Darla's Abra Catastrophic Adv...

By PerkyGoth14

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While the others have gone to Equestria, Darla accompanies Amber and Annabelle to meet Amber's cousin Timmy T... More

chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12

chapter 1

600 7 3
By PerkyGoth14

Cherry, Atticus, Mo, and Patch were packing up to go away for a little while.

"You guys are going to Equestria again?" Darla pouted as this was before she became an honored guest to the pony world after the Friendship Games between Canterlot High and Crystal Prep and it was the return of disharmony, but they would learn that shortly after arriving to Twilight's castle.

"Sorry, Darla, but it's our duty, plus we haven't had any time to have real fun with the Mane Six." Atticus put his arm around his little sister.

"What am I gonna do without you guys?" Darla pouted.

"You can go over to Amber's house and spend time with her." Patch smiled.

"I gues so... "Darla hated to be left out.

"Aw, Darla, I know you hate being left out, but you can't go to Equestria with us," Atticus comforted. "At least, not yet anyway... We'll be back next week and then we can do whatever you want!"

"Just no dress-up." Patch then begged.

"Okay." Darla said with a small smile.

"Come on, we better get going." Patch said.

Atticus gave Darla a nice and tight hug and went off with Patch to get to their Equestrian vacation.

Darla sighed as she was then going to see Amber. "What am I gonna do while they're all gone?"

"Maybe visit my cousin Timmy Turner." Amber said, coming into the room.

"I didn't know you had a cousin?" Darla said back to her.

"Murray knows him back in Fairy World." Amber said.

"He does?" Darla asked.

They were now at the Greening house in Annabelle's bedroom.

"Yeah, Murray knows Timmy very well, but mostly through some stories," Annabelle said. "In fact, he's going with a bunch of other fairy godparents to see Timmy for his 'Fairy-Versary' party."

"His what?" Darla and Amber asked, confused.

"You have to see and since you're both included in the magical kingdom, it's okay that you know too." Annabelle said.

"I guess we'll find out when we get there." Darla shrugged.

"Yeah, sounds like it." Amber also shrugged.

The three of them were going to get there the only way they could without drawing attention and that was by magic. As they went to the place known as 'Dimmsdale', they were going to meet one of Amber's cousins and were going to have their own magical adventure while the others were in Equestria. There was a green-haired fairy man in a white shirt with a black tie, black pants, and black shoes, and there was a swirly pink-haired fairy woman in a short-sleeved yellow top, black pants, and black shoes.

"Those must be his fairy godparents." Annabelle said.

"You must be Annabelle." the pink-haired fairy smiled to the brown-haired girl.

"That's me," Annabelle smiled. "Murray's my fairy godfather."

"How's he doing?" The green-haired fairy asked.

"He's not here?" Annabelle asked. "Huh, could've sworn he sent us here with his magic."

"Then why's that wand in your hand?" The green-haired fairy asked.

"My wand?" Annabelle asked, then looked down. "Oh, this is just a toy wand."

"Are you sure?" the pink-haired fairy asked. "You seem far different than many mortal children we've met before."

"Well, the only thing major I did was help defeat Claudia..." Annabelle shrugged.

Murray soon appeared.

"Hey, Murray!" Annabelle smiled.

"Hey, kiddo, I tried to get to your house, but you were already gone," Murray said. "I was gonna take you to Amber's cousin's place."

"Murray!" the pink-haired and green-haired fairies smiled.

"Cosmo! Wanda!" Murray smiled back and hugged the fairy couple.

"You three know each other?" Darla asked.

"Oh, yes, we do." Wanda smiled.

"We used to tutor Murray when he was in the Fairy Academy." Cosmo added. "Is this your godchild, Murray?"

"Yes, this is Annabelle Greening," Murray introduced. "These are her friends, Darla and Amber."

"Uh, are they mortals?" Cosmo asked warningly. "I mean... You know The Rules..."

"The Rules?" Darla asked.

"Yes, sweetie, you see, there are strict rules about being a fairy godparent and you get a nifty rule book," Wanda replied. "There are many important rules such as, you can't interfere with true love, you can't use magic to win in a contest, and you can't tell anybody about us or else we'll go away forever, and that includes Murray."

"But we're included in the magical kingdom." Darla said.

"You are?" Cosmo asked curiously.

"Hmm... I'd like to see some proof, just so you three don't get into trouble." Wanda put her hands on her hips in an accusatory fashion.

"One of them has the Legendary Silver Crystal." Murray said.

"That's me." Darla said.

"Wanda, look!" Cosmo spotted a familiar brooch in the little blonde girl's pocket.

Wanda saw that and saw that it was true.

"I'm also descended from Queen Elsa of Ardendelle," Amber said. "I have my own winter powers."

"Wow, I guess then none of you are in trouble." Wanda smiled.

Darla, Annabelle, and Amber smiled.

"Come with us, we must see our godchild right away," Wanda said. "Ready, Cosmo?"

"Ready, Wanda!" Cosmo beamed.

And with that, they were then floating into a ten-year-old boy's bedroom, they then turned into goldfish and landed into a bowl on the boy's nightstand.

"We have a lot to do to get ready, while you're waiting, Murray, why don't you send them into Timmy's imagination to see what he's dreaming about?" Wanda suggested.

"You got it, Wanda." Murray smiled.

"Why are you guys goldfish?" Darla asked.

"It's our disguise around Timmy's parents, we'll talk later." Wanda replied.

Murray then waved his wand and the three little girls were sent into Timmy's dream world.

"No! I'll never tell you my secret!" the brown-haired boy with a silly pink hat tossed and turned in his bed.

"It must be about Timmy having fairy godparents." Amber whispered.

"That sounds about right." Darla whispered back in agreement.

We are now shown outer space and it looks like the Death Star in Star Wars.

"Star Wars?" Amber whispered, confused.

The door opened with Timmy in a beige jumpsuit and he held a pink lightsaber which came out in the shape of a fairy godparent's wand as someone who looked like Darth Vader came behind him who had a similar weapon, only green.

"Tell me your secret, Timmy Turner!" the dark figure demanded, slashing down his lightsaber.

"I'll never tell you my secret!" Timmy glared as he hit his lightsaber with his to protect himself.

"I sure wish we could be included." Annabelle said.

As though by magic, the girls had appeared. Amber looked like Princess Leia, Darla looked like Luke Skywalker's aunt, and Annabelle looked more like someone from Star Trek.

"Aw, Murray, Star Wars and Star Trek are not the same franchise!" Annabelle groaned as she looked at her outfit.

"Oops, sorry." Murray said before using his magic again.

Annabelle sighed and rolled her eyes.

Timmy jumped high with a few spins, avoiding the lightsaber, then looked curiously to Amber. "I feel like I know that girl..."

"Timmy, watch out for the lightsaber!" Amber called out.

"Stop!" A male voice called out.

Timmy dodged the lightsaber, but then he and the dark figure looked to see someone else in the room.

"Mesa don't think you two should be a-fightin'." a strange creature told them before doing odd gestures.

"Oh, great, Jar-Jar Binks..." Annabelle deadpanned.

"I suggest we toss him over the railing; all in favor, say aye." Darla said as she raised her hand.

The others didn't even say anything and did just that. Timmy then smiled, but was then blown back as the dark villain threw down his lightsaber, but luckily missed the boy.

"Join me," the dark figure demanded. "The dark side is stronger."

"I'll never join you!" Timmy fought back.

"You tell him, Timmy!" Amber smiled.

"I don't know what it is, but you look so familiar to me." Timmy said to her.

"We haven't met in a long time, but I'm your cousin Amber." Amber replied.

"Amber!" Timmy smiled.

"Timmy!" Amber smiled back.

The two were about to hug, but then Timmy stood protectively in front of his cousin as the dark figure lowered his lightsaber again and he clashed his against the villain's.

"On the bad side you get to wear black," the dark figure insisted. "And how 'bout this cape? Girls dig the cape!"

"I don't care what girls dig!" Timmy glared. "I'm ten!"

"Yeah!" Amber added.

The dark figure then cut off Timmy's hand, but the boy seemed unharmed, probably because this was just a dream.

"Hey, I've only got two of those!" Timmy glared.

"It's okay, in the end; you get another one," the dark figure replied. "A really cool robot one."

"He's an idiot, he's not supposed to tell Timmy that." Darla whispered.

"Wait a minute..." Annabelle had a sneaking suspicion.

"How do you know all this?" Timmy glared as he was now dangling for dear life.

"Because I am your father," the dark figure replied before removing the mask to reveal Cosmo's face. "Your godfather! Gimme five!"

Timmy smiled and was about to do that, but then saw he was going to fall. "Cosmo, you idiot!"

Amber, Annabelle, and Darla each began to try to stop Timmy from falling. They regretted it, but they jumped after the boy as he screamed. Wanda then poofed herself up and turned into a paintbrush and painted the background into a golden brown color and dabbed the four of them and turned them into different superheroes.

Timmy became Spiderman, Darla was in her Sailor Scout uniform, Amber was Supergirl, and Annabelle was a younger Wonder Woman.

"What the? I didn't even transform." Darla said.

"Awesome!" Timmy cheered as he slung a web and spun around as he climbed onto a bar.

Annabelle, Darla, and Amber then landed onto a rooftop.

"Cosmo, Wanda, did you turn me into Sailor Moon?" Darla looked around for the fairies.

"Yep." The fairies nodded.

"Thanks, but I can do that myself." Darla said.

"Oh, sorry," Cosmo said. "Now if you'll excuse us, we have to transform for Timmy."

"What're you gonna be this time?" Annabelle asked as Timmy slung another web and went to save someone from falling, not knowing who it was just yet.

"The Green Goblin." Cosmo smiled.

"How fitting." Darla smirked.

Cosmo and Wanda nodded, then poofed away as Timmy was going to be Spiderman for this dream.

"Let's follow Timmy around." Amber said.

"With our own superpowers." Annabelle smiled in excitement.

"Let's fly." Darla smiled.

The three girls then flew around.

"Ya know, in this kind of order, we look like the Powerpuff Girls." Amber said.

"Let's try that out!" Darla said which then made her brooch glow and they all changed outfits instantly.

There was then upbeat superhero theme music playing. Amber flew by in a blue dress with a big hair bow as she flew first. The music then grew soft and playful as Darla flew next in a pink dress with her golden hair in pigtails. The music then grew intense and grungy as Annabelle flew next in a purple dress with her hair looking cut short.

"Now this is cool." Amber said.

"TELL ME YOUR SECRET, TIMMY TURNER!" Cosmo laughed as he was the Green Goblin and flew on Wanda, throwing bombs at Timmy, who dodged them with ease due to his spiderweb powers.

"So, he's your cousin, huh?" Annabelle asked.

"Yeah, I used to hang out with him all the time, it was mostly when we were really little and around the time my parents were getting divorced," Amber replied. "Then something happened and it all changed... I'm trying to remember what it was, but it feels like someone got in the way, because we used to be the best of friends."

"I'm sure it'll come back to you." Darla smiled.

"We'll see." Amber smiled back to her best friend.

"Mesa say thank you," Jar-Jar Binks smiled as Timmy had saved his life. "Mesa no fall and go boom-boom."

"It's time for the truth, Timmy!" The Green Goblin smirked to Timmy.

Timmy then slapped him down with Jar-Jar Binks and was suddenly in an archaeological outfit which made Amber, Annabelle, and Darla fell with him, they were dressed differently themselves in they landed in a solar powered jeep like from Jurassic Park. Timmy was dressed as Alan Grant, Annabelle was Ellie Sattler, Darla was Lex Murphy, and Amber was a female and younger version of John Hammond.

"Wow." Amber said.

There was stomping heard outside which made ripples appear in the glass of water with a pair of dentures inside. A pink dinosaur leaned down and loked into the window.

"Musn't move, mustn't make a sound..." Timmy whispered to himself anxiously.

"HI, TIMMY, GOT YOUR HAND!" Cosmo appeared with a megaphone.

"Cosmo, you idiot!" Darla glared before covering her mouth.

The pink dinosaur reared her head up and roared which made the whole area shake. Timmy and the others screamed and he started to drive them away as the dinosaur chased them. Jar-Jar Binks was picking roses, then moved out of the way before he could get run over by the car, but was then stepped on by the dinosaur.

"Drive! Drive! Drive for our lives!" Darla screamed.

"Tell me your secret, Timmy!" the dinosaur demanded in Wanda's voice.

"I'll never tell!" Timmy called back as he kept driving.

Wanda snarled and tried to bite onto the car until it drove off a cliff.

"Whoa, look at the time!" Cosmo said before he poofed away.

"Oh, come on!" Annabelle exclaimed.

Timmy took out a net to use as a parachute and caught them onto a tree. The girls grabbed onto Timmy as they hovered in the air and were hanging from a branch.

"Well, at least we didn't get-" Timmy started until suddenly, a green dinosaur ate them up instantly. "Eaten...?"

They were then swallowed.

"Cosmo? Wanda? Where are you?" Timmy called in the darkness.

"Murray, are you here?!" Annabelle called out in the darkness.

Cosmo, Wanda, and Murray then appeared and showed some light as they were in the dinosaur's stomach.

"We're right here, kiddos!" Murray smiled as he used his wand for light.

"I wish we were back in my own room!" Timmy begged.

"Why?" Cosmo asked. "It's so nice and dank in here."

Wanda then waved her wand to bring them back into Timmy's bedroom.

"Oh, thank goodness we're back in Timmy's room." Amber smiled.

Timmy tossed and turned in his bed and screamed slightly in alarm.

"Timmy, wake up, it was just a dream!" Amber shook her cousin awake.

Timmy finally woke up and sat up in his bed and had a butterfly net leftover from his last dream.

"HAPPY FAIRY-VERSARY, TIMMY!" the guests told the boy.

"Nice net, Timmy." Annabelle said.

"Huh?" Timmy looked down to the net and looked totally and completely lost over what was going on, then cheered once he saw who was in his room and jumped out of his bed. "Wow! It's every magical being I've ever met!"

"They're here for the party!" Cosmo cheered, conjuring up a party hat and noisemaker.

"So, this is the Fairy-Versary party, huh?" Amber asked as she looked around to see the guests which included numerous fairies, Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny, and even Baby New Year.

"Why is that man wearing a diaper?" Darla asked, referring to Baby New year.

"He's Baby New Year of course." Cosmo said like it was obvious.

Darla looked rather disturbed.

"That's why we kept Timmy preoccupied with his dreams so we could keep him busy while we rounded all the guests up." Wanda smiled.

"So that's why he had those dreams." Annabelle then replied in understanding.

"So you guys lied to me?" Timmy put his hands on his hips and glared to his fairy godparents.

"Oh, relax, Timmy, it's a party, everybody's here," Wanda replied. "We even brought your cousin and her best friends."

"Yeah." Amber smiled.

"Yes, puny Turner, even I, Jorgen von Strangle, toughest fairy in the universe" a big buff and muscular magical man walked over. "Who fears nothing, never helped to be ready for-" he then gasped once he saw the net that Timmy had. "A deathly butterfly net! I am frightened as a little kitten!" he then grabbed a fairy for protection of himself.

Timmy looked curiously at the net, wondering why Jorgen was afraid of it.

"Mommy!" Jorgen yelped, then grabbed the net and bashed it with the fairy to destroy it.

"Wow." Darla said.

"What's up with him?" Timmy asked.

"Butterfly nets are one of the known things in the universe that fairy magic has no effect on." Wanda explained.

"Why?" Annabelle asked.

"Hey, if it floats and has wings, a butterfly net can catch it." Wanda replied. "Besides, look at it, it's hideous!"

"It only looks that way because someone big and strong destroyed it." Amber said.

"Ah, net schmet, let's get this party started!" Cosmo said as he transformed into a Flamenco girl outfit.

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