I Can be Your Superman. Sequa...

By lovatic_chica

113K 3.9K 233


I Can be Your Superman. Sequal to- Demi's Protector.
New beginnings
I need you.
Meet the parents.
I'm sorry
Breakup with me.
You're staying.
In Case
The carpet.
That's Impossible.
I'm sorry.
Don't Leave
New York
Father's Day
Top of the World
First Fight


2.9K 74 0
By lovatic_chica


Demi's POV

We stepped into the huge penthouse suite at the hotel and i nearly melted. "Did you really get two weeks in this place?" I was in awe of how huge it was. Nicko started laughing "Demi i bought this place about three years ago, it was my first major investment, by the time i got it the building was brand new and this was just one huge room. No walls, No paint no bathroom. I renovated the entire thing." Well the man sure knows how to make a place nice. "Who's your interior decorate?" I said sarcastically. "Ha-ha very funny. I majored in art and architecture in college." I stopped and turned. "You went to college?" I said in an incredulous tone. I mean most singers and actors don't go to college because our career is already set for us."Well yea, it's good to have a fallback plan in case nothing works out for you, and it did help me out for real estate." Nicko said sheepishly. Huh, nice guy, great personality, extremely attractive.. C'mon Demi make it work just forget Wilmer. Nicko is PERFECT for you. I mentally coached myself. "Well it's about six thirty... I made dinner reservations for seven, we should probably start heading out." Great. food. Not. I wonder if I could get away with not eating around Nicko. Wilmer was easy to hide food from. He was either drunk or telling me not to eat. "Yeah that's fine!" I said putting on a fake smile. "Good, the limo is waiting for us." Nicko wound his arm around mine in a very official manner. "Shall we eat?" I laughed then, a genuine cackle that my fans loved so much. "We shall" With that we strutted out the door down the elevator and then climbed into the limo, trying to ignore the screaming questions of the paparazzi.

Nicko's POV

When me and Demi got outside there was a swarm of paps there. Word travels fast I guess. "DEMI." One guy screamed at us "ARE YOU CHEATING ON WILMER." Others followed exactly like this question. I looked at Demi and saw she was tearing up slightly. I wrapped my arms around her and led her gently to the limo. Unfortunately the paparazzi decided at that moment to grab Demi's arm and pulled her back "Did you hear what I said Bitch?" He yelled in her face. The monster smiled. The monster attacked. I swung my fist at his face. "BOOM." He yelled and fell clutching his face. Demi grabbed me and forced me into the limo. "What the fuck was that?" She yelled. "He grabbed you and called you a bit-" "I know perfectly well what he did but he did it to me not you. You don't have to protect me." I looked at her, "Demi i am your best friend. I will protect you against whoever. No matter how big or small they are. Weather it's a pap, or a sumo wrestler, you have me." She looked at me and then hugged me tightly. I hugged back relieved that she was no longer screaming at me. I may look tough on the outside but dang, Demi was scary sometimes.

Demi's POV

Nicko took me to the cutest place. He always finds the tiny bungalows in the hugest cities. "So how'd you find this place?" I asked him. Nicko had a weird smile on his face, "I used to live on Long Island, So the city is like a second home to me. Me and my brother used to take the train in and sit down on the steps of the theatre to do street performances. Then we would come here and pig out with the money we made." Suddenly a very pretty waitress came up to Nicko. "Nicko Baker?" She said with a really thick accent. "Well I haven't seen you since..." The waitress trailed off awkwardly. Okay that was weird. "But you're lookin good." She winked. What a tramp, fake boobs, orange skin and enough makeup than a vogue model. Wait why am I thinking this? Nicko isn't mine.. "And with Demi Lovato! Don't you two make a handsome couple." She winked an overly done eye at me. I smiled at her and she started laughing. Little did she know i wasn't smiling at her. Its because her accent reminded of an old sketch on Sonny with a Chance called real princesses of New Jersey. We had talked in extremely bad versions of New Jersey Accents. "Hey Minnie" Nicko said laughing at my reaction. "Lemme show you to your table" She said smiling. Okay so MAYBE she wasn't all bad.

Nicko's POV

Dinner was great Demi got salad which i was surprised because she usually eats burgers. And i got a bacon cheeseburger. I paid, despite Demi's protest and said goodbye to Minnie and walked out. I suggested that we sight see, since it was only 8:00. Demi got excited and led the way. Of course, within minutes we were lost, but that's okay, I could spend all the time in the world with Demi. Then, it got cold. Demi, wearing a dress was of course freezing so I gave her a jacket like a gentleman. "So were you and Minnie close when you were a kid?" Demi asked, surprising me. "Uhh yeah kind of i guess, she uhm she dated my brother." Demi was silent for a while. "So when am I gonna meet this brother of yours?" She said poking my side. I sighed, I guess she would have to find out sometime. "What's wrong?" She asked sounding worried. "He died a couple months before my fame started to pick up, he commited suicide." I heard Demi gasp. "Oh my God." "It nearly stopped me from leaving for California. Until my mom found out and blew a gasket. Screaming at me, saying Ryan would have wanted me to do this. That i was a coward if I didn't go. The worst part was, My mom was right. Ryan would always call me after meetings with potential managers and ask me how it went always so excited and happy. But when they didn't sign me he always knew how to raise my spirits." I could feel the tears threatening to leak but I held them back. I couldn't help it, I always shut out my emotions. I haven't cried since his funeral. "Music was my escape from the grief. I wrote alot of my songs during those days. Including 'Come Back to Me' That song was the best i've written so far. After Ryan died I wouldn't let anyone touch his stuff for months. Then one day I came from LA and went into his room. All of his stuff was gone. I went ballistic." I paused and sighed remembering that day. How everyone looked at me, afraid of me. Demi took my hand. "Go on." I looked up, not wanting to scare her away too. "That was the day when I found about my rage issue." Demi just nodded and looked at me. "I never have hit a women, but since that day, anyone who ticked me off ended up on the ground with a bloody face. I was busting up my image, literally.. So they sent me to treatment for anger issues, where I learned to control it, and funnel it into my music. That's when I had my big sound change. MY music became angrier because that's the only way I knew how to vent." I paused. I had never been so vulnerable as I was in that moment. We had made it back the limo. Demi hugged me. This time, she was my lifeline. Demi pulled away and looked at me, "Whens the last time you saw your family?" That was a hard one. "Not since the day I left for Rehab." I wondered what she was getting at. "Would you be okay with going to see them sometimes in the next two weeks?" She asked me.. Would I? "Maybe, I'll have to think about it." Demi smiled and then took my hand snuggling up to me like a child. I looked down at her amused, "What? It's cold." Demi pouted and I ran my finger over her lips. We stared into each others eyes, both of us leaning in. Just then, We hit a huge bump and we both went flying. Motherfucking bump, I mentally complained. Demi started laughing and I realized I had said that outloud. Soon, we were both hysterically laughing on the floor. This was, like so many others, that i wished could last a lifetime.

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