The Million Dollar Girl

By smreetee

277K 9.6K 484

~Choose wisely for you can only choose once~ She had it all. Money, beauty, intelligence everything. He... More

The Million Dollar Girl
Chapter 1-The Beginning
Chapter 2- Can it get worse?
Chapter 3-Last day at London
Chapter-4 Flying to New York
Chapter 5- First day at high school
Chapter 6- Worst Day Ever
Chapter 7- It's getting better
Chapter-8 Getting not-so-popular
Chapter 9 - Confused Candice... or me?
Chapter 10 - Attractions and misunderstandings
Chapter 11 - Oops!
Chapter 12 - Jully or nah?
Chapter 13 - This is getting gooood
Author's note
Chapter 14 - "Because that's when-"
Chapter 15 - "I'll see you soon then"
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 - "Your life is a freaking fairy tale"
Chapter 18 - "You are staring at a girl, Nathan Hale"
Chapter 19 - "You are my half - girlfriend"
Chapter 20 - "I am sorry if I hurt you Ally"
Chapter 21 - "Finally we are stepping in for the ball"
Chapter 22 - "I'll be by your side, forever"
Chapter 23 - "It was a mistake"
Chapter 24 - Goodbye Nathan
Chapter 25 - "It's not like you don't hurt me"
Chapter 26 - You have my heart
Chapter 27 - "You are always pretty"
Author's Note
Chapter 28 - "Nathan freaking Hale is back!"
Chapter 29 - Nothing lasts forever
Chapter 30 - Make the choice Ally, its time
Author's Note - Meet Ally Ricosta
Chapter 31 - Tomorrow, I'll be making my choice
Chapter 32 - You're so dead, Mr. Evans
Chapter 33 - "You didn't ever trust me"
Chapter 34 - "I've fallen for you, Nathan"
Chapter - 35 "You don't want me anymore"
Chapter 36 - "Hey there, Ms. Pretty Eyes"
Chapter 38 - "Am I forgiven?"
Chapter 39 - "Am I going to regret this?"
Chapter 40 - "You are the piece of me, I wish I didn't need"
Chapter 41 - "He is all that matters to me"
Chapter 42 - Hopes are what we live on
Chapter 43 - "I'm never coming back to you"
Chapter 44 - The End

Chapter 37 - "Will you be mine?"

4.3K 177 21
By smreetee

Dedicated to another of my reader! Enjoy!

I put on my light blue hoodie and (with the word 'Brit' written on in in white) black Michael Kors jeans. I let my hair fall free. I don't feel like doing anything with them so I just ease out the tangles and let them be like that. No heat, no elastics. Let them have a night as well! I slip on my white converse and take one last glance at myself in the mirror. That reflection was true. It felt like I am naked to my soul today. No fake things to make me look like a 'better' me. It reflected the 'real' me, the classy girl who loved hoodies and converse. Yeah! Now we're talking. I look at the clock and it reads 6:45 pm. Uh oh. Nathan could be here any minute. I need to get down and explain aunt where I'm going and more importantly with whom I'm going. I quickly unplug my phone from the charger and slip it in my pocket. I look around the room to make sure I'm not forgetting anything. All set! Let's get on with it then.

I walk out of my room and start downstairs.

"Auntie?" I call out but no reply.

"You in there?" I call out as I walk into the kitchen. But there were only the maids cleaning the dishes and gossiping. I smile at them awkwardly and walk out. Where is she? As I still roam around the halls, I hear the intercom at our door give out a bling. Meaning, the guards want to talk. Seeing no one around, I walk ahead and accept to listen the message.

"There's a young boy, possibly of 19 here who introduces himself as Nathan Hale, Miss Ally's friend. However he hasn't been seen earlier. Should we let him in?" He is already here and I still haven't talked to her.

"Yeah let him in" I say and almost immediately I get an 'okay' reply.

I check in aunt's room once more, just in case I couldn't see her the last time but there are still no traces of her. Where does this woman keep disappearing? I stand in the middle of the hall and pull my phone out. I'll call her and tell I'm going out. As I'm about to turn the power on of my phone, I hear a car pull over.

That has to be Nathan. I slip the phone back in and rush to the door.

"My my, who might this handsome boy be looking for?" Wait, is that aunt's voice? I take down the stairs to the porch and speed walk towards the red Chevy in sight. Its dark already! How cool! I walk around the car and see Aunt and Nathan. She has garden scissors in her hands. So she was gardening the whole time.

"Uh actually he-" I start but Nathan cuts me off.

"I'm Nathan Hale. Ally's friend. And you must be the amazingly wonderful aunt she keeps talking about all day" He says with a dimpled smile and takes her hand, placing a light kiss on the back of it. He looks utterly hot in his white 'Ronaldo 19' full-sleeves shirt and blue jeans.

"Yes I am" Aunt replies with a blush. Is there any woman on this earth who remains totally unaffected by Nathan's charms?

"Hey!" I speak out to make them aware of my presence.

"Hello there, Miss 'Brit'?" He says, reading my hoodie. What's it with him and his Miss 'random names'?

"Hello hunnie. Are you two going out somewhere?" Aunt asks, her eyes flickering between myself and Nathan.

"Um yes. I was searching for you to let you know but you weren't anywhere to be seen" I blabber so I wouldn't have to let out the details of where and who is he.

"If I have your permission, I'd like to take Ally out tonight. You know, just hang out and eat something and have fun. I promise to get her home before its too late." He says, pursing his lips. Can he really be this chivalry kinds or am I dreaming?

"Yes sure sure. You may take her out" Aunt says and then she looks at me. "Just friends?" She asks looking at me but I'm sure the question was meant for Nathan as well.

"Um yeah. I guess" I say looking at Nathan who winks at me, in his attempts to keep me calm and cool. Little does he know that his winks do the exact opposite.

"Not sure?" She asks looking at Nathan.

"I am. She is not." He says looking at me now.

"Then make her sure about it tonight." Aunt says and smiles at the both of us.

"Oh hey, who was the boy who came to pick you up on ball? What was his name?" Aunt asks and that ruins my mood. Totally. The smile disappears off my face and all I can think of is how much I've been hurting him these days. The memories from earlier this day, flash in front of me.

"Who Jule?" Nathan covers up for me.

"Yes yes. Jule. I really liked that boy." The smile and the sparkle in Nathan's eyes wander off. "But I like you better" she whispers and his face lights up.

"Gentlemen have never been my type, you see" Aunt he is here for me. You do know that, right?

"I'm glad." Nathan says looking at me, to make sure I'm over the thoughts of Jule. But I'm not.

"I think we should get going" Nathan looks at his watch and then at me.

I nod and look at aunt, "I'll be back soon"

"Don't stress about it. Its fine. Have fun!" She says as we get into the car. Nathan buckles himself and starts the car. The engine roars to life.

"You ready?" He asks with a smile and I nod. He leans in to peck my cheek and my face is instantly on fire. Tell me aunt didn't see that.


"Are we there?" I ask him. Its been 15 minutes since he's driving and I am still not allowed to open my eyes. He wouldn't let me see anything outside the windows, even though I kept explaining him that its so dark that even if I tried to, I wouldn't be able to see. But he's such a stubborn boy.

"Just a minute, cupcake" He says and my heart starts to dance. I know it sounds girl-ish but when he calls out nicknames for me, I absolutely adore it!

"Okay. You may open your eyes." As soon as I hear him say that I open my eyes. But I cannot make out anything in the darkness. I look at him and he half smiles at me.

"Where are we?" I ask and he turns off the car, pulling the key out.

"You'll see" He gets down and so do I. As we get down, he locks the car. I keep looking around to see where we are. It looks like a dense dense forest. And it give me chills, to be honest. There is not one light to be seen anywhere and the cold breeze adds to my chills.

"Lets go." He says and I instantly hold his arm. The spark of our touch makes me aware of my actions and I try to pull away but he pulls me closer and puts a hand around my waist.

"Are you scared?" He asks in a deep sexy voice and I nod. He chuckles and kisses the top of my head.

"Come" He starts walking and I walk very very close to him. I side-hug him and my head reaches his armpit. I rest my head on the right side of his chest and inhale in his scent. God, can I keep him forever?

We walk into the depths of the woods and I have no idea how he remembers the way. I can hear an owl hooting and the sound of bats. I bet there would have never been a date as scary as this one.

"Is this our date?" I ask him out of my thoughts.

"Of course it is. Unless you don't want it to be." His hold around my waist loosens. I just side-hug him tighter and he understands. He laughs and holds me close again. I hear the sound of water and the ground starts to get wetter. You know what I mean?

"Where are we Nathan?" I ask, looking around but I cannot see water anywhere. We walk through a final patch of bushes and arrive onto a clearing. And the sight in front of me is breathtaking.

I pull away from him and start walking ahead. He lets me go and I walk a little more and take in the best I can of this moment. The beautiful waterfall sounds amazing and there are fireflies all around. The water looks like a white cloud coming down on earth and the fireflies add to the beauty of the place. I look back and see him standing in the darkness, with his hands shoved in his pockets. I look to the front and see a firefly very close to my face.

I move back but it keeps coming closer. I shoo it away and hear him chuckling. He walks forward and holds me by my waist again. I rest my head on his shoulder.

"Do you like it?" He asks me and I lift my head to look at him.

"I love it" I whisper and he gives me a sexy smile which makes my heart race. A firefly flies by him and he moves his hand forward. The fly slightly sits on his palm and he brings it towards me. I move away from him.

"Take it away" I shout and he laughs.

"Why are you so scared of them?" He jerks his hand and the fly goes away.

"I don't know" I say twitching my nose and he comes closer to me. Moving my hair away from my face, he takes me into a hug. I literally climb the ladder to ninth cloud. I am hugging Nathan Hale, the boy of my dreams. He wraps his hands behind my shoulders, taking me into a tight hug and rests his cheek on the top of my head. I never noticed how tall he is. I rest the side of my face on his chest and wrap my arms behind his back. As we stand like that, I hear his heart beat. And it isn't very steady. His heart is racing. Faster than mine. I chuckle at the thought that I make him nervous.

"Shh" He says and I close my eyes, taking in the aroma of his body. I'm so into him, there's no turning back. We stand like that for hours, and none of us say anything. Just taking in as much as we can of each other's presence. As I keep my eyes closed, the images of us when we first met flash in my mind. How I first saw him in the cafeteria, then with Angelina and the 'popular' gang, how I thought he is out of my range. And here I stand today. With him in my arms. The sound of the water makes it all the more lovely and I can never find a place like this.

"Hey" he says slowly and pulls back, "I've never asked you out officially. We just go on together, like our hearts talk rather than our mouths."

"We vibe. Totally" I say and he throws his head back in a laugh.

"Yes we do. Come here" And I go back to hugging him.

"Speaking of asking me out, don't you think you should do it?" I say still hugging him.

He pulls back and gives me a crooked smile. "Okay then" He says and sits down on one knee. I give him the widest smile. He pulls his sleeve up to his elbow and offers his hand.

"Ally, I know its kinda late but better late than never. I've been craving your presence since the very first day we met and right then and there, I knew I am going to fall for you. But I didn't move away because I was waiting for this amazing day, when I'd finally have you in my arms and I'd know that all my efforts and tears were worth it. You are like the sun which shines on my rainy days, my moon which lights up on my darkest nights and my stars which add shine to my sky. Only I know how I survived life without your beautiful face, your breathtaking smile and your affection. I don't want to manage living without you in my life anymore. So, would you kindly free this prisoner from his world of black and white and bring him to a colourful world, to a happy world, your world. Will you be mine, Ally Ricosta?" He completes and I am more than happy. I have no absolute idea to how I reply to this. I only dreamt of him saying all this to me and now I see him actually saying this. A tear rolls down my cheek and the smile of his face is replaced with a look of concern.

"Are you crying?" He says, holding me by my shoulders. It only makes the tears come more and I cover my face with my hands. He moves my hands away and I hug him. I hug him with all my strength and I feel him smiling against my hair.

"I take that as a 'yes' then?" He says and I nod. "How am I going to get used to you muffin" He pulls me back to look at my face.

"Nathan, I don't want to commit to something I know I won't be able to do. With all my heart and soul, I will be yours. I am yours and I am always going to be yours. But we aren't going to be around for a long time. One day, I am going to have to return to London." I blurt out.

"That's a question of worry for me, baby. Don't worry about it. If you want to be mine, if you want me to be with you, be around you, if you want us to be together....I'm always going to make that happen." He says with determination in his voice.

"You promise?" I ask him as he holds both of my hands.

"I promise" He says, kissing both of my hands. I move close to him and he smiles down at me. He leans in and I know, this is it. This is the perfect moment. There can never be a better place to have my first kiss.

He leans in closer and I close my eyes. I feel his breath on my lips and my heart starts pounding like never before. Very gently, I feel his lips touch mine. He pecks my lips and then moves back a little. I open my eyes and look at him. I start smiling and giggle like a little teenage girl.

"What?" He asks now standing straight.

"I've never kissed anyone before." I admit, looking towards the ground.

"No way! Are you serious?" He asks and I nod. I have no idea why I am being so shy today.

"I better make it memorable then" He says and then leans in again. This time his thumb parting my lips as he seals them with his own. Very softly, he moves his lips against mine and I am lost in the moment. Everything seems to be like a merry go round. He kisses me very gently, with care, with affection, with love. I wrap my hands around his neck and he smiles.

"You're kinda good at this." I say against his lips, with a smile.

"Practice, baby. Practice." I make an 'eww' face and he laughs.He leans closer again. Not to be typical girl, but I can literally sense fireworks going up in the sky.

And we continue kissing, in front of the waterfall with the fireflies flying over us. Like a scene from some romance movie, like a dream of an average teenage girl, like the imagines of an author. All I know is that, we are going to be around for a long time. Together.


"What would you like to eat?" Nathan asks as we get back inside the car.

"Anything" I say, still occupied with the thoughts of my first kiss.

"I love that." He brings me out of my thoughts.

"What?" I ask.

"The blush on your cheeks. I love that." He says and I look out the window.

"But the question still remains. What would you like to eat?" He asks and I reply 'anything' again.

"Okay, how about sushi?" NOO. I glare at him.

"Not a good idea. Then how about Mexican?"

"Too spicy"


''I have it all the time"



"I guess you said anything." He says frustrated.

"Anything except these things." I say.

"All right then. Its settled. Spanish" He says very angrily.

"God, what do they give in Spanish?" I have never had it before.


"Oh really?" I say rolling my eyes.

"Something worth to end our date with." He winks at me.

"Okay. If I don't like it, I'm going to consider this as a bad date and its on you." I say crossing my arms.

"Angelina was easier." I hear him mumble.

"Well, she wasn't the heir of the biggest business empire. What do you expect?" He rolls his eyes and I laugh.

"You do get on my nerves sometimes" He pulls outside a restaurant and I know we are there.

''Are you sure?" I ask him before getting down.

"Positive" He says with a smile and I get down.


"You liked that? Our first date?" He asks as we pull up outside my house. I get down and he does as well. I lean on the bonnet of his car with him in front of me.

"I did" I say with a smile.

"Glad you did, my lady. I should get going or else mom is going to start freaking out."

"Yes. You should. I'll see you at school tomorrow" I say moving away from his bonnet. But he doesn't move back so I bump into him.

"Hmm" He says as he pushes me back gently, towards the bonnet.

"I'll see you soon then" he says and I say it back with a nod. Kissing me one more time, he gets into his car and drives off.

With a smile plastered on my face, I walk back into the house. La la la la.


Finally! Their first kiss! And my first time writing a kissing scene. I am sorry if it sucked, it was my first time and I have no idea if it is good or not. So please, all of you who read the scene, let me know if it was good or bad. Just oe word would do but please let me know. Ah, I am so nervous. Hope you guys loved the chapter, don't forget to vote and comment! Till next update! Byeee <3

#63 Teen Fiction! WHATTTT?? I freaking love y'all!

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