Still Tough

By BelieveInTacos

2K 44 11

Kris Dawson is back and still hasn't changed her ways of boarding, swearing, and intimidating all who dare ir... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 1

1.1K 16 3
By BelieveInTacos

"Dammit Warren I said no!" I folded my arms across my chest, "No birthday surprises, final answer."

He smirked, "Aw come on babe, I have a right to."

I smacked him hard on the arm, "Do not call me babe, that sounds gross. You have no rights whatsoever. Feel my wrath if you choose to ignore my wishes."

He just smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist. I blushed and wriggled my way out of his grasp. He knew I got embarrassed when he displayed affection in school and he got some sort of sick pleasure from tormenting me. I looked at the clock and prayed that the bell would ring to end lunch. Georgia sat across from us and watched me with a creepy smile.

"Kris, you're so cute," she said.

I glared daggers at Warren and kicked him in the shins and got up and left the cafeteria. My 17th birthday was tomorrow, so both Georgia and Warren were teasing me more than usual; they wanted to throw me a party and Warren wanted to get me a present, which I refused to let him. I was managing to control my anger, but I was starting to get pissed off. I feel sorry for the unlucky bastard who happens to cross my path next.

"Kris wait!" Warren yelled and sprinted down the hallway. I sighed and stayed put, letting him catch up. I hadn't realized that I'd been walking at a hurried pace until I saw how far I had walked. When he caught up to me he was completely serious. "I'm sorry for messing with you, okay?"

I looked him up and down and peered into his eyes, "Are you really?"

"...Do you want the honest answer or the one that's pleasing?"


His signature evil smile spread across his face, "Not one bit. In fact I wanted to kiss you or do something more embarrassing, but I was at the wrong angle."

I bit my lip and glared at him, "Asshole."

The bell rang and I hurried off to class before Warren could do anything else to me. I thought maybe after being together for three months now he'd stop being so arrogant, but I was way off. Well I guess people don't always change. I sat down in my usual spot in English and Warren sat next to me a minute later. I refused to look at him and instead pulled out my book to read, It by Stephen King. It was a little over 1,000 pages and it had been my goal for the past two weeks to finish it. I was already 300 pages in, but even that seemed tiny.

"You can't seriously be mad," Warren said and leaned in close when I didn't reply, "I could always kiss you right now–"

I pushed his face away rather roughly without caring and nearly caused him to fall out of his chair. Mrs. Finnegan saw it all, and rolled her eyes, "Let's not start off class with your horseplay you two."

I gaped at her, "Horseplay?!? I'm defending myself against a dangerous predator!"

She completely ignored me and started class. I sighed in frustration and paid attention dutifully. Teachers pretty much ignored me and Warren now because we were almost always arguing. Once there was a sub in science and she sent us down to the principal's office because she thought we were going to start full-scale fighting. Denny just sent us straight back to class without much talk.

Warren must have felt some remorse, because he didn't do anything to me the rest of the day. I boarded home for the first time in a while; the snow had finally melted and it was only a little chilly outside. I was glad winter was over, but  I couldn't help but recall the memories made during winter.

Warren and I had numerous snowball fights and played out in the snow a lot; both of us caught a cold at one point. Christmas was pretty crazy. Dad, Uncle Kurt and I went to Warren's house for a huge Christmas dinner, and afterwards there was a gift exchange. I bought Warren some weights and a workout video, and he gave me a Muse CD. It was pretty normal until he kissed me before I left; nearly killed me, my heart like exploded! It had been in private, but my face was red and Dad and Uncle Kurt both figured what had happened and were grinning like idiots. Warren and I also hung out on New Year's Eve and at midnight, he kissed me. Worst part was that we were at Georgia's party, and she saw it. I'm not saying I hate kissing, because I actually kinda do like it, but when we're in public and I don't have time to calm myself before seeing anyone else... I'd prefer it if he waited until we were alone for a longer period of time.

"Hey there, kiddo!" Dad called as I came in the back door, "How was your day?"

I looked at him. "Warren can be an ass," I sighed, "But I don't think I can beat him as badly as I want to. I'd probably feel bad after the fact."

"But during?"

"I'd be enjoying every minute I'm pretty sure."

He laughed, "Sometimes you just have to deal with it."

I sighed again, "Yeah I know. How was work?"

He grinned suspiciously, "It was an ordinary day." I was about to say something, but he held up his hand, "Do not ask me anything. Shoo to your room missy."

He only called me missy when something was up, and that freaked me up. I needed to hit something really bad. Instead, I buckled down and finished all my homework that was due both tomorrow and the next day. I unintentionally fell asleep on my bed with my copy of Brave New World covering my face.

I was awoken by my phone, which I had left on loud, blaring out Surfin' Bird by the Trashmen. I sat up quickly and pulled it out of my pocket.


"Happy Birthday!" Warren yelled.

"Warren, why are you calling me? It's...oh is it really midnight?"

"I wanted to be first to say Happy Birthday first! You sound tired, were you asleep?"

I yawned, "Yeah, I fell asleep doing homework I guess. Damn, I didn't eat dinner yet. Okay Warren, thank you for the call, but I'm going to go eat something. I'll see you at school."

"Wait Kris! Don't move okay?!?" he said quickly.

"...Okay?" I was so lost.

 He hung up and I stayed put for about a minute, then got up to get food; my stomach was growling angrily at me. I was in a tank top and didn't realize how cold it was in the house until I had already gotten out the stuff to make a turkey and cheese sandwich. I shivered and after a short mental debate I decided to make the trip back to my room to grab a sweatshirt. I searched blindly on the floor for one until my hand touched the familiar cloth. As I slipped it on, I happened to absentmindedly look out my window and I saw a face peering in. I jumped and nearly screamed, but I recognized the face as Warren's.

"Warren?!?" I hissed and opened the wndow, "What are you doing here?!?"

"I came to make you food, duh," he snorted and climbed through the window, landing with a dull thud. I pressed a finger to my lips and pointed back at the window.

"You can leave, I can make my own food ya know."

"Yeah, but it's your birthday." Without another word he went into the kitchen and without much choice I followed him; I was hungry after all.

When he saw the stuff out on the counter he glanced back at me, "I thought I told you not to move."

I rolled my eyes, "Do you expect me to listen? I was hungry, I wanted food. How was I supposed to know what you were going to do when you told me not to move? Your just lucky I came back in my room to get a sweater or you would still be out there freezing your ass off while I happily munched on a sandwich. And please keep it down, my dad's still asleep."

He returned my eye roll, "That was a long winded monologue all for nothing."

I gritted my teeth, "Look dude, I don't really wanna hurt you on my birthday but I will if you keep this up."

He ignored me and looked into my fridge and then back at the food that was already out. He shut the fridge and just made me a  sanwich, just as I had planned to.  I ate it and he just watched. It was pretty good, I mean it was a sandwich, and when I tried to help clean up but he refused to let me. He put away everything and was going to to put the knife used to cut the cheese in the sink when he accidentally dropped it on the hard floor and it landed with a loud clang on the floor. I froze and looked back at the wide-eyed Warren who was also frozen. I heard the all too familiar creaking of the boards of Dad's floor. His door creaked open and I hit the floor as quick as I could, pulling Warren down with me, with me on top of him.

"Kris what-" he started to whisper, but I slapped my hand over his mouth and stared at him intently , silently begging him to be quiet. He must have understood because he removed my hand from his mouth and sat up, making me get off him and so I crouched down by him.

I peered over the counter and saw my dad standing on the other side, looking around alertly. Dad was a light sleeper and he had incredible hearing and eyesight in the dark. I ducked back under the counter and tried to minimize the sound of my breathing. I looked over to see how Warren was, but when I turned he was right there, so close to my face. He cupped the side of my face in his hand and kissed me on the lips. I felt my heart elevate its pace and I close my eyes, relishing in the moment against my own will. I heard Dad walk back into his room and shut the door and Warren's lips left mine. I started breathing heavier than normal and so was Warren.

"Have I ever told you your lips are really soft?" he asked, still only inches away from my face. I felt my face go red and I could make out a smile on his face, "They're addicting," he whispered and kissed me again. I kissed him back, which for some reason came natural. I felt his tongue, barely and quickly but still felt it, in my mouth. I small gasp escaped me and he pulled away with a smirk, "I love you, Kris."

I blushed and looked away from him. "Yeah whatever," I said and stood up facing away from him.

He wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and rested his head on my shoulder. "I love you a lot, Miss Dawson," he sighed and kissed my neck. I felt a shiver go down my spine and my heart began to race faster than I thought possible. "Wow, your heart's really pouding, I can feel it through your back."

"Shut up," I murmured and broke out of his hold. I picked up the knife, put it in the sink, and went back to my room. Warren of course trailed behind me. "I'm going to go back to bed," I said, "You need to go home I'll see you at school I'm going to board there."

He smiled and gave me a quick kiss, "See you later," he smiled and left through the window.

I stood frozen for a minute, then crawled back into my bed and tried to go back to sleep. I was wound up so it took another hour before I fell back asleep, which left me about another four hours of sleep before my alarm went off at 6:00. I slipped on a black Dot Dot Curve shirt that I had recently gotten and my favorite pair of skinny jeans and went to the kitchen to make breakfast; yes, after only four hours I was hungry. Dad was in the kitchen making chocolate chip pancakes on the griddle and was whistling a tune that I didn't recognize. He looked up at me and grinned.

"Happy Birthday sweetheart!" he rushed over and gave me a bear hug. In my head I could hear my ribs groan in protest of the pressure being put on them. "My little girl's seventeen already," he said and wiped an imaginary tear from his eye.

I grinned and looked back at the griddle, "Dad I think your pancakes are going to burn if you don't flip them now."

He ran back and flipped them quickly, then returned to me with an envelope. I gave him a curious look, and he handed it to me. "Happy Birthday," he said again.

I opened the envelope and pulled out two tickets to a pro-wrestling tournament. I remember hearing about it on the tv and Dad had mentioned it once or twice when we were talking. I stared in disbelief at the tickets and then at my dad. He grinned and I gave him a bear hug. He gasped and I knew I was crushing him, but I didn't care I was really happy.

"Thank you so much Dad!" I cried, "When is it?"

"This weeked, the day after tomorrow. I got a discount from my friend at work," he said proudly. He handed me a plate of pancakes and put the tickets on the counter. I sat down with the bottle of syrup and the butter and snarfed down my pancakes. "Uncle Kurt will be over after school and maybe Denny. Georgia and Warren will be there too I'm pretty sure," Dad said from the kitchen as I got my board, bag, headphones, and shoes.

"Okay, see you later," I said and headed out the door, putting my headphones in as I shut the door. I blasted Amy Can Flyy and began the trek to school. It was nice to have Warren give me a ride in the winter, but I had missed boarding like this. I went straight to my locker, which was covered with streamers of black and blue. I groaned and turned to walk away before anyone noticed whose locker it was.

"No you dont," Georgia said, standing right behind me and conveniently blocking my exit. The smile on her face said it all; this was going to be my day of hell at school.

"Georgia please, move so I can leave. I suddenly feel nauseous," I lied. She didnt buy it and instead herded me to my locker. I could feel the stares and I tried to suppress the heat I could feel creeping to my face. At least they weren't pink streamers or anything, but stil it was embarrassing. Warren came up as well and looked once at my locker, then burst out laughing. I shifted my weight nervously, remembering last night (or I guess this morning) with great detail.

He looked at me and smirked, "Happy Birthday, Kris."

"Thanks," I muttered.

Georgia hugged me tightly, "Woman you're the same age as me again! We're seventeen together!"

I didn't see the significance of that, but I smiled because she was really excited about it. Sometimes I don't understand her girlish tendencies, but it didn't matter because I loved her; she was my best friend after all. Warren on the other hand...well he's Warren, what else is there to say?

"Kris!" she snapped her fingers and I stopped spacing off and looked at her.

Warren tried to muffle his laugh. "Idiot, she's been talking to you and you haven't heard a single word."

"I'm sorry, Georgia. What were you saying?" I asked.

"I was saying that Warren and I are going to your house after school," she said, apparently not offended by me completely shutting her out accidentally, "But we aren'nt going with you, we're arriving sepeartly. Together."

I rolled my eyes and opened my locker finally, storing my board and bag while keeping only the things I needed for classes before lunch. The bell rang and Warren and I made our way to class together. I let out a long sigh; today was going to be long.


Sorry I took so long!!! :) So, vote and comment! I would like to have a good turnout so maybe you guys can help promote the story? I'd appreciate it :)

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