two to clean.
"Too cold, Yona-hime?" Y/N asked, surprising Yona as she heard the teasing tone that the monotone expressioned female wore.
"If you don't like it, you can go back." Yoon casually insisted.
"I-I'm fine. I can handle the cold." Yona stuttered out. "It's not like I'm gonna die." She added, voice more of a whisper.
"Is this the village you were born in?" Yona curiously asked, changing the topic onto the beautiful boy.
"No, I've always traded with the people of this village. Lately, they don't have anything to trade, but I bring them food and medicine from time to time." Yoon explained, stirring the steaming pot of food that he was making. A sad smile tugged at his lips, an action neither female missed. "I worried about them while I was away. So I'm glad that they're alright." He admitted.
"You have certainly saved this village with what you do, Yoon." Y/N praised, though it sounded more like a statement through her serious tone.
"Not really." Yoon shook his head. "The Fire Tribe is a land of poverty. Even if you give them food today, there'll be none tomorrow. And while one village is full, another goes hungry." He explained, mostly to Yona since Y/N already knew this from her travels.
"You give them hope, though. That's what this world really needs in order to change." Sighed the (H/C).
"Well nothing is going to change unless someone starts from the bottom and slowly rises up." The male stated, in which Y/N couldn't help but to silently agree on.
Yona, on the other hand, stayed quiet during the conversation between the two. Thinking of someway she could help.

___Quick Timeskip___
-Y/N's POV-
When Yoon had finished cooking, I was unfortunately tasked with the job of rounding up the idiots I call my Dragon brothers, as well as Kimori Hak, and Akio.
Patting my cheeks to keep myself from dozing off while I walked, since I was still a bit drowsy from being awoken only hours before, I collided into someone's back.
"Ah, gomensai, Shin-ah." I instantly apologized, bowing to the Blue Dragon descendant who had been left with the children of the village. "Yoon says that food is ready, so please go eat while it's still hot. That goes for you guys too." I told the small group, ruffling a little girl's hair which caused her to grin up at me.
"Arigato!" The children thanked in sync. Some of them then grabbed Shin-ah and pulled him in the direction of where the food was being distributed, not even letting the poor male say anything against them. Not that I think he would, he was a sweet guy, and honestly a child at heart.
I laughed behind my hand as I noticed Shin-ah look back at me, probably to see if I was following. Though I simply waved before going to find the others.
"Oi! Yoon says food is ready, so get down here before it's all gone!" As I got to one of the huts, I placed my hands on my hips as I called out to Akio, Hak, and Jaeha, who were working on the roof.
"No thanks, I'm not hungry!" Hak instantly replied. "I ate a lot of fish on my brake!"
There's no river even close to here. I deadpanned at his horrible lie.
"We're not hungry, either!" Akio gave a closed eye smile.
Scoffing and shaking my head, I turned just in time to see Kija and Zeno carrying a lot of logs and sticks. "Ah! Kija, Zeno-nii, Yoon says that food is ready." I told the two.
"I too feasted upon the fish." Kija, obviously, lied.
"It's growling." I deadpanned, watching Kija's cheeks brighten as he clutched his torso.
"Th-th-th-this isn't my stomach! Thunder is rumbling somewhere!" He exclaimed. Cute.
"It's coming from you, White Snake." Hak called out.
"You rude man! What are you doing?!" Kija shouted.
Rolling my eyes, I crossed my arms over my chest impatiently, while Jaeha and Akio tried hiding their laughter.
"You haven't had enough training to stop the feeling of hunger." Hak smirked.
"Training to stop the feeling of hunger? What's that?!" Kija excitedly asked.
"You need to put strength around your belly button like this." Zeno explained to Kija, both doing some sort of awkward squat.
"I can still hear both of your stomachs." I stated in annoyment.
"Too cute! You guys are too cute!" Jaeha shouted in a fit of giggles.
Shaking my head, I barely noticed how Yona and Yoon suddenly stood beside me. "You'll eat, won't you, Yona?" Jumping, as I was slightly startled by Yoon's voice, I glanced at my master.
"No thanks, I'm full-" As soon as she began to start talking, her stomach cut her off. "Can you hear that?" She whispered.
"Yes." Me and Yoon nodded.
Exchanging a grin, the three of us laughed.
Ah, how nice it feels to be able to laugh like this again! Though we're laughing at how idiotic our group is, I think we'll always find some reason to smile, even in the toughest situations.

___Quick Timeskip___
-Normal POV-
"Hide! Hide!" Yoon shouted as he and Yona ran over to where the others were.
"What happened?" Hak asked.
"An officer came! That's bad, so you guys absolutely can't come out, ok?!" Yoon exclaimed frantically.
"Officers?" Jaeha tilted his head.
"Let's see." Hak, nonchalantly began to walk in the direction he had come from.
"Don't show your faces, you beasts!" Yoon shouted.
The group paused as they heard angry shouts from somewhere else.
"You can't pay, you say? You wanna go without paying again?!" The head officer yelled at old man Se-dol.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Se-dol whimpered, on the ground on his hands and knees. "But the rice crops this year produce much, and we hardly had enough to eat for ourselves." The old man explained.
"Hold your tongue!" The head officer shouted, digging Se-dol's face into the dirt with his foot.
Y/N, who was hiding in a bush with the others, tensed, and honestly the only things that kept her from doing something drastic to these swine was the possible exposure of Yona, and the hand of her twin on her forearm.
"Calm down, Y/N, please." He calmly whispered to her.
With a soft grunt, she went back to watching the horrid scene. Both L/Ns shared the same heated glare and tensed jaw, a fact none of the others missed.
"If you can't pay off, then sell your children!" The officer shouted.
"N-no, I couldn't!" Se-dol gasped in shocked horror.
"C-calm down Kija! If you go out now they'll take you even if you don't do anything!" Yoon whisper-shouted. Glancing at the white haired male, Y/N noticed immediately the dark aura around him as he looked ready for a battle. "Right, Yona?" Yoon turned to the red haired female, only to seem to look like he wanted to pass out when he saw the same dark aura around her as she already had her arrow and bow out.
"Y-Yona, you can't, okay? If they find you, it'll be the worst, okay?!" Yoon told her.
"Master De-Bol, there's food over here!" The shout of another officer brought everyone back to attention.
"See? You did have food." The head officer, De-Bol, smirked at Se-dol. "It doesn't look like there's any rice, but this'll do, won't it? Take it out." He ordered.
Those are the provisions Yoon brought! Y/N realized with widened eyes.
"No!" Y/N's body became absolutely rigid at the sound of a little girl's voice yelled. "Yoon brought those for us!" The girl exclaimed, tugging at the officer's cloak.
"Move, you're in the way!" The officer commanded.
"No!" The child stubbornly exclaimed.
"This is just the right amount, right? Let's take the child too. We'll sell it for the insufficient tax." De-Bol stated.
"Please have mercy! She's just a child who knows noth-" Se-dol was silenced with a smack from De-Bol.
"If you don't want this, then prepare some rice or money!" He shouted. "Let's go." He then ordered his troop.

"You!" Someone shouted.

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