Divergent No War

By jmaertens5

4K 101 15

This story, follows the sixteen year old daughter of now Dauntless leader, Eric. A young woman, confused, try... More

A/N-- About me-- Also, WARNING!
I don't own any of this stuff.
Chapter 1 part 2
I don't own Divergent or the characters. All of it is Veronica Roth's.
I don't own Divergent. All of this belongs to Veronica Roth.
I don't own Divergent, ect. All Ms. Roth's stuff.
Rights go to Veronica Roth...
Mmhmm you know it!
I am not V. Roth, so yeah...
Disclaimer-- blah blah don't own
I wish that I owned Divergent. I don't.
Heck Yeah!

Not mine, Veronica's

209 6 0
By jmaertens5

Chapter 6

One day, when I am feeling better, a new person comes to visit me. I recognize her immediately. It is Jeanine Mathews.
"Hello, Melanie. It is nice to see you again." She smiles sweetly.
"Hello, Jeanine." I am suspicious. I know how smart she is. I also know that she has been hunting Divergents for years. She runs tests and tests and then more tests, but she can't figure it out. Over the years, she has gotten bitter and possessive. Her need for knowledge along with her pride make the Divergent situation torture for her.

"Melanie, I realize that you have done really well in Dauntless. That is why I am here. While looking through simulation records, I came across the recording of your aptitude test. I may be wrong, but your reactions were not those of most people. It was almost as if you knew what was coming. As you know, nobody is allowed to talk about the test." She waits, watching my response closely. Even if my aptitude test was not convincing, I can still lie pretty well. I look confused.

"I have no idea what you mean, I was surprised as anyone during the test." I look polite and collected, but inside, my stomach is churning and I can feel bile rising in my throat. I could be Candor if I didn't have so many Eric secrets.

"Well of course," Jeanine smiles, "but I have some questions about your simulations, too. You completed them extremely fast. I would like to bring you in for further testing, just for some research." Oh well, even though I never knew what my actual test result would have been, I am sure that I am not Divergent, so what's the harm?

"Ok, that's fine." I nod my head. Jeanine smiles.

"I knew you were a smart girl." She gets up and leaves. Later that afternoon, two men, along with several nurses come to transport me to Jeanine's research facility. They move me and all of my medical equipment. I can move around now, but the rib that punctured my lung caused permanent damage. From now on, I need an apparatus to help me get oxygen. This includes a tank full of oxygen and a little tube that goes around my ears and has little nubs that go into my nose.

At first, I refused the device, knowing that the Dauntless probably wouldn't accept me back with it, but then, I tried to do without it. After just a few minutes, the nurse had to put it back on because I was out of breath and all I was doing was sitting. I also need a brace for my back, which helps my ribs, too. My neck brace was removed yesterday, but it still hurts to turn my head. My ankle is not healed much at all, so I still have a cast. Because of my back and leg, I am still confined to a wheelchair. My nose is irrelevant, but doing better, so are my stitches.

When we arrive at the center, I get a lot of stares. I am battered and bruised, not to mention my cast and brace. Most people just turn back to their work, but one woman, in particular stares more than most. She seems familiar.
"Mom?" I am genuinely startled.
"Melanie? How are you?" She doesn't seem happy to see me, more like doubtful, or curious.
"Just fine, hold on, let me adjust my cast." I say sarcastically as they wheel me away. Indirectly, this is her fault, for letting my father take me. I don't look back, as we take the elevator up to the top floor.

Jeanine is waiting for us.
"Ok, let's get started right away." She comes over and hooks me up to a simulation machine and attaches electrodes to both of us. My sim will also be played onto a screen for her team to see. "This is an entirely new aptitude test, just to make sure." she says. The program starts, and I fall into darkness. I am in a dark room. Light is coming from an open doorway, behind me is complete darkness.
"Help" what sounds like a child's scream comes from the dark area. I look towards the light, and then head towards the call. Suddenly, I am in a room full of arguing people. They are fighting. Someone comes up to me.
"You don't believe!" The man jabs me in the chest. I have no idea what he is talking about, but I have a feeling that he's right- I don't believe. I also have a feeling that he is willing to fight anyone who doesn't believe.
"Umm, no, I guess I don't believe." I say nervously. He swings at me, and I growl, bad move, mister. I run at him, and tackle him to the ground. I punch him and everything disappears. Then, there is a chest in front of me. I see that I am in a metal box, with some sort of puzzle lock on the door. I look down into the chest and see an explosive of sorts, and a book. The book's title is Puzzles and Locks- a secret room guide. I choose the book, and awake in my chair again.

Jeanine is giving me an odd look. She and some co workers are in a huddle in the corner, whispering.
"What is it?" I ask. They look at me and Jeanine comes over.
"You're Divergent." She says it plainly. "Your test showed that you are equal Erudite, Dauntless, Candor, and Abnegation. That is even more than Beatrice Prior. It is the highest ever seen." I am shocked by her words. I never would have guessed myself a Divergent.
"We will run more simulations tomorrow." The guards take me away to a cell/hospital room. I need a special machine at night to breathe, so one of the guards hooks me up and gives me the medicine I need for my other injuries. I fall into a restless sleep. What will they do to me?

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