The girl on the bus (BajanCan...

By Megan_anna14

26.1K 570 127

Mitch finds a girl on the bus and falls in love with her. Just so everyone knows, I wrote this when I was... More

The girl on the bus (BajanCanadian fanfiction)
After school
Truth or Dare
The Date
Chapter 5 ( I'm to lazy to think of a chapter name)
The craft show
TRAVLE TIME!! (Ellie named this)
Chapter 9
The Question
Chapter 11
The day before PAX
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 7

1.3K 24 5
By Megan_anna14

Emma's POV

* 2 month later*

To day Adam was moving into his new house and we can help because school is over ( just go with it I know school started at the beginning of the book BUT JUST GO WITH IT!!! THATS MY BOOK LOGIC!!) Mitch hade moved in with me when school was over and Jerome and Nicky moved in with each other. and Adam was just moving in with Anna.

"Hey Mitch were are you." I yelled walking in the living room. "IN THE RECORDING ROOM RECORDING SO SHHHHHHHHH" He yelled. We turned the one guest room in to the recording/game room. I walked to the game room and sat down in my chair next to him. "wave I have face cam on" he said. "HELLO PEOPLE!" I said waving at the web cam. "hey when your done here we have to go help Adam unpack ok." "ok I'm almost done recording with Jerome. "HI JEROME!" I yelled so he could here me. "he said hi and Nicky says hi to." "Ok ill let you finish" I said walking out if the room. I went in to the bedroom and got changed into a white shirt and jeans. I put on my necklace Mitch got me. I walked into the kitchen and made bacon and pancakes.

Mitch's POV

I was recording the hunger deens with Jerome. "I'm going to win this biggums!!!" "No your not Jerome!" "YES I AM!" He yelled at me. I herd someone walk up behind me for the second time. "hey guess what I have" she said... it was Emma. "What do you have" I was done recording and I was now editing. "I have bacon and pancakes for you" "BACON!" "Hurry up and eat we have to help Adam unpack" she said walking out the door. I finished eating and we got in the car and drove to Adam and Anna's new house.

Adam's POV

Anna and I were unpacking the new house. we were hoping to get unpacked soon because next month was PAX. Emma Nicky Anna and the rest of team crafted were going. Emma and Mitch were coming to help us unpack today and so was Jerome and Nicky.

Anna's POV

I was unpacking a box of our recording stuff when I herd Adam talking to someone. I walked down to see Nicky Jerome Mitch and Emma. "Hey guys." I said walking over towards them. "hey" "so you guys here to help?" "YES" Jerome yelled.

~ after a whole day of unpacking~

everyone was leaving. "hey when you guys get home Skype use we are going to do a big game of hide and seek with the rest of team crafted." Adam said. "Ok sounds fun dood." Mitch said walking to his car."BYE" they all yelled. I walked in to our recording room and turned on my computer then I turned on Adams computer. "ADAM I TURNED ON YOUR COMPUTER FOR YOU!" I yelled so he could here me. I didn't know were he was. "You don't have to yell I'm right here GOD!" he said laughing. "I though you were downstairs." "no I'm right here." he said coming over and hugging me. "I love know that right?" he said. "I love you to" I said then he kissed me. it was nice to see him again. I hadn't seen him since he left. I know we Skyped but it wasn't the same. we sat down in our chairs and logged on Skype.

Emma's POV

I got into Mitch's car and waited for him.... he was messing with Jerome. "Hey want to go to Starbucks before we go home?" he said getting in the car. "YES!" I said.

~at home~

"I'll go turn on the computers" I yelled running to the recording room. "ok I'll be there in a min" Mitch yelled back. I got to the game room ant turned on my computer and then I turned on Mitch's computer. I here Mitch walk into the room. "hey I have a surprise for you" he said. "What is it" I said looking at my computer. "I GOT US PAX TICKETS!!" he yelled. "YAAAAAAA" I yelled and then hugged him. we called Adam Anna Jerome Nicky Jason Ty and I called Ellie( she hasn't talked to Jason or Ty yet). "HELLO PEOPLE!!" Jason yelled. "HI JASON!" Ellie said. I know for a fact that she likes him (AN: idk if she does irl I didn't ask :P) "hey guys guess what!" Ellie said. "what is it!" I yelled in to the mic at her. "I'm going to come to PAX east this year!" "hey why don't you Jason and Ty come up to PA and hangout with us before going to PAX..... You guys can stay with Mitch and I" "YEAH!! that sounds fun... and Emma I can finally see you in person!" Ellie said. "Sure why not..... when can we come" Jason asked. "You can come as early as you want it doesn't matter" I said. "we can fly up on Thursday that gives us like 2 days to pack" "ok that's fine with me we can all come pick you up at the airport" "Sounds like a plan" I said. we recorded for a good hour after recording we got there flights booked. "oh my flight is from California to Texas then to Pennsylvania." Ellie said. "I'm driving to Jason's then were leaving from the airport by his house" Ty said. "hey Ellie were is the airport your stopping at at?" Jason asked. "Um....... grapevine Texas why?......wait......oooooohh." "what time does your flight come in?" "Um.... at 12:30" "cool we will all be on the same flight!" Jason said.

"See you guys on Thursday bye." I said ending the call. "I'm going to go get changed Mitch" "OK!" he yelled. I got changed and went to sleep.

AN: I know it's short but the next chapter is when Jason Ty and Ellie get to Emma's house.

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