By SherineCArifa

57.5K 1.7K 160

Young Autumn Wilde was a happy she-wolf along with her twin, Summer Wilde and her big brother, Luke Wilde. I... More

Foreword : It's the werewolf!
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
C. Twenty One
C. Twenty Two - The End
Epilogue (Finally)
Short Story - When The Pup's Older

Chapter Sixteen

1.8K 49 7
By SherineCArifa


We went home after we got photo shoots on one of a photo studio in the Mall. Lucy said it will be our first memory together so we just followed to whatever she wants.

I liked being in the pack's house because it was nice and crowded, but Ethan said that Alpha, Beta, Delta, and their family lived together in The Alpha's house, aside from the pack's house. The dungeon evidently was in Ethan's house too. On the Underground of The Alpha's house. The house was enormous and luxurious even it's not as big as the pack's house. There is a house for his mom and dad around the territory but they didn't want to live alone, so they move to the Ethan's and their house changed to Patrol's Base. 

I found out that the rules here were different from My former pack's rules. The Alpha's family has their own house aside from the pack's house, the Beta's house and the Delta's house in Red Moon. The pack's members can have their own house too, so the pack's house was like the office or a place to share the day. That's why Red Moon's territory was crowded by houses and looks like a small village. But here, there're only 3 big and sharing houses I mentioned before, and the rest of the territory remain woods. 

Because of the non-sharing houses, I didn't know that much about the pack's members in my former pack. I just live alone with my family. Sammy and mom were the ones who always on my side. But I did know some girls and boys my age there because I met them when we had our pups training. Oh, thinking of them made me missed them. They're my friends.

I looked around to my new room. I still need my privacy to be kept until I know Ethan more so I asked Ethan I want a room for my self. Ethan didn't mind that, I think. I knew he still feels awkward around me. Just the way I felt around him.

I walked to the mirror and opened my button shirt. I looked at my reflection on the mirror. The wounds already got better. There was no hole on me anymore. I touched it and I didn't feel the pain again. I was so happy about this. I turned over to see my face. My brown eyes looked tired and I saw the scar on the side of my pink lips. I know it will be gone soon so I just didn't want to think about it too much. I tied my hair into a messy bun when I noticed a box popped from my clutch.

It was the box Ethan gave me. I took the box and held it on my arms. What's in this box? Why he didn't want Lucy to see it? I shook the box a little before I tore the wrap open. There goes a red velvet box with a note on it.

As my sorry.
Wish you like it.

The note said. I already forgive him. It's not like these things were his fault. Well, it's half his, actually. But well, I'm not the kind of person who will keep hatred over someone. After all, he already bought me everything I need but he still feels guilty. He must be sincere about it. 

I opened the box and straightly fell in love with what's inside it.

It was a bautiful Ruby stone that shaped in Crescent Moon liontin necklace. Red Moon. Oh my god, I love this.

'He's so sweet.' My wolf commented and purred at the same time.

'But why he didn't want me to open it in front of Lucy?' I asked.

'Not our problem. All I know is I love my mate.' She replied. I can feel she was so happy about it. Love? We haven't even talked and done anything that much. 

I looked over the necklace and then smiled to myself. Oh god, I will be crazy. 

I wore the necklace and saw the stone brightened on my chest. I love it so much. I felt like I want to run over Ethan and hug him saying thank you right now.

I think this relationship will work out. I believed in it.

Right, Moon Goddess?



Went shopping with girls were sucks. They walked into one store and to the other bought everything bags to bags. Well, I knew Autumn needed those things but she was not the one who chose for it. Lucy did. If she's not my best friend, maybe I already kicked her out.

Of course, I wasn't serious. I was just tired. I then noticed Autumn's been so quite. She only chose over what she needs and didn't talk much.

"I love this song so much." Autumn said more like to herself.

"This song is old." Lucy commented. Yeah, it's just old Jazz music. I used to listen to this song with my parents in the car on our holiday.

"But the lyrics not." Autumn replied. I listen to the lyric carefully and it hit me so hard. Did god bless my relationship with Autumn? Well, she's the wolf the Moon gave me. Of course, the god blessed our relationship.

Was that mean it will work? Me and Autumn?

I still feel bad to Sophia but she just nicely moved away from my house to the pack's house. I wish she finds her mate as soon as possible. The love I have for her still there but it started to fade as the time ticking.

I got annoyed to Lucy who talked about how cute that clothes are or how pretty these heels are, so I excuse my self to go somewhere but with her. I told them to meet me at Burger King when they have done shopping and I grabbed Jarred to come with me.

"Why don't we go to Sky Deck and race Midnight Club right now or play bowl?" I popped an idea and I knew Jarred would like it. "But we're still going to Burger King because Sky Deck's burger is nothing compared to Burger King's."

"Of course! Play and Eat, yeah" We walked to the Sky Deck in the third floor near the Burger King but on our way there, something caught my attention.

"Hey. Bro bro! I saw something." I said to Jarred and we walked over to a store.

I looked the thing clearly and I know this is the best gift I could give Autumn.

A Red Moon necklace.

I asked the keeper of the store to get me the necklace. I held it in my arm then looked over it more clearly.

"What do you think?" I asked Jarred and he just whistled.

"I will take it." I said to the keeper and she packed the necklace in a red velvet box. I wish it was enough to make up my fault to her. It will be my sign of sorry to her.

We took our time a little bit longer at the store because Jarred suddenly wants to give Lucy some jewelry too. He said it was for her birthday. He chose out a lot of necklaces and bracelets but end up choosing the first one. Time eater!

By the way, that's a good idea. What if I give this necklace as Autumn's birthday present, too? It will be good. I wish her birthday hasn't passed yet.

"Too late for the racing I think." Jarred huffed, looking over his wrist watch.

"We still can play PS4 when we arrive home." He nodded excitedly as we walked to Burger King.

"What do you want?" I asked him when we stood in front of the counter. The cashier already waited for Jarred to order something but he just said to wait for the girls. I gave an apologetic look over the cashier lady and she nodded.

The moment the girls came to us with so much bags in their hands, I rolled my eyes. Girls.

I saw Autumn walked to order foods on the counter when Lucy just put all the bags on our sides.

Lucy asked what we want.

"Anything." Jarred and I said together. We looked over each other and chuckled.

She rolled her eyes and walked to order our foods. Autumn came first with her own foods while Lucy still waited on the counter. As soon as the food placed in front of me, I grabbed it and started to enjoy it. We ate as we talked about the pack's problem until the subject changed to our childhood memories.

Guess what? Most of the topic was my hilarious memories and that was so embarrassing. A girl on the play ground even chuckled when she eavesdropped.

But Autumn just kept quiet the whole time and sometimes she laughed with us but still, no words left her mouth. She looks better when she's laughing. Not that she's not beautiful without a smile but you know her smile and laughter made my heart warmer and I could see her finally enjoying our time together. I thought I have wasted her tears then.

Suddenly I thought about how it will look like when she wears the necklace I brought so I decided to ask her about her birthday, dropping the topic Lucy was telling.

"It's passed. November 6th." She said. 

Damn, no! I don't want to wait until next year to give her this.

'When should I give her the necklace? Her birthday already passed.' I linked Jarred and he looked at me thinking.

'How about now? As a late birthday gift?' He gave an idea and I thought about it when I heard Autumn asked for our birthday.

"29th of September." I replied first then thought about the idea Jarred gave me again.

'If you want to give her now, don't let her open it here. It will ruin my surprise to Lucy.' Jarred said still via mind-link.

I thought about it again. Should I give it now? Well, it's not that late to give a birthday present and I didn't want to wait until next year to give her this, so why not now? But, i wrote a note inside it that the necklace was meant to be an apology gift! 

'Don't think so much. Just do it.' I heard my wolf groaned

Okay, here you go.

"I got this for you. Happy late bithday. Well, at least it still not a month late." I gave her the box. "I planned to give this on your birthday but I don't want to wait until next year." I continued when I saw her facial turned to be confused.

Jarred commented that it was fresh from the oven while Lucy commented how sweet it was. I stepped on Jarred's feet.

'You will ruin your surprise, idiot.' I told him and he's just winched in pain. But he covered it too well.

"Can I open it now?" Autumn asked. I quickly said no and told her not to open it in front of Lucy. Then I realized how idiot my excuse was. It will also ruin Jarred's surprise.

'Now look who's the idiot.' Jarred said annoyed. I smiled at him playfully. 'Sorry' i said.

After we finished the foods, Lucy asked us to take some pictures. I should know when this coming. Lucy always asks for photoshoots.

After the photoshoots, I drove us back to my house. Autumn said she won't stay in my room yet, so I let her stay in the guest room near my bedroom. I have so many guests rooms here. One was for Alicia downstairs but I didn't want Autumn to sleep so far away from me so I thought this small guest room will be fine. I guess.

"I'm sorry, it's small. I hope you're fine with it." I asked her and she just nodded.

"It's more than what I thought, thanks." She replied. I exhaled a breath when she said she was fine with it. "I think I will make my bed." She continued awkwardly.

"Yeah, sure. If you need me I will be in there." I said pointed to my bedroom. "Or in my office, there." Then I pointed to my office. What an awkward moment.

"Okay, I get it." She said, smiled. I walked to my room and I heard the door shut behind me. I looked behind and Autumn's already shut her door.

I thought about the necklace I gave her as soon as I closed my room's door.

Will she likes it?
Why do I care, anyway?


1972 Words
16 July 2016

Hey guys! How are you?

News... The update schedule is up! This chapter is the first update following the schedule. (It's Saturday)

So.. The schedule, based on the last note I say about it, will be on Tuesday and Saturday.

I'm sorry it's just that I've school next week and my mom won't let me use my phone or laptop all the time so she made schedules. As for Wattpad update, she said I can have twice a week and I think Tuesday and Saturday will be great.

I will try to fix my grammar. I'm such a bad writer, am I? But THANK YOU to whoever still read this book. It is nothing when no one reads it. SEE YOU ON TUESDAY👀

Comment and Vote? Pweesh?🙏🏻

Love you,

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