a rush of blood to the head |...

By dathomir

85.4K 2K 270

❛ i'm gonna buy this place and start a fire, stand here until i fill all your heart's desires. ❜ [isabelle li... More

Part title


8.6K 195 55
By dathomir



EVERY warlock has a warlock's mark. Athena's warlock mark was green skin. Her green skin was glowing a shimmering emerald color in the sun when she stepped out of the portal onto the Institute's grounds. Isabelle was standing in front of the doors waiting for Athena, as she did yesterday.

Athena hurried up to Isabelle with a worried look and opened her arms out to her. Isabelle walked into them and embraced her. "What's wrong? I came as soon as you texted," Athena questioned.

Isabelle smiled and grabbed her hand, dragging her inside the Institute. Athena forgot how beautiful the Institute actually was, but she didn't have time to dwell on it because Izzy was smiling at her excitedly. She pulled her hand away from Izzy's grasp and raised her eyebrows. "What did you call me here for?"

Isabelle pulled her mouth into a wide smile and said, "Come with me to meet Clary's mundane friend." Athena glared at Izzy and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Really, Izzy, that's what you called me for?" She asked. "I thought something was wrong."

Isabelle ignored her and pulled her towards where Clary, her friend, Alec, and Jace were talking. "What exactly are runes?" Clary's friend asked.

Isabelle walked up to the mundane and answered, "They give Shadowhunters their demon fighting powers."

"So hot," the mundane babbled. Athena scoffed at the mundane. She had nothing against them, they just stuck their noses in situations that weren't any of their business.

"The rune," Clary said, clearing her throat.

"Don't worry, Clary. Athena and I'll watch over the best friend. In fact, I was just about to make breakfast," Isabelle chuckled.

Athena glared at Isabelle. She did not want to hang out with the mundane. Athena liked being in the thrill of things, but perhaps getting to know Isabelle and the mundane wouldn't be too bad.

Jace inhaled, "On second thought, the runes might be less lethal."

"I'll pretend I didn't hear that," Isabelle sighed.

"Please excuse my brother's lack of manners. This is Alec and Athena," Isabelle said, gesturing to them, "and I'm Isabelle." Isabelle extended her runed arm out to Simon. He gently shook her hand before releasing his hand from her grip

"Lewis. Simon, Simon Lewis. Two first names. Am I still talking?" Simon babbled. Isabelle and Athena chuckled at the boy's flustered state.

"See? Best friend's safe and sound here." Jace commented.

"Jace, if anything happens to him..." Clary trailed.

"Go on, I'll be fine. I think," Simon declared. Isabelle chuckled at Simon again, her light laugh making Athena smile.

Athena tugged on Isabelle's arm while Jace whispered to Simon and Athena, "Hey, uh...don't eat the food. Dangerous." Athena laughed at Jace as Izzy tugged Simon across the wooden floorboards of the institute. Athena quickly picked up her pace to keep up with the black-haired Shadowhunter.


"SO, um... what happens to humans if they're... runed?" Simon asked. He was beginning to get on Athena's nerves, but she tried not to show it.

She placed herself onto the silky sheets of Izzy's bed and answered, "They usually die. Sometimes they go crazy. When that happens, we call them the Forsaken. Then Shadowhunters kill them."

Simon looked at Athena in surprise, noticing that was the first time she had said anything since they met. "Right. So the rune on Clary's neck..." Simon drawled.

"A healing rune. Jace used it to save her life," Isabelle informed.

Athena tuned out of Izzy and Simon's conversation, tracing her fingers over the intricate patterns on Izzy's bed. Hearing Simon begin to talk to her, she snapped her head up in surprise and looked over to the questioning mundane. "Why is your skin green?" He repeated. Athena looked down upon the emerald skin on her hands and looked back up at Simon.

"I'm a warlock. Every warlock has a warlock mark, whether it be colored skin like mine," she gestured, "or horns, tails, hooves, brightly colored hair, and menacing cat eyes." Simon looked at Athena in fascination before quickly standing up off the silk sheets.

"Where could you possibly be going?" Athena hissed.

"To get Clary, to protect her from Jace," Simon addressed.

"And why would she need protection from Jace? He's the ultimate protector," Isabelle chided.

"What makes Jace so special?" Simon asked.

"Fastest, strongest, fiercest," Izzy bragged, "and hello, have you seen the guy?"

"Yeah, well, uh, sorry I asked," Simon dragged.

"Rest easy, hombre. Clary's in good hands," Isabelle confided. She stood up off of the bed and pushed Simon back down. Athena grabbed a chip off of the black tray Izzy had placed on the sheets and dipped it into the peculiar dip Isabelle had made.

"Mm, don't worry. There's plenty more where that came from," Isabelle informed.

Athena made a disgusted face after deciphering the taste and quickly pushed the black tray away from her and towards Simon and Izzy. "Good to know," she sarcastically stated. Simon picked up a silver spoon off of the tray, the metallic surface gleaming. He dipped it into the dip, and made the same face Athena did.

"So the Circle... if they're as bad as they say they are, it's not good for Clary, is it?" Simon fretted.

"It's not good for any of us," Athena remarked.


ATHENA found herself back in Izzy's dimly lit room, without Simon. She was glad the mundane had gone, but in his place, was Clary. Isabelle was finding Athena and Clary some clothing to wear and Athena stood in front of the mirror wearing the outfit Izzy had given her.

She glanced at her reflection before looking up at Izzy. "This is the least revealing thing you have?" She questioned.

"What?" Izzy chuckled, "All the naughty bits are covered. A little too much in my opinion." Athena sighed and walked away from the gleaming mirror, placing herself in an armchair.

"Where's Simon?" Clary inquired.

"Who?" Isabelle asked.

Clary gave her a confused look and Isabelle answered, "Kidding. He's in good hands with the boys."

"So, um... you, Alec, and Jace are... what, like family?" Clary questioned.

"Translation, you want to know if Jace and Izzy are a thing," Athena chuckled. She found it amusing so she definitely wasn't surprised when the redhead tried to play it off as if she didn't like Jace.

"Why would I care?" Clary scoffed.

"Because you do. Don't worry. In every way, he's like my brother. Our parents took Jace in when he was ten. We trained together. Learned to fight side by side," Isabelle chattered.

Clary sighed, "A few days ago, all I had to worry about was getting into art school. And now..."

"Is this the part where I give you the pep talk about harnessing your inner Shadowhunter and accepting your true destiny?" Isabelle asked.

"Was that the pep talk?" Clary questioned.

"Basically." Izzy chuckled.

Athena stood up from her armchair and stood behind Clary in the mirror. She tucked a strand of stray red hair behind Clary's ear and confided, "Clary... remember you were born to do this. No matter what has happened... this is who you are."

"Not exactly feeling that," Clary interjected.

"Yet," Isabelle chided.

"Okay but now we have to find Dot." Clary sighed. Athena paced over to Isabelle on the bed and sat next to her on the silky sheets.

"And track down and kill the most dangerous rogue Shadowhunter in history before he kills us all," Athena concluded.

"You really know how to ruin a pep talk, don't you?" Clary asked.

Athena ignored her and said, "Come on, let's go."

Isabelle walked towards the door frame and turned around, "Oh, and Simon is kind of nerd-hot."

Athena fumed at the statement and pushed past Izzy in the doorway while Isabelle rose her brow at Athena.


WHEN they returned to where Jace was standing in the institute, Clary and Simon began arguing about leaving and finding Dot themselves. Athena placed herself against the walls of the institute and stared at them amusingly. Isabelle placed the burning tip of her stele against the rune on the wall and traced it. The weapons storage shot open and Izzy began sliding her finger against the glowing edge of a seraph blade.

"No, Izzy," Jace chided.

"Fifty bucks says he doesn't approve of this mission," Isabelle beamed. Just as Izzy said this, Alec burst into the bustling room of the institute.

"I don't approve of this mission. I spoke with the Clave. They're sending Seelie scouts to search for Valentine, but they made it clear, the little girl does not leave the premises," Alec demanded.

Athena laughed and crossed her arms over her chest, absorbing the scene before her. "Hey, my name is not 'little girl', okay?" Clary jeered, "I don't care what that Clave thing or you want, I'm going to find Dot."

"Alec, this warlock could have the answers we need. With Valentine's people out there searching for Clary, she's not safe outside alone," Jace pleaded.

"Jace has a point," Izzy and Athena explained at the same time. Athena looked over at Izzy and smiled lightly at their remark said in unison.

"Et tu, Izzy?" Alec questioned.

"All right since you have all the answers, where do you suggest we search?" Alec asked Clary.

"We should start at Dot's apartment in Greenpoint, and there's this thrift store that she..." Clary trailed off. She gasped and reached for the purple glowing portal shard at her neck and began to pant.

"What's wrong? What is it?" Athena worriedly questioned.

"I, um..." Clary exhaled, "weirdly, I think I know where Dot is.

"Great. I'll drive," Simon insisted.

"What?" Athena asked.

"Unless you have, like, a Shadowhunter-mobile or something," Simon gulped. Athena chuckled and walked across the wooden floor towards Isabelle's tall frame.

"You were kidding about the runes on the floor killing me... right?" Simon nervously questioned.

"Possibly," Athena mumbled.

"Wait... am I gonna die?"


THE group was walking down the paved streets when Clary suddenly stopped, causing Athena to crash into her. She glared at Clary and continued walking before realizing everyone had stopped. She spun on her heels to see Clary grasping the shard again and yelling, "Dot. Dot!"

Athena quickly waltzed back over to the group and grasped Isabelle's wrists. She raised her eyebrows in question while the group stared at Clary. Clary began to run across the rocky streets and they quickly ran after her. "Clary! Clary, stop! Where are you going?" Jace yelled.

"Two men, Circle members... the same ones who came to my house, who took my mom. They have Dot. They're gonna hurt her or kill her. We have to stop them," Clary exclaimed. Athena gulped and looked down at her black-clad feet.

She looked back up at the group with a determined look and said, "Let's go after her. Dot used to be one of my best friends and I can't lose her either."

Clary's breath trembled as she continued to tightly grasp the shard, "No. She was just trying to help me. Now, she's gone."

Athena slowly walked towards the frightened girl and said, "Clary, I'm sorry."

"You don't understand. Dot's like my big sister," Clary cried. Athena looked back down at her feet and reached for the brass clockwork angel at her neck that Tessa had given her. She rolled it in between her fingers out of habit and looked back up.

"It's not safe here. We have to go back to the Institute right now," Alec demanded.

"So, what now? Valentine has my mom and Dot, and we're just gonna give up? What about my memories? They can't just be gone?" Clary questioned.

"There is another option," Jace stated. Clary looked up at the blonde with hopeful eyes, red hair falling in front of her face.

"Don't even... absolutely not," Alec protested.

"I'm not afraid of the Silent Brothers," Jace stated. Athena immediately scoffed and shook her head, stray blonde hair falling in front of her face. She knew what Jace was proposing.

"Who are the Silent Brothers?" Clary asked.

"They're Shadowhunters with superior powers," Athena answered.

"Who posses the ability to recover memories. A process that can also kill you, so there's that," Alec reminded.

"Your bedside manner is abysmal," Simon remarked. Athena really wanted to smack the boy in that moment, but she regained her composure and tossed him a glare.

"We've broken at least eighteen Clave rules and now you want to go to the City of Bones? There's no way. I won't allow it," Alec grumbled.

"This isn't our choice to make. This is Clary's decision," Jace advised.

"You can't ask her to do this. She doesn't know what she's facing. She's not prepared," Isabelle protested. Athena nodded. She was neutral in this situation. After all, it was truly Clary's decision but this was extremely dangerous.

"If anyone can tell me another way to recover my memories and still get the answers we need, I'm listening," Clary chimed in.

"That settles it. See? I told you she's one of us," Jace remarked.


AS they approached the City of Bones, Simon parked his bright yellow van in the grassy lawn outside of the mausoleum. Everyone hopped out of the tagged van and landed swiftly on the ground.

"Yeah, this place isn't creepy. Not at all," Simon announced.

"Don't tell me you're afraid," Athena chuckled.

Simon scoffed, "Are you kidding me? I was born afraid... which sounded a lot better in my head." Isabelle chuckled at the mundane's not-so-funny statement.

"Let's check it out," Alec said.

"Wait here a minute. I want to see if it's safe," Jace declared. Alec and Jace began to argue over the situation and Athena walked across the grass towards Clary and Isabelle.

Clary sighed, "I just wish my mom had trusted me enough to tell me about all this."

"How are you not ultra freaked out about all this?" Simon asked Clary.

"I guess I just always felt like there was something missing. Some void I couldn't quite explain. Things are finally starting to make sense. But none of it's going to matter unless I get my mom back," Clary murmured.

"Then let's do that," Athena chorused. She smiled at the girl and patted her back before walking towards the black-clad Isabelle. Jace called over to Clary and she glanced over at Athena and tossed her a quick smile. She turned on her heel and walked back over to the blonde boy and began walking across the lawn.


"YOU have to understand the Silent Brothers aren't like us," Jace started.

"They lack your charm and superior people skills?" Athena joked.

"Yeah, most people do," Jace answered. Athena glared and turned towards Izzy, wrapping her arms around the girl.

"Brothers communicate without using words, just using their thoughts," Jace continued.

"That doesn't sound so bad," Clary said.

"Don't let their silence fool you. They'll hold the Soul-Sword to your head, and with its blade, carve the truth from your mind. If you're not strong enough, you will die," Athena explained.

The Shadowhunters gave her a surprised expression and she simply smirked, tossing her blonde hair behind her shoulder. "Just because I'm a half-breed doesn't mean I don't know about Shadowhunter politics and the like," She said. 

"I take it back. That sounds level ten bad," Clary said.

"Clary, you should know, the pain will be excruciating. You don't have to..." Jace consoled.

"I'll do anything. Walk through fire, battle demons, whatever it takes. I have to get my mom back. I can't... I won't lose her," Clary replied. Athena acknowledged the bravery the girl with the fiery red hair had. She, too, would do anything to save the people she loved; even if it meant dying.

Simon began to give Clary a pep talk about going into the cold building when Jace told him to hold up before walking in. Simon gave him an angry expression and began to talk, "Surprise, surprise. No mundanes allowed, just like in the training room, right? Wrong! I've seen every horror movie ever made and the funny best friend who gets left behind... dead man," Simon interjected. Isabelle chuckled and Athena glared at the mundane again.

"You're not that funny. But by all means, go ahead," Jace began.

Simon began to waltz towards the entrance before Jace stated, "Of course, the minute you enter, you'll die."

"Problem is, now I don't trust you," Simon told Jace.

"He's not lying. Now. He was before," Athena grumbled.

"The rune energy in the City of Bones will kill any mundane who dares to enter, so, please," Alec gestured.

Isabelle sighed and began, "The Brothers creep me out. Athena and I'll mind the mundane." Athena laughed and nodded, walking towards Izzy.

"Your sacrifice is noted, Izzy," Alec replied.

"Talk about sacrifice. I'm missing a financial analysis class," Simon joked.

"I can't be here anymore, so, Jace, I'm gonna mind the perimeter." Alec walked out towards the trees while Simon began to walk towards Clary.

"I don't want to leave you," she told him.

"Go be a badass Shadowhunter, all right? Get your memories back, save your mother. I'll be right here... guarding the entrance to hell," Simon confided.

"They're getting to be quite the team. Amusing," Izzy told Athena.

"No. Not really," she laughed.


"IS cracking someone's mind open supposed to take this long? Maybe we, or... you should go check?" Simon inquired.

"Jace has it covered. Take my word for it. The Silent Brothers are quite unpleasant," Isabelle said.

"That's not helping. Not at all. What if Clary can't handle the Brothers?" Simon asked.

"It literally never stops talking," Alec said, walking towards the group at the entrance.

"Is he always so charming?" Simon scoffed.

"First born," Izzy stated.

"Heavy is the head that wears the crown," Athena mused.

"Mm. I feel his pain. Only son. Mother wants me to be a CPA," Simon reminisced. Athena dozed off while Isabelle and Simon began to talk.

She was startled back to reality when she heard the crisp crunching of feet against leaves in the distance. She noticed Isabelle and Simon walking towards the brightly painted van and raced off towards them. Simon was sitting in the van trying to find a video of his band to show Izzy, Athena found out. Isabelle was standing by the door when she heard rattling in this distance and went to go check it out.

Athena jumped into the passenger seat of the van and looked over to Simon's phone when she felt a frigid hand cover her mouth. She gasped, trying to pry the hand away from her mouth but couldn't get it off. Vampires, she thought before passing out from lack of oxygen.


ATHENA awoke to notice that she was being held upside down by Raphael Santiago's minions. She glared at Raphael and noticed Simon being held next to her. "Simon, Athena!" Clary yelled.

"Are those the mundane and warlock's names? I'm afraid they're coming with us," Raphael stated.

"No! No they're not apart of this," Clary yelled.

"And it'll be my pleasure to kill you unless you return them," Jace sneered.

"Careful. We'd be violating the Accords," Alec warned.

"I'm afraid your sidekick's quite right. The Night Children have broken no laws. We're negotiating. The mundane and warlock, unharmed, in exchange for the Mortal Cup," Raphael hissed.

"And the clock is ticking. Tick-tock, people," Raphael said. Athena yelled Izzy's name, but to no avail. She instantly gave up and passed out, enveloping herself into a dream of her bittersweet past.


a/n: i stayed up until four am writing this, and it's unedited af, so there are probably mistakes and i apologize for that! feel free to correct me in the in-line comments if you notice anything, criticism is much appreciated!

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