Fifty Shades Of Something Dif...

By i_am_Nk

483K 20.8K 6.2K

Fifty Shades Fanfiction *Disclaimer* I do not own the Fifty Shades of Grey characters. More

Bumping Into You
Meeting Bastille
Test of Faith
Well shit!
The First of Many
Valentine's Day
Take Me To Church
Meet Barney
Long Overdue
Cottage Grove
Coping Together Gala - Part 1
Coping Together Gala - Part 2
Coping Together Gala Part 3
Whose side are you on anyways?
Cry Wolf
Memories Back Then
Reminiscences - Part 2
Cold War
Long Time Coming
I've Told You Now
Give Up
Falls Down
Home With You
Home With You Part 2
Other Side
4 Lily
Olive Branch
Say Yes
New Book


37.3K 982 784
By i_am_Nk

Hey guys I just wanted to drop this and see how well it will do. If it goes well I'll carry on writing and if it doesn't well consider it deleted.

I know if you've read my other stories you were expecting them to be updated and they will be I haven't completed the next chapter of each book.

This is also a Fifty Shades of Grey Bwwm fanfiction. If you've got something against interracial relationships I suggest that you Do Not read this.


It was pure chaos.

Everyone around me was running around trying their best to get everything ready on time as quickly as possible.

I looked at the mirror - watching my hairstylists hands as they twisted and turned my hair.

I'm getting married today. I thought gleefully.

I'm finally getting married to the man of my dreams - the love of my life Mike Myers. It took us four long years to finally get here and now we have. I could feel my happiness and excitement bubbling from within begging for release.

I sat in the middle of my best friends in a directors chair with a glass of water in hand. Imani my maid of honour was on my left along with Aaliyah and Jordan my bridesmaids while Nevaeh my younger sister and bridesmaid was to my right along with my older sister Jasmine and Christina who are also my bridesmaids.

We all sat chatting happily while we got our hair and makeup done before they left to get changed into their wedding attire while my hair took a little bit longer.

"So how are you feeling?" My sister Jasmine asked plopping down in the seat on my right, already dressed in her bridesmaids dress. Which she didn't take well at first -when I asked my best friend Imani to be my maid of honour.

"Nervous but happy at the same time. I can't believe that I'm finally getting married," I said shaking my head in disbelief.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" She asked leaning in. "This is a very big step. You're only 20 so there's no need to rush," she added making me feel a little uneasy.

"I'm 21," I corrected, with my brow furrowed. What's wrong with her? I thought. "And I'm sure," I added reaching out to hold her hand and met her gaze full on to let her know that I was serious.

I saw something flicker across her face making her smile drop. But she recovered quickly, plastering a fake smile that didn't reach her eyes as she removed her hand from my grasp.

Before I could ask her about it there was a knock on the door.

"You...look beautiful baby girl," my dad said entering the room with my nephew Nathan in his arms and my younger sister Nevaeh walking behind him, a worried look marring her face.

"Lani!" He squealed lifting his hands.

"Hey little guy," I smiled taking him out of my dad's arms and hugged him tightly to my chest.

"You look great Nevaeh. You too Nathan," I said before he shyly snuggled his face into my neck playing with the buttons on his shirt.

"Thank you," Nathan smiled.

"Thanks," Nevaeh blushed.

"You look beautiful baby girl," dad complimented his eyes beaming with pride and joy.

"Thanks dad but I'm not even in my dress yet," I smiled.

"Regardless," he said with a dismissive wave of his hand. "You look amazing. You all do," he added looking between my sisters and I.

"Us? Look at you dad. You are looking very handsome yourself," I complimented him.

He was dressed in a fitted and tailored navy Armani suit paired with black Italian shoes, a skinny tie, Rolex watch with a medium sized square box in his hands.

"Well I try," he smirked puffing his chest out a bit making me laugh.

"What's that?" Jasmine asked pointing to the box in our father's hands.

"Dad I told you not to spend anymore money. You've spent enough as is," I said meeting his forest green eyes.

"What's the point of having money if I can't spend it on my girls? And this, is a family heirloom it's been in our family for generations. And now it's yours. And when you have children of your own, you can pass it down to them and then they will give it to their children and so on," he explained, opening the box revealing a diamond and pearl encrested comb.

"I thought as the oldest daughter that I would get it?" My sister said raising her voice a little making Nathan stop and look at her.

"But she's the first one getting married. I'm sure she could lend it to you when your time comes," our father said softly.

"Forget it. I didn't want it anyways," she spat, her voice dripping with venom and her eyes full of hate, before storming out making a hurt expression grace dad's face.

"It's beautiful dad. Thank you," I squeezed his hand before handing the comb over to the stylist.

"It is. Your step mother would be the one to give this to you but she has last minute errands to do," he rolled his eyes playfully but I could see that he was still worried about Jasmine.

"Don't worry about her, she will come around."

"I hope so," he sighed shaking his head. "You know, you look a lot like your mother," he said a wistful smile on his face as he thought about my mother.

"Yeah...she's a little fuzzy but I can remember a few things. Like her eyes. They held so much warmth or how she'd laugh. She would tilt her head back and laugh like she didn't have a care in the world," I smiled. "It's been fourteen years now. Do you think she's still looking down on us now?" I asked looking at the ceiling.

"Always." He smiled fondly as he gave my hand another squeeze.

"Now that you're getting married. Does this mean that you'll never be around after you get married?" Nevaeh asked, finally speaking up.

"What? No I'll always be around just like I've always been," I smiled giving her a big side hug as Nathan was still in my arms.

The wedding coordinator burst into the room just as I finished my hair and make up and ordered us to all to get ready and into place as the ceremony is supposed to start at 3.

"It's time to put on the dress," she said before clearing out the room leaving the photographers and my bridesmaids with the exception of my sister and my maid of honour.

Where is she?

I dropped my gown to the floor revealing my Boux strapless bra and my Boux lace seam-free thong and my white Christian Louboutin heels.

The girls helped me into my dress and made sure that we had gotten everything on from our list.

"Something borrowed?" Christina asked.

"Check," I said pointing to my earrings.

"Something new?" Jordan asked.


"Something old?" Imani asked.


"Something blue?" Aaliyah asked.

"Uh..." I faltered.

"Ah I forgot about that," I muttered closing my eyes.

"Well I didn't," a voice said at the door.

I reopened them to see my future mother-in-law Judith making her way to me.

"You look beautiful. Mike is a very lucky man to have you," she said holding one of my hands in one of hers wearing a similar look of pride, joy and adoration that my dad wore.

"Thank you. I'm very lucky to have him in my life."

"I have your something blue," she said handing me a box from Cartier.

I opened it to see a beautiful diamond necklace with sapphires paired with a matching bracelet.

"Oh no. I can't accept this," I shook my head fiercely while gently pushing it back in her direction.

"You can and you will," she stated firmly. "Today is your special day and you deserve to be showered with gifts no matter how expensive they are," she said.

"Thank you so much," I said feeling emotional making tears spring to my eyes.

"Hey no crying!" Imani scolded handing me a tissue.

I hugged my soon to be mother-in-law before turning around so she could clasp it around my neck while Jordan clasped the bracelet around my wrist.

"Excuse me ladies but may I see my little sis? I haven't seen her the whole day," I heard my older brother say.

There were a few murmurs as people shuffled out the room to give us some privacy.

"We'll see you when you walk down the aisle," Judith said before walking out the room too.

"You look gorgeous," Jesse complimented as he took one of my hands in his and twirled me around twice, like he used to when we were little, making me giggle.

"Thank you," I smiled taking both his hands in my own.

"So how are you feeling?" He asked.

"You know you're the fifth person to ask me that question..." I trailed off. If I didn't know any better I'd think that it was a sign.

"Just answer the question," he said tugging my hands gently.

"I'm fine but I am a bit nervous..." I confessed.

"Are you telling me that the Kehlani London-King, the new and upcoming cutthroat and ballsy CEO of London Publishing is nervous?" He asked in mock horror.

"Oh shut up," I said giving him a light shove.

"You have nothing to worry about sis," he said hugging me close.

"You're the greatest, bestest brother in the world Jesse," I said hugging him fiercely.

"Bestest is not a real word," he pointed out.

"Well deal with it, because I'm making it one." I said hugging him even tighter.

"I'm going to miss you," he sighed.

"You'll miss me babysitting Nathan for free." I corrected earning a chuckle from him.

"Well there's that. But I'm really going to miss you," he said and pulled back to hold me at arms length so that I could see how serious he was.

"You make it sound as though I'm going to die. I'm only getting married," I frowned.

"I know but still. Things aren't going to be the same. I'm smart enough to know that your priorities are going to change, so are the hours that you're going to spend with us. It's just the way it is..." he shrugged. My mouth opened and closed, not knowing what to say.

"He's really lucky to have you," he murmured instead.

"Hey. Have you seen Jay?" I asked changing the subject.

"Who?" He asked playing dumb.

"Jaden... Our little brother... Nevaeh's twin?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Right. No I haven't."

"I haven't seen him all day. Shouldn't he be here by now?" I huffed glancing at the round clock on the wall. It was almost time for the wedding and yet no sign of Jaden.

"Well it's no secret that he doesn't like Mike," Jesse pointed out and I couldn't help but agree.

For some reason while the rest of the family took a liking, maybe liking is too strong of a word to describe how my family feels about Mike, tolerance is a much more apt description. So while my family learned how to tolerate Mike and our relationship, Jaden did not budge, at all. When we got engaged he let it be known that he wasn't happy about the whole thing. But with all his hatred directed at Mike I didn't think that he'd miss my big day. He knows that I want him here to celebrate this day with me and just put his hate on the backburner and just be there for me and support me.

"I know but I didn't really think that he'd miss out on my wedding," I sighed.

"He'll come around," Jesse said reminding me of what I had said to our father when Jasmine had stormed out.

After having our heart to heart, the wedding coordinator came in and we were all told to get ready. The wedding was about to start so Jesse took that as his leave, to go join the guests.

I looked into the mirror and smiled happily. Everything was finally coming together.

I heard two knocks on the door before the door creaked open.

I turned around expecting to see my dad but found my younger brother instead. Making a huge smile spread across my face.

"I was beginning to think that you'd miss out on my wedding," I said with a small smile.

"I might not like Mike but I wouldn't hurt you like that," he replied taking a step closer. "Especially not after everything that you've done for me," he added taking another step closer.

I smiled as I felt my throat tighten before engulfing him in a hug.

"You look beautiful by the way," he murmured against my ear.

"Thank you. So do you."

"I look beautiful?" Jaden asked laughing lightly.

"You know what I mean," I said smacking him lightly on the chest before stepping away.

I held both his hands in mine smiling.

"You sure you're ready for this?" He asked.

"I'm sure." I smiled.

"You know you look so much like our mother," he whispered so softly I almost didn't hear him. "You know from the pictures I've seen of her anyway... You resemble her so much," he said.

Not knowing what to say I tugged him toward me and hugged him again tightly.

After a few moments I pull away from him slightly, only enough to make eye contact so that he knows how serious I am about what I am about to say.

"You know everything I've done for you and Nevaeh, I've done unconditionally," I pause to gather my next thoughts, "With that being said I know you don't like Mike so if you to leave, you can, no questions asked - nothing," I finished never breaking eye contact. As much as I want him to be here for me the last thing I want is for him to feel obligated to stay because of everything that I've done for him. I did everything without thinking about what I'd get in return and the thought of him sitting through the ceremony and the reception feeling miserable did not sit well with me.

Jaden turned my words over before he eventually shook his head, "No, I want to stay," he said. "And before you ask I'm sure," he added giving me a knowing look bringing tears to my eyes.

I pulled him into another hug and tightened my hold.

"I love you so so much, and don't you ever forget that," I whispered.

"I love you too sis," he said and I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Baby girl it's..." my father interrupted as he stepped into my room.

"You look beautiful!" He smiled. I could see tears in his eyes.

"Don't cry or I will cry," I said fanning my eyes.

"I know I said it before but that was before the dress but now... you look amazing," he said. "My little girl is not so little anymore," dad added with a small sad smile.

"I'll always be your little girl dad," I said. "Have either of you seen Jasmine?" I looking at them both.

"No. I haven't," Jaden said with a frown on his face.

"No. I thought she would have come back in time for the pictures," dad replied.

"I could go look for her," Jaden offered a worried look on his face.

"No its fine," I waved him off. I couldn't have them both missing my wedding.

"It's time," the coordinator said bursting through the door.

"And shouldn't you be in your assigned seat?" She said looking at my brother.

"Ok I'm leaving," he said raising his hands up in mock surrender.

He winked at the coordinator before leaving the room. Making my dad shake his head with a fond smile on his face.

"We'll worry about her later. Today is your big day," he said holding his arm out for me to take, which I do without hesitation.

We walked out of the room and made our way downstairs to get to the garden. It was my idea to have a small intimate wedding - away from prying eyes and the paparazzi. My future parents in law offered to have the wedding at their place even though we could have had it at my parents home, they still insisted.

When we reached the door I clutched my dad's arm for dear life.

This it it. I thought.

The guests rose to their feet as I walked by to the traditional song.

My eyes darted around looking for my sister's and finally found her standing with the other bridesmaids but she looked more disheveled than before making me frown a little.

But that frown soon disappeared when my eyes met my soon to be husband's eyes. His eyes raked over me taking me in making me feel exposed. But I couldn't help the feeling of dread that washed over me like something bad was going to happen. But soon chalked it up to being nervous.

My father kissed my cheek and handed me over to Mike before taking his seat next to my mother.

"We are gathered here today..." the priest started but his words seemed to drown out when I saw something pink on my soon to be husband's collar that looked like a lipstick stain.

Maybe he hugged someone and maybe they stained his collar. I brushed it off.

He wouldn't cheat on me...again... He loves me. I thought.


But he has cheated before.

And you know what they say about cheaters.



"Do you take this man to be your husband, to live together in holy marriage? To love him, comfort him, honour, and keep him in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, be faithful to him as long as you both shall live?"

Do I?

"I do." I smiled.

"Mike. Do you take this woman to be your wife, to live together in holy marriage? To love her, comfort her, honour, and keep her in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, be faithful to her as long as you both shall live?"

"I... I..." Mike paused making me turn to look at him.

"Icantdothis," he said to himself.

"What?" I asked trying to make sure I heard right. I could already feel my heart shattering as tears sprang to my eyes.

"I can't do this," Mike said louder making the tears I was holding back fall.

Our guests gasped and began whispering to one another.

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked ignoring our audience.

I've been nothing but good to him but maybe I did something wrong.

"Look Kehlani you're a great girl and I'm sure someday you'll find the right one," he said. And it all just seemed to click back into place.

"Who is she?" I asked.


"Who is she? You have a lipstick stain on your collar so I'm guessing she's here. So who is she?"


"Jasmine who?" I asked. His eyes drifted behind me to where my bridesmaids stood.



He wouldn't... She wouldn't...

"My sister Jasmine?" I turned to look at her and saw her smudged lipstick. It all made sense.

"Un-fucking-believable! My sister? You've been screwing my sister behind my back?" I snarled.

"Kehlani," he started to say but stopped when I leveled him with my best glare.

"I didn't want you to find out like this. But I love him. We're in love," Jasmine said stepping up.

"Jasmine!" My father boomed making everyone but me jump. I felt too numb to do anything.

"But we are dad."

"How long has this been going on? And don't lie to me," I asked.

"I told him to tell you last year a month into your engagement but..." making everyone gasp and whisper some in outrage and others I didn't really care.

"Jasmine... I didn't raise you to be like this," our mother shook her head.

"Last year?" I snarled suddenly the tears stopped this has been going on for a whole year.

"It's been going on for a whole year?" I asked.

"A little longer than that actually," she confessed.

"How much longer?"

"Two years."

How could I have been so stupid? All those rough times we've been through when he accused me of cheating when I wasn't...

When he cheated on me the first time and he begged me to take him back. Fucking begged me and I took him back and we worked on our relationship but now?

Once a cheater - always a fucking cheater.

I shook my head. This couldn't get any worse.

"I should have told you when we found out that she was pregnant," Mike confessed.

I guess I've just been proven wrong - it did get worse. And all I saw was red.

"You... I used to look up to you. I used to at one point wish that I could be you... why would you do this to me? To your own sister? How could you? I used to even ask you for advice. What did I ever do to you to deserve this?" I asked.

Everyone turned to look at her as she opened her mouth but nothing came out.

"I just wanted what you had. You looked happy and I wanted that for myself," she said in attempt to get me to see it from her perspective.

"But at what cost Jasmine?" I asked.

"Tell me was it worth it?" I asked abruptly.


"Was it worth it? Losing your sister for him?" I asked.

"Yes. I deserve to be happy too." She said. I nod my head.

"And who am I to stand in the way of love right? And I guess I cared way too much about you when you couldn't give a rat's ass about me," I snarled at my sister.

"And you. You promised me that you wouldn't cheat on me, again Mike. And you went and did it again anyway. With my sister no less! And didn't even have the decency to break up with me," I spat.

"Look we had a great thing while it lasted but I have fallen out of love with you..."

"So you waited until our wedding day to tell me?" I asked blinking back tears. "Why my sister why not some nameless skank?"

"She was there when I needed someone to talk to. And you weren't giving it up at the time and I'm a man. So I thought why not get it from someone else?"

Before he could finish I kneed him in the balls making him kneel on the floor before me clutching his future kids as he screamed in falsetto. But I wasn't done with him I gave him one of my best right hooks him in the face and felt oddly satisfied when I felt his nose give in. Ignoring the pain I felt in my hand.

At this very moment I was glad that the kids were inside watching a movie and would've only joined us at the reception.

A handkerchief appeared right before me just as tears blurred my vision. I took it and wiped away my tears. I turned to my left to see who had given me the hanky to see my younger brother glaring at Mike. I grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze to show my gratitude. He gave me a feint smile before looking back at Mike.

I stood to my full height. I took a deep breath and looked at my sister.

"I sincerely wish you two the best of luck and congratulations on the baby," I said sincerely.

I turned to my guests and gave them apologetic looks while others gave me looks of pity.

"I'm sorry that you had to witness that. And I'm sorry to announce that there won't be a wedding so your welcome to take your gifts back as you leave and have fun as everything has already been paid for so it would be a shame to see all this hard work be for nothing." I said while slipping off my engagement ring and grabbed a hold of my sister's hand.

"I guess this belongs to you now" I said.

I turned on my heels and made my way to Judith.

"Mr and Mrs. Myers I'm sorry that you had to witness that," I said while taking off the necklace she gave me.

"No we're sorry that they did that to you. I have no idea what's wrong with that boy," Mr Myers said pointing to his son who was still on the ground with my sister hovering over him and my father and brothers cussed at him in every language they knew.

I watched as my mother roughly tugged Jasmine from the ground and practically drag her off to a secluded area away from prying eyes.

"And it's still Judith and Michael to you Kehlani."

"This belongs to you," I whispered handing the necklace and bracelet over.

"No you keep it. It was meant for you. Think of it as my I'm sorry I raised such a fool gift," Judith said.

I hugged them both tightly before walking back into the house and to pack my bags.

I tossed everything I could get into my bag before my vision blurred. I sat on my bed as sobs wracked my body thinking how I could be so stupid. All the signs were there.

I felt multiple arms wrap around my body trying to sooth me.

"I'm sorry," Imani said hugging me tighter.

"I'm sorry too," I shook my head sadly.

After a while my cries died down.

"So what do you want to do?" Christina asked.

"Firstly I'd like to get out of this dress then go on vacation as planned," I said wiping away my tears.

"I think I might join you," Imani said before texting on her phone.

"What are you doing?"

"Giving my boss at the Neimans one day notice that I'm taking an extended leave," Imani said.

"You know what? Me too. Let's make it an all girls trip," Aaliyah suggested doing the same.

"You don't have to."

"We do. You're not going through this alone," Christina added.

"Besides we've been dying to have an all girls vacation." Jordan agreed.


"I mean what else are friends for?" They asked simultaneously finishing in a fit of giggles.

"No we're sisters," I said.


Don't forget to tell me what you think!

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