The Night The Moon Turned Bla...

By rinaeria98

48.5K 1.5K 125

Judgement Day is upon us. Hundreds of years ago, an Angel was sent from the heavens to purify the barbaric an... More

New Beginnings
An Unexpected Series of Events
The Eyes of an Angel
A Calm in the Storm
The Pervert
The Blindness of Truth
The First Move
Protect Your Family
Bathing in Moonlight
One Last Night
The Greatest Sacrifice
The Final Battle
Love Blooms

The Secret To Happiness

2.4K 78 10
By rinaeria98

Your P.O.V

It feels as if we have been walking for decades. The humid summer air is like an anvil strapped to my back. Drops of sweat cascade from my dehydrated face. We decided to take the route around the outskirts of the Kouka Kingdom on the border of a neighboring country. In the time that we have been walking we haven't passed by a single village. The day grows later and later. "When are we going to find a village to spend the night, I don't think I can handle another night of camping." I whine hopelessly. Yona chimes in with me.

"It isn't hard to tell that we baby-sit two spoiled princesses." Yun hisses.

"Hak snores like a dying wildebeest and I don't exactly trust the pervert Jae-ha while I'm sleeping." I protest angrily. Hak marches over and presses his forehead against mine as we begin to bicker absent-mindedly.

"Will you both calm down for a minute." Kija snaps, pulling us apart. I stick my tongue out in mockery and Hak purposely steps on the back of my slightly too large robe causing me to trip. I begin to raise my fist in anger but I am exulted at Kija's words. "There should be a small village a few kilometers ahead. We will stop there for the night." Before Kija can finish speaking, I am already running at full speed in the direction of the village.

My expression is beaming and an ear-to-ear grin is plastered across my face. But, my smile is wiped away as I take in the village around me. The buildings were turned to black ash, as it was evident a fire had wiped out the village. Many villagers lay clutching their wounds scattered across the ground. Women, children and even soldiers were barely clinging to life. Before I could think twice, I ran back down the trail to where the rest of the group was approaching. I quickly yanked the medical supplies pack off of Yun's back and ran towards the village. The look of complete and utter terror on my face was enough of a sign for the rest of the group to run after me.

The rest of the evening was spent gathering the sick and wounded and setting up an infirmary in one of the best-salvaged buildings. We tended to wounds and fed the hungry. Eventually everyone was feeling relatively well again. One of the older men of the group approached me. His stoic persona was intimidating but his words were kind. "Thank you for all that you have done for us, how can we ever repay you?" Before I could answer, Yun interrupted.

"Well it would be plenty helpful if you let us spend the night. But more importantly, we need to discuss what it was that caused all of this damage." It was an inevitable question. What had happened here? Now that the chaos and adrenaline had calmed down, it was an overbearing thought that hung over us. But, somehow we all knew what the answer was deep in our hearts. The man gritted his teeth and winced at the painful memory. "Don't worry we have no intention of hurting you. We are not a threat so your story is safe with us." Yun reassured the elderly man. Slowly he began to speak and the despair in his voice was hard to ignore. He felt betrayed.

"It was a troop from the imperial army of Kouka Kingdom. The soldiers burned everything and told us not to resist because we were helping our country. They said it was a signal of war to the neighboring kingdom. They needed to put more space between the borders of the two countries as a fortified defense line. They left us here in no man's land to die." The man fell to his knees in defeat. As he sobbed into his hands it was easy to see his undying love for the people of his village.

"Please don't worry sir." Yona spoke as she placed a hand on the man's shoulder. "We will protect you and your village. We are warriors on a journey to stop this war and purify Kouka kingdom. I know you don't want to abandon your village but the best option is to head West and take refuge in the Wind Clan's village. It is the only way to secure your people's safety." The elderly man took Yona's hand in a firm grip and nodded in compliance. "Good, then pack the things you will need and head out first thing in the morning." I smiled to myself because for the first time on this long and perilous journey, Yona had proved to me that she deserved to rule this country. Finally she had given up on her deluded visions of revenge and began to fight for the future of her people.


Late into the night I woke up startled and left the crowded and decrepit building to lie under a maple tree. Everything felt like it was falling into place. I looked to the sky and I could feel the stars aligning beneath my fingertips. Was this what I was reincarnated to achieve. Was my journey coming to an end? My chest tightens and my head throbs. I know what is coming; I know what I have to do. But, I didn't want it to be over. My eyes began to wet with angry tears. Suddenly, Hak flashes across my thoughts, but why him. My eyes widened with the sudden realization. I violently shake my head hoping the thought will go away but it doesn't. I have one purpose in this life and only that purpose. I was not put here as a human being to find happiness. Soon enough I will use my powers and leave this world. I cannot possibly make a life for myself here. I shed a steamy tear, not out of anger but out of regret; regret for being born as myself. The rustling of bushes interrupts my thoughts. I turn to see Hak approaching me. Without speaking he sits down beside me and we sit in silence for what feels like an eternity.

The wind bites at my skin, sending a shiver down my spine. I look towards Hak and the wind blows the hair surrounding his face. For once he doesn't look like a primitive brute. In fact, he almost looks handsome. I blush and he begins to speak. "Why do you have so much interest in everyone's past except mine?" He questions. I can hear the pain in his voice and I can tell this has been bothering him for a while. I look down at my feet.

"Ever since we first met I could sense an aura of certainty surrounding you. You always read like a man on a straight and narrow path and unfortunately a man like that terrified me. You are always so sure and strong and, from what I have experienced in this world, continuous confidence is an eerie thing. In short, I'm afraid of you." I laugh at my foolishness but I am surprised by his answer.

"All of my life I have lived for my duty, the duty of protecting Princess Yona. I never needed to make decisions concerning myself because they always concerned her safety, which was the priority. I needed to be confident and sure in order to keep her sane in her time of need. I was nothing more than an idiotic slave, not once have I lived my own life. Now, Yona has the four dragons to protect her and I'm free to live my own life. But, I am far from certain. I mistook my duty and obligation for love in order to convince myself that my life was my own. Now, I feign confidence in order to hide my hysteria. That makes me a pretty weak person." Hak chuckles with nervousness. I can tell he is feeling uncomfortable but I know I'm not afraid of him. I never was. I just knew he needed to figure these things out for himself in order for him to realize he was living his own life all along.

In order to comfort him and prove to him I am no longer afraid I reach my hand out and untie the covering around me eyes. At first he is taken aback by my actions but smiles curtly and takes my hand. Familiar images erupt in front of me. Mundok. Training. His days as a General. Yona. Quickly, I am brought back to the world around and me and I giggle hysterically at him. "What? Why are you laughing?" He is slightly irritated at me as he bellows in my ear.

"The second reason why I never asked to see your past." I boast in between fits of giggles. "Is because Mundok would always come to visit me during my time at the Wind Clan village. He would tell me stories about how proud his adoptive son had made him. About how strong, adventurous and rebellious you were. The affection in his eyes was almost sickening. Now quit gawking before you end up swallowing a fly." Hak returns from his dazed state and looks at me longingly.

"Is that true (f/n)?" He pleads like a helpless child.

"I wouldn't lie to you." I state firmly. "Don't' you realize that you have been following your own path right from the beginning. Hak you aren't a weak person, you're far from. You are brave, courageous and certainly talented. I realized from the very moment we met that you were Mundok's son because you have the same inexplicably huge heart that he has. You deserve happiness so let yourself be happy." I see a bright crimson blush erupt across his face and I begin to panic. My body tingles with the flutter of butterflies. He looks deep into my eyes and begins to speak.

"I think I might have already decided on what path I'm going to take in order to be happy."

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