The circle of love

By savy_44

402 20 24

Aphmau just moved to Phenoix drop. Her old friends sky,Barney,max,Ross, Jin she missed them. Her friend Abby... More

The confession
She talks
The truth
Sky army
Prom preparation
Dream switch
Real sister
Lie dont die
Broken peices
Memorys lost
Fake father
Trust is not the word
The fight
A happy life
New book

Dont worry...

10 0 1
By savy_44

Okay so this chapter is going to be filled with well not flashbacks or memory's but it's going to be a little confusing so all exsplain a few times during the chapter if needed....lets get into this
It'll only be in one POV throughout

Sav POV:
I wake up all by myself in Laurence's house I just thought that maybe he was downstairs. I walk down the stairs to the kitchen and see no one. Guess he went somewhere or something I exit the house.

I walk over to aphmau and garroths place hopeing there home. I knock on the door no answer after a few minutes of knocking a take the spare key and open the door. There place looked liked they hadn't been there in forever.

I checked the rooms and the basement nothing no one was here. I left the house and yelled down the streets.

"HELLO!" I yell, down the empty street

Then a see a purple spec down the street. I wondered what it was so I kept walking.

"BONG BONG SHIKALUR" I hear, I then knew who it was

I started running towards it

"BARNEY" I yell, he starts running towards me

"Savs where's is every ones" he asks, I shake my head

" I honestly don't know Barney, why are we the only people?" I ask, he shakes his head also

"I,s don't knows but whatever's reasons we gots to finds out" he says, I nod

Then I think about Jeffery, maybe he knows where everyone is. I tell Barney and he agrees we walk to jefferys. I don't see any homeless people like usual. Like is there something all of Phenoix drop knows that me and Barney don't.

When we get to Jefferys I tell Barney to wait outside for me. He agrees and I head inside the supposeiv house. But when I enter the building no one is there. This is literally the first time in forever I have not seen him in there.

I exit the building.....Barney looks at me happily.

"What's up" I say, he looks at me then takes my arm

"I's knows where's everyone's is" he says, I smile and follow him

(Okay so I'm sorry if you don't get it but at the end it will make sense)

He takes me to a building in the middle of town. I'm guessing it was Phenoix city hall so I guess people would be here.

"Okays so Ims goings to covers your eyes" he says, I nod

He puts his hands over my eyes and has me enter the building. I hear a lot of Talking and then he uncovers my eyes. I see all my friends Laurence,Garroth,Sky,Ross,Jin,max,cadenza,
Abby,aphmau and some others.

Laurence comes up to me and kisses me on the lips. Then Sky kisses me to on the lips I then look at Laurence who is about to punch Sky. Then Sky blocks the punch them punches Laurence.

"Guys stop fighting its okay please" I say, Laurence looks at me and so does Sky

"You have to choose me or Laurence" Sky says, I shake my head

"Stop you guys you already know the answer" I say, Laurence looks at Sky

"see she likes me more" Laurence says, Sky glares at Laurence

"Whatever I will win her heart" Sky says, Laurence glares at him

"Guys calm down I know Sky likes me and that's okay but I really need you guys to stop fighting because my birthday is-" I stop mid sentence, my birthday is tomorrow

Then everyone and everything turns black and they pull out swords. Even Laurence and my closest friends. I pull out my sword ready to fight but then someone who was shining white came up to me.

"Savanna my darling put your sword away and think of battle strategys maybe they will work" she says, then disapears

Laurence comes at me with quick speed I then think of a sheild and one shows up in my hand. I block his attack with my sheild then I grab my sword and put it into him. I almost started crying but I didn't I needed to toughen out he was trying to kill I beat him to it.

Then Abby came up to me oh Irene no I can't kill her. But Barney killed her for me.....wait why Isent......that's not Barney I know that because Barney would never kill someone not even for me. Not cause he's mean but because he's a big scaredy cat.

"Who are you" I ask him, he then turns into a familiar person

"JEFFERY" I say, he nods then gets back to battle

How in the name of Irene did he even....ya know what I'm not going to question it. I then get ready to attack again this time it was Garroth and I knew garroths weakness.....he could never block a punch. So with all my strength I punched him and he blacked out.

I see Jeffery battling Katelyn....but there's one more person who is stronger than Katelyn and is currently heading towards me....Aaron he is one of the strongest people that I know.

I think of me being invisible I think it worked cause he looked confused. I pull out my sword then head for his back as I was about to stab him everything went black....

(Okay is about to make sense for once)

I wake up to Laurence,aphmau,Garroth and Abby standing over me.

"What happened" I ask confused, they all look at me like I'm crazy

"While you were dreaming you kept kicking and hitting your pillow telling people to die, I honestly was scared then one time you said "I'm sorry Laurence" then hit your pillow, did you kill me in your dream?" He asks, I stare at them shocked

"In my dream I was alone only with Barney then we found everyone but they all turned evil and then Barney turned into Jeffery and you and Sky were fighting over me and I have the ability to make things appear with my mind when I'm fighting and it was just weird" I say, they stare at me then nod

"There's one other thing before you woke up you kept saying "beat the cloaked men everywhere" what does that mean" I stared at him,

I knew exactly what that meant...

I am so sorry this chapter took so long I was busy then I kinda got writers block please don't kill me anyways thanks for readying byeeee


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