By lu_seil

566 1 1

In modern time Japan, Miyuki Yamada just came back from America to visit his little brother, Toshiro Yamada t... More

Chapter 1: Stupid Drunkard!
Character Profile
Chapter 2: Eat breakfast...baka.

Chapter 3: Oh....

22 0 1
By lu_seil

Around 9:30 PM... 

Katsuro walked right into the investigator's office as he sees Miyuki one of the only people still working. 

Katsuro walked up behind Miyuki until he had noticed him. Miyuki was perplexed but it quickly changed to an expression of annoyance.

"What the hell are you doing here, old man? Aren't you supposed to be with your girlfriend?"

Katsuro rolled his eyes at him. "So? I can't come here to properly thank you?"

Shocked, Miyuki stuttered as he was speaking.
"W-Well... for an old man like you, I-I guess it's normal...."

Katsuro, who was wrapping a shoulder around Miyuki replied back
"Just to let you know, I'm only 3 years older than you. Anyways, Ai isn't at home so I thought I'll treat you to dinner as thanks..."

For a split second, Miyuki's face expression was in a state of relief but it quickly went back to embarrassment. 

"W-Well that doesn't mean you can just barge in here!! This is staff only, so just go home!! We can just eat another time or something!" Miyuki spoke while unknowingly pouting.

"Eh? But one of your co-workers allowed me to be here" Katsuro replied, while adding, "Also, you're kind of cute when you pout~" 


"? You don't like to be called 'cute' ?" 

"Well that too, but I mean the part before that--" 

Miyuki was interrupted by a small, but noticeable chuckle.

"Oh don't worry, Miyuki-tan~ I invited your boyfriend~" 

Miyuki and Katsuro turned around to find a man who was a little bit shorter in stature comparing to Katsuro but around the same height as Miyuki. His black hair swayed as he nudged his hat and winked with his turquoise-colored eyes. 

"Yo, Yuki-tan~"

Miyuki's eyes shot up in shock as he fell backwards. 


"H-H-Hayato?! What are you doing here?! I thought you had a job about a homicide case in Hokkaido-?!" Miyuki stammered, while struggling to pick himself up from his obvious shock. 

"Ah, we solved it quickly" 

"Who the hell solves a case in two days?!"

Hayato just shrugs his shoulders and smiled bashfully, "Well, I am one of the best detectives in Tokyo after all, it doesn't take me much to solve something that simple~" 

"That's still inhumane!" 

"Ah, oh well, heading back to the main point, I thought you guys were dating???" Hayato mentioned as he bobbed his head towards Katsuro. 

Miyuki and Katsuro blushed slightly as they both turned away from each other and spoke in sync, 

"We're absolutely not dating!" 

Hayato sighed and whined, "Aww too bad, I was gonna have some fun, but you guys sure are party poopers, huh? Ah, oh well~" 

Hayato stood up to push Katsuro out of the door. 

"Welp, I thought it was okay because i assumed you guys were lovers, I guess i was wrong. Sorry, but you gotta get outta here, man" Hayato cheerfully told Katsuro as he easily pushed him out of the door. 

"Wh-What do you mean? I don't think you--" 

"Hmm? I don't think anyone else other than workers or government officials should find out about these classified files... right?" Hayato voiced, his face and his tone getting darker. Hayato closed the door shut and returned to his previous outgoing mood. 

"Then why did you invite him over at the first place..." Both Miyuki and Katsuro muttered as Hayato turned around to face Miyuki. 

"Hmmmm??~ Did you say something Yuki-tan?~" 

"N-No... and don't call me that..." 

"Well, let's get working with the minimum time that we have left before you go home~... Unless you're doing overtime again..." Hayato lamented, picking up documents while staring at Miyuki.

Miyuki sighed as he also began to pick up some files and documents.

"I can guarantee you that doofus might stay out and wait for me until it's late, so I'd rather not do the same thing again as before..."
Hayato chuckled as he returned to his desk.

"Then let's start working!"

At 10:30 PM...

Katsuro was waiting outside when Miyuki came out of the door.

"Ah, you finished.I thought you would finish at 10..." Katsuro smiled as Miyuki walked up to him.

"How the hell do you know when I get out of work..."

"Your little brother told me~"

"Ugh, that stupid brat..."

Miyuki was annoyed when Hayato suddenly popped up between them.

"Moou~ I really can't believe you guys are dating, you guys act like couples~" Hayato pouted, making an incredibly cute face.

Both Miyuki and Katsuro sighed as they dragged Hayato to the other end of the sidewalk.

"Welp, we're gonna eat dinner now so..." Katsuro said, leaving Hayato all alone.

"Hey!! I'm hungry too, ya know!" Hayato whined chasing after Miyuki and Katsuro.

A little while later...

"So this is where you're taking me..."

Right in front of them was a normal street ramen stand. Miyuki sighed in relief.

"At least it's not some fancy restaurant. I'm not suited for those kinds of places"

Katsuro chuckled a bit and turned back to Hayato.

"You better be paying for yourself, got it?"

Hayato pouted, "Awh fine, at least you took me here, I would have bought takeout anyways"

After everyone assembled into the ramen shop, Miyuki ordered a curry flavored ramen, Katsuro ordered a normal miso ramen, and Hayato.....

Hayato ordered something that was quite.... red...

"What is that?..." Katsuro begrudgingly asked, already feeling some sort of weird heat from the bowl of ramen.

"Hm?~ Oh it's the Extra Spicy miso ramen~" Hayato explained. "Except I've asked them to put more pepper sauce and this Korean paste called Gochujang. It seems to be too much for some people but I think it's fine~"

Katsuro just blankly stared at Hayato while Miyuki laughed it off.

"He's always had an unhealthy obsession of spicy stuff for a long time, ha, I remember this one time he cooked something and his entire kitchen smelled like spice"

Everyone laughed and Hayato recalled something and went closer to Katsuro.

"I forgot, we haven't properly introduced ourselves, right?"

Hayato puffed out his chest as he reached his hands out to Katsuro

"Hayato Okumura, Detective, Rookie for two years and one of the top case solvers in Tokyo~"

Katsuro took his hand.

"Katsuro Hasegawa, Private Bodyguard, it's nice to meet you~"

They both smiled as they shook hands, happy to find a new friend to talk with.

All of a sudden...


A girlish cry ringed out as the cloth opened to find Ai in the process of glomping over Katsuro.

"Baabe~ What are you doing here?~ It looks SO downgraded"

Ai turns around to see Miyuki and her expression turned sour.

However, she put on a warm smile.

"And who may you be?"

"Miyuki. Miyuki Yamada."

"Hmmm.... I see~"

Ai held Katsuro as she dragged him out.

"Well, it's time for him to go home now, we have... business to do later~ See ya~~"

She walked out until a hand stopped her from leaving.

Ai turned around to see Hayato, his eyes brimming with question. There was no doubt that his usual cheerful tone disappeared and his face was all contorted with seriousness.

"Are you... Ai Sato?..."

Katsuro, who felt dangerously alarmed, tried to break Hayato's hands free off of Ai. 

"Oi, Hayato-- What are you doing--?!"

However, Ai calmly stopped him and approached him. Even though Ai would usually call her other bodyguards to snatch him away, she felt like something was different this time.

Ai looked up at the man she didn't knew and questioned,
"And who are you?"

"A friend of Katsuro. Do you have a younger sister named Kiyomi?"

"...Yes... Why do you want to know?..."

Ai's face began to grow serious as well.

"Do you know her?"

Remembering old memories, Hayato responded gravely,

"...Yes...Please, tell me which University she goes to..."


Ai tried to fight back against the harsh glare of the taller man but failed. She sighed in desperation and spoke softly.

"She goes to the Tokyo University of the Arts" 

"....I see, thank you...." 

Hayato finally released his gripped hands on Ai's shoulders and stepped back. 

"Well, that was rude of me~ Sorry if I hurt you or anything~" Hayato apologized as he returned to his usual mood. 

Taken aback, Ai was speechless, paused for a moment, and then stomped away. 

"Katsu-ro! Let's go!" 


Katsuro reluctantly followed his master as he looked back and forth at the two humans who had just talked with each other. 

Meanwhile, Miyuki blankly stared at Hayato. 

Who is this Kiyomi person? Is she really Ai's little sister? How does Hayato know her?? What kind of relationship did they have--? 

In the moment of Miyuki wondering of the many wonders of what just happened, Hayato simply slung his arm around his co-worker's shoulders. 

"Hey, don't think about it too much ok? It's just something from high school, that's all...." 

Miyuki looked up at Hayato and said bluntly, 

"Did you get someone pregnant????" 

Hayato spit out the soda he was drinking, 


They both paused and then laughed wholeheartedly. 

-End of Chapter 3-


I've had a seriously hard time with Sophomore year in High School, but to be honest, it's getting better now, because I passed all my final tests and exams so I can live freely, except I have to do SAT practice auINH JSV 

(skip this if you want to ahaha)

So Bad news first: 

1) Because of SAT prep, I might not even be able to update until I graduate because I'm going through intense training starting my junior year of high school. I also have Physics, Trigonometry, and also Leadership to be aware of, I must do well, so I might as well not update until I have the time. Next summer might or might not be a no-no, because I'll be taking the SATs again to improve my score. 

2) And because of this, I might have to undergo a lot of stress again, and that is usually what causes my writers block and my artist blocks. I might be able to write some drafts in between but it will NOT be perfect, because if I do it in between, it's usually a way to destress myself. 

Aaaand Good News: 

1) Even though I have SAT prep now, it's not as serious, and the thing is, the writer's block that I've been having for a long time is now removed (ironically because of SAT prep) so I will try my best to update most of the stories other people wants updates for (especially my KnB fanfics, they seem to get more popular now because the Extra Game sequel is finally getting an animation (*screams* *cries*) (Atsushi was so freaking badass in the sequel i can 't e v e n--) 

2) This story!! I do want to update the others as much as possible but I've been getting random, strange but cool ideas for this story!! (I literally shook when I brainstormed something awesome during my English SAT prep class, my English teacher is really fraking aMAZING, he's been telling me suggestions of word choices and I'm s  o  h a pp  y) 

So, really not a lot of stuff, i might copy and paste this so others will be aware of my status-- I'm not dead or anything! 

If you like this story, give it a vote, add it to your reading list, or if you're interested, hit a "Follow", and check out other cool stories I write about!! 


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